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All with pronunciation

type radical definition pronunciation ancient chinese pronunciation
pictographic bamboo; flute zhú
pictographic meat, flesh; organic compound
pictophonetic a tribe of savages in South China
ideographic granary; to stockpile, to supply lǐn
pictophonetic bushy, black hair; variant of 鬒 zhěn
ideographic average; equivalent mán
pictophonetic to engrave; a written contract or agreement qià
pictographic seal; kneeling person xiān
ideographic gully, pool; a ditch carved by a torrential rain
ideographic to obtain, to get, to acquire; ancient form of 得
ideographic to continue; to carry on; to succeed, to inherit
ideographic 广 store, shop, living space chán
ideographic to walk slowly; to stroll; to ramble chān
ideographic fine, delicate
pictophonetic careful, prudent; compassionate; grieved; worried yǐn
ideographic to grasp, to hold, to pull at liè
ideographic motes in a sunbeam; illustrious, bright xiǎn
pictographic rabbit, hare chuò
pictophonetic saliva, spittle xián
ideographic melon patch; weary, feeble
pictophonetic small bowl, small basin
pictographic vase, pitcher, earthenware yóu
pictophonetic a kind of grass; a vegetable; nettle, Urtica qián
pictophonetic to fly, to move, to change qiān
ideographic chaos, distraction; to manage, to tie together luán
pictophonetic to meditate; to sit cross-legged tāng
pictophonetic eagle, falcon, hawk yīng
pictophonetic shark; bonito
pictophonetic spoonbill, ibis; Threskiornidae huán
ideographic one; a, an; alone
pictographic male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem dīng
ideographic above shàng
ideographic three sān
ideographic above, on top, superior; to go up; to attend; previous shàng
ideographic below, underneath; inferior; to bring down; next xià
pictographic table
ideographic no, not, un-; negative prefix
pictographic beggar; to beg; to give gài
pictographic moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) qiě
pictographic generation, era, age; world shì
pictographic mound, hill; surname qiū
pictophonetic bush, shrub; thicket; collection cóng
pictographic east, eastern, eastward dōng
ideographic silk, fine thread; wire; strings
pictophonetic to aid, to assist, to rescue chéng
ideographic to lose; to discard diū
ideographic two, both, pair, couple; ounce liǎng
ideographic to combine, to annex; also, what's more bìng
pictographic mourning; mourn; funeral sàng
ideographic this, that; single; measure word for individuals
ideographic forked; bifurcation
ideographic central; center, middle; amidst; to hit (target), to attain; China; Chinese zhōng
pictographic abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty fēng
pictographic a child's hair bound in two tufts; ore guàn
ideographic string; relatives; to conspire chuàn
pictographic ball, pebble, pellet, pill wán
ideographic cinnabar, red, vermilion; pellet, powder dān
pictographic to own; to host; master; host; lord zhǔ
ideographic beautiful, elegant, magnificent
pictophonetic to raise; to recommend; to praise
ideographic 丿 to govern; to control; to nurture
ideographic 丿 then; really, indeed, after all nǎi
pictophonetic 丿 right conduct, propriety; justice
ideographic 丿 marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; to go to zhī
pictographic 丿 crow, rook, raven; black, dark
ideographic 丿 poor; short, lacking; tired
ideographic 丿 cheerful, happy, laughing; music
ideographic 丿 used with pong for ping pong pīng
ideographic 丿 used with ping for ping pong pāng
ideographic tall, lofty; proud, stately qiáo
ideographic 丿 ride, mount; to make use of; to ascend; to multiply chéng
pictographic second; 2nd heavenly stem
pictographic nine jiǔ
ideographic book, letter, document; writing shū
pictophonetic to divine
pictophonetic breast, nipples; milk; to suckle
pictophonetic Pholha, a place in Korea
ideographic to clean; to dry up gān
ideographic arid, dry; to fertilize; to penetrate; heavenly generative principle (male) gān
ideographic anarchy, chaos; revolt luàn
pictographic clear; to finish; particle of completed action le, liǎo
ideographic to dispute, to fight, to contend, to strive zhēng
ideographic two; twice èr
pictographic cloud; to say, to speak yún
ideographic mutually, reciprocally
ideographic five; surname
pictographic well, mine shaft, pit jǐng
ideographic to extend across, through; from gèn
ideographic through; to extend across; to, from gèn
pictographic Asia; second
pictophonetic little, few; rather, somewhat xiē
pictographic Asia; second
ideographic death, destruction; to lose; to perish wáng
ideographic to connect; to deliver, to exchange; to intersect; to mix jiāo
ideographic also, too; likewise
pictophonetic to give birth, to bring forth, to produce chǎn
pictophonetic fields; unit of area equal to 660 sq. m.
ideographic to share; to enjoy; to benefit from xiǎng
pictographic capital city jīng
pictographic pavilion; erect tíng
pictographic bright, brilliant, radiant, light liàng
ideographic relatives, parents; intimate; the hazelnut tree qīn
ideographic dirty, ragged; slight, insult, disrespect xiè
pictophonetic real, sincere, true; truth dǎn
pictographic man, person; people rén
ideographic man, person; people rén
ideographic death, destruction; to lose, to perish wáng
亿 pictophonetic hundred million; many
ideographic what? mixed, miscellaneous shén
ideographic benevolent, humane, kind rén
pictophonetic excess, remainder, surplus
pictophonetic lonely, solitary dīng
ideographic slanting, oblique; oblique tones
pictophonetic only, merely, solely, just jǐn
pictophonetic to fall forward; prostrate, prone; servant
pictophonetic enemy; hatred, enmity chóu
ideographic modern, current; today, now jīn
ideographic agent, go-between, intermediary; to introduce; shell, armor jiè
ideographic frozen; ice-cold bīng
pictophonetic yet, still; keeping, continuing; again réng
ideographic from, by, since, whence, through cóng
ideographic granary, barn; cabin, berth cāng
ideographic small thing, child; young animal
pictophonetic official; to serve in the government shì
ideographic other, another; he, she, it
pictophonetic 1to rely upon; protector; to fight; war, weaponry zhàng
ideographic give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust
pictophonetic god; fairy; immortal, transcendent xiān
pictophonetic together, same; surname tóng
pictophonetic ancient unit of measure (about 8 feet); a fathom rèn
pictophonetic one thousand; leader of one thousand men qiān
ideographic era, generation; to substitute for, to replace dài
ideographic command, decree, order; magistrate; to allow, to cause lìng
pictophonetic three (cannot be followed by a measure word)
pictophonetic instrument, apparatus; ceremony, rites
pictophonetic tribe
pictophonetic plural marker for pronouns and some nouns men
ideographic raise the head to look; look up to, rely on, admire yǎng
ideographic middle brother; go between, mediator; surname zhòng
pictophonetic separate, part company
pictophonetic similar
ideographic item, matter; component, part; measure word for events jiàn
pictophonetic price, value jià
pictophonetic to trust, to rely on; to appoint; to bear; duty, office rèn
ideographic job, part, role; duty fèn
仿 pictophonetic to imitate, to copy; fake; as if fǎng
ideographic to plan a project; to stand on tiptoe
pictophonetic seldom, irregularly diào
pictophonetic husband, wife; pair; compare, match kàng
pictophonetic he she; this, that; used in transliterations
ideographic five, company of five; troops
ideographic talent, skill, craft, ability
ideographic to crouch, to crawl, to lie hidden, to conceal
ideographic cut down, subjugate, attack
ideographic to rest; to stop; to retire xiū
ideographic manual laborer
ideographic multitude, crowd; masses, public zhòng
pictophonetic superior; elegant yōu
pictophonetic companion, colleague; utensils huǒ
ideographic to assemble, to meet; meeting; association, group huì
ideographic humpback; stoop
pictographic umbrella, parasol, parachute sǎn
pictophonetic great, imposing; extraordinary wěi
pictophonetic to pass on; to propagate; to transmit; summons chuán
pictophonetic child
pictophonetic the ghost of one devoured by a tiger chāng
ideographic human relationships; society lún
ideographic vulgar person, country man cāng
pictophonetic false, counterfeit, bogus wěi
pictophonetic older brother; father's elder brother; sir, sire, count
pictophonetic merchant; to estimate, to guess, to presume
pictophonetic we (Shanghai dialect)
pictophonetic companion, comrade, partner; to accompany bàn
pictophonetic clever; lonely, solitary líng
ideographic to extend, to stretch out, to open up; to trust shēn
pictophonetic to serve, to wait upon, to attend; to examine
ideographic resembling, similar to; as if, to seem shì
pictophonetic temple; used to transliterations jiā, gā
ideographic mighty
ideographic tenant farmer; to be a tenant farmer diàn
pictophonetic only; but, however, yet, still dàn
ideographic to wait; to look towards; to turn one's back on zhù
ideographic to spread, to publicize, to announce
pictophonetic the name of a divine being; surname
ideographic seat, throne; rank, status; position, location wèi
pictophonetic low; to lower, to hang; to bend, to bow
ideographic to reside, to live at, to dwell, to lodge; to stop zhù
pictophonetic to assist, to aid; subordinate, second zuǒ
pictophonetic to help; to protect; to bless yòu
pictophonetic to possess, to usurp, to take by force zhàn
ideographic other, he; surname; a load tuó
pictophonetic surname shé
ideographic to indulge in pleasures; to flee
pictophonetic Buddha; Buddhist
ideographic to make; to write, to compose; to act, to perform zuò
ideographic flattery; glib nìng
pictophonetic surname tóng
ideographic you, second person pronoun
ideographic to hire, to employ; commission; servant yōng
pictophonetic The Va people (an ethnic group in Myanmar and southwest China)
ideographic all, together, unanimous qiān
pictophonetic an ancient tribe in China
ideographic belt ornament, pendant; wear at waist, tie to the belt; respect pèi
ideographic elder; mature lǎo
pictophonetic to pretend, to feign; false, deceitful yáng
ideographic hundred bǎi
pictophonetic good, auspicious; beautiful; delightful jiā
ideographic a second, an assistant èr
ideographic to combine, to annex; also, what's more bìng
pictophonetic strong, robust; exact, correct
pictophonetic beautiful, handsome, good-looking jiǎo
pictophonetic to help, to aid
使 ideographic cause, mission, orders; envoy, messenger, ambassador shǐ
ideographic upright and strong; amiable kǎn
pictophonetic nephew zhí
ideographic to arrive, to come, to return; in the future, later on lái
ideographic luxurious, extravagant chǐ
pictophonetic to speak with an accent; big and clumsy kuǎ
pictophonetic precedent, example, case; regulation
pictophonetic yīn
pictophonetic to serve, to attend upon; servant, attendant; samurai shì
pictophonetic small, tiny; dwarf zhū
pictophonetic help, assist, repay kindness yòu
pictophonetic equal móu
ideographic logical reasons, logical order lún
pictophonetic big; ignorant, rude, rustic dòng
ideographic to supply, to provide for; to offer in worship gōng
pictophonetic to rely on; to consent, to obey; according to
pictophonetic chivalrous person; knight-errant xiá
pictophonetic companion; associate with
pictophonetic to be lucky; by chance, by luck jiǎo
pictophonetic to spy, to reconnoiter; detective zhēn
pictophonetic side; to slant, to lean, to incline
pictophonetic emigrant; to sojourn qiáo
ideographic go-between, broker, proxy kuài
pictophonetic a class, a company; companion; together chái
pictophonetic I; you; surname nóng
pictographic marquis, lord; target in archery hóu
pictophonetic companion; associate with
pictophonetic narrow, cramped, confined
ideographic system; line, link, connection
ideographic to urge, to rush, to hurry; hasty; near, close
pictophonetic sudden, abrupt; used in transliterations é
pictophonetic ornamental cap qiú
pictophonetic scary; to frighten
pictophonetic talented, capable; handsome jùn
pictographic chopping board or block; painted
ideographic to resemble; similar, alike; pretty qiào
pictophonetic smooth; active; clever, sharp
pictophonetic wooden figure buried with dead yǒng
pictophonetic social customs; vulgar, unrefined
pictophonetic prisoner of war; take as prisoner
pictophonetic rustic, vulgar, unpolished; mean
ideographic to trust to; send a message pīng
pictophonetic to safeguard, to protect, to defend, to care for bǎo
ideographic wait for, wait until, as soon as
ideographic chivalrous person; knight-errant xiá
pictophonetic big
ideographic companion, mate, colleague chóu
pictophonetic grave, respectful; majestic yǎn
ideographic two, a pair, a couple liǎ
pictophonetic spouse; pair, couple
pictophonetic temperate, frugal, economical jiǎn
pictophonetic to study; to repair; to decorate; to cultivate xiū
pictophonetic to bow down, to face down, to look down
pictophonetic all, together; accompany
pictophonetic actor; vaudeville show; insincere pái
ideographic wages, salary, official emolument fèng
pictophonetic I, me, my (some dialects) ǎn
pictophonetic so that, in order that; to cause
倀 pictophonetic the ghost of one devoured by a tiger chāng
ideographic two, a pair, a couple liǎ
ideographic granary, barn; cabin, berth cāng
pictophonetic this, that; single; measure word for individuals
pictophonetic assistant, hired hand guān
pictophonetic hastily, suddenly, abruptly shū
pictophonetic plural marker for pronouns and some nouns men
pictophonetic to collapse, to fall over; to lie down dào
ideographic stubborn, obstinate, intransigent; firm jué
ideographic lucky, fortunate; to spoil, to dote on xìng
pictophonetic if, supposing, in event of tǎng
pictophonetic to wait, to expect; to visit; to greet hòu
pictophonetic to rely on, to depend on
pictophonetic sunrise, dawn gàn
ideographic far jìng
pictophonetic to borrow; to lend; excuse, pretext jiè
pictophonetic suī
ideographic guide, leader; lead, introduce chàng
pictophonetic boorish, ignorant; urgent, pressing kōng
ideographic tired, weary juàn
pictophonetic arrogant, haughty, rude
ideographic beautiful, lovely; son-in-law qiàn
ideographic feeble, tiny, young and weak
ideographic human relationships; society lún
pictophonetic noticeable, large; distinct, clear zhuō
pictophonetic dwarf; dwarfish, short
pictophonetic bare, naked, uncovered luǒ
ideographic debt, loan, liability zhài
pictophonetic used to transliterate Korean place names
pictophonetic price, value, worth zhí
pictophonetic to upset, to pour out, to overflow qīng
pictophonetic to cease, to lay down, to lay off yǎn
ideographic fake, false, deceitful; vacation jiǎ
pictophonetic great, imposing; extraordinary wěi
pictophonetic thus, so, like, such ruò
ideographic to cling to, to cuddle, to embrace, to fondle wēi
pictophonetic slanting, inclined; prejudiced piān
pictophonetic together, accompanied by; in order xié
ideographic to work, to make; to act zuò
pictophonetic to suspend, to halt, to delay; suitable tíng
ideographic strong, robust, healthy; strength jiàn
ideographic busy, hurried; urgent zǒng
pictophonetic side; to slant, to lean, to incline
pictophonetic to spy, to reconnoiter; detective zhēn
pictophonetic accidentally, coincidently; mate, image, idol ǒu
pictophonetic to steal; burglar, thief tōu
pictophonetic humpback; surname lóu
pictophonetic false, counterfeit, bogus wěi
pictophonetic to ruin, to destroy; overthrown fèn
pictophonetic to repay, to recompense; restitution cháng
pictophonetic great, gigantic; puppet kuǐ
ideographic tutor, teacher; to assist; surname
pictophonetic the Lisu tribe
ideographic beside, close, nearby; to depend on bàng
pictophonetic hero; heroic, outstanding jié
pictophonetic used in old names jué
ideographic vulgar person, country man cāng
ideographic umbrella, parasol, parachute sǎn
ideographic to mimic, to imitate xiào
pictophonetic stubborn, obstinate, intransigent jiā
pictophonetic the Dai minority living in South China dǎi
pictophonetic if, supposing, in case tǎng
ideographic to entertain guests bīn
pictophonetic to save money, to store, to reserve; heir chǔ
pictophonetic rich nuó
pictophonetic to press, to urge cuī
pictophonetic to hire, to employ; commission; servant yōng
ideographic busy, hurried; urgent zǒng
pictophonetic proud, haughty, overbearing ào
pictophonetic to pass on; to propagate; to transmit; summons chuán
ideographic debt, loan, liability zhài
pictophonetic to hinder; to detain chì
ideographic foolish, silly, stupid; an imbecile shǎ
pictophonetic to upset, to pour out, to overflow qīng
pictophonetic the name of an immortal; surname yàn
pictophonetic humpback; surname lóu
pictophonetic only, merely, solely, just jǐn
ideographic all, together, unanimous qiān
pictophonetic picture, image, figure; to resemble xiàng
pictophonetic emigrant; to sojourn qiáo
pictophonetic to fall forward; prostrate, prone; servant
ideographic joy, gladness, delight; surname
pictophonetic companion, colleague; officials; bureaucracy; a pretty face liáo
pictophonetic to be lucky; by chance, by luck jiǎo
pictophonetic to hire; to rent jiù
pictophonetic Buddhist priest, monk sēng
pictophonetic clever, alert; pigmy jiāo
pictophonetic to assume, to usurp jiàn
ideographic page, servant boy tóng
ideographic to hire, to employ
pictophonetic The Lisu tribe
pictophonetic still, stiff, motionless jiāng
ideographic price, value jià
pictophonetic out-of-the-way, remote; unorthodox
pictophonetic instrument, apparatus; ceremony, rites
pictophonetic I; you; surname nóng
pictophonetic hundred million; many
pictophonetic to stop dàng
pictophonetic to warn; warning jǐng
pictophonetic clever, nimble xuān
ideographic go-between, broker, proxy kuài
pictophonetic temperate, frugal, economical jiǎn
pictophonetic a small jar; to bear a burden; a load of two dān
pictophonetic Confucian scholar
pictophonetic a class, a company; companion; together chái
pictophonetic to exhaust, to use up, to deplete jǐn
pictophonetic to repay, to recompense; restitution cháng
pictophonetic puppet, dummy lěi
pictophonetic superior; elegant yōu
pictophonetic to save money, to store, to reserve; heir chǔ
pictophonetic spouse; pair, couple
pictophonetic smart; clever luó
pictophonetic rich nuó
pictophonetic if, supposing, in case tǎng
pictophonetic grave, respectful; majestic yǎn
pictographic son, child ér
ideographic weak; lame
pictographic first; dollar; origin; head yuán
ideographic elder brother xiōng
pictographic omen; mega-, million zhào
ideographic atrocious, brutal, ferocious xiōng
ideographic first, former, previous xiān
ideographic light; bright, brilliant; only, merely guāng
ideographic to subdue, to restrain, to overcome; used in transliterations
ideographic cash, check; to exchange duì
ideographic cash, check; to exchange duì
pictophonetic son, child ér
pictophonetic jīn
pictographic rabbit, hare
pictophonetic political party, gang, faction dǎng
ideographic pouch dōu
ideographic to advance shēn
ideographic to enter, to come in; to join
ideographic inside nèi
ideographic whole, entire, complete; to preserve quán
ideographic two, both, pair, couple; ounce liǎng
ideographic eight; all around, all sides
ideographic fair, equitable; public; duke gōng
pictographic orchid; elegant, graceful lán
ideographic all, total; together; to share gòng
ideographic soldier; troops, an army; warlike bīng
ideographic tool, implement; to draw up, to write
ideographic law, canon; scripture, classic; documentation diǎn
pictophonetic to raise, to rear, to bring up; to support yǎng
ideographic both, and; at the same time; to unite, to combine jiān
ideographic beast, animal; bestial shòu
pictophonetic to hope for; to wish; Hebei province
ideographic smile chǎn
ideographic inside nèi
pictographic ridge or crest of hill gāng
ideographic book, volume, register, list
ideographic desert; border jiōng
pictographic book, volume, register, list
pictographic again, twice, re- zài
pictographic bone guǎ
ideographic bright, brilliant; clear; hot jiǒng
ideographic helmet zhòu
pictophonetic to risk, to brave, to dare mào
pictophonetic crown; ceremonial cap miǎn
pictographic cover
ideographic excessive; superfluous rǒng
pictophonetic to move on; doubtful yín
ideographic army, military; soldiers, troops jūn
pictographic agriculture, farming; farmer nóng
ideographic cap, crown, headgear guān
pictophonetic burial mound, mausoleum; grand zhǒng
pictophonetic to assemble, to collect, to meet
ideographic dark, gloomy, night; deep míng
ideographic cover-cloth; exponent, power
ideographic winter, 11th lunar month dōng
pictophonetic to gallop; by dint of; surname féng
ideographic ice; ice-cold bīng
pictophonetic freezing; stopped up, closed off
pictophonetic wash, rinse, flush; dash; soar chōng
pictophonetic cold, cool; lonely lěng
pictophonetic cold; to freeze, to congeal; jelly dòng
pictophonetic surname xiǎn
pictophonetic cold and raw; pure, clear liè
pictophonetic clean, pure; to cleanse jìng
pictophonetic bitter cold, miserable, dreary
pictophonetic standard, accurate; to permit, to approve, to allow zhǔn
pictophonetic dewdrop; icicle sōng
pictophonetic clean, pure; to cleanse jìng
pictophonetic cool, cold; disheartened liáng
pictophonetic withered, fallen; exhausted diāo
pictophonetic pure; virtuous; to insult; to maltreat líng
pictophonetic cold; to freeze, to congeal; jelly dòng
pictophonetic to decrease, to subtract, to diminish jiǎn
pictophonetic to piece together, to assemble còu
pictophonetic to shiver with cold or fear lǐn
pictophonetic to shiver with cold or fear lǐn
pictophonetic to coagulate, to congeal; to freeze níng
pictographic small table; how many; a few, some
ideographic any, every, all; common, ordinary fán
pictophonetic male phoenix; symbol of joy fèng
pictophonetic place, locale; department chǔ
pictophonetic wild duck; teal; swim
ideographic to lean on; to rely on píng
pictophonetic female phoenix huáng
pictophonetic bench; stool dèng
pictographic container; receptacle qiǎn
ideographic culprit; murder; bad, sad xiōng
ideographic to protrude, to bulge out; convex
ideographic concave, hollow; depressed; pass, valley āo
ideographic to go out, to send out; stand; produce chū
ideographic to strike, to hit, to beat; to attack, to fight
ideographic ditch; pool dàng
ideographic correspondence; a case, a box hán
ideographic chisel; to bore, to pierce záo
ideographic edged tool, cutlery, knife edge rèn
pictophonetic to create, to make, to invent chuāng
ideographic to divide, to allocate; fraction; small unit of time or other quantity fēn
pictophonetic to cut, to mince, to slice, to carve; close to; eager qiè
pictophonetic to cut off, to reap, to mow; sickle
pictophonetic publication, periodical; to publish, to print kān
pictophonetic to mow, to cut grass; hay, fodder chú
pictophonetic to behead, to cut the throat wěn
ideographic punishment, penalty; law xíng
pictophonetic cutting off the feet as a form of punishment yuè
pictophonetic a line; to arrange, to classify liè
pictophonetic to kill, to destroy; surname liú
ideographic rule, law, regulation; grades
pictophonetic hard, strong, tough; just, barely gāng
pictophonetic to establish, to create; cut, wound, trauma chuàng
ideographic beginning, initial, primary chū
ideographic to delete; to cut; to censor shān
pictophonetic to judge; to discriminate; to conclude pàn
ideographic to separate, to distinguish, to classify; to leave; other; do not, must not bié
pictophonetic carpenter's plane; plane, level páo
ideographic gains, advantage, profit, merit
ideographic to delete; to cut; to censor shān
ideographic to separate, to distinguish, to classify; to leave; other; do not, must not bié
pictophonetic to cut the throat jǐng
pictophonetic to shave; to scrape; to blow guā
pictophonetic to go to, to arrive dào
pictophonetic to cut open, to dig out, to rip up, to scoop out
pictophonetic system; to establish; to manufacture; to overpower zhì
ideographic brush; to clean, to scrub shuā
pictophonetic bond, certificate, deed; ticket; contract quàn
pictophonetic temple, shrine, monastary; an instant, a moment; to brake shā
pictophonetic to stab; to prick, to irritate; to prod
pictophonetic to carve, to engrave; a quarter hour; a moment
pictophonetic to amputate, to cut off guì
pictophonetic to cut, to injure, to stab; to stick on guì
pictophonetic to sharpen; careful, thorough kǎi
pictophonetic to chop by pounding, to hash, to mince duò
pictophonetic dose; medicine; measure word for medicines
pictophonetic to shave
ideographic rule, law, regulation; grades
pictophonetic to pare, to scrape, to trim xuē
ideographic to subdue, to restrain, to overcome; used in transliterations
pictophonetic to slash, to cut in two; to contradict
pictophonetic temple, shrine, monastary; an instant, a moment; to brake shā
pictophonetic to cut; to sever flesh from bone guǎ
pictophonetic sword, dagger, saber jiàn
pictophonetic to pick out; to scrape off; picky
pictophonetic to bisect, to dissect, to slice pōu
pictophonetic hard, strong, tough; just, barely gāng
pictophonetic to cut; to cut out, to pick out, to scoop out wān
pictophonetic to peel, to skin; to exploit
pictophonetic carving or engraving; knife; grave
pictophonetic sharp, pointed; to sharpen shàn
pictophonetic to peel, to skin; to exploit
pictophonetic theatrical plays, opera, drama; severe, acute
pictophonetic leftovers, residue, remains shèng
pictophonetic scissors; to cut, to divide, to separate jiǎn
pictophonetic to cut; to sever flesh from bone guǎ
pictophonetic to assist, to supplement; assistant; secondary; auxiliary
pictophonetic to cut, to divide, to partition; to cede
pictophonetic note, memo, official communique
pictophonetic to establish, to create; cut, wound, trauma chuàng
pictophonetic to raze, to pare, to level off chǎn
pictophonetic to rob, to plunder, to slice off; nimble, quick piāo
pictophonetic to annihilate, to destroy, to exterminate jiǎo
pictophonetic to castrate, to neuter qiāo
pictophonetic chisel; to engrave jué
pictophonetic to row or paddle a boat; to scratch; to plan; profitable huà
pictophonetic memo, note, official communique zhā
pictophonetic theatrical plays, opera, drama; severe, acute
pictophonetic to chop, to cut apart; to split
pictophonetic to kill, to destroy; surname liú
pictophonetic to amputate, to cut off guì
pictophonetic sword, dagger, saber jiàn
pictophonetic to destroy huō
pictophonetic dose; medicine; measure word for medicines
ideographic to cut off the nose
ideographic strength, power; capability, influence
ideographic to recommend, to advise; to urge, to exhort quàn
pictophonetic to set up; to manage, to run; to deal with, to handle bàn
ideographic achievement, good work; merit; service gōng
ideographic to add to, to increase, to augment jiā
pictophonetic to put forth effort, to strive for mài
pictophonetic low-quality, inferior, bad liè
ideographic to cooperate, to work together; joint labor xié
pictophonetic to move, to happen; movement, action dòng
pictophonetic to help, to aid, to assist zhù
pictophonetic to exert, to strive, to make an effort; to pout
pictophonetic to take by force, to coerce; disaster; misfortune jié
pictophonetic diligent; to toil, to endeavor
pictophonetic to encourage; to excel; excellent shào
pictophonetic to encourage; to strive
pictophonetic strong, tough, unyielding; power, energy jìn
ideographic to labor, to toil; to do manual work láo
pictophonetic certificate, ticket; title deed juàn
pictophonetic cautious, discreet, prudent jié
pictophonetic to look into; to impeach, to charge
pictophonetic power, force; tendency, attitude shì
pictophonetic strong, tough, unyielding; power, energy jìn
pictophonetic thriving, prosperous; sudden, quick
pictophonetic brave, courageous, fierce yǒng
pictophonetic brave yǒng
pictophonetic to endeavor, to make an effort; to urge miǎn
pictophonetic deeds, feats; merit; rank xūn
pictophonetic imperial decree; daoist magic měng
pictophonetic to strangle; to tighten lēi
pictophonetic to move, to happen; movement, action dòng
pictophonetic to advise; to exhort; to preach to
pictophonetic to investigate; to survey, to explore; to compare; to collate kān
pictophonetic affairs, business; should; must
pictophonetic deeds, feats; merit; rank xūn
pictophonetic victory; to excel, to truimph shèng
ideographic to labor, to toil; to do manual work láo
pictophonetic to levy, to raise; to recruit; to summon
pictophonetic power, force; tendency, attitude shì
pictophonetic industrious, diligent, attentive qín
pictophonetic to annihilate, to destroy, to exterminate chāo
pictophonetic peaceful, harmonious xié
pictophonetic dead, feat; merit, rank xūn
pictophonetic to encourage; to strive
pictophonetic to recommend, to advise; to urge, to exhort quàn
ideographic spoon, ladle; unit of volume sháo
ideographic equal; even, uniform yún
ideographic must not, do not; without, never
ideographic equal; even, uniform yún
ideographic wrap, pack, bundle; package bāo
pictophonetic breast, chest, thorax; to clamor; Hungary xiōng
ideographic handful
pictophonetic pottery táo
pictophonetic to crawl; to lie prostrate
pictophonetic gourd; musical instrument páo
pictophonetic to crawl; to lie prostrate
pictographic spoon, ladle; knife, dirk
pictographic north; northern; northward běi
pictophonetic spoon; surname chí, shī
pictophonetic jiù
pictophonetic to correct, to revise; to restore kuāng
pictophonetic case, coffer, small box xiá
pictophonetic chest, casket, small box guǐ
pictophonetic trunk, suitcase; portfolio qiè
pictophonetic bandits, robbers, gangsters fěi
pictophonetic chest, casket, small box guǐ
pictophonetic to lack; lacking, deficient; exhausted; empty kuì
pictophonetic to gather, to collect; confluence huì
pictophonetic to lack; lacking, deficient; exhausted; empty kuì
pictographic bolt of cloth; mate, one of a pair; measure word for horses
ideographic area, district, region, ward; surname
pictophonetic to cure, to heal, to treat; doctor; medicine
pictophonetic to hide, to repress; to bend yǎn
ideographic a board, sign, or tablet made from bamboo biǎn
pictophonetic to hide; to go into hiding
ideographic area, district, region, ward; surname
ideographic twenty, twentieth niàn
ideographic thirty, thirtieth
ideographic general term for plants; myriads huì
ideographic half; semi-, incomplete bàn
ideographic forty, fortieth
pictophonetic flowery; illustrious; Chinese huá
pictophonetic to assist; to cooperate, to join; to harmonize xié
ideographic humble, low, inferior; to despise bēi
pictographic soldier; servant; at last, finally
ideographic profound, lofty, brilliant zhuō
pictophonetic to assist; to cooperate, to join; to harmonize xié
pictophonetic to sell; to betray; to show off mài
pictographic south; southern; southward nán
pictophonetic to gamble, to play games; to win; rich, plentiful, extensive; wide, broad
pictographic divination, fortune-telling; prophecy bo
ideographic a chemical compound; divination; to consider
ideographic to divine; to observe; to versify zhàn
ideographic card, punch card; calorie
pictographic a vessel of wine yǒu
pictographic salt
pictophonetic divination, fortune-telling guà
ideographic to crouch; to lie down
pictographic seal; kneeling person jié
ideographic lofty; high; to raise; high-priced, expensive áng
ideographic print; mark; seal, stamp yìn
ideographic dangerous, precarious; high wēi
ideographic promptly, quickly, immediately
pictophonetic still, but; decline; retreat què
pictographic egg, ovum, roe; ovary, testes; to spawn luǎn
ideographic book, scroll, volume; curled up; to curl, to roll juǎn
pictophonetic to unload; to lay down; to resign xiè
pictophonetic nuptial wine cup jǐn
pictophonetic still, but; decline; retreat què
ideographic adversity, difficulty, distress è
pictophonetic hall, central room tīng
pictophonetic history; calendar
ideographic press; oppress; crush; pressure
pictophonetic to dislike, to detest; to reject; to satiate yàn
pictophonetic surname shè
ideographic precipice; river bank, shore; surname
pictophonetic toilet, washroom; to mingle
ideographic stone, mineral; antimony
pictophonetic one thousandth
ideographic generous; substantial; deep (as a friendship) hòu
ideographic to bury; grave, tombstone; to cut, to engrave cuò
pictophonetic source, origin, beginning yuán
pictophonetic side-room, wing; theatre box xiāng
pictophonetic shell yǎn
pictophonetic to calculate; the calendar
pictophonetic personal pronoun; he, she, it jué
pictophonetic large building; mansion shà
pictophonetic kitchen; closet, cupboard chú
pictophonetic stable; barnyard jiù
pictophonetic hut; diligent; careful jǐn
pictophonetic to dislike, to detest; to reject; to satiate yàn
pictophonetic servant; to cause a disturbance
pictographic private, secret
pictographic forearm, upper arm; round gōng
ideographic three (bankers' anti-fraud numeral) sān
pictophonetic to take part in, to intervene; ginseng cān
pictophonetic to take part in, to intervene; ginseng cān
pictographic and, also, again, in addition yòu
ideographic fork; prong; cross, intersect chā
ideographic friend, companion; fraternity yǒu
ideographic pair, couple; both; measure word for things that come in pairs shuāng
ideographic reverse, opposite; contrary, anti- fǎn
ideographic obedient; united ruò
ideographic uncle; father's younger brother shū
ideographic to connect zhuó
ideographic to take, to receive, to obtain; to select
ideographic to receive, to get, to accept; to bear shòu
pictophonetic to express, to state; to relate, to narrate
pictophonetic rebel; rebellion; rebellious pàn
ideographic old man; elder sǒu
ideographic pile; layer; to fold up; to repeat, to duplicate dié
pictophonetic bush, shrub; thicket; collection cóng
pictographic mouth; entrance, gate, opening kǒu
ideographic old, classic, ancient
ideographic sentence, clause, phrase, paragraph; stanza jù, gōu
pictophonetic talkative; grumbling dāo
pictophonetic to ask; to bow, to kowtow; to knock kòu
ideographic only, merely, just zhī
pictophonetic cry, shout; to call, to greet, to hail jiào
pictophonetic imperial decree; to summon, to call, to beckon zhào
pictophonetic trumpet
pictophonetic to persistently exhort or urge; sting (as of an insect) dīng
pictophonetic may, can, -able; possibly
pictophonetic to scold, to upbraid; to shout at chì
ideographic history, chronicle, annals shǐ
pictophonetic mark, sign; symbol; number; to call, to cry, to roar hào
ideographic to take charge of, to control, to manage; officer
ideographic to sigh, to admire tàn
pictophonetic to hold in the mouth diāo
pictophonetic to grumble; to sigh
pictophonetic alas; to sigh
pictophonetic to eat; to drink; to suffer, to endure, to bear chī
ideographic individual; each, every; all
pictophonetic to cry, to bawl; to yell, to shout yāo
ideographic lucky, propitious, good
ideographic English inch (unlike 寸, which could be the English or the Chinese inch) cùn
ideographic same, similar; together with, alike tóng
ideographic name; position, rank, title míng
pictophonetic to vomit, to spew out, to cough up; to say
pictophonetic to scold; to shout, to roar, to bellow zhà
pictophonetic to scare, to frighten; to threaten, to intimidate xià
ideographic a musical note; surname
pictophonetic used in transliterations
pictophonetic final interrogative particle ma
ideographic sovereign, ruler, prince, monarch, chief jūn
pictophonetic to absorb, to annex; to engulf; to swallow tūn
pictophonetic to sing, to hum; to recite; a type of poetry yín
ideographic to bark fèi
pictophonetic to blame
pictophonetic to vomit qìn
pictophonetic no, not, un-; final particle fǒu
pictophonetic emphatic final particle
pictophonetic a metric ton dūn
pictophonetic to order, to command; to instruct fēn
pictophonetic to hold in the mouth; to contain; to cherish hán
ideographic to hear, to listen; to understand; to obey tīng
pictophonetic throat kēng
pictophonetic to suck, to sip, to lick shǔn
ideographic to open; to begin, to commence; to explain
pictophonetic to chirp; to hiss; to squeak zhī
ideographic to smile at; to sneer at yǐn
pictophonetic to argue, to dispute; to annoy, to disturb chǎo
pictophonetic to raise one's voice; to yell, to shout; to stammer
pictophonetic to inhale, to suck in; to absorb; to attract
pictophonetic to blow, to puff; to brag, to boast chuī
pictophonetic to kiss; lips; coinciding wěn
pictophonetic to roar, to shout; to bark, to howl hǒu
pictophonetic I, my, our; to resist, to impede
pictophonetic particle used to express surprise ya
pictophonetic belch; hiccup è
ideographic dull, simple, stupid dāi
ideographic to petition, to submit; to appear, to show chéng
ideographic to tell, to inform, to announce; to accuse gào
pictophonetic used in transliterations
pictophonetic foot chǐ
pictophonetic to raise one's voice; to yell, to shout; to stammer
pictophonetic to swallow; to absorb tūn
pictophonetic unclear; an expletive
pictophonetic to talk in one's sleep; somniloquy
pictophonetic tire; neck-tie dāi
pictophonetic to vomit; to annoy, to enrage ǒu
pictophonetic the sound of something cracking or splitting
pictophonetic final particle of an assertion bei
pictophonetic employee; member; personnel, staff yuán
ideographic to chat, to gossip, to jaw, to talk; mouth guō
pictophonetic choking, as by smoke; something that irritates the nose or throat qiāng
pictophonetic the sound of someone crying or sobbing
pictophonetic wool; interrogative or emphatic final particle né, ne
pictophonetic interjection or exclamation indicating a question ḿ
pictophonetic purine lìng
pictophonetic the sound of a deer bleating yōu
ideographic Zhou dynasty; circumference zhōu
ideographic to taste, to sip, to lick; to whisper; petty tiè
pictophonetic to wail, to cry; to swear at
pictophonetic to grimace; to bare one's teeth
pictophonetic taste; smell, odor; delicacy wèi
pictophonetic to scold; to yawn; the sound of someone laughing (when repeated)
pictophonetic talkative; clamour, hubbub náo
pictophonetic to swallow, to suck, to drink
pictophonetic to spit at pēi
pictophonetic to moan, to groan; to chant shēn
pictophonetic to breathe, to exhale, to sigh; to call, to shout
ideographic life; destiny, fate, luck; an order, instruction mìng
pictophonetic to suck; to chew
pictophonetic to suck, to smack the lips
pictophonetic a cry of anger duō
pictophonetic to roar páo
pictophonetic question-forming particle: why? what? how?; to bite; loud
pictophonetic harmony, peace; calm, peaceful
pictophonetic fault, defect; error, mistake jiù
pictophonetic to sing, to hum, to chant yǒng
pictophonetic to instruct; to order
pictophonetic trumpet
pictophonetic used in transliterations
pictophonetic mumble, mutter, murmur; rumble
pictophonetic coffee; used in transliterations
pictophonetic throat lóng
pictophonetic onomatopoetic, a thumping sound dōng
pictophonetic to enjoin, to instruct; to charge níng
pictophonetic onomatopoetic, a hissing sound
ideographic to whisper, to slander, to blame
pictophonetic onomatopoetic, a crash or bang guāng
pictophonetic to scold; to shout, to roar, to bellow zhà
pictophonetic the sound of a cat; to laugh; to bite
pictophonetic exclamation of surprise
pictophonetic to grimace, to grin liě
pictophonetic to inquire, to consult, to discuss; to plan
ideographic the bleating of sheep miē
pictophonetic a cat's meow; a meter
pictophonetic unit of length used during the Zhou dynasty zhǐ
pictophonetic to bite, to gnaw yǎo
pictophonetic (Cant.) to guard (from Engl. 'guard'); a card (from Engl. 'card'); young and pretty (from Engl. 'kid')
pictophonetic final particle
pictophonetic we, us zán
pictophonetic to cough hāi
pictophonetic to neigh, to whinny huī
ideographic all, together, united; salted xián
pictophonetic to shout; to jeer at xiū
ideographic to chat, to gossip, to jaw, to talk; mouth guō
pictophonetic throat; pharynx yàn
pictophonetic onomatopoeic; sound, noise lǎo
pictophonetic a creaking sound; to laugh
pictophonetic sad, mournful, pitiful; to pity; to grieve āi
ideographic article, good, product; commodity; quality, character pǐn
pictophonetic to smile; to laugh at; to sneer shěn
pictophonetic to coax; to beguile, to cheat, to deceive; tumult, uproar hōng
pictophonetic to quiver, to tremble, to shudder duō
pictophonetic to vomit; an infant's cry wa
pictophonetic the sound of laughter
pictophonetic final exclamatory particle zāi
pictophonetic used in transliterations pài
pictophonetic to make noise, to make sound; sound xiǎng
pictophonetic interjection of surprise āi
pictophonetic the clamor of an argument; funny; odd gén
pictophonetic onomatopoetic, a clang or clatter kuāng
pictophonetic dumb, mute, hoarse
pictophonetic a sound made to get a horse to move
pictophonetic garrulous; disturbed; restless xiāo
pictophonetic used in transliterations
pictophonetic to belch; to vomit huì
pictophonetic uproar, tumult, hubbub huā
pictophonetic to swallow, to gulp down; greedy kuài
pictophonetic a chemical element duǒ
pictophonetic to sip
pictophonetic to whisper nóng
pictophonetic a cow's moo mōu
pictophonetic ah, final particle
pictophonetic employee; member; personnel, staff yuán
ideographic elder brother
pictophonetic oh? really? is that so? ó
pictophonetic the sound of ripping or giggling chī
pictophonetic to whistle; to chirp shào
pictophonetic mile
pictophonetic which? where? how?
ideographic to weep, to cry, to wail
pictophonetic to cough; to pant; to roar xiāo
pictophonetic onomatopoeic
pictophonetic wise, sagacious; wise man; philosopher zhé
pictophonetic the sound of ripping or giggling zhā
pictophonetic to chew; to feed
pictophonetic to hum; to sing softly; to moan, to groan hēng
pictophonetic to sob; to choke up gěng
pictophonetic excellent, capable; happy; to commend
pictophonetic to offer condolences yàn
pictophonetic final particle of an assertion bei
ideographic to swallow; to grunt, to grumble hán
pictophonetic to make mischief; to instigate, to incite suō
pictophonetic lips chún
pictophonetic alas; exclamation of surprise or pain āi
pictophonetic final particle; and? ok?
pictophonetic to weep, to sob; to grieve
ideographic the Tang dynasty; Chinese; empty, exaggerated; surname táng
pictophonetic in chemistry, -azole zuò
pictophonetic to hold in the mouth; bite
pictophonetic to vomit qìn
pictophonetic mark
pictophonetic to sing gòng
pictophonetic to chat, to gossip, to jaw, to talk láo
ideographic a flute-like musical instrument suǒ
pictophonetic chatter zào
pictophonetic to call huàn
pictophonetic the chirping of insects
pictophonetic to recite, to intone, to chant fěng
pictophonetic to hum, to intone; to close, to shut jìn
pictophonetic to intimidate; to scare
ideographic to sell shòu
pictophonetic swish, rustle shuā
pictophonetic to sing, to chant, to call; ditty, song chàng
pictophonetic a bird's cry
pictophonetic to eat with one's hands; used in transliterations ǎn
pictophonetic final particle
pictophonetic to recite, to read, to chant niàn
pictophonetic to speak evil; a gobbling sound made by ducks shà
pictophonetic to spit; to spit on; saliva tuò
pictophonetic sad
pictophonetic to chirp, to twitter zhāo
pictophonetic to gnaw, to chew, to bite kěn
pictophonetic to peck zhuó
pictophonetic commerce, business, trade shāng
pictophonetic stupid; slow lín
pictophonetic ah, exclamatory particle a
pictophonetic to ask about, to inquire after wèn
pictophonetic to taste, to sip; to spit; the sound of sipping cuì
ideographic to open; to explain; to begin
pictophonetic to wail táo
pictophonetic to feed; to eat; to chew, to bite; to entice dàn
pictophonetic to drink, to sip; to sob, to weep chuài
pictophonetic dumb, mute, hoarse
ideographic to open; to begin, to commence; to explain
pictophonetic coffee; morphine fēi
pictophonetic beer
pictophonetic what? shà
pictophonetic final particle of an assertion la
pictophonetic interjection of approval or admiration
pictophonetic onomatopoetic, a bang sound
pictophonetic onomatopoeic; an interjection of warning zhě
pictophonetic to sing; to chirp, to twitter, to warble zhuàn
pictophonetic to bite, to gnaw niè
pictophonetic long-winded, verbose luō
pictophonetic many; to pant chǎn
ideographic onomatopoetic, the sound of a brook bubbling bo
pictophonetic in chemistry, -dine dìng
pictophonetic a clanging or rattling sound lāng
pictophonetic to roar, to howl; to scream; to whistle xiào
pictophonetic only, merely, just; to stop at chì
pictophonetic to weep, to whimper; to howl; to crow
pictophonetic the wailing of a child jiū
pictophonetic to vomit; used in transliterations
pictophonetic to breathe like a fish; to gasp for breath yóng
pictophonetic interjection used to call attention wèi
pictophonetic to chatter, to keep talking; to mumble nán
ideographic good, virtuous, charitable, kind shàn
ideographic sage; wise, sagacious zhé
pictophonetic horn, bugle; llama; final particle
pictophonetic melody, music; harmonious jiē
pictophonetic throat, larynx, gullet; guttural hóu
pictophonetic to shout, to yell, to call out; to howl; to cry hǎn
pictophonetic to nag; babble, chatter dié
pictophonetic respectful reply of assent to superiors nuò
pictophonetic dumb, mute; the sobbing of an infant yīn
pictophonetic onomatopoetic, the sound of crowing or crying ō
pictophonetic to pant, to gasp, to breathe heavily chuǎn
ideographic beak, bill, snout; to pant huì
pictophonetic to call huàn
ideographic to love; to enjoy, to be happy; joyful, glad
pictophonetic to drink; to shout, to call out
pictophonetic heave sigh, sigh kuì
pictophonetic lively, noisy; to clamor, to talk loudly xuān
pictophonetic to yell; to wail, to cry; to neigh liàng
pictographic mourning; mourn; funeral sàng
pictophonetic tall, lofty; proud, stately qiáo
ideographic gram; the weight of one grain
pictophonetic ah, final particle
pictophonetic to whisper zhā
pictophonetic a cat's meow miāo
pictophonetic to blow, to puff, to spray, to spurt pēn
pictophonetic in chemistry, quinoline kuí
pictophonetic metaphor, analogy; example; such as, like
pictophonetic used in transliterations jié
pictophonetic used in onomatopoetic expressions lóu
ideographic the sound of birds chirping zào
pictophonetic hoarse á
ideographic to sniff, to smell, to scent xiù
pictophonetic choking, as by smoke; something that irritates the nose or throat qiāng
pictophonetic a bird's crop; wine pot
pictophonetic to sing gòng
pictophonetic throat; to quarrel, to choke ài
pictophonetic to drink, to imbibe suō
pictophonetic final interrogative particle ma
pictophonetic alas! hài
pictophonetic to eat seeds; to reproach; loquacious
pictophonetic absent-minded
pictophonetic throat; voice sǎng
pictophonetic to be angry at, to rebuke, to scold chēn
pictophonetic a whizzing sound sōu
pictophonetic the sound of someone crying or sobbing
pictophonetic addicted to, fond of, with a weakness for shì
pictophonetic the cackling of a fowl; to gag, to vomit
pictophonetic sigh, alas jiē
pictophonetic the droning sound made by an airplane or a bee flying wēng
pictophonetic to connect; to inherit; descendants, heirs
ideographic to laugh at, to ridicule, to sneer at; to snort chī
pictophonetic to call out; to roar, to bark; to wail; to yelp háo
pictophonetic to suck suo
pictophonetic an exclamation hāi
ideographic a flute-like musical instrument suǒ
pictophonetic used in transliterations qín
pictophonetic to move the lips as if speaking; hesitation niè
pictophonetic hey, hello; interrogative particle
pictophonetic interjection indicating agreement or appreciation en
pictophonetic childish, coquettish, coy; inviting; "daddy" diǎ
pictophonetic interjection indicating regret āi
pictophonetic onomatopoetic tōng
pictophonetic used in transliterations
pictophonetic clamor; the sound of wailing áo
pictophonetic to gargle; to cough; to clear the throat sòu
pictophonetic to whisper
pictophonetic ashamed; grieving; onomatopoetic
pictophonetic the sound of a sigh kǎi
pictophonetic to sigh, to admire tàn
pictophonetic bustling, noisy cáo
pictophonetic excellent; joyful; auspicious jiā
pictophonetic fast, speedy piào
pictophonetic used in onomatopoetic expressions lóu
pictophonetic a cackling sound; bad, malevolent
pictophonetic felicity, prosperity; large and strong
pictophonetic to vomit; to annoy, to enrage ǒu
pictophonetic interjection of approval or admiration
pictophonetic to taste; to experience, to experiment with cháng
pictophonetic to blow, to exhale, to hiss, to sigh; to praise
pictophonetic onomatopoeic; the sound of a horse's hooves
pictophonetic final exclamatory particle ma
pictophonetic mark
pictophonetic final particle used to indicate polite refusal lei
pictophonetic the sound of a horn tooting
pictophonetic thing; matter, substance
pictophonetic onomatopoetic, the sound of an explosion; bang bēng
pictophonetic onomatopoetic, a bird call; to seek friends yīng
pictophonetic in chemistry, -mi as in pyramidine
pictophonetic uproar, tumult, hubbub huā
pictophonetic to lap; to suck chuài
pictophonetic onomatopoetic, the sound of a crash or bang pēng
pictophonetic to chat, to gossip, to jaw, to talk láo
pictophonetic to roar, to howl; to scream; to whistle xiào
pictophonetic to grumble; to sigh
pictophonetic to instruct, to order, to tell; testament zhǔ
pictophonetic to deride, to jeer at, to ridicule, to scorn cháo
pictophonetic mouth, lips zuǐ
pictophonetic the neighing of a hoarse, gravel-voiced, hoarse
pictophonetic unclear; an expletive
pictophonetic a clear sound, such as a bell or a soprano; resonant liáo
ideographic happy, giggling, laughing; an interjection
pictophonetic many; to pant chǎn
pictophonetic quiet, silent hēi
pictophonetic bad, wicked; foul, nauseating ě
pictophonetic to scold, to shout at cēng
pictophonetic to chew, to eat, to munch jiào
pictophonetic to choke; to hiccup
pictophonetic to blow, to exhale, to hiss, to sigh; to praise
pictophonetic for (a recipient of pity or sympathy); surname dēng
pictophonetic to burst
pictophonetic to pout juē
pictophonetic to bite; to hold in the mouth qín
pictophonetic verbose, talkative; mumbling
pictophonetic a sound made to get a horse to move
pictophonetic to moan; interjection indicating pain or sadness ō
ideographic close; quiet, silent jìn
pictophonetic to whisper nóng
pictophonetic to belch; to vomit huì
ideographic device, instrument, tool; receptacle, vessel
ideographic bad, ill-omened, unlucky è
ideographic to be noisy; to chirp loudly zào
pictophonetic belch; interjection of approval
pictophonetic to bite, to gnaw; to snap at shì
pictophonetic interjection indicating regret āi
pictophonetic to laugh heartily jué
pictophonetic to swallow, to gulp down; greedy kuài
pictophonetic to blow, to puff, to spray, to spurt pēn
pictophonetic used in transliterations
pictophonetic a metric ton dūn
pictophonetic appropriate, timely; to act, to serve; the sound of bells dāng
pictophonetic character used in translation sāi
pictophonetic onomatopoetic, the sound of something cracking
pictophonetic to enjoin, to instruct; to charge níng
pictophonetic to roar huō
pictophonetic to mumble, to stutter
pictophonetic noise, sound hāo
pictophonetic to scare, to frighten; to threaten, to intimidate xià
pictophonetic to cry loudly, to scream, to yell háo
pictophonetic to sneeze
pictophonetic a cracking or snapping sound
pictophonetic verbose, talkative; mumbling
pictophonetic to bite, to gnaw niè
pictophonetic to swallow, to gulp yàn
pictophonetic throat lóng
ideographic to direct, to guide; to favor, to incline towards xiàng
pictophonetic a cracking or snapping sound huò
pictophonetic to shout, to roar, to cry; to brawl rǎng
pictophonetic to prattle, to be glib jué
pictophonetic to sing; to chirp, to twitter, to warble zhuàn
pictophonetic to talk in one's sleep; somniloquy
pictophonetic long-winded, verbose luō
pictophonetic bag, purse, sack; to pocket, to stow náng
pictophonetic loquacious; to nag
pictophonetic to instruct, to order, to tell; testament zhǔ
pictophonetic to mumble, to mutter nāng
ideographic prisoner, convict; to confine qiú
ideographic four
ideographic baby, infant jiǎn
ideographic to return, to turn around; a time huí
ideographic top of the head; skull xìn
ideographic child, daughter nān
ideographic sphere, circle, ball; mass, lump; group, regiment; to gather tuán
pictophonetic grain basket; to store, to hoard dùn
ideographic chimney cōng
pictophonetic entire, whole
pictophonetic garden, park; orchard yuán
ideographic to surround; to besiege; surrounded, in distress; poor; tired, sleepy kùn
ideographic chimney cōng
pictophonetic to surround, to encircle, to corral wéi
pictophonetic all, complete, entire lún
ideographic a round bin for storing grain qūn
pictophonetic prison, enclosure líng
pictophonetic to solidify; strength
ideographic country, nation, state; national guó
ideographic diagram, chart, map, picture; to plan
pictophonetic to limit, to constrain; pen, cell yòu
ideographic pig-sty; privy hùn
pictophonetic garden, orchard, plot of farmland
pictophonetic prison, jail
pictophonetic circle; circular, round; complete yuán
pictophonetic all, complete, entire lún
pictophonetic circle, ring, loop; to encircle quān
pictophonetic stable, fence, corral; frontier, border
pictophonetic restroom qīng
ideographic country, nation, state; national guó
pictophonetic to surround, to encircle, to corral wéi
pictophonetic garden, park; orchard yuán
pictophonetic circle; circular, round; complete yuán
ideographic diagram, chart, map, picture; to plan
ideographic sphere, circle, ball; mass, lump; group, regiment; to gather tuán
pictophonetic enclosed pasture lüè
ideographic circle; to surround, to encircle huán
pictographic soil, earth; items made of earth
ideographic holy, sacred; sage, saint shèng
pictophonetic at, in, on; to exist; used to indicate the present progressive tense zài
pictophonetic dike, embankment wéi
pictophonetic to whitewash, to plaster over with mud
ideographic jade tablet guī
pictophonetic destroyed, ruined; to injure; to subvert
pictophonetic bridge; river bank
pictophonetic earth, ground, soil; land, region; structural particle used before a verb de
ideographic a furrow in a field; a small drainage ditch zhèn
pictophonetic tomb, grave: prairie, range, wilderness kuàng
pictophonetic field, open space; market, square; stage chǎng
pictophonetic border, boundary
pictophonetic slime, black mud niè
pictophonetic garbage, rubbish; shaking; danger
pictophonetic location, site; the foundation of a house zhǐ
pictophonetic hillside, slope bǎn
pictophonetic equal, even, fair; level, uniform; also, too jūn
pictophonetic neighborhood, district, community; street, lane; mill fāng
pictophonetic dust; earth; river bank; to dig; to unite bèn
pictophonetic collapse; landslide tān
pictophonetic pit, hole; to trap, to snare; crisis kǎn
pictophonetic bad, rotten, spoiled; to break down huài
ideographic seat; to sit; to ride, to travel by zuò
pictophonetic pit, hole; to trap, to bury; to harry kēng
ideographic to compare, to equal, to match
pictophonetic piece, lump, chunk; dollar; measure word for currency kuài
pictophonetic altar; arena; examination hall tán
pictophonetic drain, ditch, channel
pictophonetic embankment; dam
pictophonetic bank, entrenchment, low wall; dock
pictophonetic grave, mound, bulge; bulging fén
pictophonetic to drop, to fall down, to sink; heavy; weight zhuì
pictophonetic slope, hillside, embankment
pictophonetic earth; feminine kūn
pictophonetic flat, level, smooth; candid, open tǎn
pictophonetic lump, heap tuó
pictophonetic crucible; earthenware, pottery gān
pictophonetic plain; level ground píng
pictophonetic a stand on which to replace goblets after drinking diàn
pictophonetic mud, mire; to paste, to plaster
pictophonetic clay; unburnt earthenware
pictophonetic cavity, depression, hollow; depressed; undulating ào
ideographic a clod of earth; land
pictophonetic mud, mire; to paste, to plaster
pictophonetic uneven, bumpy; a clod of earth; a lump of soil
pictophonetic islet; river delta, embankment; to stop chí
pictophonetic to crack, to open, to split, to tear chè
pictographic to hang, to dangle; to hand down, to bequeath; almost, near chuí
pictophonetic garbage, refuse, trash, waste
pictophonetic grave, mound; furrow, ridge lǒng
pictophonetic grave, mound; furrow, ridge lǒng
ideographic clay; hut, shop
pictophonetic pattern, model, type; mold; law xíng
pictophonetic farm, field; used in place names dòng
pictophonetic rampart; base (in baseball) lěi
pictophonetic border, boundary, frontier gāi
pictophonetic to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound yīn
ideographic mound, lump, round mass yáo
pictophonetic heap, pile; to heap, to pile duǒ
pictophonetic boundary, river bank yín
pictophonetic to plow; place name
pictophonetic dirt, filth, stains; dirty; disgraceful gòu
pictophonetic low wall yuán
pictophonetic anthill; hill mound dié
pictophonetic to cultivate, to farm; to reclaim kěn
pictophonetic unit of area shǎng
pictophonetic chalk; to daub with chalk; holy, sacred, sagacious è
pictophonetic cushion, mat, pad; to advance money, to pay for another diàn
pictophonetic used in place names
pictophonetic to be defeated, to collapse, to fail kuǎ
pictophonetic lump, mound; pimple da
pictophonetic a high and dry place kǎi
pictophonetic small hillock, used in place names nǎo
pictophonetic dike, embankment yuàn
pictophonetic ditch (for irrigation); hole gěng
pictophonetic fine dust; dirt; Angstrom āi
pictophonetic dust storm; dust in the wind běng
pictophonetic the name of a bridge yǒng
pictophonetic to bury; to conceal; to plant mái
pictophonetic castle, city, town; municipality chéng
ideographic boundary, limit shān
pictophonetic enclosure, embankment, dike liè
pictophonetic arena; market; plain; port
pictophonetic a large, pear-shaped earthenware jar chéng
pictophonetic jetty, quay; port city, trade hub
pictophonetic a chicken roost shí
pictophonetic ocarina xūn
pictophonetic crucible guō
pictophonetic dike, embankment; protuberance niàn
pictophonetic area, district, field, land, region; boundary; domain (in taxonomy)
pictophonetic jetty, quay; port city, trade hub
pictophonetic used in place names
pictophonetic to add, to increase; to attach; fence, wall
pictophonetic dam; a ramp leading up to a canal dài
pictophonetic pit, hole; to bury ǎn
pictophonetic dust storm běng
pictophonetic soil with high clay content zhí
pictophonetic hardened dirt or clay; cluster duǒ
ideographic art
ideographic to execute; to grasp, to hold; to keep; to sieze, to detain zhí
pictophonetic border, limit, frontier; dike
pictophonetic to cultivate, to farm; to shore up péi
pictophonetic foundation, base
pictophonetic headland
ideographic broom; to sweep, to clear away sào
pictophonetic cave, hole
pictophonetic hall, large room; government office; cousins táng
pictophonetic compliance, obedience; female kūn
ideographic hard, strong; firm, resolute jiān
pictophonetic crowd, heap, pile, mass; to pile up; measure word for things in piles or stacks duī
ideographic yellow loam; clay; season; few jǐn
pictophonetic chalk; to daub with chalk; holy, sacred, sagacious è
pictophonetic to bury péng
pictophonetic embankment
pictophonetic moat, pit, trench; cavity qiàn
pictophonetic to drop, to fall, to sink; degenerate duò
pictophonetic to bury; to dam, to block up; mound yīn
ideographic battlement; plate dié
pictophonetic battlement, rampart hòu
ideographic fort, fortress; town, village bǎo
pictophonetic dike
ideographic to endure; adequate, capable, worthy kān
ideographic a legendary ancient emperor-sage yáo
pictophonetic dam, dike, embankment yàn
ideographic to announce, to report; newspaper; payback, revenge bào
pictophonetic field, open space; market, square; stage chǎng
pictophonetic wall; to stop, to prevent, to block
pictophonetic salty jiǎn
pictophonetic a furrow in a field léng
pictophonetic piece, lump, chunk; dollar; measure word for currency kuài
ideographic grave, tomb, cemetary yíng
pictophonetic to collapse, to fall into ruin
pictophonetic a raised path between fields, a dike chéng
pictophonetic to sculpt, to model in clay; plastic
pictophonetic tower, spire, tall building
pictophonetic airborne dust wěng
pictophonetic to smear, to scribble, to daub; surname
pictophonetic pond, tank; dike, embankment táng
pictophonetic cemetery; tomb, burial mound zhǒng
pictophonetic to stop up, to seal, to cork, to block; pass, frontier; fortress sāi
pictophonetic bank, entrenchment, low wall; dock
pictophonetic a lump of clay
pictophonetic to fill, to pad, to stuff tián
pictophonetic plateau yuán
pictophonetic field, market, open space cháng
ideographic cinders, ashes, dust, dirt chén
pictophonetic moat, pit, trench; cavity qiàn
pictophonetic village school; private tutorage shú
pictophonetic porch; courtyard; steps leading into a building chí
pictophonetic to plaster; to pave màn
pictophonetic boundary, frontier; area, region jìng
pictophonetic villa, country house shù
pictophonetic wall; fortification yōng
pictophonetic cushion, mat, pad; to advance money, to pay for another diàn
pictophonetic silt; moist soil shāng
pictophonetic grave, tomb
pictophonetic wall qiáng
pictophonetic mountain range liáng
pictophonetic to drop, to fall down, to sink; heavy; weight zhuì
pictophonetic to increase; to expand; to augment; to add zēng
pictophonetic high mound; hilly countryside; wasteland
ideographic ink; writing; Mexico
pictophonetic stone block; heap, mound; pier dūn
pictophonetic to drop, to fall, to sink; degenerate duò
pictophonetic grave, mound, bulge; bulging fén
pictophonetic wall qiáng
pictophonetic unburnt bricks
pictophonetic to cultivate, to farm; to reclaim kěn
pictophonetic partition, wall; rampart
pictophonetic to block; to obstruct yōng
pictophonetic altar; arena; examination hall tán
ideographic gully, pool; a ditch carved by a torrential rain
ideographic press; oppress; crush; pressure
pictophonetic ditch; trench; channel, moat háo
pictophonetic rampart; base (in baseball) lěi
pictophonetic bad, rotten, spoiled; to break down huài
pictophonetic grave, mound; furrow, ridge lǒng
pictophonetic drain, ditch, channel
pictophonetic soil, loam, earth; rich rǎng
pictophonetic embankment; dam
pictophonetic big, large; robust, strong; the name of a tribe zhuàng
pictophonetic big, large; robust, strong; the name of a tribe zhuàng
ideographic sound, noise; voice, tone, music shēng
ideographic casing, husk, shell
pictographic drum zhù
pictographic jar, pot, jug, vase; surname
pictographic jar, pot, jug, vase; surname
ideographic old age, longevity; lifespan shòu
ideographic to reside at, to live in; place, locale; department chù
pictophonetic to resist; to headbutt féng
ideographic to prepare; to get ready, to equip; ready; perfect bèi
ideographic again, repeatedly; copy, duplicate; to restore, to return
ideographic one-legged monster; walrus kuí
pictographic evening, night, dusk; slanted
ideographic out, outside, external; foreign; in addition wài
ideographic to turn over when asleep yuàn
ideographic much, many, multi-; more than, over duō
ideographic night, dark; under cover of night
pictophonetic enough, adequate; to reach, to attain; to pass muster gòu
pictophonetic enough, adequate; to reach, to attain; to pass muster gòu
ideographic dream mèng
pictophonetic late at night; distant, remote; deep yín
pictophonetic assistant; companion; partner; many, numerous huǒ
ideographic big, great, vast, high, deep
ideographic sky, heaven; god, celestial tiān
ideographic very, too much; big; extreme tài
ideographic man, husband; worker; those
pictographic young, energetic; to die young yāo
ideographic burden, load; to lift up; to tamp down hāng
ideographic to lose; to make a mistake, to neglect shī
pictophonetic head; chief, boss; first, top tóu
ideographic ancient barbarian tribes
pictophonetic extravagant, luxurious; handsome kuā
ideographic to support; to be wedged between jiā
ideographic to rob, to snatch, to take by force duó
ideographic depression, hollow, low ground kuǎng
ideographic to support; to be wedged between jiā
ideographic lady's vanity case; trousseau lián
ideographic strange, unusual, odd; uncanny, occult
ideographic but, how; to bear, to stand, to endure nài
ideographic to strive, to exert effort; to arouse fèn
pictophonetic a man's stride; a constellation kuí
ideographic to play; to memorialize; to report zòu
ideographic deed, bond, contract; to engrave
ideographic extravagant zhā
ideographic to rush about; to run, to flee bēn
pictophonetic abundant; ordered, in sequence
pictophonetic prize, reward; to award jiǎng
ideographic case, cover, envelope, wrapper tào
pictophonetic fat, stout, thick; powerful, stocky zàng
ideographic to found, to settle; to pay respects; a libation for the dead diàn
pictophonetic exaggerated; extravagant, wasteful shē
ideographic mysterious, obscure, profound; used in transliterations ào
ideographic mysterious, obscure, profound; used in transliterations ào
ideographic lady's vanity case; trousseau lián
ideographic to rob, to snatch, to take by force duó
ideographic to strive, to exert effort; to arouse fèn
pictographic woman, girl; female
ideographic slave, servant
pictophonetic milk; breasts; nurse, grandmother nǎi
pictophonetic crafty, dishonest, selfish; evil, villainous; adultery jiān
ideographic she, her
pictophonetic beautiful, colorful; girl chà
ideographic good, excellent, fine; proper, suitable; well hǎo
pictophonetic matchmaker, go-between shuò
ideographic as, as if, like, such as, supposing
ideographic wife, spouse; imperial concubine fēi
pictophonetic absurd, foolish, ignorant; rash, reckless, wild wàng
pictophonetic adornment, make-up; to dress up, to use make-up zhuāng
ideographic married woman; wife
pictophonetic mother, mama
pictophonetic to conceive; to be pregnant rèn
ideographic beautiful, handsome; seductive yán
pictophonetic jealous, envious
ideographic prostitute
pictophonetic strange, weird, supernatural; bewitching, enchanting, seductive yāo
pictophonetic mother's brother's wife jìn
pictophonetic mysterious, subtle; clever, exquisite, wonderful miào
pictophonetic adornment, make-up; to dress up, to use make-up zhuāng
pictophonetic girl niū
ideographic banquet, feast; to entertain yàn
pictophonetic one's deceased mother
pictophonetic beautiful, handsome, fair
ideographic secure, sound; satisfactory, appropriate tuǒ
pictophonetic damage, harm; to impede, to obstruct; to undermine fáng
pictophonetic charming, enchanting; to flatter, to please
ideographic old woman, hag; to protect; to brood over
pictophonetic maid, servant girl; cute girl
pictophonetic sister-in law zhóu
pictophonetic concubine of the last Shang emperor
ideographic you (female) nǎi
pictophonetic younger sister mèi
ideographic wife
ideographic concubine qiè
pictophonetic governess, matron, nanny
pictophonetic to begin, to start; beginning shǐ
pictophonetic elder sister; miss, young lady jiě
ideographic father's sister; husband's mother
pictophonetic elder brother's wife; surname
pictophonetic name, family name, surname; clan, people xìng
pictophonetic to slander, to ridicule; to go slowly; graceful shān
ideographic mistress, lover; an affair pīn
pictophonetic handsome, elegant, attractive; surname yáo
ideographic ginger; surname jiāng
pictophonetic beautiful, charming, gorgeous; pretty girl shū
pictophonetic beautiful, handsome, pretty jiāo
ideographic maternal grandmother; midwife lǎo
ideographic crafty, dishonest, selfish; evil, villainous; adultery jiān
pictophonetic aunt, mother's sister
pictophonetic niece zhí
ideographic beauty; imperial concubine
ideographic beauty; imperial concubine
pictophonetic lady héng
pictophonetic beautiful, colorful; girl chà
ideographic relatives by marriage yīn
姿 pictophonetic grace, good looks; bearing, poise, posture
ideographic might, power, prestige; to dominate wēi
ideographic baby; doll; pretty girl
ideographic a constellation; to wear; surname lóu
pictophonetic a mutual term of address for sons-in-law or brothers-in-law
pictophonetic graceful, charming, fascinating ráo
pictophonetic seductive, lovable, tender; pampered; frail jiāo
ideographic lovely, beautiful; docile, obedient luán
pictophonetic beautiful, charming, graceful pīng
pictophonetic brother's wife
pictophonetic to dance, to frolic; to lounge; to saunter suō
pictophonetic agreeable, compliant; to comply, to go along with wěi
pictophonetic mother; young girl; woman; wife niáng
pictophonetic pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
pictophonetic elegant, graceful, delicate
pictophonetic beautiful, graceful juān
pictophonetic pregnant shēn
pictophonetic younger sister; younger brother's wife
pictophonetic beautiful, pretty; good; surname é
pictophonetic childbirth, labor miǎn
pictophonetic grandmother, father's mother; a term of respect āi
pictophonetic pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
pictophonetic a goddess, the mythological sister and successor to Fuxi
pictophonetic elegant, refined, skillful xián
ideographic to marry, to take a wife
pictophonetic prostitute, harlot chāng
pictophonetic beautiful, graceful; lithe, willowy; unstable ē
ideographic a constellation; to wear; surname lóu
pictophonetic old woman; grandmother
pictophonetic amiable, graceful, tactful; restrained wǎn
pictophonetic whore, prostitute biǎo
pictophonetic handsome jié
pictophonetic to get married; marriage, wedding hūn
ideographic servant girl; maidservant
ideographic married woman; wife
ideographic modest; supple jìng
pictophonetic to covet; covetous, avaricious lán
pictophonetic a mutual term of address for sons-in-law or brothers-in-law
pictophonetic baby, infant; to bother yīng
pictophonetic beautiful, graceful, lovely, pretty chán
pictophonetic father's younger brother's wife shěn
pictophonetic attractive, graceful, pretty tíng
pictophonetic beautiful; the name of a star
婿 pictophonetic son-in-law; husband
pictophonetic go-between, matchmaker; medium méi
pictophonetic undecided ān
pictophonetic attractive, charming; to charm, to flatter mèi
pictophonetic beauty; beautiful woman yuàn
pictophonetic beautiful tuǒ
pictophonetic a goddess, the mythological sister and successor to Fuxi
pictophonetic old woman; lower-class woman ǎo
pictophonetic to marry off; to compare, to match, to pair up
pictophonetic daughter-in-law
pictophonetic concubine; escort; a maid who accompanies a bride to her new home yìng
pictophonetic ugly; an ugly woman chī
pictophonetic mother, mama
ideographic to marry; to be intimate with gòu
pictophonetic to marry, to give a daughter in marriage jià
pictophonetic sister-in-law, elder brother's wife sǎo
ideographic jealous, envious
pictophonetic to hate, to detest; to criticize; to suspect xián
pictophonetic one's daughter (honorific) ài
pictophonetic courtesan; palace maid pín
pictophonetic to patronize a prostitute; to frequent piáo
ideographic old woman, hag; to protect; to brood over
pictophonetic surname léi
pictophonetic to scorn, to despise; to be rude to, to affront mān
pictophonetic husband's mother; the lady in the moon zhāng
pictophonetic widow
pictophonetic wife, wife's child
pictophonetic captivating, charming, fascinating yān
pictophonetic a moon goddess, the lady in the moon cháng
pictophonetic soft, delicate; young, tender nèn
pictophonetic to hanker after lào
pictophonetic Huangdi's ugly concubine; ugly woman, nurse
pictophonetic lady qiáng
pictophonetic charming, enchanting; to flatter, to please
pictophonetic elegant, refined, skillful xián
pictophonetic graceful, charming, fascinating ráo
pictophonetic to enjoy; to play, to amuse oneself
pictophonetic beautiful, graceful, lovely, pretty chán
pictophonetic seductive, lovable, tender; pampered; frail jiāo
pictophonetic a favorite, a minion; to show favor; to enjoy the favor of
pictophonetic succession to the throne shàn
ideographic apt, clever; flatterer, sycophant huán
pictophonetic courtesan; palace maid pín
pictophonetic baby, infant; to bother yīng
ideographic to tease, to play, to flirt; to frolic niǎo
pictophonetic mother
pictophonetic father's younger brother's wife shěn
pictophonetic widow shuāng
pictophonetic troubled, oppressed; fat; mother niáng
pictophonetic lovely, beautiful; docile, obedient luán
pictographic son, child; seed, egg; fruit; small thing zi
pictophonetic mosquito larva jué
ideographic opening, hole, orifice; great kǒng
ideographic pregnant; pregnancy yùn
ideographic character, letter, symbol, word
pictophonetic to exist; to survive, to maintain; to keep, to store; to deposit cún
ideographic grandchild, descendent; surname sūn
ideographic to brood over eggs; to have confidence
pictophonetic diligent, hard-working
ideographic filial piety, obedience; mourning xiào
ideographic first in a series; great, eminent mèng
pictophonetic spore bāo
ideographic a quarter-year, a season; surname
pictophonetic orphaned; alone, lonely, solidary
pictophonetic one's children
ideographic learning, knowledge, science; to study, to go to school; -ology xué
ideographic cautious, cowardly, weak; an orphan zhuǎn
pictophonetic baby, child; children hái
ideographic twins luán
ideographic grandchild, descendent; surname sūn
ideographic bad, cowardly, useless; rogue, scoundrel nāo
ideographic feeble, frail, weak; unfit càn
pictophonetic to breed; to produce, to bear; to grow recklessly
ideographic to brood over eggs, to incubate, to hatch
ideographic learning, knowledge, science; to study, to go to school; -ology xué
pictophonetic child; blood relation; affection
pictophonetic bastard child; the consequence of a sin; evil niè
孿 pictophonetic twins luán
pictophonetic calm, peaceful; healthy; rather; to prefer níng
pictophonetic traitor; villain guǐ
pictophonetic residence, dwelling, home; grave zhái
pictophonetic building, house, room, structure; space, the universe
ideographic to defend, to guard, to protect; to conserve; to wait shǒu
ideographic peaceful, tranquil, quiet ān
ideographic the Song dynasty; surname sòng
pictophonetic to complete, to finish, to settle; whole wán
pictophonetic great, spacious, vast, wide hóng
pictophonetic quiet, silent, still; in good health
ideographic quarry; cave dwelling; to put someone off dàng
ideographic ancestry, clan, family, lineage; religion, sect zōng
pictophonetic space, time, space-time zhòu
ideographic to decide, to fix, to settle; to order; definite, fixed, sure dìng
pictophonetic to seem; as if; crooked wǎn
ideographic fitting, proper, right; what one should do
ideographic treasure, jewel; rare, precious bǎo
pictophonetic to love; to favor, to pamper, to spoil; concubine chǒng
pictophonetic to examine, to investigate; to judge; to try shěn
ideographic guest, traveller; customer
pictographic to proclaim, to declare, to announce; surname xuān
pictophonetic house, home; room, chamber shì
pictophonetic to forgive, to pardon, to indulge yòu
ideographic government official huàn
pictophonetic constitution, statute, law xiàn
pictophonetic palace; surname gōng
pictophonetic palace; surname gōng
ideographic to slaughter, to butcher; to govern, to rule zǎi
ideographic banquet, feast; to entertain yàn
pictophonetic night, evening, darkness xiāo
pictophonetic house, home, residence; family jiā
pictophonetic imperial palace chén
pictophonetic appearance, looks; form, figure; to contain, to hold róng
pictophonetic broad, spacious, vast, wide kuān
ideographic guest, visitor; surname; submit bīn
宿 ideographic to stop, to rest, to lodge; constellation sù, xiù
pictophonetic still, silent, quiet, desolate
pictophonetic to mail, to send, to transit; to deposit, to entrust; to rely on
ideographic secret, confidential; intimate, close; dense, thick
ideographic bandit, thief; enemy; to invade kòu
pictophonetic abundant, ample; rich, wealthy
ideographic sleep; asleep mèi
pictophonetic residence, lodge, dwelling
ideographic to sleep, to rest; bedroom qǐn
pictophonetic silent, still; lonely, solitary
pictophonetic to examine, to investigate, to observe chá
ideographic to sleep, to rest; bedroom qǐn
pictophonetic few, scarce; empty, deserted
pictophonetic few, scarce; empty, deserted liáo
pictophonetic real, true; honest, sincere shí
pictophonetic calm, peaceful; healthy; rather; to prefer níng
ideographic stockade, stronghold, outpost; brothel zhài
pictophonetic to examine, to investigate; to judge; to try shěn
pictophonetic broad, spacious, vast, wide kuān
pictophonetic shanty, hut, shack liáo
pictophonetic country, domain, world huán
pictophonetic to love; to favor, to pamper, to spoil; concubine chǒng
ideographic treasure, jewel; rare, precious bǎo
ideographic inch; small, tiny cùn
ideographic correct, right; facing, opposed duì
ideographic court, office; temple, monastery
pictophonetic to seek; to search for, to look for; ancient xún
ideographic to direct, to guide, to lead, to conduct dǎo
ideographic a handful; a pinch
寿 ideographic old age, longevity; lifespan shòu
ideographic envelope, letter; to confer, to grant; feudal fēng
pictophonetic to announce, to state
pictographic to shoot, to eject, to emit shè
ideographic the future, what will be; ready, prepared; a general jiāng
ideographic the future, what will be; ready, prepared; a general jiāng
pictophonetic concentrated, specialized; to monopolize zhuān
ideographic to honor, to respect, to venerate zūn
ideographic to seek; to search for, to look for; ancient xún
pictophonetic to prop up; to stand something up shù
ideographic correct, right; facing, opposed duì
ideographic to direct, to guide, to lead, to conduct dǎo
ideographic small, tiny, insignificant xiǎo
pictographic few, little; less; inadequate shǎo
pictophonetic small (used in place names)
ideographic sharp, pointed, acute; keen, shrewd jiān
ideographic younger brother; father's younger brother shū
ideographic cinders, ashes, dust, dirt chén
ideographic a child's toy
pictophonetic to taste; to experience, to experiment with cháng
ideographic weak, lame yóu
ideographic weak, lame wāng
pictophonetic especially, particularly yóu
ideographic shaggy dog; striped, variegated máng
pictophonetic awkward, embarrassed; to limp, to stagger
pictophonetic just, simply; to go to; to approach, near jiù
pictophonetic embarrassed; ill-at-ease gān
pictophonetic embarrassed; ill-at-ease gān
pictographic body, corpse shī
pictographic to govern, to oversee; director yǐn
ideographic ruler, tape-measure; unit of length, about 1 ft. chǐ
pictophonetic end of spine; buttocks, sacrum kāo
ideographic tail; extremity, end; back, rear wěi
尿 ideographic urine; to urinate niào
ideographic bureau, office; circumstance, game, situation
pictophonetic to break wind, to fart; the buttocks
ideographic layer, floor, story, stratum céng
ideographic legendary hero; Herculean strength
ideographic vagina; to press up to; to force
pictophonetic to live, to reside; to dwell; to sit
pictophonetic to bend, to flex; bent, crooked, crouched
ideographic building, house, shelter; room
ideographic penis; to fuck diǎo
ideographic body, corpse shī
ideographic stool, feces, dung shǐ
pictophonetic screen, shield; to put aside, to reject; to hold píng
pictophonetic wooden clogs
pictophonetic bits, crumbs, scraps; fragments; not worthwhile xiè
ideographic to open, to unfold; to extend, to stretch zhǎn
pictophonetic to defecate ē
pictophonetic class, category, type; family; affiliated, belonging to shǔ
pictophonetic to butcher, to slaughter; massacre
pictophonetic frequently, often, again and again
pictophonetic frequently, often, again and again
ideographic sandals, slippers
pictophonetic layer, floor, story, stratum céng
ideographic shoes; to walk, to tread
pictophonetic straw sandals; to tread on
pictophonetic straw sandals; to tread on
pictophonetic class, category, type; family; affiliated, belonging to shǔ
ideographic legendary hero; Herculean strength
pictographic sprout chè
pictographic mountain, hill, peak shān
pictophonetic to rise, to stand tall
pictophonetic a grassy knoll; a barren knoll
ideographic mountain range shēn
屿 pictophonetic island
pictophonetic what; how
pictophonetic the name of a mountain
pictophonetic perilous, hazardous; steep, high
pictophonetic the name of a mountain qiān
pictophonetic to diverge, to branch; the name of a mountain
pictophonetic steep, precipitous; peak cén
ideographic to diverge, to branch; junction, fork in the road chà
pictophonetic steep, sheer; rugged, rough
pictophonetic post; position gǎng
ideographic steep hill; a mountain in Hubei xiàn
pictophonetic island ào
ideographic mountain mist, mountain haze lán
ideographic island dǎo
pictophonetic rocky mountain
pictographic ridge or crest of hill gāng
pictophonetic the name of a mountain
pictophonetic a hill in Hunan gǒu
ideographic cliff; rocks; mountain yán
pictophonetic mountain peak; cave, cavern xiù
pictophonetic cape; promontory, headland jiǎ
pictophonetic mountain ridge, mountain peak lǐng
pictophonetic the Daishan mountain in Shandong dài
ideographic mountain peak; surname yuè
pictophonetic a wooded hill
pictophonetic the Min mountains; the Min river mín
ideographic beach, coast, shore àn
pictophonetic a mountain in Guangxi province dōng
岿 pictophonetic grand, stately; secure, lasting kuī
pictophonetic yellow dirt mount mǎo
pictophonetic a range of peaks in Shandong and Jiangsu
pictophonetic cave, cavern
pictophonetic foothill, mountain range xún
pictophonetic a mountain in Gansu province dòng
pictophonetic to pile, to stack; to stand tall zhì
ideographic gorge, ravine, strait; isthmus xiá
ideographic tall pointed mountain jiào
pictophonetic high, lofty, noble; perilous, steep zhēng
pictophonetic mountain range; tall pointed mountain luán
pictophonetic lofty; the name of a mountain é
ideographic valley, ravine
pictophonetic steep, precipitous, rugged qiào
pictophonetic peak, summit; a camel's hump fēng
ideographic steep hill; a mountain in Hubei xiàn
ideographic island dǎo
pictophonetic high, steep, towering; stern jùn
ideographic gorge, ravine, strait; isthmus xiá
pictophonetic Laoshan, a mountain in Shandong láo
pictophonetic a mountain in Sichuan province lái
pictophonetic the Kongtong mountain kōng
pictophonetic high, dignified; to esteem, to honor chóng
pictophonetic rough, uneven; jagged, rugged
pictophonetic the Kunlun mountains in Jiang Su province kūn
pictophonetic rocky peaks; lofty; dangerous
ideographic high, lofty, towering; surname cuī
ideographic cliff, precipice; precipitous
pictophonetic post; position gǎng
pictophonetic the Kunlun mountains in Jiangsu lún
pictophonetic towering; eminent; a sudden rise jué
pictophonetic a mountain in Shanxi guō
pictophonetic high, lofty, noble; perilous, steep zhēng
pictophonetic a mountain in Henan xiáo
pictophonetic a mountain in Kansu where the sun is supposed to set at night yān
pictophonetic tall mountain; lofty, eminent sōng
pictophonetic to rupture, to split apart; to collapse; death, demise bēng
pictophonetic new, bold; steep, high zhǎn
pictophonetic mesa, plateau
pictophonetic high, lofty, precipitous; to sprain wǎi
pictophonetic a place name in Shanxi province yǎo
pictophonetic a mountain in Henan; surname
pictophonetic a district in Zhejiang shèng
pictophonetic the Omei mountain in Sichuan méi
pictophonetic valley, ravine; to fall into; to inlay, to set in qiàn
ideographic mountain mist, mountain haze lán
pictophonetic cliff, rocks, mountain yán
pictophonetic high, lofty, steep, towering róng
pictophonetic a county in the Shandong province
pictophonetic the Goulou mountain in Hunan lǒu
pictophonetic a mountain in Zhejiang
ideographic high, lofty; one of the five peaks in Hunan sōng
pictophonetic a hill in Shantung
pictophonetic rugged, rocky, precipitous wéi
pictophonetic high, towering; rugged, irregular cuó
ideographic ridge, crest, apex
pictophonetic cliff; the barrier formed by a mountain range zhàng
pictophonetic new, bold; steep, high zhǎn
pictophonetic steep, sheer; rugged, rough
pictophonetic Laoshan, a mountain in Shandong láo
pictophonetic precipitous, steep, tall lín
ideographic mountain path dèng
pictophonetic mountainous, precipitous; a sacrificial offering guì
pictophonetic a range of peaks in Shandong and Jiangsu
pictophonetic high, steep; perilous
pictophonetic a mountain range in Hunan province
pictophonetic high, lofty, steep, towering róng
pictophonetic mountain ridge, mountain peak lǐng
pictophonetic island
pictophonetic mountain peak, summit yuè
pictophonetic a place name guī
ideographic mountain peak, mountain top diān
pictophonetic deep; lofty róng
pictophonetic high, lofty; eminent, majestic wēi
pictophonetic mountain range; tall pointed mountain luán
ideographic mountain peak, mountain top diān
pictophonetic cliff, precipice; cave, grotto yán
pictographic stream, river chuān
ideographic stream, river chuān
ideographic state, province, prefecture zhōu
pictophonetic underground river; flowing water jīng
ideographic to cruise, to inspect, to patrol xún
ideographic nest, living quarters in tree cháo
ideographic a mouse's whiskers; a horse's mane; a fish's dorsal fin liè
pictographic labor, work; laborer, worker gōng
pictographic left; unorthodox, improper zuǒ
pictophonetic skillful, ingenious, clever qiǎo
ideographic large, huge, gigantic; chief
pictophonetic to bind, to guard, to strengthen; firm, secure, strong gǒng
pictographic wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman
ideographic difference, gap; almost, nearly; in error; an officer chà
pictophonetic an atom group qiú
pictographic self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem
pictophonetic nuptial wine cup jǐn
pictographic cloth, curtain, handkerchief, towel jīn
巿 ideographic to revolve, to turn, to make a circuit
ideographic currency, coins, legal tender
ideographic cotton, linen, textiles; to announce, to declare; to spread
ideographic commander; commander-in-chief; handsome, smart shuài
pictophonetic boat; to sail fān
ideographic teacher, professional, master shī
pictophonetic a curtain that forms a wall wéi
pictophonetic tent, screen, mosquito net; debt, credit, account zhàng
ideographic treasury; public funds tǎng
pictophonetic cape, robe, skirt pèi
ideographic scarf, turban, veil, wrap
ideographic card, invite, notice; to fit snugly tiē
ideographic the flag-sign of a tavern lián
pictophonetic book jacket; satchel, bag zhì
pictographic broom, broomstick zhǒu
pictophonetic silk, fabric; wealth, property
pictophonetic flag, pennant, sign; to fasten zhì
pictographic supreme ruler, emperor; god
ideographic commander; commander-in-chief; handsome, smart shuài
ideographic belt, strap; band, ribbon; area, zone; to carry, to raise, to wear dài
pictophonetic picture, scroll; one of a pair zhèng
ideographic teacher, professional, master shī
ideographic seat, place; mat; banquet; to take a seat
ideographic to help, to assist; to support, to defend; party; gang bāng
pictophonetic to cover up; curtain chóu
pictophonetic tent, screen, mosquito net; debt, credit, account zhàng
ideographic belt, strap; band, ribbon; area, zone; to carry, to raise, to wear dài
pictophonetic curtain, screen, tent wéi
pictophonetic common, general, normal; always, frequently, regularly cháng
pictophonetic turban; conical cap
pictophonetic women's headgear; mourning cap guó
pictophonetic hat, cap mào
pictophonetic picture, scroll; one of a pair zhèng
ideographic cover-cloth; exponent, power
pictophonetic a curtain that forms a wall wéi
ideographic tent; mosquito net
ideographic piece, roll, strip; breadth, width; measure word for textiles
pictophonetic curtain, cloth screen, signboard huǎng
pictophonetic curtain, screen, tent màn
pictophonetic curtain, screen, tent; measure word for plays and shows
pictophonetic women's headgear; mourning cap guó
ideographic a cloth or silken hanging scroll zhàng
pictophonetic turban
pictophonetic flag, pennant, sign; to fasten zhì
pictophonetic pennant, banner, streamer, flag fān
pictophonetic carriage curtain; sun screen; tent; measure word for buildings chuáng
pictophonetic currency, coins, legal tender
ideographic to help, to assist; to support, to defend; party; gang bāng
pictophonetic to cover up; curtain chóu
pictographic arid, dry; to oppose; to offend; to invade gàn
pictographic 广 flat, level, even; peaceful píng
ideographic year; anniversary; a person's age nián
ideographic to combine, to annex; also, what's more bìng
ideographic favor, fortune, luck; surname xìng
pictographic arid, dry; to oppose; to offend; to invade gàn
ideographic fantasy, illusion, mirage; imaginary huàn
ideographic infant, young child; immature yòu
ideographic quiet, secluded, tranquil; dark yōu
pictographic small table; how many; a few, some
广 ideographic 广 broad, vast, wide; building, house guǎng
pictophonetic 广 to prepare; to regulate
pictophonetic 广 village, hamlet; villa, manor zhuāng
ideographic 广 to congratulate, to celebrate qìng
pictophonetic 广 cover, shield; to protect, to shelter; to harbor
ideographic 广 bed, couch; framework, chassis chuáng
pictophonetic 广 cupboard, pantry guǐ
pictophonetic 广 order, sequence, series; preface
ideographic 广 hut, cottage; the name of a mountain
pictophonetic 广 corridor, hallway; luxuriant
ideographic 广 armory, treasury, warehouse
pictophonetic 广 bottom, underside; below, underneath
pictophonetic 广 kitchen; cooking, cuisine páo
pictophonetic 广 shop, store; inn, hotel diàn
ideographic 广 temple, shrine; imperial court miào
pictophonetic 广 prefect; prefecture, government
ideographic 广 disorderly, messy; huge, big páng
pictophonetic 广 to terminate; to discard; to abgrogate fèi
pictophonetic 广 village school; teach xiáng
pictophonetic 广 shade; shelter, protection xiū
ideographic 广 degree, system; manner; to consider
ideographic 广 seat; stand, base zuò
ideographic 广 armory, treasury, warehouse
ideographic 广 court; courtyard; spacious hall or yard tíng
ideographic 广 a low-built house
ideographic 广 Buddhist monastery or nunnery ān
ideographic 广 numerous, various; multitude shù
ideographic 广 health; peace, quiet kāng
pictophonetic 广 usual, common, ordinary, mediocre yōng
pictophonetic 广 the length of one's two outstretched arms tuǒ
pictophonetic 广 granary; storehouse
pictophonetic 广 toilet, washroom; to mingle
pictophonetic 广 side-room, wing; theatre box xiāng
pictophonetic 广 stable; barnyard jiù
pictophonetic 广 large building; mansion shà
pictophonetic 广 corridor, porch, veranda láng
pictophonetic 鹿 unicorn zhì
pictophonetic 广 hut; careful jǐn
pictophonetic 广 granary áo
pictophonetic 广 broad, wide; open; empty; outline kuò
ideographic 广 deserted, empty, few; surname liào
pictophonetic 广 kitchen; closet, cupboard chú
pictophonetic 广 store, shop chán
pictophonetic 广 servant; to cause a disturbance
ideographic 广 temple, shrine; imperial court miào
pictophonetic 广 cliff; factory, workshop; building chǎng
pictophonetic 广 corridor, hallway; luxuriant
pictophonetic 广 to terminate; to discard; to abgrogate fèi
pictophonetic 广 broad, vast, wide; building, house guǎng
ideographic 广 granary, barn kuài
pictophonetic 广 office xiè
pictophonetic 广 granary; to stockpile lǐn
pictophonetic 广 granary; to stockpile lǐn
pictophonetic 广 hut, cottage; the name of a mountain
pictophonetic 广 hall, central room tīng
pictographic to walk, to go; a place yǐn
ideographic to defer, to delay, to postpone; to extend, to prolong; surname yán
pictophonetic courtyard tíng
pictophonetic to build, to erect; to establish, to found jiàn
ideographic two hands gǒng
廿 ideographic twenty, twentieth niàn
ideographic to open; to start, to initiate, to begin kāi
pictographic conical cap worn during the Zhou dynasty biàn
ideographic different, strange, unusual; foreign; surprising
ideographic to abandon, to discard, to reject; to desert; to forget
ideographic to do; to mock, to tease; to play with nòng
pictophonetic Chinese chess
ideographic evil, bad, wrong; fraud, harm
pictographic to catch, to arrest; to shoot with a bow
ideographic formula, pattern, rule, style, system shì
pictophonetic patricide, matricide shì
pictophonetic patricide, matricide shì
pictographic bow; curved, arched gōng
ideographic to suspend, to hang; to pity, to condole diào
ideographic to pull, to stretch; to draw; to attract yǐn
ideographic not, negative
pictophonetic to loosen, to relax; to unstring a bow chí
pictophonetic to display; to expand, to open; to stretch; a sheet of paper zhāng
pictophonetic complete, extensive, full; to fill
pictophonetic bow string; string instrument; hypotenuse xián
pictophonetic arc, crescent; wooden bow
pictophonetic crossbow; an arrow falling, a downward stroke
pictophonetic radian (mathematics) jìng
pictophonetic a repeating crossbow quān
ideographic bend, curve, turn wān
ideographic weak, fragile, delicate ruò
pictophonetic radian (mathematics) jìng
pictophonetic to display; to expand, to open; to stretch; a sheet of paper zhāng
pictophonetic strong, powerful, energetic qiáng
pictophonetic bullet, pellet, shell; elastic, springy dàn
pictophonetic strong, powerful, energetic qiáng
pictophonetic awkward biè
pictophonetic bullet, pellet, shell; elastic, springy dàn
pictophonetic stubborn, uncompromising jiàng
pictophonetic complete, extensive, full; to fill
pictophonetic bend, curve, turn wān
pictographic snout
ideographic to return, to go back; to return to, to revert guī
pictographic to copy, to record, to write down
ideographic hog, hedgehog, porcupine tuàn
ideographic comet; broomstick huì
pictophonetic swine zhì
ideographic to gather, to collect; confluence huì
pictophonetic to measure; to calculate yuē
pictographic hair; sunlight shān
ideographic form, shape; to appear; to describe; to look xíng
pictophonetic red, vermillion tóng
pictophonetic elegant yàn
pictophonetic elegant yàn
pictophonetic color, hue; prize; brilliant; variegated cǎi
ideographic tiger; a tiger's stripes; like a tiger biāo
pictophonetic ornamental; cultivated, refined, well-bred bīn
ideographic name of an ancient country; surname péng
pictophonetic clear, manifest, obvious zhāng
pictophonetic shadow; image, reflection; photograph yǐng
pictophonetic similar, alike; to resemble fǎng
pictophonetic agitated, restless zhōng
ideographic servant, laborer; service; to serve
pictophonetic penetrating, pervasive; to penetrate, to pass through chè
pictophonetic that, those, the other
彿 pictophonetic similar, alike; Buddhist
pictophonetic to go, to depart; past, former wǎng
pictophonetic to summon, to recruit; levy, tax; journey; invasion zhēng
pictophonetic to advance, to go; to; die
pictophonetic path, diameter; straight, direct jìng
ideographic to entertain, to receive, to treat; to delay, to wait dài
pictophonetic to follow, to comply with; to display xùn
pictophonetic very, quite, much hěn
pictophonetic to wander, to stray, to roam; to hesitate yáng
ideographic to linger, to pace; irresolute huái
ideographic statute, principle, regulation
ideographic after; behind, rear; descendants hòu
pictophonetic slowly, quietly, calmly; dignified, composed
pictophonetic path, diameter; straight, direct jìng
ideographic disciple, follower; only, merely; in vain
pictophonetic to entice, to solicit; to encourage customers to come lái
ideographic to obtain, to get, to acquire; suitable, proper; ready
pictophonetic to dither, to pace; hesitant pái
ideographic to move, to shift; to migrate
pictophonetic to linger, to walk back and forth cháng
pictophonetic from, by, since, whence, through cóng
pictophonetic to entice, to solicit; to encourage customers to come lái
pictophonetic chariot; to drive, to ride; to manage
pictophonetic doubtful, irresolute, vacillating huáng
ideographic again, repeatedly; copy, duplicate; to restore, to return
pictophonetic to obey, to follow, to comply with xún
pictophonetic conscripted labor yáo
pictophonetic to await, to expect, to hope
ideographic to summon zhēng
pictophonetic to summon, to recruit; levy, tax; journey; invasion zhēng
pictophonetic ethics, morality; compassion, kindness
pictophonetic penetrating, pervasive; to penetrate, to pass through chè
pictophonetic border, frontier; to inspect, to patrol jiǎo
pictographic heart; mind; soul xīn
pictophonetic to remember, to reflect upon; memory
pictophonetic grieving; distressed dāo
pictophonetic jealous, envious; to fear; to shun
ideographic to endure, to bear, to suffer, to tolerate rěn
pictophonetic to regret, to repent; confession, penitence chàn
ideographic nervous, timorous tǎn
ideographic fearful, nervous, timid
pictophonetic excessive (in a bad way); to err, to make a mistake
pictophonetic habit; accustomed to shì
pictophonetic to guess, to ponder, to suppose cǔn
ideographic determination, will; mark, sign; to record, to write zhì
pictophonetic to forget, to miss, to neglect, to overlook wàng
ideographic busy, hurried, pressed for time máng
pictophonetic shame, disgrace; self-depreciation tiǎn
pictophonetic to psych up; to steel one's nerves mín
pictophonetic loyalty, devotion, fidelity zhōng
pictophonetic sad, grieving; distressed, uneasy chōng
pictophonetic disobedient; stubborn; wrong
pictophonetic sad, grieving; melancholy, grief yōu
pictophonetic calm, peaceful; quiet, tranquil sōng
ideographic speedy, rapid, quick; soon kuài
pictophonetic pleased, delighted biàn
pictophonetic stubborn; perverse; aggressive zhì
pictophonetic honesty, sincerity, zeal chén
ideographic to think of, to recall; to study niàn
pictophonetic blushing, bashful, ashamed niǔ
pictophonetic pleasant, joyful, delightful xīn
pictophonetic suddenly, abruptly; to neglect
ideographic anger, wrath, hatred, enmity kài
忿 pictophonetic anger, fury; exasperation fèn
怀 pictophonetic bosom, breast; to carry in one's bosom huái
pictophonetic manner, bearing, attitude tài
pictophonetic to arouse, to incite, to instigate sǒng
pictophonetic disappointed, regretful
pictophonetic annoyed òu
pictophonetic disappointed; regretful; upset chàng
pictophonetic sad, disconsolate, broken-hearted chuàng
pictophonetic grieving chāo
pictophonetic ashamed zuò
pictophonetic what? why? how? zěn
pictophonetic discontented, dispirited, sad yàng
pictophonetic anger, passion, rage
pictophonetic frightened, startled, terrified zhēng
pictophonetic to fear, to be afraid of; apprehensive
pictophonetic frightened, terrified
pictophonetic to rely on; to presume; father (formal)
pictophonetic grieving; worried
pictophonetic to pity, to sympathize with lián
ideographic to think, to ponder, to consider; final particle
pictophonetic idle; negligent, remiss; to neglect dài
pictophonetic gladness, joy, pleasure; harmony
pictophonetic anxious, worried; hasty, quick; pressing, urgent
pictophonetic ardent, eager; impulsive, bold pēng
pictophonetic sex, nature, character; suffix converting a verb to an adjective xìng
pictophonetic to blame, to complain, to hate; enmity, resentment yuàn
pictophonetic timid, shy; bashful, ashamed
pictophonetic anxious; depressed; sorry
pictophonetic afraid, lacking in courage qiè
pictophonetic fearful, apprehensive; timid, shy chù
ideographic to gather, to collect; overall, altogether zǒng
pictophonetic hatred, resentment; to dislike, to hate duì
pictophonetic glad, pleased; to enjoy
pictophonetic that, thus; such, like so nèn
pictophonetic careful; honest, sincere; to trust xún
pictophonetic to trust, to rely on; to presume shì
ideographic constant, persistent, regular héng
pictophonetic love; to yearn for, to long for liàn
pictophonetic absent-minded; distracted; indistinct; seemingly huǎng
pictophonetic fearful, apprehensive; to fear, to dread kǒng
ideographic constant, persistent, regular héng
pictophonetic vexed
pictophonetic to excuse, to forgive, to show mercy shù
pictophonetic illness, sickness; indisposition yàng
pictophonetic anger, rage huì
pictophonetic carefree; indifferent jiá
pictophonetic to restore, to recover; great, immense, vast huī
pictophonetic indulgent; unrestrained
pictophonetic to help, to relieve, to take pity on
pictophonetic shame, humiliation; ashamed chǐ
pictophonetic ashamed
pictophonetic to dislike, to hate, to resent hèn
pictophonetic kindness, mercy, charity ēn
pictophonetic respectful, reverent
pictophonetic fearful, pained, sorrowful dòng
pictophonetic calm, peaceful; quiet, tranquil tián
pictophonetic polite, respectful, reverent gōng
ideographic to end, to cease, to put a stop to; pause, breath, rest; news
pictophonetic just, exactly, precisely; proper qià
pictophonetic sincere, earnest, cordial kěn
pictophonetic bad, evil, wicked; to hate, to loathe; foul, nauseating è
ideographic sadness, grief; to mourn, to be moved tòng
pictophonetic feeble, sickly, weak; tranquil yān
pictophonetic to enjoy; kind; joyful, content kǎi
pictophonetic anguished; sympathetic
pictophonetic angry, wrathful nǎo
ideographic to devise, to plan; to deliberate, to consult yùn
pictophonetic to instigate, to incite, to alarm yǒng
pictophonetic honest, sincere; loyal, true kǔn
pictophonetic quiet, silent, still; anxious qiāo
pictophonetic contented, gratified, pleased yuè
pictophonetic to know, to learn about, to comprehend
ideographic respectful, brotherly
pictophonetic courageous, brave; violent hàn
pictophonetic sorrowful, depressed
pictophonetic to regret, to repent, to show remorse huǐ
pictophonetic contradictory; counter to bèi
pictophonetic scared, frightened sǒng
pictophonetic to repent; to reform quān
pictophonetic to laugh at; to pity; sad; afflicted kuī
pictophonetic to apprehend, to realize, to become aware
pictophonetic distant, remote; long, far; carefree yōu
pictophonetic suffering; misfortune; trouble; to suffer huàn
pictophonetic agitated, hurried, restless cōng
pictophonetic contented, gratified, pleased yuè
ideographic active; clever, sharp; smooth
ideographic honorific for 'you' nín
pictophonetic modest; sincere què
ideographic to hang, to hoist, to suspend; hung xuán
ideographic miserly, stingy, thrifty qiān
pictophonetic to pity, to sympathize with; to grieve for mǐn
pictophonetic overcome with emotion; at a loss for words fěi
pictophonetic sorrow, sadness, grief; to be sorry bēi
pictophonetic to suffer; haggard, emaciated cuì
pictophonetic disappointed; regretful; upset chàng
pictophonetic gloomy, depressed, melancholy mèn
pictophonetic apprehensive, fearful; perturbed
pictophonetic anger, frustration xìng
pictophonetic to grieve, to lament, to mourn dào
pictophonetic sorrowful, grieving; melancholy
pictophonetic emotion, feeling, sentiment qíng
pictophonetic distressed, regretful, sad chóu
pictophonetic to frighten, to startle; surprise, alarm jīng
pictophonetic to regret, to be sorry wǎn
ideographic to confuse, to mislead; to doubt huò
pictophonetic candid, sincere; careful, earnest quán
pictophonetic cautious, careful, alert
pictophonetic dejected, discouraged wǎng
pictophonetic sad, melancholy; mournful, grieving chuò
ideographic confused, absent-minded
ideographic confused, forgetful; senile; stupid hūn
ideographic pity, regret; to rue; to begrudge
pictophonetic alarmed, agitated chǎng
pictophonetic favor, benefit, blessing, kindness huì
pictophonetic bad, evil, wicked; to hate, to loathe; foul, nauseating è
pictophonetic to think of, to remember, to miss diàn
pictophonetic to fear, to dread
pictophonetic miserable, wretched; cruel, inhuman cǎn
pictophonetic to discipline, to punish, to reprimand, to warn chéng
pictophonetic tired, weary, fatigued bèi
pictophonetic satisfied, comfortable, cheerful qiè
pictophonetic ashamed, humiliated; shameful cán
pictophonetic to fear, to dread; to dislike, to avoid dàn
pictophonetic habit, custom; habitual, usual guàn
pictophonetic lazy, idle, indolent; careless duò
pictophonetic angry, wrathful nǎo
pictophonetic to believe, to wish for; to consider, to plan, to think xiǎng
pictophonetic nervous, apprehensive zhuì
pictophonetic anxious, nervous, uneasy huáng
pictophonetic to incite, to irritate, to offend, to vex
ideographic intelligent, clever, astute xīng
pictophonetic anguished; sympathetic
pictophonetic anxious; blushing; to change one's countenance qiǎo
pictophonetic anxious, worried chóu
pictophonetic error, fault, mistake, transgression qiān
pictophonetic to recover, to heal; more and more
pictophonetic pleasant, delightful; to please
pictophonetic to pity, to sympathize with mǐn
ideographic stubborn, obstinate, headstrong
pictophonetic thought, idea, opinion; desire, wish; meaning, intention
pictophonetic startled, alarmed, astonished è
pictophonetic stupid, foolish
ideographic to love, to like, to be fond of; love, affection ài
pictophonetic satisfied, comfortable, cheerful qiè
ideographic to affect, to move, to touch; to perceive, to sense gǎn
pictophonetic angry, indignant; resentful, sulking yùn
pictophonetic dazed, stupefied lèng
pictophonetic anger, indignation; to hate, to resent fèn
pictophonetic confused, muddle-headed; troubled kuì
pictophonetic ashamed, regretful; the pangs of conscience kuì
ideographic sincere, honest, guileless
pictophonetic sad, disconsolate, broken-hearted chuàng
pictophonetic to enjoy; kind; joyful, content kǎi
ideographic anger, wrath, hatred, enmity kài
pictophonetic desire, wish; honest, virtuous; ready, willing yuàn
ideographic chestnut tree; chestnuts; surname
pictophonetic gentle, humane, kind, merciful
pictophonetic satisfied, content qiàn
pictophonetic manner, bearing, attitude tài
pictophonetic frantic, nervous, panicked huāng
pictophonetic cautious, prudent shèn
pictophonetic afraid, scared; to frighten, to intimidate shè
pictophonetic to admire, to desire, to long for
pictophonetic miserable, wretched; cruel, inhuman cǎn
pictophonetic ashamed, humiliated; shameful cán
ideographic an evil thought; sin, vice
ideographic sadness, grief; to mourn, to be moved tòng
pictophonetic slowly, leisurely; sluggish màn
pictophonetic habit, custom; habitual, usual guàn
pictophonetic bright, intelligent; intelligence huì
pictophonetic sigh, regret, lament; generosity kǎi
pictophonetic annoyed òu
pictophonetic to arouse, to incite, to instigate sǒng
ideographic anxious, concerned, worried
pictophonetic to calm, to comfort, to reassure wèi
ideographic miserly, stingy, thrifty qiān
pictophonetic lazy, indolent; easy-going yōng
ideographic to congratulate, to celebrate qìng
pictophonetic ardent, fervent; generous, magnanimous kāng
ideographic grief, mourning; relative; related to
ideographic passion, desire, lust; appetite
pictophonetic sad, grieving; melancholy, grief yōu
pictophonetic tired, weary, fatigued bèi
pictophonetic to stifle, to restrain, to choke; to suppress one's inner feelings biē
pictophonetic to abhor, to detest, to hate zēng
pictophonetic to pity, to sympathize with lián
pictophonetic to lean on; to rely on píng
pictophonetic worn-out, haggard, emaciated qiáo
pictophonetic to fear, to dread; to dislike, to avoid dàn
pictophonetic to dislike; to abhor, to hate duì
pictophonetic anger, indignation; to hate, to resent fèn
pictophonetic indecisive, irresolute; to yearn for chōng
pictophonetic silly, foolish; coquettish hān
pictophonetic to rest
pictophonetic to pity, to sympathize with; to grieve for mǐn
pictophonetic to rouse, to awaken; to become conscious jǐng
ideographic constitution, statute, law xiàn
pictophonetic to remember, to reflect upon; memory
ideographic painful; privation, suffering chù
pictophonetic anxious, brooding náo
pictophonetic regret, remorse hàn
pictophonetic to understand, to know dǒng
pictophonetic sincere, earnest, cordial kěn
pictophonetic idle, relaxed; negligent, remiss xiè
pictophonetic should, must; to respond, to handle; to deal with, to cope yīng
pictophonetic vexed; regretful; nervous ào
pictophonetic grand, majestic, splendid mào
ideographic sad, sorrowful, sick at heart mèn
pictophonetic lazy, languid, listless lǎn
pictophonetic afraid of; in awe of lǐn
pictophonetic to cover; to deceive; Mongolia méng
pictophonetic hatred, resentment; to dislike, to hate duì
ideographic sad, sorrowful, sick at heart mèn
pictophonetic weak, timid, cowardly nuò
pictophonetic feeble, sickly, weak; tranquil yān
pictophonetic calm, liesurely; to procrastinate yǒu
pictophonetic to discipline, to punish, to reprimand, to warn chéng
pictophonetic stupid, ignorant, dull měng
pictophonetic lazy, languid, listless lǎn
pictophonetic bosom, breast; to carry in one's bosom huái
ideographic to hang, to hoist, to suspend; hung xuán
pictophonetic to regret, to repent; confession, penitence chàn
pictophonetic to fear, to dread
pictophonetic afraid, scared; to frighten, to intimidate shè
pictophonetic admirable, esteemed, virtuous
pictophonetic love; to yearn for, to long for liàn
pictophonetic stupid, simple, simple-minded gàng
pictophonetic stupid, simple, simple-minded gàng
pictographic spear, lance, halberd
pictographic halberd, battle-axe yuè
ideographic to garrison, to defend the border shù
ideographic arms, armaments; military affairs róng
ideographic play, show, theater
ideographic I, me, my; our, us
ideographic to warn, to admonish; to swear off, to avoid jiè
ideographic small, narrow; tiny, little jiān
pictophonetic to kill, to slay; to wound, to injure qiāng
ideographic or, either, else; maybe, perhaps, possibly huò
pictophonetic to support qiāng
pictophonetic war, fighting, battle zhàn
ideographic ashamed, grieving; related to; relative
ideographic lance; to lightly tap or strike jiá
ideographic a double-bladed axe
pictophonetic sword; potter's clay; to gather zhī
pictophonetic to subjugate, to subdue, to quell, to kill kān
pictophonetic to collect oneself; to put away, to store
pictophonetic to infringe upon a trademark gài
pictophonetic a steelyard balance for weighing money děng
pictophonetic to support qiāng
ideographic to cut off, to obstruct, to stop; segment; intersection jié
pictophonetic to exterminate, to destroy; blessing jiǎn
pictophonetic to kill, to massacre; to oppress
pictophonetic war, fighting, battle zhàn
pictophonetic to pierce, to prick, to stab; stamp, seal chuō
pictographic door; family
pictographic door; family
pictophonetic to bale out; to irrigate
ideographic perverse, rebellious, recalcitrant
pictophonetic building, house, room fáng
ideographic place, location; "that which", a particle introducing a passive clause suǒ
pictophonetic door latch diàn
pictophonetic door latch, crossbar jiōng
ideographic screen door
ideographic fan; panel; to flap shàn
pictophonetic escort, retinue; insolent
pictophonetic door panel fēi
pictographic hand shǒu
pictographic hand shǒu
ideographic ability, talent, gift; just, only cái
ideographic to bind, to wrap; to pierce; to stop zhā
pictophonetic to attack, to beat, to hit, to strike
pictophonetic to scratch, to dig up; to crouch, to crawl
pictophonetic to attack, to beat, to hit, to strike
pictophonetic to throw, to hurl, to cast away rēng
pictophonetic shake off, brush away; dust fǎn
ideographic to raise, to support; to entrust, to rely on tuō
ideographic to lift; to carry on one's shoulders káng
pictophonetic to clean, to rub
pictophonetic to detain; to knock, to tap; button kòu
pictophonetic to probe, to poke, to pierce, to pick at qiān
ideographic to execute; to grasp, to hold; to keep; to sieze, to detain zhí
pictophonetic to expand, to stretch, to magnify kuò
pictophonetic to stoke, to pat; to grope, to feel mén
ideographic to clean, to sweep, to wipe away; to weed out; to wipe out sǎo
pictophonetic to flutter, to wave; to hoist, to raise; to praise yáng
pictophonetic to turn, to twist, to wrench; to grasp, to seize niǔ
pictophonetic costume, disguise; to dress up bàn
pictophonetic to rip, to tear; to haul; casual talk chě
pictophonetic to poke, to disturb, to annoy, to agitate rǎo
pictophonetic to drag, to pull; to twist bān
pictophonetic to support, to protect, to help
pictophonetic comment, criticism; batch, lot; wholesale
pictophonetic to clutch, to grasp; to choke, to strangle è
ideographic to search for, to look for, to find; change (as in money) zhǎo
ideographic to undertake, to bear, to accept a duty; inheritance chéng
pictophonetic ability, talent; skill, technique
pictophonetic to cheer, to clap biàn
pictophonetic copy, plagiarism; to confiscate, to seize chāo
ideographic to select, to choose; to pluck, to gouge jué
pictophonetic to grasp, to hold; to guard, to take; handle
pictophonetic to curb, to hinder; to keep down, to repress
pictophonetic to express; to pour out shū
ideographic to clutch, to grab, to seize zhuā
pictophonetic to pitch, to throw; to bid, to invest tóu
pictophonetic to tremble, to shake, to rouse dǒu
ideographic to defy, to fight, to resist kàng
ideographic to break, to snap; to fold, to bend; to bow; humble zhé
pictophonetic to pat, to console; to stroke, to caress
pictophonetic to abandon, to throw away; to fling, to toss pāo
pictophonetic to roll around in one's hand; to model tuán
pictophonetic to lift, to raise; tight-fisted kōu
pictophonetic to swing, to flourish, to brandish lūn
pictophonetic urgent, rushed; to rob, to plunder qiǎng
ideographic to defend, to guard, to protect; shelter; endorse
ideographic to announce, to report; newspaper; payback, revenge bào
pictophonetic to impeach; to criticize pēng
ideographic to wear; to split, to crack
pictophonetic to carry, to lift, to raise tái
ideographic to embrace, to hold in one's arms; to enfold bào
pictophonetic to resist; to arrive; mortgage
pictophonetic to apply; to erase, to smear, to wipe off
pictophonetic to pull chēn
pictophonetic to arrest, to detain; to deposit, to pledge; mortgage
pictophonetic to draw out, to pull out; to sprout chōu
pictophonetic to press, to smooth; to purse the lips mǐn
pictophonetic to shake off, to brush away; dust
pictophonetic post; to lean on; to prod, to ridicule zhǔ
pictophonetic to bear, to carry; burden, responsibility dān
pictophonetic to break open, to split up, to tear apart chāi
pictophonetic thumb; big toe
ideographic to pick up with the fingers; to draw lots niān
pictophonetic to pull, to drag; to seize, to hold; to lengthen; to play (a violin)
pictophonetic to pat, to slap, to tap; the handle of a vessel
pictophonetic to abandon, to throw away; to fling, to toss pāo
pictophonetic to mix bàn
pictophonetic to clap, to tap; to hit, to beat, to slap; beat, rhythm pāi
pictophonetic to lift, to haul, to take līn
ideographic to kidnap, to abduct; to turn; crutch guǎi
pictophonetic to clamp, to pin down, to tie down qián
pictophonetic to defend, to ward off; to refuse
pictophonetic to develop, to expand, to open up
pictophonetic to uproot, to pull out; to select, to promote
pictophonetic to drag, to haul, to tow; to delay tuō
pictophonetic to pull, to drag; perverse, obstinate; bent, warped ǎo
pictophonetic to detain, to restrain, to seize
pictophonetic awkward, clumsy; dull, stupid zhuō
pictophonetic to reject, to disregard, to go all out pàn
ideographic to summon; to recruit; to levy zhāo
ideographic to bow, to salute; to worship, to pay respects bài
pictophonetic to draft, to plan; to intend
pictophonetic to collect, to bring together lǒng
pictophonetic to choose, to select; to gather, to pick up jiǎn
pictophonetic to have, to hold; to embrace, to hug; to flock, to throng yōng
pictophonetic to block, to hinder, to obstruct lán
pictophonetic screw, wrench; to pinch, to twist, to wring níng
ideographic to stir, to move, to distribute, to allocate
pictophonetic to embrace, to enclose, to include kuò
pictophonetic to wipe away stains with a cloth shì
pictophonetic busy, occupied; to pursue jié
ideographic to aid, to help; to lift, to raise zhěng
pictophonetic to salute, to bow; arched; arch gǒng
pictophonetic fist; various forms of boxing quán
pictophonetic to fasten, to bind shuān
pictophonetic to squeeze, to press hard, to force
ideographic to torture, to interrogate; to beat, to flog kǎo
pictophonetic to link, to join together; to incorporate pīn
ideographic to drag, to tow; to throw; to twist zhuāi
ideographic to collect, to pick up, to tidy up; ten (bankers' anti-fraud numeral) shí
pictophonetic to bring, to grasp, to hold, to take
pictophonetic to hold, to support, to sustain chí
pictophonetic to suspend, to put up, to hang; suspense guà
ideographic finger, toe; to point, to indicate zhǐ
pictophonetic to assist, to help; to lead by hand qiè
pictophonetic to check, to control, to push, to restrain àn
pictophonetic to carry kuà
pictophonetic to select, to choose; picky, choosy; a load tiāo
ideographic to dig, to excavate
ideographic sincere, warm, cordial; surname zhì
pictophonetic tangled, entwined; crooked luán
pictophonetic to beat; to strike
pictophonetic to whip, to flog, to chastise
ideographic to seize; to hold to one's bosom xié
pictophonetic to yield; to scratch, to disturb náo
ideographic to block, to obstruct; to get in the way; cover, guard dǎng
pictophonetic to correct jiǎo
ideographic to struggle, to strive, to endeavor zhēng
pictophonetic to squeeze, to push against; crowded
ideographic to direct; to squander; to wave; to wipe away huī
pictophonetic close by, near, next to, towards, against; to lean on; to wait āi
pictophonetic to shift, to move nuó
pictophonetic to check, to obstruct, to push down cuò
pictophonetic to arouse, to excite; to rouse, to shake zhèn
pictophonetic to feel or fondle with the fingers
pictophonetic to bale out; to pour
pictophonetic to straighten, to stand upright; rigid, stiff tǐng
pictophonetic to pull, to lead; to pull back, to draw a bow wǎn
ideographic to seize; to hold to one's bosom xié
ideographic to resist
pictophonetic to gather, to sort jùn
pictophonetic to jab, to poke tǒng
pictophonetic to bind, to tie, to truss up; a bundle kǔn
pictophonetic to clutch, to grasp, to seize zhuō
ideographic to gather, to pluck; to rub off, to scrape
ideographic to split, to break open; eight (bankers' anti-fraud numeral)
pictophonetic to defend, to guard; to ward off hàn
pictophonetic to carry, to take; to select shāo
pictophonetic to knead, to mold, to pinch niē
pictophonetic to give, to donate; to give up, to renounce juān
pictophonetic to arrest, to catch, to seize
pictophonetic to dredge up; to fish for; to scoop out of the water lāo
pictophonetic to damage, to harm sǔn
pictophonetic to pick up, to gather, to collect jiǎn
pictophonetic to change; to exchange, to swap, to trade huàn
pictophonetic to thresh, to pound; to stir, to disturb; to attack dǎo
ideographic to hold or offer with both hands pěng
pictophonetic house, dwelling; to reside, to dwell; to abandon, to give up shě
pictophonetic to twist, to tear, to snap liè
pictophonetic to stoke, to pat; to grope, to feel mén
pictophonetic to open up, to spread out bǎi
pictophonetic to possess, to occupy; position; base
pictophonetic to put off, to procrastinate; to endure ái
pictophonetic curl, roll up; curly, rolled up juǎn
pictophonetic to beat, to lash, to strike with a cane chuí
pictophonetic nimble, quick; triumph, victory jié
pictophonetic to press down firmly with the fingers
pictophonetic to twist or nip with the fingers niǎn
pictophonetic to stir up; to turn over xiān
pictophonetic to heft, to weigh; to hold in the palm diān
ideographic to clean, to sweep, to wipe away; to weed out; to wipe out sǎo
pictophonetic to swing, to flourish, to brandish lūn
pictophonetic to pick up, to gather, to collect duō
pictophonetic to award, to confer, to instruct, to teach shòu
pictophonetic to drop, to fall, to remove diào
pictophonetic to extract; to injure póu
pictophonetic in charge; the palm of the hand, the sole of the foot zhǎng
pictophonetic to pull, to drag; to drag one's feet
pictophonetic to take out; to pull out; to clean out tāo
pictophonetic to hold, to choke; to gather in one hand qiā
pictophonetic row, rank, file; to eliminate, to remove pái
pictophonetic to tuck, to fold; to support
pictophonetic to dig, to excavate jué
ideographic to struggle, to strive, to endeavor zhēng
pictophonetic to suspend, to put up, to hang; suspense guà
pictophonetic to pillage, to ransack lüè
pictophonetic to collect, to gather; to pick, to pluck cǎi
pictophonetic to find, to locate; to grope for, to search for tàn
pictophonetic to pull, to drag; to hinder, to pull back chè
pictophonetic to connect, to join; to receive, to meet, to answer the phone jiē
pictophonetic to accuse, to charge; to control; to sue kòng
pictophonetic to push; to expel; to drive; to decline tuī
pictophonetic to cover up (with a hand); to ambush, to conceal; to shut yǎn
pictophonetic to arrange; to execute on; to manage cuò
ideographic to grasp or hold with both hands
pictophonetic to manipulate tiàn
ideographic to bear on the shoulders qián
ideographic to rip, to tear bāi
ideographic to pickpocket
ideographic to capture, to seize
pictophonetic to slap, to box one's ears guāi
pictophonetic to throw, to hurl, to fling, to cast zhì
pictophonetic to dust; a duster dǎn
pictophonetic to mix, to blend, to adulterate càn
pictophonetic to fling, to smash; to know, to be familiar guàn
pictophonetic a general designation of officials yuàn
pictophonetic to choose, to select; to gather, to pick up jiǎn
pictophonetic to lift, to raise; to praise; to hang, to flap
pictophonetic to consider, to estimate kuí
ideographic to massage, to knead; to crush by hand róu
pictophonetic to hit, to beat; to smash, to break zòu
pictophonetic to pull up one's sleeves; to prepare to fight xuān
pictophonetic to copy, to depict, to sketch, to trace miáo
pictophonetic to hold in the hand; to lift, to raise
pictophonetic to insert, to stick in; to pierce; to plant chā
pictophonetic to bow, to salute; to defer, to yield
pictophonetic to flutter, to wave; to hoist, to raise; to praise yáng
pictophonetic to change; to exchange, to swap, to trade huàn
pictophonetic to cover, to conceal; to apply medicine or make-up ǎn
pictophonetic to weed out, to pull up, to eradicate
pictophonetic to grasp, to hold, to take by the hand
pictophonetic to stow in one's clothes; to estimate, to guess, to figure chuāi
pictophonetic to wipe, to rub, to dust, to clean kāi
pictophonetic to pinch, to grasp jiū
pictophonetic to lift off a cover; to reveal, to divulge; surname jiē
ideographic to direct; to squander; to wave; to wipe away huī
pictophonetic to sort out divining stalks dié
ideographic to assist; to lead; to quote, to cite yuán
pictophonetic to ridicule, to poke fun at
pictophonetic handful; to grasp, to seize zhā
pictophonetic to grasp; to monopolize; to seize lǎn
pictophonetic to press qìn
pictophonetic to mix; to support, to sustain, to lend a hand chān
pictophonetic to place, to lay down; to delay
pictophonetic to embrace, to hug; to drag, to pull lǒu
pictophonetic to annoy, to disturb, to stir up jiǎo
pictophonetic to thump chuāi
pictophonetic to dab, to sop up, to wipe away tears zhǎn
pictophonetic to damage, to harm sǔn
pictophonetic combat; to fight; to strike
pictophonetic cramp, spasm; to convulse, to twitch chù
pictophonetic to rub or roll between the hands cuō
ideographic to scratch sāo
pictophonetic to rock, to shake; to swing, to wave yáo
pictophonetic to thresh, to pound; to stir, to disturb; to attack dǎo
ideographic to pick up with chopsticks jiān
pictophonetic to seek, to search, to investigate sōu
pictophonetic to do, to fix, to make, to settle gǎo
pictophonetic to daub; to thrust shuò
pictophonetic to push over; to push back sǎng
pictophonetic to grasp, to seize; to challenge, to provoke nuò
pictophonetic to parry, to block; to ward off, to evade táng
pictophonetic to move, to remove, to shift, to transfer bān
pictophonetic to attach, to build, to join
pictophonetic to extract; to pluck; to seize qiān
pictophonetic urgent, rushed; to rob, to plunder qiǎng
pictophonetic to carry, to lead, to take by the hand xié
pictophonetic to wipe, to smear, to rub, to anoint chá
ideographic to hug
pictophonetic to conceal, to hide; to cover with a hand
pictophonetic to press with a finger èn
pictophonetic to absorb, to take in; to photograph; to act on behalf of shè
pictophonetic to disperse, to spread, to vent; to send forth shū
pictophonetic to arrange, to display; pendulum, swing bǎi
pictophonetic to rock, to shake; to swing, to wave yáo
pictophonetic to exclude, to expel, to reject; to usher bìn
pictophonetic to spread out, to open, to allot; a merchant's stand tān
pictophonetic to slap, to box one's ears guāi
pictophonetic to expel, to cast off; to arrange bǐng
pictophonetic to fall, to stumble, to trip shuāi
ideographic to pick, to pluck, to select, to take zhāi
ideographic to pile up luò
pictophonetic to embrace, to hug; to drag, to pull lǒu
pictophonetic to destroy, to wreck cuī
pictophonetic to scour, to rub, to grind; friction
pictophonetic to gather, to pick up zhí
ideographic sincere, warm, cordial; surname zhì
pictophonetic to lift, to raise; tight-fisted kōu
pictophonetic to roll around in one's hand; to model tuán
pictophonetic to caress, to stroke, to gently touch
pictophonetic to trace; to imitate, to copy; pattern
ideographic to bend, to fold; curved, twisted zhé
pictophonetic to mix, to blend, to adulterate càn
pictophonetic to sign, to signal; to throw biāo
pictophonetic to put down, to put aside, to drop liào
pictophonetic to offend, to oppose, to run counter to yīng
pictophonetic to snap, to break; to protrude; to pout juē
pictophonetic to abandon, to discard piē
pictophonetic to dredge up; to fish for; to scoop out of the water lāo
pictophonetic to support, to prop up, to brace; overflowing chēng
pictophonetic to support, to prop up, to brace; overflowing chēng
ideographic to disperse, to let go, to relax
pictophonetic to yield; to scratch, to disturb náo
pictophonetic to rip, to tear; to buy cloth
pictophonetic hàn
pictophonetic to cut down, to reduce, to regulate; to rein in spending zǔn
pictophonetic to bump into, to collide, to hit, to knock against zhuàng
pictophonetic to dust; a duster dǎn
ideographic to stir, to move, to distribute, to allocate
pictophonetic to lift, to raise; to provoke, to tease; to push aside clothing liāo
pictophonetic to pat, to console; to stroke, to caress
pictophonetic to lift, to raise, to pry off a lid qiào
ideographic to sow seeds, to scatter; to broadcast, to spread
pictophonetic dash, pinch, small amount cuō
pictophonetic to compose, to write zhuàn
pictophonetic to attack, to beat, to hit, to strike
pictophonetic to press qìn
pictophonetic to drive away, to expel, to oust niǎn
pictophonetic to pick up, to gather, to acquire; to hold in one's lap xié
pictophonetic to reprimand; to fire an employee
pictophonetic rush, hurry; to stir up, to urge; to fling, to throw cuān
pictophonetic to whip, to flog, to chastise
pictophonetic to incite, to move, to shake hàn
pictophonetic to beat; to strike
pictophonetic to pick up, to gather, to collect jiǎn
pictophonetic to roll or knead dough gǎn
pictophonetic to have, to hold; to embrace, to hug; to flock, to throng yōng
pictophonetic to rub, to grind; to use a mortar and pestle léi
ideographic to capture, to seize
pictophonetic to claim, to monopolize; arbitrary shàn
pictophonetic to select, to choose
ideographic to strike, to hit, to beat; to attack, to fight
ideographic to block, to obstruct; to get in the way; cover, guard dǎng
pictophonetic to conduct, to manage, to run cāo
pictophonetic to lift; to support, to hold up qíng
ideographic to wear, to put on armor huàn
ideographic to arrest, to capture, to seize qín
pictophonetic to bear, to carry; burden, responsibility dān
pictophonetic to beat the breast
pictophonetic thumb; to rip, to tear; to split, to analyze bāi
pictophonetic to possess, to occupy; position; base
pictophonetic to tremble, to shake, to quake, to flutter sǒu
pictophonetic to squeeze, to push against; crowded
ideographic to raise, to lift, to carry tái
pictophonetic to pull up, to raise; to select zhuó
ideographic to blow the nose with fingers xǐng
pictophonetic to clean, to erase, to polish; a brush
pictophonetic to draft, to plan; to intend
pictophonetic to exclude, to expel, to reject; to usher bìn
pictophonetic screw, wrench; to pinch, to twist, to wring níng
pictophonetic to place, to lay down; to delay
pictophonetic to throw, to hurl, to fling, to cast zhì
pictophonetic to expand, to stretch, to magnify kuò
pictophonetic to pick up, to gather, to acquire; to hold in one's lap xié
pictophonetic to arrange, to display; pendulum, swing bǎi
pictophonetic to tremble, to shake, to quake, to flutter sǒu
pictophonetic to reprimand; to fire an employee
pictophonetic to poke, to disturb, to annoy, to agitate rǎo
ideographic to select, to pick out; to discard
pictophonetic to climb, to hang on, to pull up pān
pictophonetic to drive away, to expel, to oust niǎn
ideographic to urge, to beckon huō
pictophonetic to collect, to bring together lǒng
pictophonetic to save, to hoard zǎn
pictophonetic to block, to hinder, to obstruct lán
pictophonetic to usurp, to seize; to repel rǎng
pictophonetic to mix; to support, to sustain, to lend a hand chān
pictophonetic rush, hurry; to stir up, to urge; to fling, to throw cuān
pictophonetic to carry, to lead, to take by the hand xié
pictophonetic to absorb, to take in; to photograph; to act on behalf of shè
pictophonetic to save, to hoard zǎn
pictophonetic tangled, entwined; crooked luán
pictophonetic to spread out, to open, to allot; a merchant's stand tān
pictophonetic to hold, to grip, to grasp zuàn
pictophonetic to annoy, to disturb, to stir up jiǎo
pictophonetic to snatch, to sieze, to rob jué
pictophonetic to grasp; to monopolize; to seize lǎn
pictophonetic to fend off; to stab nǎng
ideographic to support, to sustain; to withdraw, to pay; a branch (of a bank) zhī
pictographic to rap, to tap
pictographic to rap, to tap; script; to let go
pictophonetic to collect, to gather, to harvest shōu
ideographic to alter, to change, to improve, to remodel gǎi
pictophonetic to accuse; to assault; to criticize gōng
pictophonetic to release, to liberate, to free fàng
pictophonetic government, politics zhèng
pictophonetic robust, strong, vigorous mǐn
ideographic to put forth effort
pictophonetic reason, cause; happening, instance
pictophonetic result, effect; effective xiào
pictophonetic to pacify, to soothe; to stabilize
pictophonetic enemy, foe, rival; to match; to resist
pictophonetic fast, quick; clever, smart mǐn
pictophonetic aid, help; to rescue, to save jiù
pictophonetic an imperial order or decree chì
pictophonetic failure; to decline, to fail, to suffer defeat bài
pictophonetic to express, to state; to relate, to narrate
pictophonetic school, education jiào
pictophonetic to collect, to extort liǎn
pictophonetic to break, to destroy; ruined, tattered
pictophonetic wide, open, spacious chǎng
ideographic bold, brave; to dare, to venture gǎn
ideographic to scatter, to disperse, to break up sàn
pictophonetic honest, candid, sincere; kind-hearted; to esteem dūn
pictophonetic to weigh; to cut; to enter without being invited duó
pictophonetic count, number, several shù
pictophonetic to hammer, to pound, to strike qiāo
pictophonetic neat, orderly, whole; to repair, to mend zhěng
pictophonetic enemy, foe, rival; to match; to resist
pictophonetic to apply, to paint, to spread
pictophonetic count, number, several shù
pictophonetic remote, far away; preeminent xiòng
pictophonetic to collect, to extort liǎn
pictophonetic to kill; to die a violent death
pictographic culture, literature, writing wén
pictophonetic to fast, to abstain; a vegetarian diet zhāi
pictophonetic ornamental, refined bīn
pictophonetic graceful, elegant, beautiful fěi
ideographic freckled, mottled, spotted, striped bān
pictophonetic multicolored lán
pictophonetic multicolored lán
ideographic to struggle, to fight, to contend; measuring cup dòu
ideographic ingredients, materials; to conjecture, to guess liào
pictophonetic ancient measuring vessel; unit of volume, about 50 liters
pictophonetic slanting, sloping, inclined xié
pictophonetic to deliberate, to gauge; to pour wine or tea zhēn
ideographic to scold, to upbraid; to accuse, to blame; to reproach chì
pictophonetic yín
pictophonetic axe, hatchet; to chop, to hew
pictophonetic to chop, to cut, to sever; to behead zhǎn
pictophonetic to chop, to cut, to lop off zhuó
pictophonetic to chop, to cut, to sever; to behead zhǎn
ideographic to sever, to cut off, to interrupt duàn
ideographic new, recent, fresh, modern xīn
ideographic to chop, to hack; to cut wood zhuó
ideographic to sever, to cut off, to interrupt duàn
pictophonetic side; beside, close, nearby páng
pictophonetic felt; a silk banner on a bent pole zhān
ideographic old; an ancient pelt flag máo
ideographic journey, trip; to travel
pictophonetic banner, flag; ornament pèi
pictophonetic to announce, to state
ideographic to revolve, to orbit, to return xuán
pictophonetic to signal; a flag adorned with feathers jīng
pictophonetic romantic; the fluttering of a flag
ideographic race, nationality, ethnicity; tribe, clan
pictophonetic tassels, fringes; pearls studding a crown liú
pictophonetic romantic; tender, charming
pictophonetic banner, flag, streamer
ideographic already, since, then; both; de facto
pictographic sun; day; daytime
ideographic dawn; morning; day dàn
ideographic old, ancient; former, past jiù
ideographic aim, intention, purpose, will zhǐ
ideographic early; soon; morning zǎo
ideographic ten-day period; period of time xún
pictophonetic the rising sun; brilliant, radiant
pictophonetic sunset, dusk; evening gàn
ideographic dry; drought; desert hàn
pictophonetic daylight, sunlight tái
pictophonetic time, season; period, era, age shí
ideographic broad, vast, wide; empty kuàng
pictophonetic to flourish, to prosper; prosperous wàng
pictophonetic sunlight; surname yún
pictophonetic to rise; proud, bold, upright áng
ideographic afternoon; in decline
ideographic elder brother; descendants kūn
ideographic rise, ascent; to raise, to exalt shēng
pictophonetic dawn, daybreak; to appear fǎng
ideographic summertime; sky, heaven hào
ideographic sunlight; good, proper; prosperous chāng
ideographic bright, clear; to explain, to understand, to shed light míng
ideographic dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark; to faint, to lose consciousness hūn
ideographic past, former; ancient
pictophonetic day, dawn, early morning xīn
ideographic cloudy, overcast tán
ideographic bright, glorious; to expand, to open up yáng
pictophonetic star, planet; a point of light xīng
pictophonetic to project; to reflect; to shine yìng
pictophonetic springtime; joyful, lustful, wanton chūn
pictophonetic dark, hidden, obscure mèi
pictophonetic yesterday; formerly, in the past zuó
pictophonetic warm
pictophonetic dusk; dark, confused; stupid hūn
pictophonetic bright, luminous; clear, manifest zhāo
ideographic to be; indeed, right, yes; okay shì
pictophonetic bright, dazzling; sunlight
pictophonetic one of the 28 constellations mǎo
pictophonetic close, intimate; to approach
ideographic bright, clear; extended chǎng
ideographic warm, a warm meal wēn
ideographic daytime, daylight zhòu
pictophonetic clear, evident; prominent; to show xiǎn
pictophonetic morning, dawn; surname cháo
pictophonetic time, season; period, era, age shí
pictophonetic bright, dazzling; to shake, to sway huǎng
ideographic to advance; to increase; to promote jìn
ideographic to advance; to increase; to promote jìn
pictophonetic noon, midday; moment shǎng
ideographic peaceful, tranquil, quiet; clear; late in the day yàn
pictophonetic to dry in the sun; to expose to the sun shài
pictophonetic dawn; clear, explicit, known xiǎo
ideographic bright, radiant; thriving
pictophonetic dizzy, faint, foggy; to see stars yūn
pictophonetic sunshine; light; bright, radiant huī
pictophonetic twilight before dawn hán
ideographic night, evening; late wǎn
pictophonetic daytime, daylight zhòu
pictophonetic bright, clear, splendid chéng
pictophonetic late afternoon
pictophonetic to meet; to interview with
pictophonetic dark, obscure, unclear; night huì
pictophonetic dawn, early morning chén
pictophonetic a child's first birthday zuì
ideographic widespread, universal, general
ideographic scenery, view; conditions, circumstances jǐng
pictophonetic clear, evident
pictophonetic clear weather, fine weather qíng
ideographic crystal; bright, clear, radiant jīng
pictophonetic the sun's shadow; sundial; time guǐ
ideographic wisdom, knowledge, intelligence zhì
pictophonetic to air-dry; to sun-dry liàng
pictophonetic temporary zàn
pictophonetic warm, genial; comfortable xuān
pictophonetic declining (as of the sun)
pictophonetic leisure, relaxation, spare time xiá
pictophonetic dizzy, faint, foggy; to see stars yūn
pictophonetic sunshine; light; bright, radiant huī
ideographic tough, strong, robust mǐn
pictophonetic opposed to; separated, remote kuí
pictophonetic hot; heat; summer shǔ
pictophonetic warm, genial nuǎn
pictophonetic dark, gloomy; obscure; secret, covert àn
pictophonetic dark, obscure míng
pictophonetic daybreak; brilliant, bright gǎo
pictophonetic twilight before dawn wěng
pictophonetic freely, smoothly; unrestrained chàng
pictophonetic obscure, dim; ambiguous, vague ài
pictophonetic and; to reach, to attain; limits, confines
pictophonetic temporary zàn
pictophonetic dusk, evening, sunset; ending
pictophonetic close, intimate; to approach
ideographic violent, brutal, tyrannical bào
ideographic sunrise; to advance, to rise, to go forward xiān
pictophonetic sunrise, the morning sun tūn
ideographic bright, radiant; thriving
pictophonetic history; calendar
ideographic cloudy, overcast tán
pictophonetic dawn; clear, explicit, known xiǎo
pictophonetic obscure, dim; ambiguous, vague ài
pictophonetic dawn, daybreak; the dawn of an era shǔ
pictophonetic twilight before dawn méng
pictophonetic twilight; sunset xūn
ideographic bright, glorious; Venus yào
pictophonetic to air out, to expose to sunlight; to reveal
ideographic broad, vast, wide; empty kuàng
pictophonetic sunshine; early dawn
pictophonetic ancient times; former; old nǎng
pictophonetic to dry in the sun; to expose to the sun shài
ideographic to speak; to say yuē
pictophonetic cockroach yuē
pictographic crooked, bent; wrong, false
ideographic what, why, where, which, how
ideographic book, letter, document; writing shū
ideographic long, extended, vast; beautiful màn
ideographic already, formerly, once; the past céng
ideographic to change, to replace, to substitute for
ideographic most, extremely, exceedingly; superlative zuì
ideographic to assemble, to meet; meeting; association, group huì
pictographic moon; month yuè
pictophonetic to have, to own, to possess; to exist yǒu
pictophonetic protein ruǎn
ideographic friend, pal, acquaintance péng
ideographic clothes; to dress, to wear; to take medicine
pictophonetic warm
pictophonetic beginning; the first day of the lunar month shuò
pictophonetic bright, clear, distinct lǎng
ideographic to expect, to hope, to look forward to wàng
pictophonetic to face; direct, facing; dynasty; morning cháo
pictophonetic a period of time; date, time; phase
pictophonetic dim, obscure; the condition of the moon méng
pictophonetic blurry, obscured; the condition or appearance of the moon lóng
pictographic tree; wood, lumber; wooden
ideographic not yet; 8th terrestrial branch wèi
ideographic end, final, last; insignificant
ideographic root, origin, source; basis běn
ideographic skill, art; method, technique; trick shù
ideographic cinnabar, vermilion; surname zhū
pictophonetic plain, simple; sincere; surname
ideographic cluster of flowers; earlobe; an item on both sides duǒ
ideographic desk; machine; moment, opportunity
ideographic decayed, rotten xiǔ
ideographic to kill, to murder, to slaughter; to hurt shā
pictophonetic authority, power, right quán
pictophonetic cane, pole, stick gān
ideographic pitchfork; tree fork chā
pictophonetic various species of pine and fir shān
ideographic tree stump; square stool; sterility
pictophonetic plum; luggage; surname
ideographic apricot; almond xìng
pictophonetic timber; material, stuff; talent cái
pictophonetic village, hamlet; vulgar, uncouth cūn
ideographic wooden cup, ladle, or spoon biāo
pictophonetic cane, walking stick zhàng
pictophonetic to prevent, to restrict, to stop; surname
pictophonetic willow, medlar tree; a small feudal state
ideographic to bind, to control, to restrain; bale shù
ideographic pole, bar; lever, crowbar gāng
ideographic to arrive, to come, to return; in the future, later on lái
pictophonetic willow, poplar, aspen; surname yáng
pictophonetic headboard
ideographic twig, branch tip; the top of a tree miǎo
pictophonetic ford; surname háng
pictophonetic cup, glass; measure word for liquids bēi
ideographic east, eastern, eastward dōng
ideographic brilliant, shining; high gǎo
ideographic dark, mysterious, obscure; deep yǎo
pictophonetic pestle; to grind chǔ
pictophonetic loquat tree; axe handle
pictophonetic scrub oak; long, narrow, thin; sewing shuttle zhù
pictophonetic pine tree; fir tree sōng
pictophonetic board, plank; plate, slab; unnatural, stiff bǎn
pictophonetic extreme, top; final, furthest, utmost; pole
pictophonetic to compose, to make; building, frame, structure gòu
pictophonetic loquat tree
pictophonetic useless, in vain; crooked, bent wǎng
ideographic sandalwood; lumber fāng
ideographic to split wood; to divide, to break apart
pictophonetic coconut tree; edge, rim
pictophonetic capital, base; a pedestal for a flag dǒu
pictophonetic pillow zhěn
ideographic forest, grove; surname lín
pictophonetic a handle for a tool ruì
pictophonetic the stalk of a shrub, the trunk of a tree méi
ideographic fruit, nut; result guǒ
pictophonetic branches, limbs; to branch off zhī
pictophonetic fir tree cōng
pictophonetic door hinge; pivot; center of power shū
ideographic date tree; dates, jujubes; surname zǎo
pictophonetic oak tree; a stable
pictophonetic spout, bamboo tube; wooden peg jiǎn
pictophonetic jamb, door stop; to touch chéng
pictophonetic gun, rife; lance, spear qiāng
pictophonetic maple tree fēng
ideographic owl; evil; brave xiāo
ideographic dried out, withered, decayed
ideographic smooth board; chessboard; chess píng
pictophonetic trifoliate orange; hedge thorn zhǐ
pictophonetic empty; a hollow tree stump xiāo
pictophonetic frame, rack, stand; to prop up jià
pictophonetic the stocks, a cangue scaffold jiā
pictophonetic a kind of aspen found in Sichuan gǒu
pictophonetic table; flat pieces of wood; a slip, a leaf
pictophonetic the main beam of a house duò
pictophonetic Eurya japonica líng
pictophonetic handle, lever, knob; authority bǐng
ideographic holly zhōng
pictophonetic cypress, cedar bǎi
ideographic some, someone; a certain thing or person mǒu
ideographic tangerine, loose-skinned orange gān
ideographic seven (bankers' anti-fraud numeral)
ideographic dye; to catch; to infect; to be contagious rǎn
ideographic soft, supple; gentle; flexible róu
pictophonetic cudrania, mulberry; sugarcane zhè
pictophonetic a cage or pen for wild animals xiá
pictophonetic grapefruit, pomelo yòu
pictophonetic cabinet, cupboard, wardrobe; shop counter guì
pictophonetic beech, oak; evergreen; to clear away trees zhà
pictophonetic lemon níng
pictophonetic root, base
ideographic bier, coffin jiù
ideographic card, letter, invitation, note jiǎn
pictophonetic axe-handle, bough, stalk; surname
pictophonetic crab-apple tree; to endure, to bear nài
pictophonetic to lean on; pillar, post, support zhù
pictophonetic willow tree; pleasure; surname liǔ
pictophonetic firewood, faggots, fuel; surname chái
ideographic fence, grid, palisade zhà
pictophonetic willow, tamarisk chēng
pictophonetic persimmon shì
pictophonetic jasmine; Gardenia zhī
ideographic fence, grid, palisade zhà
pictophonetic mark, sign, symbol; bid, prize biāo
pictophonetic warehouse; tavern, inn zhàn
ideographic comb; to comb out, to eliminate, to weed out zhì
pictophonetic cage, pen; grating lóng
pictophonetic ridge-beam; the main support of a house dòng
pictophonetic sumac; loquat; the capital of a column
pictophonetic chestnut-leaved oak
pictophonetic fence, railing, balustrade lán
pictophonetic tree; to plant; to set up, to establish shù
pictophonetic cork, peg, stopper shuān
pictophonetic perch, roost, to stay
ideographic chestnut tree; chestnuts; surname
pictophonetic a builder's frame for measuring guā
pictophonetic school; military field officer xiào
pictophonetic oak tree; pleased, glad
pictophonetic root, stump; measure word for trees zhū
pictophonetic stake, post; pillar; peg gǒng
pictophonetic mangrove kǎo
pictophonetic basket lǎo
pictophonetic sandalwood zhān
pictophonetic form, pattern, shape, style yàng
pictophonetic core, kernel; nut, seed; atom
pictophonetic root, basis, foundation gēn
pictophonetic form, pattern, standard
pictophonetic to cultivate, to plant, to tend zāi
pictophonetic varnish tree; surname luán
pictophonetic chicken roost; ancient emperor jié
pictophonetic the cross-beams of a roof héng
pictophonetic cassia, cinnamon guì
pictophonetic peach; marriage; surname táo
pictophonetic coir-palm; ladder rung guāng
pictophonetic a ship's mast wéi
pictophonetic door; frame kuāng
pictophonetic file, legal case; bench, table àn
pictophonetic eucalyptus ān
pictophonetic ash tree juàn
pictophonetic shackles, fetters, handcuffs zhì
pictophonetic Chinese wood-oil tree, Vernicia fordii tóng
ideographic mulberry tree; surname sāng
pictophonetic variety of tree; surname huán
pictophonetic orange, tangerine
pictophonetic tallow tree jiù
pictophonetic tree fork
pictophonetic radius, forearm; a bent or twisted piece of wood ráo
pictophonetic hardwood; posts, supports zhēn
pictophonetic shelve, frame; files, records; grade, level dàng
pictophonetic alder
pictophonetic bridge; beam, crosspiece qiáo
pictophonetic a type of birch tree huà
pictophonetic Chinese cypress, Chinese juniper guì
pictophonetic paddle, oar jiǎng
pictophonetic stake, post; matter, affair zhuāng
pictophonetic horse chestnut suō
pictophonetic quince po
pictophonetic beam, rafter
pictophonetic bucket, pail, tub; can, cask, keg tǒng
pictophonetic rafter; Malus toringo jué
ideographic the varnish tree; varnish, lacquer; paint
pictophonetic cane, pole, stick gān
ideographic bridge; beam, rafter; surname liáng
pictophonetic stalk, wooden club; straight tǐng
pictophonetic plum; prune; surname méi
pictophonetic a watchman's rattle bāng
pictophonetic handcuffs, manacles; fetters
pictophonetic Catalpa ovata
pictophonetic jasmine; Gardenia zhī
pictophonetic stem, branch; to hinder, to block gěng
ideographic clause, condition; string, stripe tiáo
ideographic owl; evil; brave xiāo
pictophonetic the tip of a branch; rudder shāo
pictophonetic Chinese ash cén
ideographic dream mèng
pictophonetic Chinese parasol tree, Sterculia platanifolia
pictophonetic pear; opera
pictophonetic a weaver's shuttle; to go back and forth suō
pictophonetic ladder, steps, stairs
pictophonetic weapons; tools; instruments xiè
pictophonetic brush, comb shū
pictophonetic Buddhist, Sanskrit fàn
pictophonetic wood block; idiot, blockhead táo
pictophonetic dogwood; Cornus macrophylla lái
pictophonetic flail; to thresh lián
pictophonetic to check, to examine, to inspect jiǎn
pictophonetic carved or patterned window sills líng
ideographic cotton; cotton-padded mián
pictophonetic chess; any strategy game
pictophonetic stick, cudgel; scoundrel gùn
pictophonetic stick, club; strong, smart; to hit bàng
pictophonetic hemp palm; palm tree zōng
ideographic date tree; dates, jujubes; surname zǎo
pictophonetic jujube tree; thorns, brambles
pictophonetic shack, shed; tent, awning péng
pictophonetic ridge-beam; the main support of a house dòng
pictophonetic crabapple tree; wild plum táng
pictophonetic cherry; Kerria japonica
ideographic railing, fence, enclosed place fán
pictophonetic warehouse; tavern, inn zhàn
ideographic forest; luxuriant vegetation sēn
pictophonetic to whip, to flog chuí
pictophonetic squared timber; angle, corner, edge léng
pictophonetic perch, roost, to stay
pictophonetic measure word for trees
pictophonetic dogwood; Cornus macrophylla lái
pictophonetic oar; boat zhào
pictophonetic coffin guān
pictophonetic sandalwood fēn
pictophonetic rafters; disordered, confused fén
pictophonetic outer-coffin; vault guǒ
pictophonetic chair, seat
pictophonetic a species of tree resistant to cold weather chóu
pictophonetic fruit liáng
pictophonetic tree, plant; to grow zhí
pictophonetic spine, vertebra; hammer, mallet chuí
pictophonetic Zelkowa acuminata
pictophonetic pepper, spice jiāo
pictophonetic cabinet, closet, wardrobe
pictophonetic wooden tablet; edition qiàn
pictophonetic tree; tree fern luó
pictophonetic zhī
pictophonetic Machilus nanmu, a variety of evergreen pèng
pictophonetic elliptical, oval-shaped; tubular tuǒ
pictophonetic palm tree, coconut tree
pictophonetic aspen, poplar duàn
pictophonetic chopping board shèn
pictophonetic beams, rafters, supports chuán
椿 pictophonetic Chinese toon tree; father (poetic) chūn
pictophonetic raft; to hew, to fell trees zhā
pictophonetic willow, poplar, aspen; surname yáng
pictophonetic maple tree fēng
pictophonetic to wedge; wedge, gatepost; forward xiē
pictophonetic latch, crossbar jiàn
pictophonetic Cydonia japonica; lush mào
ideographic coarse, crude; a kind of plant
pictophonetic Melia japonica liàn
pictophonetic used for Ceylon in Buddhist texts léng
pictophonetic Machilus nanmu nán
pictophonetic crossbar; lintel méi
pictophonetic shoe last; to stretch a shoe; to turn a lathe xuàn
pictophonetic hardwood; posts, supports zhēn
pictophonetic paddle, oar
ideographic business, profession; to study, to work
pictophonetic mulberry; paper chǔ
pictophonetic zòu
pictophonetic extreme, top; final, furthest, utmost; pole
ideographic the normal style of Chinese handwriting kǎi
pictophonetic Mallotus japonicus qiū
pictophonetic pillar, column yíng
pictophonetic multi-story building; floor lóu
pictophonetic pǐn
pictophonetic generally, probably, approximately gài
pictophonetic olive lǎn
pictophonetic pillar; conifer; Cryptomeria wēn
pictophonetic elm tree
pictophonetic coffin; tung tree chèn
pictophonetic palm tree
pictophonetic a type of elm tree
pictophonetic xiè
pictophonetic betel-nut tree láng
pictophonetic banyan tree róng
ideographic rule, regulation; pattern; to carve
pictophonetic hazelnut; thicket, underbrush zhēn
ideographic placard, notice, announcement; a list of names bǎng
pictophonetic a type of yew tree fěi
pictophonetic to press for juice; a juicer; a vegetable zhà
pictophonetic mortise and tenon; to fit into sǔn
pictophonetic pavilion, kiosk xiè
ideographic glory, honor; to flourish, to prosper róng
pictophonetic rafter cuī
pictophonetic pillar; conifer; Cryptomeria wēn
pictophonetic pomegranate liú
pictophonetic footbridge; levy, toll; monopoly què
ideographic bed, cot, couch
榿 pictophonetic alder
pictophonetic draft, manuscript gǎo
pictophonetic to wither; withered, rotten, dead gǎo
pictophonetic tray; to rotate, to turn; to search pán
pictophonetic spear, lance shuò
pictophonetic to compose, to make; building, frame, structure gòu
pictophonetic hammer, mallet; to beat, to strike chuí
pictophonetic gun, rife; lance, spear qiāng
pictophonetic raft; time, occasion; to hew chá
pictophonetic locust tree huái
pictophonetic pole, bar; lever, crowbar gàng
pictophonetic pulley gāo
pictophonetic threshold, door frame kǎn
pictophonetic white plum zuì
pictophonetic betel-nut, areca nut bīn
pictophonetic oak tree zhū
pictophonetic flail; to thresh lián
pictophonetic outer-coffin; vault guǒ
pictophonetic maple tree
pictophonetic a type of oak tree
pictophonetic paddle, oar jiǎng
pictophonetic warehouse, large room kāng
pictophonetic trough, manger; vat, tank; distillery cáo
槿 pictophonetic hibiscus jǐn
pictophonetic stake, post; matter, affair zhuāng
ideographic cheerful, happy, laughing; music
pictophonetic fir tree cōng
pictophonetic rowan, mountain ash
pictophonetic railing, fence, enclosed place fán
ideographic bridge; beam liáng
pictophonetic multi-story building; floor lóu
pictophonetic Ailanthus tree; a kind of small tree, useless for timber chū
pictophonetic pillar, post, door frame táng
pictophonetic mark, sign, symbol; bid, prize biāo
ideographic bent limbs or branches; to hang down jiū
pictophonetic door hinge; pivot; center of power shū
pictophonetic camphor tree zhāng
pictophonetic model, pattern, standard; to copy, to imitate
pictophonetic form, pattern, shape, style yàng
pictophonetic sweet olive; scrambled eggs
pictophonetic horizontal, across; unreasonable, harsh héng
pictophonetic mast, boom, yard-arm qiáng
pictophonetic cherry, cherry blossom yīng
ideographic firewood; lumberjack; to gather wood qiáo
pictophonetic plain, simple; sincere; surname
pictophonetic tree; to plant; to set up, to establish shù
pictophonetic a type of birch tree huà
ideographic goblet, jar, jug; lush, drunk zūn
pictophonetic the shade of a tree yuè
pictophonetic olive gǎn
pictophonetic a sledge for transportation qiāo
pictophonetic radius, forearm; a bent or twisted piece of wood ráo
pictophonetic bridge; beam, crosspiece qiáo
pictophonetic orange, tangerine
pictophonetic orange chéng
pictophonetic stake, post; axle jué
ideographic desk; machine; moment, opportunity
pictophonetic chestnut oak; rubber tree; rubber xiàng
pictophonetic elliptical, oval-shaped; tubular tuǒ
pictophonetic a wooden peg, post, or stick zhū
pictophonetic horizontal, across; unreasonable, harsh héng
ideographic cabinet, cupboard, wardrobe chú
pictophonetic oar, scull; to row, to scull
pictophonetic citrus yuán
pictophonetic the axle hole in the center of a wheel (archaic) shū
pictophonetic sandalwood, hardwood; surname tán
pictophonetic a tool used to sharpen wood yǐn
pictophonetic a small red apple qín
pictophonetic the eaves of a house; edge, brim yán
ideographic a log trap used to defend a city léi
pictophonetic shelve, frame; files, records; grade, level dàng
pictophonetic tree
pictophonetic Chinese cypress, Chinese juniper guì
pictophonetic lamp stand; bow frame qíng
pictophonetic to check, to examine, to inspect jiǎn
pictophonetic cross-beam, ridge-pole; ship's hatch lǐn
pictophonetic Sassafras tzumu chá
pictophonetic a type of locust tree méng
pictophonetic wood block; idiot, blockhead táo
ideographic platform; unit; term of address tái
pictophonetic betel-nut, areca nut bīn
pictophonetic fringe flower; wolfberry shrub
pictophonetic lemon níng
pictophonetic threshold, door frame kǎn
pictophonetic cabinet, cupboard, wardrobe; shop counter guì
pictophonetic Polaris, the north star kuí
pictophonetic oar, scull; to row, to scull
pictophonetic palm tree
ideographic comb; to comb out, to eliminate, to weed out zhì
pictophonetic citrus yuán
pictophonetic chestnut-leaved oak
ideographic cabinet, cupboard, wardrobe chú
pictophonetic oak tree; a stable
pictophonetic a wooden peg, post, or stick zhū
pictophonetic stump, sprout niè
pictophonetic a type of elm tree
pictophonetic cherry, cherry blossom yīng
pictophonetic fence, railing, balustrade lán
pictophonetic authority, power, right quán
pictophonetic varnish tree; surname luán
pictophonetic olive lǎn
pictophonetic carved or patterned window sills líng
ideographic to lack, to owe; to breathe, to yawn qiàn
ideographic order, sequence; second, next; one after the other
pictophonetic delighted, happy, joyous xīn
pictophonetic final particle indicating doubt, surprise, or a question
ideographic to hiccup; to dig out, to expand jué
pictophonetic desire, want, longing, intent
pictophonetic to suck, to drink shuò
pictophonetic to sigh; to sob
pictophonetic pleading interjection
pictophonetic to cheat, to double-cross, to deceive
ideographic sudden, abrupt chuā
pictophonetic to respect, to admire; royal qīn
pictophonetic funds, payment; item, article kuǎn
欿 pictophonetic sad, gloomy, discontent kǎn
pictophonetic to drink to an oath shà
pictophonetic to like, to admire; willingly, gladly xīn
pictophonetic to stop, to rest, to lodge xiē
pictophonetic deficient, lacking; to apologize, to regret, to be sorry qiàn
pictophonetic song, lyrics; to sing, to chant
pictophonetic to sigh; to admire tàn
pictophonetic to snort, to blow through the nose
pictophonetic to suck; the name of a district in Anhui shè
pictophonetic to fold back, to draw back; to collect hān
pictophonetic happy, glad, joyful huān
pictographic to stop, to halt; to detain; to desist zhǐ
ideographic straight, right, proper, correct, just, true zhèng
pictophonetic this, these; in this case, then
ideographic walk, stroll, pace, march; to make progress
ideographic military; martial, warlike
pictophonetic to diverge, to fork; a branch; a side road
ideographic Old variant of 步
ideographic slanted, askew, awry wāi
ideographic to argue, to disagree, to wrangle
pictophonetic history; calendar
pictophonetic to return, to go back; to return to, to revert guī
pictographic corpse; death; evil, depraved, wicked dǎi
ideographic evil, depraved, wicked è
ideographic dead; death; impassable, inflexible
ideographic to annihilate, to kill off, to wipe out jiān
pictophonetic dead; to die
pictophonetic dead; to die
pictophonetic misfortune, disaster, calamity yāng
pictophonetic to end; to exterminate tiǎn
pictophonetic almost, probably; danger, peril; to endanger dài
pictophonetic to die young; national mourning shāng
pictophonetic martyr; to die for a cause xùn
pictophonetic different, special, unusual shū
pictophonetic to injure, to ruin, to spoil; cruel, oppressive, savage; disabled, incomplete cán
pictophonetic to starve to death piǎo
pictophonetic to die, to fall, to perish, to vanish yǔn
pictophonetic to dress a corpse for burial liàn
pictophonetic to breed, to spawn; to grow, to prosper zhí
pictophonetic sickness; repeated
pictophonetic to injure, to ruin, to spoil; cruel, oppressive, savage; disabled, incomplete cán
pictophonetic utmost, entirely, quite; to use up dān
pictophonetic to put to death; to imprison for life
pictophonetic to die, to fall, to perish, to vanish yǔn
pictophonetic funeral; to enbalm, to inter bìn
pictophonetic to die young; national mourning shāng
pictophonetic to die, to kill, to exterminate
pictophonetic utmost, entirely, quite; to use up dān
pictophonetic a stiff corpse jiāng
pictophonetic to dress a corpse for burial liàn
pictophonetic funeral; to enbalm, to inter bìn
pictophonetic to annihilate, to kill off, to wipe out jiān
ideographic tool, weapon shū
pictophonetic to hit, to beat, to fight with fists ōu
ideographic section, piece, division duàn
ideographic many, great; abundant, flourishing yīn
ideographic stone chimes qìng
pictophonetic an echo
pictophonetic to kill, to murder, to slaughter; to hurt shā
ideographic casing, husk, shell
ideographic to damage, to ruin; to defame, to slander huǐ
ideographic to damage, to ruin; to defame, to slander huǐ
pictophonetic the hub of a wheel
pictophonetic to hit, to strike
pictophonetic decisive, firm, resolute
pictophonetic to hit, to beat, to fight with fists ōu
ideographic mother; female elders; female
pictophonetic each, every měi
pictophonetic poison, venom; drug, narcotic
pictophonetic to give birth to; to raise; to educate
ideographic to compare, liken; comparison; than
pictophonetic to finish, to conclude, to end; completed
pictophonetic caution; to guard against, to take care
pictophonetic to aid, to help; to adjoin, to connect
pictophonetic to kill; to die a violent death
ideographic greedy; cunning chán
pictophonetic felt; rug, carpet zhān
pictophonetic serge (fabric) from Tibet
pictophonetic fine hair; measure of length; one-thousandth háo
pictophonetic rug, carpet, blanket tǎn
ideographic fine hair or fur on animals cuì
pictophonetic long feathers; scraggy sān
pictophonetic blanket, rug shū
pictophonetic a shuttlecock jiàn
pictophonetic tail, hair; yak máo
pictophonetic overcoat; down feathers chǎng
pictophonetic thick rough serge from Tibet
pictophonetic thick rough serge from Tibet lu
pictophonetic felt; rug, carpet zhān
pictophonetic fine woolen cloth; prayer mat
ideographic clan, family; maiden name shì
pictophonetic the name of an ancient tribe
ideographic citizens, subjects; a nation's people mín
pictophonetic people, subjects, vassals máng
ideographic air, gas; steam, vapor; anger
pictophonetic protium piē
pictophonetic neon nǎi
pictophonetic deuterium dāo
pictophonetic xenon xiān
pictophonetic tritium chuān
pictophonetic air; atmosphere fēn
ideographic helium yáng
pictophonetic fluorine
pictophonetic radon dōng
pictophonetic ammonia qīng
ideographic air, gas; steam, vapor; anger
pictophonetic fog, mist yīn
pictophonetic helium hài
pictophonetic oxygen yǎng
pictophonetic ammonia ān
pictophonetic argon
pictophonetic krypton
pictophonetic ammonia qīng
pictophonetic nitrogen dàn
pictophonetic chlorine
pictophonetic cyanogen; ethane dinitrile qíng
pictophonetic prosperity; the breath of life; the spirit of harmony yūn
pictophonetic prosperity; the breath of life; the spirit of harmony yūn
pictographic water, liquid, lotion, juice shuǐ
pictophonetic name of a river in Shandong zhěng
ideographic ditch; pool dàng
ideographic shui
pictophonetic to float; to deep-fry tǔn
pictophonetic to flood, to inundate, to overflow fàn
氿 pictophonetic spring guǐ
pictophonetic bank, sandbar; beach, shore tīng
pictophonetic juice, liquor, fluid; sap; gravy, sauce zhī
pictophonetic to parboil; to boil; a kettle of hot water cuān
ideographic to gather, to collect; confluence huì
ideographic Chinese people; Chinese language hàn
ideographic a branching stream chà
ideographic night tide, evening ebb tide
pictophonetic máng
pictophonetic nearby
pictophonetic bamboo; basket for catching fish; Shantou shàn
pictophonetic perspiration, sweat hàn
pictophonetic high water, flood tides xùn
pictophonetic a stream which forks and then rejoins the main branch
pictophonetic you
pictophonetic mercury (element) gǒng
pictophonetic large river; the Yangtze; surname jiāng
pictophonetic pool, pond; moat; cistern chí
pictophonetic filthy, dirty; polluted, impure
pictophonetic soup, gravy, broth; hot water tāng
pictophonetic marsh; to float; the name of a river in Shangdong qiān
pictophonetic to sink; a river in Hunan where Qu Yuan drowned himself
ideographic the sound of running water; to gurgle; confused, disorderly
pictophonetic vast, extensive, deep; surname wāng
pictophonetic to eliminate, to scour, to wash out; excessive tài
pictophonetic to draw water at a well; to imbibe
pictophonetic a river in Henan; Henan province biàn
pictophonetic a river in Shandong province wèn
pictophonetic turbulent, torrential, restless xiōng
pictophonetic to decide, to determine, to judge jué
ideographic gasoline; steam, vapor
pictophonetic a river in Shanxi province fén
pictophonetic to soak, to seep in, to percolate qìn
pictophonetic a river in southeast Shandong
pictophonetic to water, to irrigate; fertile, rich
pictophonetic a river in western Hunan yuán
pictophonetic ferry; fog; to go with the flow hàng
pictophonetic flowing, engulfing, brimming yǎn
pictophonetic to sink, to submerge; addicted; surname chén
ideographic to sink, to submerge; profound, deep chén
pictophonetic chaotic, confused; murky, turbid dùn
pictophonetic to infuse
pictophonetic to bathe, to cleanse, to shampoo, to wash
pictophonetic not, none, gone; to bury; to sink, to drown méi
pictophonetic flood; overflowing miǎn
pictophonetic wash, rinse, flush; dash; soar chōng
pictophonetic sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated shā
ideographic abundant, copious, full pèi
pictophonetic ditch, drain, gutter, narrow waterway gōu
pictophonetic not, none, gone; to bury; to sink, to drown méi
pictophonetic a river in Shanxi province fēng
pictophonetic to soak, to steep; sodden, soaked ōu
pictophonetic trickle, drip, dregs; to strain
pictophonetic sunk, submerged; to perish, to be lost lún
pictophonetic azure, cold, vast (all as of the sea) cāng
pictophonetic a river in Shanxi province wéi
pictophonetic Shanghai; the Shanghai river
pictophonetic bubbles, foam, froth, suds
pictophonetic a river in Shantung province shù
pictophonetic to stop, to prevent; dejected, defeated
pictophonetic river, stream, waterway; to flow tuó
pictophonetic to float tuó
pictophonetic river, stream; the Yellow river
pictophonetic to boil, to bubble up, to gush fèi
pictophonetic oil, fat, grease, lard; oil paints yóu
ideographic to administer, to govern, to regulate zhì
pictophonetic lake, pond, swamp zhǎo
pictophonetic to buy and sell; of inferior quality
pictophonetic to moisten, to soak, to wet; to touch zhān
沿 pictophonetic to follow a course, to go along yán
pictophonetic drip, leak, vent; to disperse; to reduce xiè
pictophonetic to float, to swim, to wade qiú
pictophonetic to overflow; licentious, libertine, dissipated
ideographic spring, fountain; wealth, money quán
pictophonetic to anchor; to moor
pictophonetic to seep out, to secrete
ideographic to write; mineral vein
ideographic a clear deep pool of water hóng
ideographic water from washing rice; thick gruel gān
ideographic law, rule, statute; method, way; French
pictophonetic still water; a river in Jiangsu province mǎo
pictophonetic mucus; to sniffle; a river in Shandong province
pictophonetic to roar píng
pictophonetic to drift, to float; broad, vast; careless, reckless fàn
ideographic mud, mire; muddy, stagnant nìng
pictophonetic nice and cool, mild and comfortable líng
pictophonetic bubble, blister; swollen, puffed up pào
pictophonetic waves, ripples, breakers; undulations
pictophonetic to cry, to sob, to weep
pictophonetic mud, earth, clay; plaster, paste
pictophonetic to concentrate, to focus zhù
ideographic tears; to cry, to weep lèi
pictophonetic to weep, to cry; to shine, to glisten xuàn
pictophonetic Zhou dynasty school; to disperse, to fall apart pàn
pictophonetic to destroy, to eliminate; to perish mǐn
ideographic great, exalted, superior; calm; big tài
pictophonetic great, expansive; agitated yāng
pictophonetic to swim, to dive yǒng
ideographic to pump bèng
pictophonetic raining; wet, soaked; rapids; a river in Guangdong lóng
pictophonetic a river in Jiangxi province
pictophonetic a river in Shandong province luò
pictophonetic to leak; diarrhea xiè
ideographic to pour, to splash, to sprinkle, to water
pictophonetic marsh, swamp; brilliance, grace
pictophonetic a river in Gansu and Shaanxi jīng
pictophonetic clean, pure; to purify, to cleanse jié
ideographic backwater; an eddy a whirlpool huí
pictophonetic to soak; to blot, to splotch yīn
pictophonetic sea, ocean; western, foreign yáng
pictophonetic clear, pure; to cleanse liè
pictophonetic when, until; to soak; soup
pictophonetic to pour, to spill; to scatter, to shed; to wipe away
pictophonetic to bathe, to rinse, to wash
pictophonetic a river in Shandong province zhū
pictophonetic flood jiàng
pictophonetic a river in the Shanxi province; a city luò
pictophonetic cave, grotto, hole, ravine dòng
pictophonetic a river in Hunan province
pictophonetic saliva, sweat; ferry, ford jīn
pictophonetic a river in Henan province wěi
pictophonetic a river in Hebei province xiáo
pictophonetic to leak, to drip; to vent, to release xiè
ideographic deluge, flood; immense, vast hóng
pictophonetic moat, ditch
pictophonetic to cleanse; a river in Gansu province táo
pictophonetic ditch, gutter; canal, channel
pictophonetic a lake in Yunnan province ěr
ideographic continent; island zhōu
pictophonetic sdamp, boggy, marshy
pictophonetic true, real; truly, really xún
pictophonetic turbulent, torrential, restless xiōng
pictophonetic a river in Henan province huán
pictophonetic to exist, to live, to survive; living, working huó
pictophonetic pit, hollow, depression; swamp
ideographic to mix, to blend, to harmonize qià
pictophonetic to flow, to drift, to circulate; class liú
pictophonetic to saturate, to drench; wet, damp jiā
pictophonetic shallow, superficial qiǎn
pictophonetic pulp, starch, syrup; a thick fluid jiāng
pictophonetic to spray, to sprinkle, to water jiāo
pictophonetic a river in Guangdong province zhēn
pictophonetic a river in Henan province shī
ideographic dirty, filthy, muddy, turbid zhuó
pictophonetic to survey, to measure; to estimate, to conjecture
pictophonetic ditch, trench, irrigation canal; river huì
pictophonetic to aid, to help, to relieve; to ferry across
pictophonetic bright; clear; deep; swift liú
pictophonetic a river in Shaanxi province chǎn
pictophonetic blended, mixed; muddy, turbid hún
pictophonetic shore, river bank
pictophonetic concentrated, dense, strong, thick nóng
pictophonetic steep river bank xún
pictophonetic the Zhejiang province; a river zhè
pictophonetic to dredge jùn
pictophonetic creek, stream; beach, coast bāng
pictophonetic to soak, to steep in water zhuó
pictophonetic a river in Hubei province
pictophonetic to wash, to rinse huàn
pictophonetic beach, shore, river bank; surname
pictophonetic great, grand, vast hào
pictophonetic breaker, wave; reckless, wasteful làng
pictophonetic to drift, to float; mobile, temporary, unstable; reckless
pictophonetic a river in Shandong province
pictophonetic to bathe, to shower, to wash
pictophonetic sea, ocean; maritime hǎi
pictophonetic to dip, to immerse, to soak; to percolate, to steep jìn
pictophonetic to saturate, to drench; wet, damp jiā
pictophonetic to request, to ask a favor; to pollute, to contaminate měi
pictophonetic drizzle, light rain suī
pictophonetic to smear, to scribble, to daub; surname
pictophonetic to blacken; slime, black mud niè
pictophonetic a river in Gansu and Shaanxi jīng
pictophonetic news, rumors; to die out, to melt away, to vanish xiāo
ideographic sconcerned, involved; to experience; to wade through a stream shè
pictophonetic to surge up, to bubble up, to gush forth yǒng
pictophonetic saliva xián
pictophonetic a river in Shansi province
pictophonetic brook, stream; pure; to select juān
pictophonetic to overflow; rainwater; a river in Shaanxi province cén
pictophonetic tears; mucus
pictophonetic creek; a river in Hebei province
pictophonetic large waves tāo
pictophonetic to inundate, to flood; torrent lào
pictophonetic ripple; brook; a river in Hebei province lái
pictophonetic flowing water; ripples; weeping lián
pictophonetic still water wéi
ideographic eddy, swirl, whirlpool
pictophonetic scattered; to scatter huàn
pictophonetic to wash, to sweep; to purify, to cleanse
pictophonetic fresh, moist; soft, sleek rùn
ideographic brook, mountain stream jiàn
pictophonetic flood tide; to rise in price zhǎng
ideographic astringent, harsh, rough, uneven
pictophonetic a river in Sichuan province
pictophonetic to boil guàn
pictophonetic to rinse; to boil or cook in juice shuàn
pictophonetic border, horizon; river bank, shore
pictophonetic fluid, liquid; juice, sap
pictophonetic to wet, to soak; to tolerate, to include lenient hán
ideographic tired, exhausted; dried up
pictophonetic cool, cold; disheartened liáng
涿 pictophonetic to trickle, to dribble, to drip zhuō
pictophonetic marsh, swamp; sediment; to precipitate diàn
pictophonetic a river in Shandong province
pictophonetic water used wash rice
pictophonetic confused, mixed up, in disarray xiáo
pictophonetic a river in Henan province
pictophonetic to drench, to drip, to soak; perfectly lín
pictophonetic to trickle down, to flow, to drip; to shed tears tǎng
pictophonetic good, pure, virtuous; charming shū
pictophonetic bitter, cold, dreary, miserable
pictophonetic mud, slush nào
pictophonetic to dredge, to sieve; to cleanse, to weed out táo
pictophonetic the sound of water gurgling cóng
pictophonetic tears; to cry, to weep lèi
pictophonetic an affluent of the Poyang Lake féi
pictophonetic a river in Jiangsu province sōng
pictophonetic luxuriant; water lily
pictophonetic watery, dilute; insipid, tasteless dàn
pictophonetic mud, sediment; to clog up, to silt up
pictophonetic to strain
pictophonetic a river in Jiangxi province; water leaking into a boat gàn
pictophonetic clean, pure, unspoiled jìng
pictophonetic to cross, to traverse, to pass through líng
pictophonetic sunk, submerged; to perish, to be lost lún
pictophonetic to soak, to dye; to temper, to change cuì
pictophonetic a river in Anhui province huái
pictophonetic a river in Henan province
ideographic deep, profound; depth shēn
pictophonetic simple, honest, genuine chún
pictophonetic abyss, depth; to surge up, to bubble up yuān
pictophonetic ripple; brook; a river in Hebei province lái
pictophonetic muddy, confused; to mix, to blend; to mingle hùn
pictophonetic to drown, to immerse, to steep yān
pictophonetic shallow, superficial qiǎn
pictophonetic to add, to append, to increase, to replenish tiān
ideographic infinity; flooding; a wide expanse of water miǎo
pictophonetic clean, pure; clear, distinct; peaceful qīng
pictophonetic abyss, depth; to surge up, to bubble up yuān
pictophonetic to strain
pictophonetic to soak, to steep; dye, stains; sodden
pictophonetic ditch, sluice, gutter, drain
pictophonetic gradually jiàn
pictophonetic the name of a river in Shandong miǎn
ideographic fisherman; to fish; to pursue; to sieze
pictophonetic water, liquid, juice; to pour shěn
pictophonetic to seep, to permeate, to infiltrate shèn
pictophonetic scattered; to scatter huàn
pictophonetic islet, sandbar zhǔ
pictophonetic to decrease, to subtract, to diminish jiǎn
pictophonetic to change; Chongqing
ideographic ditch, gutter; canal, channel
pictophonetic to cross, to ferry over, to pass through
pictophonetic dregs, sediment; refuse, slag zhā
pictophonetic swelling; the Bohai sea
pictophonetic to enrich, to dye; to moisten, to soak
ideographic eddy, swirl, whirlpool
pictophonetic warm, lukewarm wēn
pictophonetic to scatter, to disperse; high tide xiè
pictophonetic to survey, to measure; to estimate, to conjecture
pictophonetic a river in Shanxi province wèi
pictophonetic port, harbor, bay; Hong Kong gǎng
pictophonetic to render; to exaggerate, to embellish, to add layers of color xuàn
pictophonetic thirsty, parched; to yearn, to pine for
ideographic to wander, to travel, to tour, to roam yóu
pictophonetic vast, boundless miǎo
pictophonetic blended, mixed; muddy, turbid hún
pictophonetic turbulent, surging; the sound of waves crashing pài
pictophonetic bank, coast, shore méi
ideographic flowing smoothly; calm water tián
pictophonetic to piece together, to assemble còu
pictophonetic current, rapids tuān
ideographic drunk, flushed miǎn
pictophonetic an affluent of the Yangtze river pén
pictophonetic to wash, to cleanse; to purge jiān
pictophonetic lake; Hubei, Hunan; bluish-green
pictophonetic Hunan province; the Xiangjiang river xiāng
ideographic calm, clear, deep (as of a lake) zhàn
pictophonetic a river in Guangdong province zhēn
pictophonetic river in Qinghai province huáng
pictophonetic confused, mixed; to pity mǐn
pictophonetic to gush, to well up, to bubble up yǒng
pictophonetic marsh, swamp, small pond jiǎo
ideographic to block up; to sink; to stain yān
pictophonetic soup, gravy, broth; hot water tāng
pictophonetic mud, mire bàn
pictophonetic mud, slime niè
pictophonetic bay, cove, gulf, inlet wān
湿 pictophonetic wet, moist, humid, damp; illness shī
pictophonetic a flooding river; a military defeat; to break down, to disperse kuì
pictophonetic to sprinkle, to spray, to splash, to spill jiàn
pictophonetic a river in Hunan
pictophonetic to water, to irrigate, to flood; to wash gài
pictophonetic pool, pond; not hardened, semi-soft táng
pictophonetic spring; source, root, head; surname yuán
ideographic standard, accurate; to permit, to approve, to allow zhǔn
pictophonetic sudden, abrupt, unexpected
pictophonetic to slip, to slide, to glide; slippery liū
pictophonetic ditch, drain, gutter, narrow waterway gōu
ideographic drizzling rain; dark, obscure míng
pictophonetic full; overflowing
pictophonetic big, great, vast; extensive, pervading, widespread
pictophonetic to drizzle wēi
pictophonetic a river in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces
pictophonetic brook, creek, stream
pictophonetic warm, lukewarm wēn
ideographic to paddle upstream, to go against the current; to trace the source; formerly
pictophonetic a river in Henan province qín
pictophonetic to urinate; to soak, to drench sōu
ideographic bromine xiù
pictophonetic to melt, to dissolve róng
ideographic privy, latrine; turbid, dirty hùn
pictophonetic to spoil, to pamper, to indulge; to drown
pictophonetic wet
pictophonetic moist; humid, muggy
pictophonetic a district in Anhui province chú
pictophonetic torrential; voluminous pāng
pictophonetic azure, cold, vast (all as of the sea) cāng
ideographic to extinguish; to wipe out miè
pictophonetic Yunnan province diān
pictophonetic saline pond; the name of a river
pictophonetic to grow, to nourish; to multiply, to thrive
pictophonetic to wash, to sweep; to purify, to cleanse
pictophonetic a county in Henan; the sound of waves crashing xíng
pictophonetic a river in Hebei province
pictophonetic to slip, to slide; slippery, polished huá
pictophonetic sediment, lees, dregs
pictophonetic torrential, rushing, overflowing tāo
pictophonetic to drain
pictophonetic to boil, to roll, to turn gǔn
pictophonetic to block, to obstruct; sluggish, stagnant zhì
ideographic billowing, overflowing; wavy yàn
pictophonetic a river in Hubei province shè
pictophonetic to fill; full, packed; satisfied mǎn
ideographic clear, pure; glossy; lucid yíng
pictophonetic to filter, to strain
pictophonetic to flood, to overflow; excessive làn
pictophonetic a county and river in Hebei province luán
pictophonetic beach, coast, river bank bīn
ideographic rapids; sandbar, shoal tān
pictophonetic Shanghai; the Shanghai river
pictophonetic to block, to obstruct; sluggish, stagnant zhì
pictophonetic to seep, to permeate, to infiltrate shèn
pictophonetic to drip; a drop of water
ideographic sauce, gravy, broth; brine
pictophonetic shore, river bank
pictophonetic the bank of a stream
pictophonetic a river in Shaanxi province chǎn
pictophonetic to boil, to roll, to turn gǔn
滿 pictophonetic to fill; full, packed; satisfied mǎn
ideographic fisherman; to fish; to pursue; to sieze
pictophonetic to drift, to float; to be tossed about; bleach piào
ideographic varnish, lacquer; paint
pictophonetic to filter, to strain; dripping, wet
ideographic to leak, to drip; hour glass; funnel lòu
pictophonetic dripping water; a river in Guangxi province
pictophonetic to perform, to act, to put on a play yǎn
pictophonetic canal, watercourse; to transport by sea cáo
pictophonetic to soak, to steep; sodden, soaked ōu
pictophonetic desert; aloof, cool, indifferent
ideographic Chinese people; Chinese language hàn
pictophonetic flowing water; ripples; weeping lián
pictophonetic to marinate in salt lǎn
ideographic eddy, whirlpool xuán
pictophonetic ripples; swirling water
pictophonetic inundating; exaggerated màn
pictophonetic to soak, to steep; dye, stains; sodden
pictophonetic vast, expansive mǎng
pictophonetic a river in northern Shandong luò
ideographic to gargle, to rinse; to wash, to scour shù
pictophonetic flood tide; to rise in price zhǎng
pictophonetic a river in Henan province zhāng
pictophonetic a river in Hunan
pictophonetic indecipherable huàn
pictophonetic gradually jiàn
ideographic to appear deep cuǐ
pictophonetic to ripple, to undulate; to bob on the waves yàng
漿 pictophonetic pulp, starch, syrup; a thick fluid jiāng
ideographic eddy; small river yíng
pictophonetic the sound of beating wind and rain xiāo
pictophonetic ripples, waves; to overflow liàn
pictophonetic a river in Shandong province wéi
ideographic to pour, to splash, to sprinkle, to water
pictophonetic clean, pure; to purify, to cleanse jié
pictophonetic a river that flows into the Han; surname pān
pictophonetic to hide; secret, latent, hidden qián
pictophonetic to hide; secret, latent, hidden qián
pictophonetic a river in northern China
pictophonetic salt marsh, scrubland
pictophonetic pond, lake huáng
pictophonetic fresh, moist; soft, sleek rùn
pictophonetic to flood; puddle; dejected, careless lǎo
pictophonetic deep pool, lake; deep, profound tán
pictophonetic tide, current; damp, moist, wet cháo
pictophonetic steep river bank xún
pictophonetic a flooding river; a military defeat; to break down, to disperse kuì
ideographic to sprinkle; driving rain shào
pictophonetic pond, pool zhū
ideographic tearful; to weep shān
pictophonetic the sound of flowing water chán
pictophonetic high, lofty; a mountain pass tóng
pictophonetic to boil over
ideographic astringent, harsh, rough, uneven
pictophonetic clear, limpid, pure chéng
pictophonetic to spray, to sprinkle, to water jiāo
pictophonetic to inundate, to flood; torrent lào
pictophonetic limpid, clear; thoroughly, completely chè
pictophonetic to wash; a place name gǎn
pictophonetic to vanish, to disappear; to exhaust, to dry up
ideographic timely and life-giving rain shù
pictophonetic to splatter pēng
ideographic brook, mountain stream jiàn
pictophonetic overflowing; ripples, waves lán
pictophonetic the name of a river in Shandong miǎn
pictophonetic to wash, to bathe zǎo
pictophonetic marsh, swamp; brilliance, grace
pictophonetic gulf; a blocked stream xiè
pictophonetic a river in northern Hunan
pictophonetic marsh, swamp; sediment; to precipitate diàn
pictophonetic bay, cove, dock, inlet ào
pictophonetic still water; tranquil, placid chán
pictophonetic calm, quiet, tranquil dàn
pictophonetic to arouse, to incite; acute, sharp; fierce, violent
ideographic dirty, filthy, muddy, turbid zhuó
pictophonetic a waterfall; a river in Hunan lián
pictophonetic concentrated, dense, strong, thick nóng
pictophonetic the name of a river suī
pictophonetic vast, expansive, deep; dirty huì
pictophonetic current, rapids lài
pictophonetic to approach; near, on the verge of bīn
pictophonetic wet, moist, humid, damp; illness shī
ideographic mud, mire; muddy, stagnant nìng
pictophonetic drizzling, misty, raining méng
pictophonetic a county in Yunnan province
pictophonetic to aid, to help, to relieve; to ferry across
pictophonetic ditch, trench, moat háo
pictophonetic to moisten, to immerse; wet, damp
pictophonetic large waves tāo
pictophonetic to flood, to overflow; excessive làn
pictophonetic a county in Henan province
pictophonetic to cleanse, to rinse, to wash out zhuó
pictophonetic a river in Shandong province wéi
pictophonetic beach, coast, river bank bīn
pictophonetic to sprinkle, to spray, to splash, to spill jiàn
pictophonetic to filter, to strain
pictophonetic ditch, sluice, gutter, drain
pictophonetic to leak; diarrhea xiè
pictophonetic to sink, to submerge; addicted; surname chén
pictophonetic bright; clear; deep; swift liú
ideographic waterfall, cascade; heavy rain
pictophonetic to approach; near, on the verge of bīn
pictophonetic a river in Jiangxi province
pictophonetic wide, vast, extensive hàn
pictophonetic ocean, sea yíng
pictophonetic trickle, drip, dregs; to strain
pictophonetic the sound of beating wind and rain xiāo
pictophonetic vapor, sea mist xiè
pictophonetic raining; wet, soaked; rapids; a river in Guangdong lóng
pictophonetic current, rapids lài
ideographic to overflow, to flood; to disseminate
pictophonetic the name of a river fèn
pictophonetic to boil, to soak; to cleanse, to wash yuè
pictophonetic overflowing; ripples, waves lán
pictophonetic to water, to irrigate; to pour; to flood guàn
pictophonetic vast, large, grand, expansive hào
pictophonetic to pour, to spill; to scatter, to shed; to wipe away
ideographic rapids; sandbar, shoal tān
pictophonetic a river in Shanxi province
pictophonetic bay, cove, gulf, inlet wān
pictographic fire, flame; to burn; anger, rage huǒ
ideographic to extinguish; to wipe out miè
pictophonetic lamp, lantern, light dēng
ideographic ashes; dust; lime, mortar huī
pictophonetic spirit, soul; spiritual world líng
ideographic kitchen, oven, stove zào
pictophonetic to cauterize; moxibustion jiǔ
pictophonetic to burn, to cauterize; bright zhuó
ideographic disaster, catastrophe, calamity zāi
ideographic disaster, catastrophe, calamity zāi
pictophonetic vivid, illuminating, brilliant càn
pictophonetic to scorch, to roast, to melt yáng
ideographic brilliant, shining jiǒng
pictophonetic to simmer, to cook over a slow fire wén
ideographic fireplace, furnace, oven, stove
pictophonetic meal; to cook, to steam chuī
ideographic flame, blaze; hot yán
pictographic grass kài
pictophonetic to boil, to fry, to roast, to sauté; to trade stock chǎo
pictophonetic acetylene guì
pictophonetic the brick-bed in northern China kàng
pictophonetic stew; to cook stew dùn
pictophonetic to roast, to broil; to cauterize zhì
pictophonetic brilliant, glowing, red wěi
pictophonetic to stir-fry; to cook in sauce qiàng
pictophonetic to illuminate, to light up; to reflect zhào
pictophonetic to glitter, to shine; to show off, to flaunt xuàn
pictophonetic torch
pictophonetic carbon, charcoal, coal tàn
pictophonetic cannon, artillery pào
pictophonetic bright, brilliant; clear; hot jiǒng
pictophonetic soot tái
pictophonetic bright, luminous; glorious bǐng
ideographic candle wick; incense zhù
ideographic to explode; to fry in oil; to scald zhà
pictophonetic dot, point, speck diǎn
ideographic to do, to act; to handle, to govern; to be wèi
ideographic china, stoneware shí
pictophonetic to smelt, to refine; to distill, to condense liàn
pictophonetic to burn, to blaze; splendid; intense chì
pictophonetic to simmer, to cook over a slow fire
ideographic to sparkle, to shine, to glitter shuò
pictophonetic overcooked, overripe; rotten, spoiled làn
pictophonetic hydrocarbon tīng
pictophonetic fiery, violent; ardent, vehement liè
pictophonetic to smelt; to close for the night yáng
pictographic crow, rook, raven; black, dark
ideographic to destroy, to exterminate, to extinguish miè
pictophonetic to bake, to roast; to dry by the fire hōng
pictophonetic to burn, to brand; hot iron lào
pictophonetic candle, taper; to illuminate, to shine zhú
ideographic sunlight; to dry in the sun xuǎn
ideographic to rise; steam; many, numerous zhēng
pictophonetic smoke, soot; opium; tobacco, cigarettes yān
pictophonetic to bake, to cook, to roast, to toast kǎo
pictophonetic to bother, to trouble, to vex fán
pictophonetic to burn, to bake; to heat, to roast shāo
ideographic glorious, splendid; a blaze of fire
pictophonetic ragout; to braise, to cook huì
pictophonetic to scald; to iron clothes or hair tàng
ideographic ashes, cinders, embers; remnants jìn
pictophonetic heat, fever, zeal
pictophonetic alkene
pictophonetic hydrocarbon tīng
pictophonetic alkane wán
pictophonetic cooking, cuisine; stir-fry pēng
pictophonetic beacon, signal fire fēng
ideographic why? where? how?; strange; thereupon, then yān
pictophonetic to solder, to weld hàn
pictophonetic to ignite, to light jùn
pictophonetic to warm up
pictophonetic onomatopoetic, a fire sizzling hán
pictophonetic shining, lustrous huàn
pictophonetic to simmer, to cook over a slow fire mèn
pictophonetic to bake, to roast; to suffocate; stuffy
pictophonetic to shine, to illuminate; to cover, to envelop dào
pictophonetic to bake, to roast; to dry by the fire bèi
ideographic to burn fén
pictophonetic anger, rage; slow-braised pork belly hōng
ideographic burned, scorched; anxious, vexed jiāo
pictophonetic to scald; to flash-boil vegetables chāo
pictophonetic flame, blaze; glowing, blazing yàn
ideographic fierce flames; conflagration yàn
pictophonetic certainly; naturally; suddenly rán
pictophonetic discipline; to forge metal; to hone a skill duàn
pictophonetic a raging fire; to forge; to work xiā
pictophonetic to smelt, to refine; to distill, to condense liàn
pictophonetic warm xuān
pictophonetic bright, shining, luminous huáng
pictophonetic to fry in fat or oil; to boil in water jiān
pictophonetic smoke, soot; opium; tobacco, cigarettes yān
ideographic brilliant, shining
pictophonetic carbon, charcoal, coal, coke méi
pictophonetic shining, lustrous huàn
ideographic kind, gentle, gracious
pictophonetic to shine, to reflect, to illuminate zhào
pictophonetic to simmer, to stew wēi
pictophonetic to bother, to trouble, to vex fán
pictophonetic to scorch, to roast, to melt yáng
pictophonetic to boil, to cook zhǔ
pictophonetic to heat, to boil; saucepan bāo
ideographic burnt; to char (in cooking)
pictophonetic to stir-fry before broiling or stewing biān
ideographic to pluck poultry; to skin meat tuì
ideographic to stir up, to incite; to agitate, to provoke shān
ideographic to extinguish, to put out, to quench
ideographic a bear; brilliant; surname xióng
pictophonetic to smoke, to cure meat; vapor, smoke, fog xūn
pictophonetic to shine, to shimmer; shining, dazzling yíng
ideographic mold; to fuse, to melt, to smelt róng
pictophonetic to steam, to stir-fry liū
pictophonetic bright, prosperous; splendid, glorious
pictophonetic chimney; torch cōng
pictophonetic well-cooked; ripe, mature; familiar with shú
pictophonetic bright, sparkling
pictophonetic to press, to iron; an iron yùn
pictophonetic to boil, to simmer; to endure pain áo
pictophonetic severe drought ōu
pictophonetic heat, fever, zeal
pictophonetic to spread màn
pictophonetic entropy shāng
pictophonetic dim light, a glimmer; warm; bright
pictophonetic to burn, to blaze; splendid; intense chì
pictophonetic to ignite, to burn; combustion rán
pictophonetic to reheat food xián
pictophonetic lamp, lantern, light dēng
pictophonetic to simmer; to stew dùn
pictophonetic to burn, to light; street lamp; signal fire liáo
pictophonetic to burn, to bake; to heat, to roast shāo
ideographic to roast meat for a sacrifice fán
ideographic lovebird, swallow yàn
pictophonetic to scald; to iron clothes or hair tàng
pictophonetic to simmer, to cook over a slow fire mèn
pictophonetic warm; warmth
pictophonetic arid, dry, parched; quick-tempered zào
pictophonetic vivid, illuminating, brilliant càn
pictophonetic torch; flintstone; beacon, signal fire suì
ideographic to burn down; flame, blaze huǐ
pictophonetic candle, taper; to illuminate, to shine zhú
pictophonetic ragout; to braise, to cook huì
pictophonetic fire; wildfire xiǎn
ideographic smoke, scent; to smoke, to cure xūn
ideographic ashes, cinders, embers; remnants jìn
pictophonetic to shine, to illuminate; to cover, to envelop dào
ideographic crackle, pop; burst, explode bào
pictophonetic to burn ruò
pictophonetic bright kuàng
ideographic to sparkle, to shine, to glitter shuò
ideographic fireplace, furnace, oven, stove
pictophonetic overcooked, overripe; rotten, spoiled làn
pictophonetic torch jué
pictophonetic oven, stove; to cook cuàn
pictographic claws, nails, talons zhǎo
pictographic claws, nails, talons zhǎo
pictophonetic to climb, to scramble; to crawl, to creep
ideographic to dispute, to fight, to contend, to strive zhēng
ideographic to balance, to fit; balanced, suitable chēng
ideographic to love, to like, to be fond of; love, affection ài
ideographic noble; a feudal rank or title jué
ideographic father, dad
pictophonetic grandfather, old man
pictophonetic father, papa
pictophonetic father, dad, daddy diē
pictophonetic grandfather, old man
ideographic diagrams for divination yáo
ideographic crisp, refreshing; candid, frank; pleased, happy shuǎng
pictographic half of a tree trunk qiáng
pictophonetic wall qiáng
pictographic slice, splinter; page, strip piàn
pictophonetic printing block, edition; register; volume, version bǎn
pictophonetic card, game piece; placard, signboard, tablet pái
pictophonetic writing tablet; documents, books
ideographic documents, records; to dispatch dié
pictophonetic window; to enlighten yǒu
pictophonetic writing tablet; documents, books
pictophonetic chēng
pictographic ox, cow, bull niú
pictophonetic female animal; keyhole; valley pìn
pictophonetic to profit, to usurp; moo móu
pictophonetic male animal; key, door bolt
ideographic pen, prison, stable; fast, firm, secure láo
ideographic tail, hair; yak máo
ideographic shepherd; to tend cattle
pictophonetic thing, substance, matter; creature
pictophonetic cow, steer
pictophonetic sacrificial animal; domestic animal shēng
pictophonetic to butt, to gore; to resist
ideographic to drag, to pull, to lead by the hand qiān
pictophonetic female animal; to give birth
pictophonetic special, unique, distinguished
pictophonetic to sacrifice, to give up, to die for a cause
ideographic to drag, to pull, to lead by the hand qiān
pictophonetic to gore; to oppose
pictophonetic cattle shed
ideographic rhinoceros; sharp, tempered
ideographic to plow
ideographic plow
pictophonetic animal horns
ideographic calf; sacrificial lamb
pictophonetic bullock; to castrate jiān
pictophonetic zebu; humped-ox fēng
pictophonetic yak-ox piān
pictophonetic victory feast; to throw a banquet kào
pictophonetic stubborn jiàng
ideographic calf; sacrificial lamb
pictophonetic to sacrifice, to give up, to die for a cause
pictophonetic yak kuí
pictographic dog quǎn
pictographic dog quǎn
pictophonetic criminal; to violate, to commit a crime fàn
pictophonetic armadillo qiú
pictophonetic wild dog; jail, lock-up àn
pictophonetic state, condition; shape, appearance, form; certificate zhuàng
pictophonetic fierce, rude, uncivilized guǎng
pictophonetic mammoth
pictophonetic similar to, just like, as yóu
pictophonetic state, condition; shape, appearance, form; certificate zhuàng
pictophonetic barbarians; a tribe of Scythian nomads yǔn
pictophonetic insane, mad; violent; wild kuáng
pictophonetic greedy, covetous; accustomed to niǔ
pictophonetic barbarians; a tribe from northern China; surname
pictophonetic a legendary wolf; distressed, wretched bèi
pictophonetic fox cub
pictophonetic a species of deer found in northern China páo
pictophonetic to be familiar with; to disrespect xiá
pictophonetic fox
pictophonetic baboon fèi
pictophonetic dog gǒu
pictophonetic monkey, ape; to spy, to watch for; to lie in ambush
pictophonetic fierce; hideous níng
pictophonetic vicious, fierce, cruel hěn
pictophonetic cunning, deceitful, treacherous jiǎo
pictophonetic the common marmoset róng
pictophonetic winter hunting; a hunting dog; an imperial tour shòu
pictophonetic alone, independent, only, single, solitary
pictophonetic narrow, limited; narrow-minded xiá
pictophonetic lion shī
pictophonetic sly, cunning, crafty kuài
pictophonetic fierce-looking, ferocious zhēng
ideographic prison, jail; case; lawsuit
pictophonetic monkey sūn
pictophonetic armadillo
pictophonetic tapir; a fierce beast depicted on prison doors
pictophonetic rash, irritable, impulsive, impetuous juàn
pictophonetic fox
pictophonetic narrow, limited; narrow-minded xiá
pictophonetic the snarling of dogs yín
pictophonetic a fabulous beast suān
pictophonetic wolf láng
pictophonetic a legendary wolf; distressed, wretched bèi
pictophonetic a kind of monkey
pictophonetic long-snouted dog xiǎn
pictophonetic a tiger's roar; to intimidate; to scare xiāo
pictophonetic lion, wild beast; wild horse
ideographic wind, storm, gale; a dog running biāo
pictophonetic hunting; field sports liè
pictophonetic monkey guǒ
pictophonetic macacus monkey
pictophonetic mad, wild; reckless, unruly chāng
pictophonetic exclamation of admiration
pictophonetic fierce-looking, ferocious zhēng
pictophonetic violent, savage, cruel, bold měng
pictophonetic to guess, to conjecture, to suppose; to feel cāi
pictophonetic sudden, abrupt
pictophonetic lynx, wild cat shē
pictophonetic pig; the Lolo aboriginal tribe luó
pictophonetic a kind of monkey found in western China
pictophonetic vulgar, low; wanton, obscene wěi
pictophonetic ape, orangutan xīng
pictophonetic pig, hog, wild boar zhū
pictophonetic cat māo
pictophonetic porcupine, hedgehog; many, varied; vulgar, low wèi
pictophonetic to offer, to present; to show, to display xiàn
pictophonetic a monkey with yellow hair náo
pictophonetic frightened, terrified; snub-nosed dog xiē
pictophonetic boar; legendary ape jiā
pictophonetic monkey, ape; like a monkey hóu
pictophonetic otter biān
pictophonetic similar to, just like, as yóu
pictophonetic to plan, to plot, to scheme yóu
pictophonetic badger, ferret, mongoose méi
pictophonetic badger; a wild animal mentioned in a story by Lu Xun chá
pictophonetic monkey sūn
pictophonetic crafty, cunning, shrewd; deceitful huá
pictophonetic ape yuán
ideographic prison, jail; case; lawsuit
pictophonetic lion shī
pictophonetic the Manchurian tiger jìng
pictophonetic prize, reward; to award jiǎng
pictophonetic roebuck, hornless river deer zhāng
pictophonetic smastiff, large fierce dog áo
pictophonetic wild, violent; unruly, lawless jué
ideographic to hunt at night with torches liáo
pictophonetic alone, independent, only, single, solitary
pictophonetic mythical unicorn xiè
pictophonetic otter
pictophonetic barbarians; a tribe of Scythian nomads xūn
pictophonetic to get, to obtain, to receive, to sieze huò
pictophonetic hunting; field sports liè
pictophonetic fierce, rude, uncivilized guǎng
pictophonetic beast, animal; bestial shòu
pictophonetic to offer, to present; to show, to display xiàn
pictophonetic badger huān
pictophonetic a large ape found in western China jué
ideographic to command, to lead; rate, ratio, proportion
ideographic jade, gem, precious stone
ideographic king, ruler; royal; surname wáng
pictophonetic jingling, tinkling dīng
pictophonetic an oblong pearl
pictophonetic pearl
pictophonetic black jade; nine (bankers' anti-fraud numeral) jiǔ
pictophonetic semi-precious stone
pictophonetic agate, cornelian
pictophonetic gem, jade-like stone wén
pictophonetic used in place names
pictophonetic (archaic) a kind of jade, porphyrite bīn
pictographic guitar strings; variant of 珏 jué
pictophonetic to play with, to joke, to entertain wán
pictophonetic rose méi
pictophonetic a type of red jade; rare, valuable wěi
pictophonetic bracelet, ring; to surround, to loop huán
ideographic to appear, to manifest; current, now xiàn
pictophonetic the tinkling of jewelry líng
pictophonetic tortoise shell dài
pictophonetic character flaw; a flaw in a gem diàn
pictophonetic imperial signet, royal signet
pictophonetic glass
ideographic amber
ideographic an inferior kind of jade
ideographic an ornament attached to a woman's hairpin jiā
pictophonetic alabaster; a jade-like stone mín
pictophonetic coral shān
pictophonetic a treasure, a precious thing; rare, valuable zhēn
ideographic two gems mounted together jué
pictophonetic enamel, cloissoné
pictophonetic the tinkling of jewelry lóng
pictophonetic precious stone; a county in Sichuan gǒng
pictophonetic a kind of necklace luò
pictophonetic gem, jewel, pearl, precious stone zhū
pictophonetic treasure, jewel; rare, precious bǎo
ideographic pearl or jade earring; to insert, to stick ěr
pictophonetic mother-of-pearl yáo
pictophonetic central gem; crown jewel háng
ideographic class, squad, team, work shift bān
pictophonetic bright, glorious, splendid huī
ideographic to appear, to manifest; current, now xiàn
pictophonetic ball, globe, sphere; round qiú
pictophonetic pure, white; carnelian láng
pictophonetic science, reason, logic; to manage
pictophonetic sparkling stone; opaque, glazed liú
pictophonetic a place in eastern Shandong
pictophonetic a vessel used to hold grain offerings liǎn
pictophonetic petty; trifling; troublesome suǒ
pictophonetic girdle ornaments
pictophonetic treasure, valuables chēn
pictophonetic to polish jade; to cut jade zuó
ideographic amber, tigers-eye
pictophonetic jade, gem, precious stone
pictophonetic beautiful jade, precious stones kūn
pictophonetic fine jade
pictophonetic fine jade; nobility wǎn
pictophonetic an octagonal jade ornament cóng
ideographic gemstone fire; scintillation yǎn
pictophonetic a beautiful gemstone lín
ideographic Chinese lute or guitar, string instrument qín
pictophonetic a guitar-like instrument (1)
pictophonetic a guitar-like instrument (2)
pictophonetic jade; rare, precious; elegant qióng
pictophonetic fine jade mào
pictophonetic ornamental jade xuān
pictophonetic a type of red jade; rare, valuable wěi
pictophonetic fault, default; a flaw in a gem xiá
pictophonetic a large jade ring yuàn
pictophonetic agate, cornelian nǎo
pictophonetic coral
pictophonetic a gem's luster; crystal yīng
pictophonetic flawless gem or jewel
pictophonetic auspicious; a good omen ruì
pictophonetic a large string instrument; to tremble, to vibrate
pictophonetic petty; trifling; troublesome suǒ
pictophonetic precious jade yáo
ideographic bright, lustrous, sparkling like a gem yíng
pictophonetic agate, cornelian
pictophonetic a kind of jade táng
pictophonetic pure, white; cornelian láng
pictophonetic extraordinary, fabulous; rose; semi-precious stone guī
pictophonetic a jade earring zhèn
pictophonetic precious jade yáo
pictophonetic fine jade ài
pictophonetic the brilliance or luster of a gem jǐn
pictophonetic brillance; luster; to shine cuǐ
pictophonetic turquoise cōng
pictophonetic glass; colored glaze
ideographic beautiful jade; star xuán
pictophonetic jade plaything; jade ornament zhāng
pictophonetic a necklace made of precious stones yīng
pictophonetic a beautiful variety of jade
pictophonetic splendid; a jade ring qióng
pictophonetic a jade pendant huáng
pictophonetic unpolished gem
pictophonetic an oblong pearl
pictophonetic fine jade ài
pictophonetic a jade annulus
ideographic gem; the luster of a gem càn
pictophonetic jade ring; jade earring; surname
pictophonetic bracelet, ring; to surround, to loop huán
pictophonetic a crack in porcelain wèn
pictophonetic imperial signet, royal signet
pictophonetic brilliant
pictophonetic jade; rare, precious; elegant qióng
pictophonetic the tinkling of jewelry lóng
pictophonetic ceremonial libation cup zàn
pictophonetic a necklace made of precious stones yīng
pictographic melon, gourd, squash, cucumber guā
pictophonetic young melon dié
pictophonetic bottle gourd, calabash
pictophonetic a ladle made from a dried gourd piáo
pictophonetic petal; segment; valve bàn
pictophonetic flesh, core, pith, pulp ráng
pictographic tile; pottery, earthenware
pictophonetic urn, earthen jar wèng
pictophonetic bowl, cup; small tray ōu
pictophonetic Roman roof tiles; a long-necked jar líng
pictophonetic bottle, jug, pitcher, vase píng
pictophonetic china, crockery, porcelain
pictophonetic vase, pot, jar
pictophonetic to grade, to examine, to discern; surname zhēn
pictophonetic bowl, cup; small tray ōu
ideographic rafters supporting roof tiles méng
pictophonetic a squat jar for holding wine, sauces, etc bèng
pictophonetic a boiler for steaming rice zèng
pictophonetic bricks, glazed tiles
pictophonetic urn wèng
ideographic sweet, tasty; willing gān
pictophonetic glucoside dài
ideographic sweet, sweetness tián
ideographic life, lifetime; birth; growth shēng
pictophonetic to give birth, to bring forth, to produce chǎn
pictophonetic to give birth chǎn
pictophonetic soft, delicate; overgrowth, drooping leaves ruí
pictophonetic niece, nephew; sister's child shēng
ideographic reborn; to resuscitate, to revive
ideographic to throw away, to fling, to discard shuǎi
pictophonetic path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo yǒng
ideographic "there is no need" béng
pictophonetic peaceful níng
pictographic field, farm, arable land; cultivated tián
ideographic cause, reason; from yóu
pictographic to report; to extend; to explain; to declare shēn
ideographic electricity; electric; lightning diàn
ideographic man, boy; male; baron; surname nán
pictophonetic suburbs of the capital; to govern; crops diān
pictophonetic a raised path between fields tīng
ideographic picture, painting, drawing; to draw huà
ideographic evil; a calamity zāi
pictophonetic to give
pictophonetic freely, smoothly; unrestrained chàng
pictophonetic field; farm fàn
ideographic to till, to cultivate; to hunt tián
pictophonetic boundary, limit; domain; society, the world jiè
pictophonetic a drain between fields, irrigation; to flow quǎn
pictographic fear, dread, awe, reverence wèi
ideographic dry field (as opposed to a paddy); used in Japanese names tián
ideographic river bank; a boundary path that divides fields pàn
pictophonetic border, boundary; raised path zhěn
pictophonetic livestock, domestic animals chù
ideographic fields; unit of area equal to 660 sq. m.
ideographic to plow
pictophonetic to finish, to conclude, to end; completed
pictophonetic approximate, rough; outline, summary; plan, plot lüè
pictophonetic sections in a vegetable farm
ideographic to take turns, to repeat; to sow; a turn fān
ideographic picture, painting, drawing; to draw huà
ideographic a field reclaimed by burning the forest shē
pictographic different, strange, unusual; foreign; surprising
ideographic a field reclaimed by burning the forest shē
pictophonetic field, farmland; class, category chóu
pictophonetic appropriate, timely; to act, to serve; the sound of bells dāng
ideographic odd, unusual; fraction, remainder
pictophonetic a field of 20-30 mu wǎn
ideographic boundary, border jiāng
ideographic fields divided by dikes léi
pictophonetic imperial domain; area near the capital
pictophonetic hamlet; area near a city tuǎn
ideographic boundary, border, frontier jiāng
pictophonetic field, farmland; class, category chóu
ideographic pile; layer; to fold up; to repeat, to duplicate dié
pictographic roll, bolt of cloth; foot
pictophonetic nimble, quick jié
ideographic to neglect; to dredge, to clear away; lax, careless shū
ideographic to fall, to stumble, to falter; hindered zhì
ideographic to doubt, to question, to suspect
pictophonetic boil, carbuncle, ulcer dīng
pictophonetic boil, pimple, sore jiē
ideographic cured, healed; to recover liáo
pictophonetic pimple, sore; wart, pustule
pictophonetic chronic disease; guilt, remorse; sorrow jiù
pictophonetic hernia; to rupture shàn
pictophonetic malaria; intermittent fever nüè
ideographic sore, ulcer; plague, pestilence
pictophonetic sore, ulcer; infection yáng
pictophonetic wart, tumor, papule, goiter yóu
pictophonetic scar, cicatrix; birthmark
pictophonetic scabies; to itch jiè
pictophonetic epidemic, plague, pestilence
pictophonetic scrofulous swellings or lumps
pictophonetic clonic convulsions zòng
pictophonetic boil, tumor; wound, sore chuāng
pictophonetic crazy, insane, mentally ill fēng
pictophonetic zhù
pictophonetic acne pào
pictophonetic weak, tired, exhausted
pictophonetic rickets, chickenpox; childhood disease gān
pictophonetic sickness, illness; pain
pictophonetic flaw, fault, defect; disease
pictophonetic jaundice; stomach disorder dǎn
pictophonetic rash, measles; fever zhěn
pictophonetic ache, pain; to love dearly téng
pictophonetic ulcer, carbuncle, abscess
pictophonetic sickness, illness, disease; to envy, to hate
pictophonetic scab jiā
pictophonetic indigestion; buboes, lymphatic inflammation xuán
pictophonetic scrofulous swellings or lumps zhà
pictophonetic sickness, illness, disease bìng
pictophonetic ailment, disease, illness zhèng
pictophonetic ulcer, sore, carbuncle, abcess yōng
pictophonetic convulsions, fits jìng
ideographic cured, healed; to recover quán
pictophonetic wound, sore, bruise
pictophonetic to itch; to tickle yǎng
pictophonetic piles, hemorrhoids zhì
pictophonetic scar, mark; vestige, trace hén
pictophonetic dumb, mute
pictophonetic smallpox dòu
pictophonetic convulsions, fits jìng
pictophonetic ache, pain; bitterness, sorrow; deeply, thoroughly tòng
pictophonetic dyspepsia; spleen infection
pictophonetic dysentery
ideographic spot, mole, birthmark zhì
pictophonetic a swelling of the lymph nodes cuó
pictophonetic spot, mole, birthmark
pictophonetic cholera; colic shā
pictophonetic tuberculosis láo
pictophonetic numbness, paralysis huàn
pictophonetic epilepsy, convulsions xián
pictophonetic mucus, phlegm, spit tán
pictophonetic heat rash; prickly heat; ulcers fèi
pictophonetic pock-marked; measles; leprosy
pictophonetic foolish, stupid, dumb, silly chī
pictophonetic numbess, paralysis
pictophonetic numbness, paralysis
pictophonetic chronic disease; long-term passion
pictophonetic sickness, illness; pain
pictophonetic paralysis; impotence wěi
pictophonetic hematoma, contusion
pictophonetic tired, worn-out; sick; overworked cuì
pictophonetic cold sores zhú
pictophonetic bitter hatred; drought dān
pictophonetic pimple, wart hóu
pictophonetic crazy, insane, mentally ill fēng
pictophonetic scabies, itching, scald-head
pictophonetic cold, hungry; to mistreat a prisoner
pictophonetic numbness, paralysis huàn
pictophonetic asthma; bowel disease jiǎ
pictophonetic to bury, to inter
pictophonetic fistula; goiter, sore, ulcer lòu
pictophonetic scabies; to itch sào
pictophonetic clonic convulsions chì
pictophonetic polypus
pictophonetic epidemic, plague, pestilence wēn
pictophonetic thin, emaciated; barren
pictophonetic boil, tumor; wound, sore chuāng
pictophonetic scar, mole bān
pictophonetic tumor, lump, goiter liú
pictophonetic to recover from disease; an epidemic chài
pictophonetic thin, lean, emaciated; meager shòu
pictophonetic malaria; intermittent fever nüè
pictophonetic pimples da
pictophonetic shriveled, dried up; vexed biě
pictophonetic paralysis, palsy, numbness tān
pictophonetic whitlow biāo
pictophonetic scrofula, swellings luǒ
pictophonetic clonic convulsions zòng
pictophonetic healed; reformed chōu
pictophonetic malaria; miasma, pestilential vapor zhàng
pictophonetic a wasting disease zhài
pictophonetic lameness; paralysis of the hands or legs qué
pictophonetic sickness; distress
pictophonetic rash; addiction, craving, habit yǐn
pictophonetic swelling, goiter yǐng
pictophonetic jaundice huáng
pictophonetic cured, healed; to recover liáo
pictophonetic weakness, infirmity; urine retention lóng
pictophonetic tuberculosis láo
pictophonetic epilepsy, convulsions xián
pictophonetic bitter hatred; drought dān
pictophonetic cancer, carcinoma ái
ideographic pockmarks on the skin bān
ideographic to recover, to get well
pictophonetic hysteria
pictophonetic craving, addiction; habit, hobby; indigestion
ideographic sore, ulcer; plague, pestilence
pictophonetic erythema diàn
pictophonetic leprosy; scabies, mange; shoddy lài
pictophonetic shriveled, dried up; vexed biě
pictophonetic silly, foolish, idiotic chī
pictophonetic to itch; to tickle yǎng
pictophonetic ringworms xuǎn
pictophonetic ailment, disease, illness zhèng
pictophonetic scrofulous swellings or lumps
pictophonetic leprosy; scabies, mange; shoddy lài
pictophonetic crazy, insane; madness, mania diān
pictophonetic ringworms xuǎn
pictophonetic rash; addiction, craving, habit yǐn
pictophonetic sthin, emaciated; tired, worn
pictophonetic ulcer, sore, carbuncle, abcess yōng
pictophonetic paralysis, palsy, numbness tān
pictophonetic crazy, insane; madness, mania diān
pictographic legs
pictophonetic to rise, to mount, to board, to climb dēng
pictophonetic to issue, to dispatch, to send out; hair
ideographic white; clear, pure, unblemished; bright bái
pictophonetic one hundred; numerous, many bǎi
pictophonetic white flowers
ideographic royal, imperial; ruler, superior huáng
pictophonetic the high land along a river gāo
pictophonetic white; bright, brilliant; clear jiǎo
pictophonetic brilliant white; as white as snow ái
pictophonetic white é
pictophonetic bright, luminous; clear; hoary hào
ideographic two hundred
pictophonetic Anhui province wǎn
pictophonetic white; a kind of date
pictophonetic brilliant white; as white as snow ái
pictophonetic white, grey; corpulent
pictophonetic white; bright, brilliant; clear jiǎo
pictographic skin, hide, fur, feathers
pictophonetic acne pào
pictophonetic wrinkles, creases, folds zhòu
pictophonetic chapped, cracked jūn
pictophonetic chapped, cracked cūn
pictophonetic wrinkles, creases, folds zhòu
ideographic pimples, blotches zhā
pictophonetic basin; cup
pictophonetic glass, cup bēi
pictophonetic small cup or bowl zhōng
pictophonetic basin, bowl, pot, tub pén
pictophonetic full, overflowing; surplus; to fill yíng
ideographic to profit, to benefit; advantage
pictophonetic pot, cup, bowl; abundant àng
ideographic small cup or container zhǎn
pictophonetic small box or case; casket
pictophonetic helmet; bowl, basin kuī
ideographic to cover, to hide, to protect gài
pictophonetic tray, plate, dish; to examine pán
pictophonetic abundant, flourishing; to contain; to fill shèng
ideographic small cup or container zhǎn
pictophonetic alliance, covenant; oath; to swear méng
ideographic to exhaust, to use up, to deplete jǐn
pictophonetic to supervise, to direct, to control; to inspect; prison, jail jiān
pictophonetic tray, plate, dish; to examine pán
ideographic to wash guàn
pictophonetic cottage, hut; black; surname
ideographic pond, pool; ripple, shake; to wash away, to wipe out dàng
pictographic eye; to look, to see; division, topic
pictophonetic to rivet one's gaze upon; to keep eyes on dīng
pictophonetic eyes wide open; to gaze in astonishment
ideographic blind; shortsighted; unperceptive máng
ideographic straight, vertical; candid, direct, frank zhí
ideographic mutual, reciprocal; equal; each other xiāng
pictophonetic to doze, to nap, to nod off dǔn
pictophonetic to look, to gaze; to expect, to hope for pàn
ideographic shield; Dutch guilder dùn
pictophonetic province; frugal; to save, to leave out shěng
pictophonetic to ogle, to squint at, to look askance miǎn
ideographic blind in one eye; subtle, minute, minuscule miǎo
pictophonetic to stare at, to gaze intently; to delay, to hinder dān
ideographic eyebrows; upper margin of book méi
ideographic to look, to see; to examine, to scrutinize kàn
pictophonetic county, district, subdivision xiàn
pictophonetic sunken eyes kōu
pictophonetic to glance; to wink
pictophonetic to gaze at; a place name
pictophonetic cataract; fault, error, crime shěng
ideographic real, actual, true, genuine zhēn
pictophonetic sleep, shut-eye, hibernatation mián
pictophonetic dull, parched, or inflamed eyes yuān
pictophonetic eye socket; the corner of the eye
pictophonetic eye socket; the corner of the eye
ideographic to wink zhǎ
pictophonetic to confuse; dazed, disoriented xuàn
pictophonetic faint, fuzzy, blurry lóng
pictophonetic a piercing gaze; the evil eye suī
pictophonetic to squint, to narrow the eyes; blindness
pictophonetic eye ridge míng
pictophonetic rheum from the eyes chī
pictophonetic eye socket; the corner of the eye kuàng
pictophonetic to take an interest in; to care for juàn
pictophonetic eye; pupil móu
pictophonetic to gaze, to look at; to scan, to survey tiào
pictophonetic eyelet, hole, opening yǎn
pictophonetic to gaze; to look at, to ogle
pictophonetic multitude, crowd; masses, public zhòng
pictophonetic to open one's eyes; to stare zhēng
pictophonetic to squint at suō
pictophonetic to glance, to look, to stare
pictophonetic to surround; to besiege; surrounded, in distress; poor; tired, sleepy kùn
pictophonetic to squint at; a sidelong glance lài
pictophonetic eyelid jiǎn
pictophonetic to stare
pictophonetic eyeball; pupil jīng
pictophonetic to open one's eyes; to stare zhēng
pictophonetic to squint at; a sidelong glance lài
pictophonetic to sleep, to doze shuì
pictophonetic to gaze at, to stare at; uninhibited suī
pictophonetic to supervise, to oversee, to direct
pictophonetic to glare at; to look askance
pictophonetic amiable, friendly, peaceful
pictophonetic to glare at, to look askance, to squint
ideographic to spy on
pictophonetic eyelashes jié
pictophonetic to notice, to pay attention to cǎi
pictophonetic to look at, to gaze at; to observe
pictophonetic to stare kuí
ideographic to take a close look; nearsighted, dim mào
pictophonetic to take aim at; to look at miáo
pictophonetic to see, to look at, to gaze at chǒu
pictophonetic to squint, to narrow the eyes
ideographic blurred vision wěng
pictophonetic to glare chēn
pictophonetic sleepy; to doze off
ideographic blind sǒu
ideographic blind, reckless; rash xiā
ideographic to close one's eyes míng
pictophonetic to deceive, to lie; to regard with suspicion mán
pictophonetic to sleep shuì
pictophonetic sunken eyes kōu
pictophonetic to see; to look at; to observe lōu
pictophonetic to deceive, to lie; to regard with suspicion mán
pictophonetic to squint, to glare, to look askance piǎo
pictophonetic to gaze, to look, to stare chēng
ideographic to hide one's eyes; to feel ashamed méng
pictophonetic to take a fleeting glance at piē
pictophonetic to glance at, to look at, to see qiáo
pictophonetic to focus on, to stare at, to watch carefully zhǔ
pictophonetic to stare at dèng
pictophonetic to wink, to blink; an instant, the blink of an eye shùn
pictophonetic bright; clear-sighted; to understand liǎo
pictophonetic to watch, to spy on; to overlook, to look down on kàn
pictophonetic the pupil of the eye tóng
pictophonetic to stare at lín
pictophonetic to look; to look out for; to respect zhān
pictophonetic eyelid jiǎn
pictophonetic blind, stupid; a blind musician
ideographic startled; surname
pictophonetic stupid, ignorant; blind méng
ideographic to look about in alarm or fright jué
pictophonetic faint, fuzzy, blurry lóng
ideographic straight, upright; erect, lofty chù
pictophonetic to focus on, to stare at, to watch carefully zhǔ
pictographic spear, lance máo
pictophonetic to pity, to sympathize, to feel sorry for jīn
ideographic to bore with an awl; bright, charming
pictographic arrow, dart; to vow, to swear shǐ
pictophonetic to know, to perceive, to comprehend zhī
pictographic target in archery hóu
pictophonetic interrogative particle; much more, still more shěn
pictophonetic carpenter's square, ruler, rule
pictophonetic to correct, to rectify, to straighten out jiǎo
pictophonetic short; a dwarf cuó
pictophonetic brief, short; deficient, lacking duǎn
pictophonetic short, low; dwarf ǎi
pictophonetic to correct, to rectify, to straighten out jiǎo
ideographic stone, rock, mineral shí
pictophonetic jetty, reef; breakwater, eddy
pictophonetic cliff; rock gān
pictophonetic busy; to toil, to slave away
pictophonetic silicon
pictophonetic alum fán
pictophonetic mine; mineral, ore kuàng
ideographic a stone veined with brilliant colors dàng
pictophonetic number, numeral, symbol; yard
ideographic sand, pebbles, gravel; gritty shā
ideographic to pile up, to build; stone steps; rock wall
pictophonetic to hack, to chop, to cut, to fell kǎn
ideographic to polish, to grind; to roll with a stone roller
pictophonetic arsenic
pictophonetic to grind, to rub; to study, to research yán
pictophonetic tile, brick zhuān
pictophonetic giant clam, Tridacna gigas chē
pictophonetic a kind of farm tool dùn
pictophonetic inkstone yàn
pictophonetic sulfone fēng
pictophonetic a standard weight (as for a balance)
pictophonetic stone tablet; monument zhǎ
pictophonetic a stone roller; plumb, weight tuó
pictophonetic whetstone; to polish
pictophonetic stockade, fort, military outpost; brothel zhài
pictophonetic anvil, flat stone zhēn
pictophonetic to build a dam with rocks
ideographic boulder; obelisk
pictophonetic stone probe; to pierce; to counsel biān
pictophonetic bang! the sound of crashing rock pēng
pictophonetic gun, cannon pào
pictophonetic to break, to rout; to ruin, to destroy
pictophonetic arsenic shēn
pictophonetic to smash, to pound, to crush, to break
pictophonetic astatine ài
ideographic whetstone; to sharpen
pictophonetic millstone; to grind, to mill lóng
pictophonetic concrete tóng
pictophonetic gravel, pebbles
pictophonetic foundation stone, plinth; basis chǔ
ideographic cinnabar; a red mole zhū
pictophonetic silicon guī
ideographic sal ammoniac náo
pictophonetic hard, bulging
pictophonetic whetstone xíng
pictophonetic cave; chamber; pit dòng
pictophonetic selenium
ideographic great, eminent; large, big shuò
pictophonetic a town in Hebei province xiá
pictophonetic barren land; sandy soil qiāo
pictophonetic millstone; to grind, to mill wéi
pictophonetic saltpeter; to tan leather xiāo
pictophonetic a flat stone used as a mortar
pictophonetic sulfur liú
pictophonetic firm, hard, strong; obstinate yìng
pictophonetic a crude saltpeter máng
pictophonetic certain, sure; definite, exact; real, true què
pictophonetic inkstone yàn
pictophonetic alkaline, alkali, lye, salt jiǎn
pictophonetic borax, boron péng
pictophonetic anchor dìng
pictophonetic watchtower diāo
pictophonetic rocky, rough, uneven; mediocre
pictophonetic to block, to deter, to hinder, to obstruct ài
pictophonetic to break, to smash; broken, busted suì
pictophonetic stone tablet; gravestone bēi
pictophonetic pestle duì
pictophonetic bowl, small dish wǎn
pictophonetic iodine diǎn
pictophonetic suburb bèi
pictophonetic gravel, sand
pictophonetic gritty chěn
ideographic plate, small dish dié
pictophonetic stone roller
pictophonetic stone tablet jié
pictophonetic biǎn
ideographic jade; green, blue
ideographic great, eminent; large, big shuò
pictophonetic to touch; to meet with; to collide, to bump into pèng
pictophonetic alkaline, alkali, lye, salt jiǎn
pictophonetic tellurium
pictophonetic carbon tàn
pictophonetic quarrel; fault; a shard of glass chá
pictophonetic xuàn
pictophonetic certain, sure; definite, exact; real, true què
pictophonetic number, numeral, symbol; yard
pictophonetic stone roller; to crush, to roll niǎn
pictophonetic magnetic; porcelain
pictophonetic pound; to weigh bàng
pictophonetic plinth, stone base sǎng
ideographic a pile of rocks; candid, open; great lěi
pictophonetic to polish, to buff; to examine, to deliberate cuō
pictophonetic boulder, large rock; firm, stable pán
pictophonetic to dismember, to tear apart zhé
pictophonetic to collide, to hit, to knock, to tap
pictophonetic stone roller gǔn
pictophonetic tile, brick zhuān
pictophonetic millstone; to grind, to polish, to rub, to wear out
ideographic musical instrument; a kind of xylophone qìng
pictophonetic jetty, reef; breakwater, eddy
pictophonetic giant clam, Tridacna gigas
ideographic stone steps on a cliff or hill dèng
pictophonetic phosphorus lín
ideographic sulphur; brimstone huáng
pictophonetic jetty, reef jiāo
pictophonetic stone block dūn
pictophonetic foundation stone, plinth; basis chǔ
pictophonetic pebble, small stone jiāng
pictophonetic to block, to deter, to hinder, to obstruct ài
pictophonetic a kind of mineral méng
pictophonetic shredder, grater; grindstone
pictophonetic mine; mineral, ore kuàng
pictophonetic alum fán
pictophonetic to extend, to fill
pictographic altar; ceremony; to show, to demonstrate shì
pictophonetic courtesy, manners, social customs
ideographic group, organization, society; a god of the soil shè
pictophonetic to sacrifice, to worship
pictophonetic to pray; numerous, ample, abundant
ideographic Ormazda, the Zoroastrian sun god xiān
pictophonetic only, just, simply; one of a pair; an earth god
pictophonetic to pray, to entreat, to beseech
pictophonetic blessings, happiness, good luck zhǐ
pictophonetic excellent, rare; beautiful, fine
pictophonetic to exorcise; to cleanse
pictophonetic secret, mysterious, abstruse
pictophonetic ancestor, forefather; grandfather; surname
pictophonetic to revere, to respect, to look up to zhī
pictophonetic throne; happiness, blessings zuò
ideographic to expel, to disperse; to exorcise
pictophonetic blessings, happiness, prosperity
ideographic to pray; to wish well; surname zhù
pictophonetic god, spirit; divine, mysterious, supernatural shén
pictophonetic evil spirit; evil influence suì
pictophonetic ancestral temple; to sacrifice
pictophonetic one's deceased father
pictophonetic happiness, good fortune; auspicious xiáng
pictophonetic ancestral hall tiāo
ideographic bank note; ticket; vote; a slip of paper piào
ideographic to sacrifice to, to worship
pictophonetic lucky, auspicious; a good omen zhēn
pictophonetic to pray, to entreat, to beg; prayer dǎo
pictophonetic misfortune, disaster, calamity huò
pictophonetic good luck, good fortune
祿 pictophonetic blessing, happiness, prosperity
ideographic to report to, to petition bǐng
pictophonetic to restrict, to prohibit, to forbid; to endure jìn
pictophonetic blessing, happiness, prosperity
ideographic meditation, contemplation chán
pictophonetic a semi-annual ceremony of purification
pictophonetic misfortune, disaster, calamity huò
pictophonetic lucky, auspicious; a good omen zhēn
pictophonetic happiness, good fortune, blessings
pictophonetic excellent, rare; beautiful, fine
pictophonetic to receive blessings zhēn
pictophonetic chariot; to drive, to ride; to manage
ideographic happiness; congratulations
ideographic meditation, contemplation chán
pictophonetic courtesy, manners, social customs
pictophonetic one's deceased father
pictophonetic to pray, to entreat, to beg; prayer dǎo
ideographic to sacrifice; to pray; to exorcise ráng
pictographic rare beast; strange; elegant
ideographic birds, fowl; to capture; surname qín
pictographic cereal, grain, rice; plant, stalk
禿 ideographic bald
pictophonetic elegant, graceful, refined; flowing, luxuriant xiù
ideographic personal, private, secret; selfish
ideographic bald
ideographic straw, hay gǎn
ideographic to grasp, to hold; to maintain, to preside over bǐng
ideographic autumn, fall; year qiū
pictophonetic race, kind, breed; seed; to plant zhǒng
ideographic section, department; field, branch; science
pictophonetic a second; a corn kernel; measure word for time miǎo
pictophonetic chaff, husk
pictophonetic secret, mysterious, abstruse
ideographic (Cant.) excessively thin
ideographic to rent, to lease; tax, rent
pictophonetic fodder, horse feed; to feed a horse
ideographic balance, scale; steelyard chèng
pictophonetic shoots, sprouts; young rice plants yāng
pictophonetic order; ordered zhì
pictophonetic a glutinous variety of millet shú
pictophonetic billion
pictophonetic to store up, to amass, to accumulate
pictophonetic stalks of millet or corn jiē
pictophonetic dirty, unclean; immoral, obscene huì
pictophonetic rare, unusual; scarce, sparse
pictophonetic grass; weeds láng
pictophonetic chaff, husk
ideographic taxes shuì
pictophonetic wild grain
ideographic straw, hay gǎn
pictophonetic process, rules; journey, trip; agenda, schedule chéng
ideographic somewhat, slightly, a little; rather shāo
ideographic taxes shuì
pictophonetic ripe grain; to harvest; to know well rěn
pictophonetic darnels, weeds; small, insignificant bài
pictophonetic grain ready for grinding zhī
pictophonetic young, immature; childhood zhì
pictophonetic edge, corner, angle; protrusion; square beam léng
ideographic grain ready for grinding
ideographic to report to, to petition bǐng
pictophonetic crowded, dense; viscous, thick chóu
pictophonetic to revive; to rise again
pictophonetic hyacinth bean, haricot biǎn
pictophonetic race, kind, breed; seed; to plant zhǒng
ideographic balanced; name, brand; to say, to call chēng
pictophonetic steady, stable; solid, firm wěn
pictophonetic god of cereals; minister of agriculture
pictophonetic to accumulate zhěn
pictophonetic rice plant; rice growing in the field dào
pictophonetic crops; to sow grain jià
pictophonetic to examine, to investigate
稿 pictophonetic draft, manuscript, rough copy gǎo
pictophonetic majestic; reverent, solemn
pictophonetic to revive; to rise again
pictophonetic to store up, to amass, to accumulate
pictophonetic rice tassel; sharp; clever yǐng
pictophonetic to farm, to harvest grain
pictophonetic ear of grain; fringe, tassel; Guangzhou suì
pictophonetic to farm, to harvest grain
pictophonetic dirty, unclean; immoral, obscene huì
pictophonetic steady, stable; solid, firm wěn
pictophonetic to get, to obtain, to receive, to sieze huò
pictophonetic stalks of grain; lush, abundant ráng
pictographic cave, den, hole xué
pictophonetic a deep hollow; to dig out, to gouge
pictophonetic to dig into, to investigate; actually, after all jiū
ideographic the gloom of the grave; tomb, grave; death
ideographic vast, lofty, high; vault, dome, arch qióng
pictophonetic hollow, empty, deserted, bare kōng
穿 pictophonetic to drill, to pierce; to dress, to wear chuān
pictophonetic to bury zhūn
ideographic sudden, abrupt, unexpected
pictophonetic to steal; thief; secret, stealthy qiè
pictophonetic narrow, tight; narrow-minded zhǎi
ideographic deep, far, hollow; sad; sunken eyes yǎo
pictophonetic to lower a coffin into a grave biǎn
pictophonetic obscure, secluded; quiet, refined yǎo
pictophonetic hole, opening, aperture qiào
ideographic kiln, oven; pit, coal mine yáo
pictophonetic to obstruct, to stop zhì
pictophonetic slender; quiet, modest; charming tiǎo
pictophonetic cellar, storeroom jiào
pictophonetic window chuāng
pictophonetic distressed; embarrassed; hard-pressed jiǒng
ideographic to run away; to expel; to revise, to edit cuàn
pictophonetic cave, den, nest; hiding place; measure word for small animals
pictophonetic hole, cave; cellar; underground
pictophonetic den, nest; hole, indentation
pictophonetic to emerge from a hole; rustling, whispering
pictophonetic to peep, to spy on, to watch kuī
ideographic sinuses; corrupt; surname dòu
pictophonetic cellar, storeroom xūn
pictophonetic cave, den, nest; hiding place; measure word for small animals
pictophonetic pit, hollow, depression; swamp
pictophonetic door, window; a hole in a wall
pictophonetic poor; rustic
pictophonetic poor, destitute; to exhaust qióng
ideographic kiln, oven; pit, coal mine yáo
pictophonetic dirty; weak, useless; cracked, flawed
pictophonetic whisper, faint noise
pictophonetic to peep, to spy on, to watch kuī
pictophonetic hole; hallow; empty kuǎn
窿 pictophonetic mine shaft; cavity, hole lóng
ideographic to run away; to expel; to revise, to edit cuàn
pictophonetic hole, opening, aperture qiào
ideographic sinuses; corrupt; surname dòu
pictophonetic furnace; kitchen stove zào
ideographic to steal; thief; secret, stealthy qiè
pictographic to stand; to establish, to set up
ideographic perpendicular, vertical; to erect shù
pictophonetic stand, station; to halt, to stand; website; measure word for stands and stations zhàn
ideographic to compete, to contend, to vie jìng
ideographic finally, after all, at last; indeed; unexpected jìng
ideographic chapter, section, writing; seal zhāng
pictophonetic to terminate, to finish, to end; to quit jùn
ideographic child, boy; servant boy; virgin tóng
pictophonetic to exhaust; to put forth great effort jié
pictophonetic end, extreme; head; beginning duān
ideographic to compete, to contend, to vie jìng
pictographic bamboo; flute zhú
ideographic India; bamboo; surname zhú
pictophonetic free reed mouth organ
竿 pictophonetic bamboo pole; penis gān
pictophonetic hairpin; fifteen-year-old girl
pictophonetic bamboo fence
pictophonetic bamboo box used carry books
pictophonetic bamboo ladle, bamboo skimmer zhào
pictophonetic bamboo shoots sǔn
pictophonetic a tablet held by an overseer
ideographic to smile, to laugh; to giggle; to snicker xiào
ideographic pen, pencil, writing brush; to compose, to write; Hanzi stroke
pictophonetic bamboo water pipe jiǎn
pictophonetic free reed mouth organ shēng
ideographic bamboo flute; whistle
pictophonetic bamboo rod used for beatings chī
pictophonetic bamboo hat; bamboo covering
pictophonetic broom, besom tiáo
pictophonetic hamper, wicker basket
pictophonetic amulet, charm; mark, tag; to correspond to
pictophonetic stupid, foolish, dull, awkward bèn
pictophonetic a coarse mat of rushes or bamboo
pictophonetic bed boards, sleeping mat
ideographic sequence, number; grade, degree; particle prefacing an ordinal
pictophonetic boards that support roof tiles
pictophonetic a basket trap for fish gǒu
pictophonetic reed whistle jiā
pictophonetic a flat grain basket
pictophonetic note, memo, letter; stationery; comments jiān
pictophonetic basket; cage; bamboo basket used to serve dimsum lóng
pictophonetic bamboo container for food biān
pictophonetic bamboo (archaic) guì
pictophonetic bamboo brush xiǎn
ideographic pen, pencil, writing brush; to compose, to write; Hanzi stroke
pictophonetic bamboo staff qióng
ideographic rank, grade; same, equal; to wait děng
ideographic bamboo rope xiáo
ideographic muscles; tendons jīn
pictophonetic bamboo fish trap quán
pictophonetic bamboo shoots sǔn
pictophonetic raft
pictophonetic bamboo basket or chest kuāng
ideographic building; a five-string lute zhù
pictophonetic tube, pipe, cylinder; a thick piece of bamboo tǒng
pictophonetic woven bamboo mat háng
pictophonetic to urge, to whip; method, plan, policy
pictophonetic a roll of cloth kòu
pictophonetic wicker, bamboo
pictophonetic screen, sieve; to filter, to sift shāi
pictophonetic tall bamboo dāng
pictophonetic guzheng, zither, string instrument zhēng
pictophonetic bamboo skin yún
pictophonetic rake
pictophonetic key; pipe; to be in charge guǎn
pictophonetic divination using the stalks of plants; divining rod shì
ideographic dwarf bamboo; a diminutive in a nickname xiǎo
pictophonetic basket, bucket shāo
pictophonetic bamboo mat; banquet, feast yán
pictophonetic chopsticks kuài
pictophonetic chip, tally, token; to plan; to raise money chóu
pictophonetic a place in Hunan province gàng
pictophonetic tall bamboo yún
pictophonetic to sign, to endorse; a note, a slip of paper qiān
pictophonetic simple, succinct, terse; a letter jiǎn
pictophonetic note, memo, letter; stationery; comments jiān
ideographic hoop; to surround, to bind
pictophonetic guzheng, zither, string instrument zhēng
pictophonetic to draw a bamboo bow qìng
ideographic book, record; book of prophecy
pictophonetic screen, foil, plaited matting; silkworm basket
pictophonetic sieve; dust pan; garbage bag
ideographic to calculate, to count; to figure, to plan suàn
pictophonetic ancient Chinese harp kōng
ideographic tweezers, pincers; pliers, tongs qián
pictophonetic tube, pipe, duct; to manage, to control guǎn
pictophonetic yuān
pictophonetic reed mat; bedding
ideographic trunk, chest, box; portfolio qiè
pictophonetic bamboo sheath, bamboo shoots tuò
pictophonetic bamboo basket luó
pictophonetic a small bamboo basket for rice dān
pictophonetic bamboo flute xiāo
pictophonetic bamboo skin; broad-leaved bamboo ruò
pictophonetic arrow; a type of bamboo jiàn
pictophonetic box, case; chest, trunk xiāng
pictophonetic needle, probe; to admonish, to warn zhēn
pictophonetic chopsticks zhù
pictophonetic festival; knot, joint; segment; to economize, to save jié
pictophonetic bamboo grove huáng
pictophonetic pattern, model, example; surname fàn
pictophonetic seal script; seal, stamp zhuàn
ideographic chapter, section; article, essay piān
ideographic building; a five-string lute zhù
ideographic trunk, chest, box; portfolio qiè
pictophonetic ancient Chinese harp hóu
pictophonetic a bamboo basket for carrying soil kuì
pictophonetic bamboo basket lǒu
pictophonetic tall bamboo yún
pictophonetic a pole used to punt a boat gāo
pictophonetic round covered-basket fěi
pictophonetic bamboo basket; bamboo frame gōu
pictophonetic to sieze, to usurp cuàn
pictophonetic bugle, Tartar horn
ideographic fine-toothed comb; to comb one's hair
pictophonetic screen, sieve; to filter, to sift shāi
pictophonetic bamboo flute chí
pictophonetic basket; goal lán
pictophonetic bamboo fence; fence, hedge
pictophonetic wicker, bamboo
pictophonetic awning, covering; sail, tarp; boat péng
pictophonetic to edit; to collect; a bamboo basket zhuàn
ideographic wicker basket; sedan chair dōu
ideographic bamboo splints or slats miè
pictophonetic bunch, cluster; crowd, swarm
pictophonetic subordinate; deputy; concubine zào
ideographic bamboo basket for grain guǐ
pictophonetic to rustle; falling flower petals
pictophonetic box, basket
pictophonetic a bamboo trap for catching fish duàn
pictophonetic a small bamboo basket for rice dān
pictophonetic bamboo mat diàn
pictophonetic simple, succinct, terse; a letter jiǎn
pictophonetic a bamboo basket for carrying soil kuì
pictophonetic bamboo or straw hat; street-vendor's umbrella dēng
pictophonetic reed; lock, metal spring huáng
pictophonetic hairpin, clasp; to wear in the hair zān
pictophonetic bamboo flute xiāo
pictophonetic edge, brim; the eaves of a house yán
pictophonetic dustpan; to winnow, to toss
pictophonetic tall bamboo dāng
pictophonetic to sign, to endorse; a note, a slip of paper qiān
ideographic the flag-sign of a tavern lián
簿 pictophonetic register, notebook, account book
ideographic to read, to recite; a style of calligraphy zhòu
pictophonetic bamboo flute; flute, pipe; a musical note lài
pictophonetic basket; goal lán
pictophonetic chip, tally, token; to plan; to raise money chóu
pictophonetic register, record, list, census
pictophonetic to feed, to provide for; danties, delicacies zhuàn
ideographic book, record; book of prophecy
pictophonetic bamboo flute; flute, pipe; a musical note lài
pictophonetic basket; cage; bamboo basket used to serve dimsum lóng
pictophonetic label, marker, tag; signature; visa qiān
pictophonetic bamboo fence; fence, hedge
pictophonetic bamboo basket luó
ideographic to appeal, to request; to beg, to implore
pictographic rice, millet, grain
ideographic to purchase grain; to store grain
pictophonetic non-glutinous long-grain rice xiān
ideographic seed, pit, pip
pictophonetic powder, flour, cosmetic powder; plaster fěn
pictophonetic tsamba, flat rice cake
pictophonetic grain, granule; bullet, pellet
pictophonetic sediment, lees, dregs
pictophonetic rough, think; coarse, rude
pictophonetic viscous, sticky, mucous, glutinous zhān
ideographic to sell grain tiào
ideographic coarse rice; brown rice
pictophonetic ground rice; to thresh rice
ideographic oats, millet, barley
pictophonetic common millet; grain offered as a sacrifice
ideographic porridge, gruel, congee zhōu
pictophonetic manure, dung; shit, excrement fèn
pictophonetic food, grain, provisions liáng
pictophonetic sorghum, millet liáng
pictophonetic non-glutinous rice jīng
pictophonetic pure, unadulterated; essence cuì
pictophonetic clear, limpid (as of water) lín
pictophonetic a dumpling made of glutinous rice zòng
pictophonetic essence, germ, spirit jīng
pictophonetic to mix; a grain of rice sǎn
pictophonetic to mix, to blend; mixed róu
pictophonetic dried rice; dry rations hóu
pictophonetic pay, rations; sacrificial rice
pictophonetic muddled; paste; to stick on with paste
pictophonetic zanba, barley bread zān
pictophonetic sticky rice; mochi
pictophonetic cake, pastry gāo
pictophonetic candy, sugar, sweets táng
ideographic dry rations; mushy, overcooked; embarrassing qiǔ
pictophonetic coarse, harsh, rough; coarse rice cāo
pictophonetic rice gruel, congee; mashed
pictophonetic manure, dung; shit, excrement fèn
pictophonetic sediment, dregs; to waste, to spoil zāo
pictophonetic chaff, bran, husk; poor kāng
pictophonetic rice snacks
pictophonetic food, grain, provisions liáng
pictophonetic starch, paste; to starch jiàng
pictophonetic sticky rice; mochi shu
pictophonetic glutinous rice; sticky, viscous nuò
ideographic rice ball tuán
ideographic coarse rice; brown rice
pictographic silk; thread
pictographic silk; thread
pictophonetic system; line, link, connection
ideographic tangled; to investigate, to unravel jiū
pictophonetic discipline, age; period, era; record, annal
pictophonetic saddle strap, harness; an emperor zhòu
pictophonetic treaty, covenant, agreement yuē
pictophonetic red, vermillion; to blush, to flush; popular hóng
pictophonetic to twist, to turn, to bend; to distort
pictophonetic inferior silk; tassel, knot, fringe
pictophonetic gauze; fine white silk wán
ideographic to sew, to stitch; to thread a needle rèn
pictophonetic tangled; confused, disordered wěn
pictophonetic line, stripe; pattern, decoration; wrinkle wén
pictophonetic to adopt, to accept; to receive, to take
pictophonetic knot; button, handle; tie niǔ
ideographic to relieve; to relax, to loosen; to extricate shū
pictophonetic pure, clean; simple, genuine chún
pictophonetic carelessness; error, mistake; spoiled silk
pictophonetic gauze, muslin, yarn shā
pictophonetic paper zhǐ
pictophonetic level, rank; class, grade
pictophonetic tangled, scattered; numerous, confused fēn
pictophonetic confused; numerous yún
ideographic plain; white; vegetarian; formerly; normally
pictophonetic to spin, to weave, to reel fǎng
ideographic cable, rope; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, to inquire suǒ
ideographic to tie, to fasten, to bind
pictophonetic tense, tight, taut; firm, secure jǐn
pictophonetic purple, violet; amethyst; surname
pictophonetic to tie, to fasten, to bind
ideographic tired; to accumulate; to involve; bother, nuisance lèi
pictophonetic fine, detailed; slender, thin
pictophonetic girdle, tie; gentry; to bend shēn
pictophonetic to connect; to introduce shào
pictophonetic purple, violet gàn
pictophonetic thick rope; the rope around a bier
pictophonetic to stitch, to sew; insufficient chù
pictophonetic end; finally, in the end zhōng
pictophonetic to form, to assemble; section, department
pictophonetic a loop of thread; shackles, fetters; to stumble, to trip bàn
pictophonetic to quilt háng
pictophonetic knot, tie; to connect, to join jié
pictophonetic to hinder, to obstruct guà
ideographic to cut, to sever; to break off, to terminate jué
pictophonetic a tax on rolls of cloth
pictophonetic silk cord; sash, ribbon, cord tāo
pictophonetic line, marking; to assess, to measure jié
pictophonetic intertwined; to twist, to wring; to hang a criminal jiǎo
pictophonetic web, net; to entangle luò
pictophonetic variegated, adorned; brilliant xuàn
pictophonetic to give, to lend; for, by gěi
pictophonetic cotton, silk, velvet, wool róng
pictophonetic cotton padding; fluff, padding, waste; long-winded
pictophonetic to govern, to command; to gather, to unite tǒng
ideographic silk, fine thread; wire; strings
pictophonetic deep red; a river in Shanxi province jiàng
ideographic to tie up, to shackle; to imprison, to confine zhí
pictophonetic a kind of thick stiff silk juàn
pictophonetic mourning veil miǎn
pictophonetic to tie, to fasten, to bind bǎng
pictophonetic to soothe, to pacify, to appease suí
pictophonetic the classics; to experience, to undergo jīng
pictophonetic to sum up; to arrange threads for weaving zōng
pictophonetic green; chlorine
pictophonetic silk cloth, satin damask chóu
pictophonetic attached, inseparable, in love quǎn
pictophonetic dark gray; variegated; superlative
pictophonetic a silk ribbon used as a seal shòu
pictophonetic to preserve, to maintain, to hold together wéi
ideographic embroidered banner
pictophonetic program, outline; principle, guiding thread gāng
pictophonetic net; network wǎng
ideographic to connect, to join; to patch up, to stitch together zhuì
pictophonetic motley, variegated cǎi
pictophonetic five-color silk cuì
ideographic silk thread; to twist together; to classify lún
ideographic skein; tuft, lock; wrinkle liǔ
pictophonetic fine silk; elegant, beautiful
pictophonetic to crack; to burst open; to split at the seams zhàn
pictophonetic graceful, delicate; spacious chuò
綿 ideographic continuous, unbroken; cotten, silk; soft, downy mián
pictophonetic belt, cord, sash; hemming; to sew gǔn
pictophonetic tense, tight, taut; firm, secure jǐn
pictophonetic crimson, scarlet; purple fēi
pictophonetic mental state; thread, clue
pictophonetic to seal, to close, to bind; a letter jiān
pictophonetic line, thread, wire; clue, trail xiàn
pictophonetic to sieze, to arrest; to stich closely
pictophonetic satin duàn
pictophonetic to tie, to join; knot, connection
pictophonetic reason, cause; fate; margin, hem yuán
pictophonetic to knit, to weave; to arrange, to compile biān
pictophonetic slow, gradual; to postpone, to delay huǎn
pictophonetic distant, remote; to think of miǎn
pictophonetic warp and woof; lines of latitude wěi
ideographic dim, indistinct; distant; minute miǎo
pictophonetic to drill, to exercise; to practice, to train liàn
ideographic to send; to present, to deliver; to cause; consequence zhì
pictophonetic to coil, to entangle, to entwine yíng
pictophonetic red silk jìn
pictophonetic to hang; to strangle
pictophonetic tangled hemp, raveled silk; vague, confused yūn
pictophonetic to tie, to bind
pictophonetic plain white silk gǎo
pictophonetic elegant, decorative, adorned
ideographic county, district, subdivision xiàn
pictophonetic cord, ribbon, sash tāo
pictophonetic the sound of fabric rustling cài
pictophonetic to sew, to mend fèng
pictophonetic bridal veil; to tie, to bind
pictophonetic to withdraw, to shrink, to pull back; abbreviation suō
pictophonetic to indulge in, to give free reign to zòng
ideographic tow rope qiàn
pictophonetic plain silk; simple, plain màn
pictophonetic strand, thread; detailed, precise
pictophonetic dim, misty, indistinct; a silk veil piāo
pictophonetic harness, halter; to tie up
pictophonetic to gather, to collect; overall, altogether zǒng
ideographic achievements, merit
pictophonetic complex, difficult; many, diverse fán
pictophonetic to bind, to strap, to draw firm běng
pictophonetic to prepare; error, mistake; attached móu
pictophonetic cause, means, reason yáo
pictophonetic silk; to tie, to bind; surname zēng
pictophonetic to knit, to weave; to organize, to unite zhī
pictophonetic to repair, to mend; to transcribe, to rewrite shàn
pictophonetic confused; to bind; to wind around liáo
pictophonetic to entwine, to wind around; to orbit, to revolve rào
pictophonetic to embroider; embroidery; ornament xiù
pictophonetic string, rope, cord; to control shéng
pictophonetic to sketch, to paint, to draw huì
pictophonetic system; line, link, connection
ideographic cocoon; callus, blister jiǎn
pictophonetic noose; to hang; to tie, to bind huán
pictophonetic to spool, to reel qiāo
pictophonetic to deliver, to submit, to hand over jiǎo
pictophonetic to unravel; to interpret
pictophonetic to continue, to carry on; to succeed, to inherit
pictophonetic abundant, diverse, variegated bīn
pictophonetic attached, inseparable, in love; entangled qiǎn
pictophonetic to edit, to compile; to tie a knot zuǎn
pictophonetic knot; to tie a knot xié
pictophonetic continuous, serial
ideographic tired; to accumulate; to involve; bother, nuisance lèi
pictophonetic to wrap, to entangle; to involve; to bother, to annoy chán
pictophonetic tassel, ribbon; to bother, to annoy yīng
pictophonetic talent, ability; only, just cái
pictophonetic fine, delicate; tiny, minute xiān
ideographic banner, streamer dào
pictophonetic cable, hawser, heavy-duty rope lǎn
pictographic silk; thread
ideographic tangled; to investigate, to unravel jiū
pictophonetic to twist, to turn, to bend; to distort
pictophonetic red, vermillion; to blush, to flush; popular hóng
pictophonetic saddle strap, harness; an emperor zhòu
pictophonetic fine, delicate; tiny, minute xiān
pictophonetic inferior silk; tassel, knot, fringe
pictophonetic treaty, covenant, agreement yuē
pictophonetic level, rank; class, grade
pictophonetic gauze; fine white silk wán
pictophonetic cotton, silk kuàng
pictophonetic discipline, age; period, era; record, annal
ideographic to sew, to stitch; to thread a needle rèn
pictophonetic warp and woof; lines of latitude wěi
pictophonetic confused; numerous yún
pictophonetic pure, clean; simple, genuine chún
pictophonetic carelessness; error, mistake; spoiled silk
pictophonetic gauze, muslin, yarn shā
pictophonetic program, outline; principle, guiding thread gāng
pictophonetic to adopt, to accept; to receive, to take
pictophonetic to lay warp, to weave; to stitch, to sew rèn
pictophonetic to indulge in, to give free reign to zòng
ideographic silk thread; to twist together; to classify lún
pictophonetic tangled, scattered; numerous, confused fēn
pictophonetic paper zhǐ
pictophonetic line, stripe; pattern, decoration; wrinkle wén
pictophonetic to spin, to weave, to reel fǎng
pictophonetic knot; button, handle; tie niǔ
ideographic to relieve; to relax, to loosen; to extricate shū
线 pictophonetic line, thread, wire; clue, trail xiàn
pictophonetic purple, violet gàn
pictophonetic to shorten, to contract; tie, leash xiè
ideographic a cord or ribbon used to hang ornaments
pictophonetic to drill, to exercise; to practice, to train liàn
pictophonetic to form, to assemble; section, department
pictophonetic girdle, tie; gentry; to bend shēn
pictophonetic fine, detailed; slender, thin
pictophonetic to knit, to weave; to organize, to unite zhī
pictophonetic end; finally, in the end zhōng
pictophonetic crepe, imitation silk; wrinkles, creases zhòu
pictophonetic a loop of thread; shackles, fetters; to stumble, to trip bàn
pictophonetic thick rope; the rope around a bier
pictophonetic to stitch, to sew; insufficient chù
pictophonetic to connect; to introduce shào
pictophonetic to unravel; to interpret
pictophonetic the classics; to experience, to undergo jīng
pictophonetic to pretend, to fool, to cheat dài
pictophonetic to tie, to fasten, to bind bǎng
pictophonetic cotton, silk, velvet, wool róng
pictophonetic knot, tie; to connect, to join jié
ideographic pants, trousers, underwear
pictophonetic to entwine, to wind around; to orbit, to revolve rào
pictophonetic to quilt háng
pictophonetic to sketch, to paint, to draw huì
pictophonetic to give, to lend; for, by gěi
pictophonetic variegated, adorned; brilliant xuàn
pictophonetic deep red; a river in Shanxi province jiàng
pictophonetic web, net; to entangle luò
pictophonetic to cut, to sever; to break off, to terminate jué
pictophonetic intertwined; to twist, to wring; to hang a criminal jiǎo
pictophonetic to govern, to command; to gather, to unite tǒng
pictophonetic thick rope; well-rope gěng
pictophonetic raw silk xiāo
pictophonetic a kind of thick stiff silk juàn
pictophonetic to embroider; embroidery; ornament xiù
pictophonetic to soothe, to pacify, to appease suí
pictophonetic silk cord; sash, ribbon, cord tāo
pictophonetic to continue, to carry on; to succeed, to inherit
pictophonetic coarse pongee, heavy silk
ideographic achievements, merit
pictophonetic mental state; thread, clue
pictophonetic thin silk, damask silk líng
pictophonetic continuous, serial
pictophonetic fine silk; elegant, beautiful
pictophonetic crimson, scarlet; purple fēi
pictophonetic graceful, delicate; spacious chuò
pictophonetic the sole of a shoe; to patch, to sole shàng
pictophonetic belt, cord, sash; hemming; to sew gǔn
pictophonetic string, rope, cord; to control shéng
pictophonetic to preserve, to maintain, to hold together wéi
ideographic continuous, unbroken; cotten, silk; soft, downy mián
pictophonetic a silk ribbon used as a seal shòu
pictophonetic to bind, to strap, to draw firm běng
pictophonetic silk cloth, satin damask chóu
ideographic skein; tuft, lock; wrinkle liǔ
pictophonetic attached, inseparable, in love quǎn
pictophonetic to sum up; to arrange threads for weaving zōng
pictophonetic to crack; to burst open; to split at the seams zhàn
pictophonetic to string together, to bind up wǎn
绿 pictophonetic green; chlorine
ideographic to connect, to join; to patch up, to stitch together zhuì
ideographic black silk
pictophonetic the woof of a woven item
pictophonetic light-yellow color xiāng
pictophonetic to seal, to close, to bind; a letter jiān
pictophonetic distant, remote; to think of miǎn
pictophonetic cable, hawser, heavy-duty rope lǎn
pictophonetic orange-red silk; red, brown
ideographic dim, indistinct; distant; minute miǎo
pictophonetic to sieze, to arrest; to stich closely
pictophonetic tangled hemp, raveled silk; vague, confused yūn
pictophonetic to sketch, to paint, to draw; multicolored huì
pictophonetic fine linen
pictophonetic duǒ
pictophonetic satin duàn
pictophonetic hem; to braid, to plait biàn
pictophonetic a tassel on a sword hilt; surname gōu
pictophonetic to climb a rope; to hang, to rappel zhuì
pictophonetic slow, gradual; to postpone, to delay huǎn
pictophonetic to tie, to join; knot, connection
pictophonetic strand, thread; detailed, precise
pictophonetic to knit, to weave; to arrange, to compile biān
pictophonetic fishing line; cord; a string of coins mín
pictophonetic reason, cause; fate; margin, hem yuán
pictophonetic red silk jìn
pictophonetic to tie, to bind
pictophonetic elegant, decorative, adorned
pictophonetic fine, detailed; closely woven zhěn
pictophonetic to sew, to mend fèng
pictophonetic plain white silk gǎo
pictophonetic to wrap, to entangle; to involve; to bother, to annoy chán
pictophonetic bridal veil; to tie, to bind
pictophonetic to hang; to strangle
pictophonetic fine silk jiān
pictophonetic abundant, diverse, variegated bīn
pictophonetic dim, misty, indistinct; a silk veil piāo
pictophonetic plain silk; simple, plain màn
pictophonetic chains, bonds léi
pictophonetic tassel, ribbon; to bother, to annoy yīng
pictophonetic to withdraw, to shrink, to pull back; abbreviation suō
pictophonetic to prepare; error, mistake; attached móu
pictophonetic to draw, to reel in sāo
pictophonetic knot; to tie a knot xié
pictophonetic confused; to bind; to wind around liáo
pictophonetic to repair, to mend; to transcribe, to rewrite shàn
pictophonetic silk; to tie, to bind; surname zēng
pictophonetic bridle, reins jiāng
pictophonetic attached, inseparable, in love; entangled qiǎn
pictophonetic to spool, to reel qiāo
pictophonetic noose; to hang; to tie, to bind huán
pictophonetic to deliver, to submit, to hand over jiǎo
pictophonetic to continue, to carry on; to succeed zuǎn
pictographic earthen crock or jar; pottery fǒu
pictophonetic earthen jug, crock, cistern gāng
pictophonetic to lack, to be short; vacancy, gap, deficit quē
pictophonetic earthen basin; alms bowl
pictophonetic long-necked bottle or jar yīng
pictophonetic empty; to exhaust, to run out, to use up qìng
ideographic crack, fissure, split xià
pictophonetic altar; arena; examination hall tán
pictophonetic long-necked bottle or jar yīng
pictophonetic jar, jug, pitcher, pot guàn
pictographic net; network wǎng
pictographic net, network gāng
pictophonetic none; to deceive; to slander wǎng
ideographic rare, scarce; surname hǎn
pictophonetic gauze, net; to collect, to display luō
pictophonetic a screen used in ancient times
pictophonetic deep
ideographic penalty, fine; to punish, to penalize
pictophonetic net, snare; to implicate
pictophonetic the stars at the end of the Big Dipper gāng
ideographic to cease, to finish, to stop, to quit
pictophonetic medical compress; fishing net yǎn
pictophonetic cover, shroud; basket for catching fish zhào
ideographic sin, vice; fault, guilt; crime zuì
pictophonetic to lay out, to place, to set aside zhì
ideographic penalty, fine; to punish, to penalize
pictophonetic fishing net lǎn
pictophonetic bureau, public office; to sign shǔ
pictophonetic to accuse, to blame, to curse, to scold
ideographic to cease, to finish, to stop, to quit
pictophonetic sorrow, grief; to incur, to meet with
pictophonetic a large square net for catching fish zēng
ideographic halter; to restrain, to hold, to control
ideographic gauze, net; to collect, to display luō
pictophonetic brown bear, Ursus arctos
ideographic halter; to restrain, to hold, to control
pictographic sheep, goat yáng
pictophonetic Qiang nationality; surname qiāng
ideographic beautiful, pretty; pleasing měi
pictophonetic lamb gāo
pictophonetic river, flowing water yàng
pictophonetic a species of antelope líng
pictophonetic ram, he-goat
ideographic shame, disgrace; shy, ashamed xiū
pictophonetic hydroxide qiǎng
ideographic to envy, to covet; to admire, to praise xiàn
pictophonetic group, crowd; multitude, mob qún
pictophonetic hydroxide qiǎng
pictophonetic to covet, to envy; to admire, to praise xiàn
pictophonetic right conduct, propriety; justice
pictophonetic wether, castrated ram; deer skin jié
pictophonetic carbonyl group tāng
ideographic the rank odor of sheep or goats shān
ideographic soup, broth gēng
pictophonetic to confuse, to mix; to interpolate chàn
pictographic feather, plume; wings
羿 ideographic a legendary archer
pictophonetic old man; father, father-in-law wēng
pictophonetic wings; fins chì
pictophonetic flying; to assist, to help; to respect
pictophonetic plume, tail feathers líng
ideographic the sound of the wind; to soar liù
ideographic to study, to practice; habit
pictophonetic to soar, to hover, to glide xiáng
ideographic to agree; to open and close the mouth
pictophonetic outstanding; to elevate, to lift, to raise qiào
ideographic long-tailed pheasant; plume; surname
pictophonetic kingfisher; jade, emerald cuì
pictophonetic kingfisher; jade, emerald fěi
pictophonetic to soar; to take off zhù
pictophonetic scissors; to cut, to clip; to annihilate jiǎn
pictophonetic to fly, to flutter piān
pictophonetic quill, feather stem
pictophonetic pen, pencil, writing brush hàn
pictophonetic to soar; to roam áo
pictophonetic shade, screen; to hide, to screen
pictophonetic outstanding; to elevate, to lift, to raise qiào
pictophonetic to upset, to capsize, to flip over fān
pictophonetic wings, fins; shelter
耀 ideographic to sparkle, to shine, to dazzle; glory yào
pictographic old, aged; experienced lǎo
ideographic old, aged; experienced lǎo
pictophonetic to test, to investigate, to examine kǎo
pictophonetic selderly person; old, senile mào
pictophonetic man of sixty; aged, old
pictophonetic aged; in one's eighties dié
ideographic to play, to frolic, to amuse shuǎ
pictographic plow lěi
pictophonetic to hoe the soil around one's plants
pictophonetic to plow, to cultivate gēng
pictophonetic chào
pictophonetic to consume, to use up; to squander, to waste hào
pictophonetic to weed yún
pictophonetic to rake
pictophonetic plow, spade
pictophonetic to dig, to till huō
pictophonetic a kind of farm tool lào
pictophonetic to plow; to rely on
pictophonetic a kind of farm tool tāng
pictophonetic to plow side-by-side; pair, couple; a team of two ǒu
pictophonetic a drill for sowing grain lóu
pictophonetic to hoe, to rake; to weed nòu
ideographic to plow; to sow jiǎng
pictophonetic to cultivate, to plow pǎng
pictophonetic a kind of farm tool
pictographic ear; to hear, to hear of; handle ěr
pictophonetic earwax dīng
pictophonetic used in transliterations
pictophonetic drooping ears
pictophonetic to excite, to urge; to raise; to shrug; lofty, towering sǒng
pictophonetic shame, humiliation; ashamed chǐ
pictophonetic to indulge; to delay dān
pictophonetic bright, shining; brave, loyal gěng
ideographic to whisper; surname niè
pictophonetic ears without rims; a nickname dān
pictophonetic to hear, to listen líng
pictophonetic somewhat, slightly, at least liáo
pictophonetic deaf lóng
pictophonetic duty, profession; office, post zhí
pictophonetic earwax níng
ideographic clamor, din, hubbub guā
pictophonetic ally, associate; to connect, to join lián
ideographic holy, sacred; sage, saint shèng
pictophonetic to employ, to engage; betrothed pìn
ideographic to assemble, to collect, to meet
pictophonetic news; to hear, to smell; to make known wén
pictophonetic deaf kuì
pictophonetic sharp (of sight and hearing); intelligent, clever, bright cōng
pictophonetic ally, associate; to connect, to join lián
pictophonetic sharp (of sight and hearing); intelligent, clever, bright cōng
pictophonetic bent, twisted; overcomplicated áo
pictophonetic sound, noise; voice, tone, music shēng
pictophonetic to excite, to urge; to raise; to shrug; lofty, towering sǒng
pictophonetic deaf kuì
ideographic to whisper; surname niè
pictophonetic duty, profession; office, post zhí
ideographic to hear, to listen; to understand; to obey tīng
pictophonetic deaf lóng
pictographic writing brush, pencil; thereupon
pictographic pen
ideographic to indulge; excess; four (bankers' anti-fraud numeral)
pictographic meat; flesh ròu
pictophonetic ribs; chest
pictophonetic flesh, skin; muscle, tissue; meat on bones
pictophonetic abdominal cavity; the area between the heart and diaphragm huāng
pictophonetic to resemble, to look like; to be like xiào
pictographic elbow, shoulder; to help someone carry a load zhǒu
ideographic a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty yuàn
pictophonetic belly; abdomen, bowels
pictophonetic anus gāng
pictophonetic to sacrifice on two successive days róng
pictophonetic liver gān
pictophonetic oxime, oximide, -oxil
pictophonetic intestines; emotions; sausage cháng
pictophonetic share, portion; thighs, haunches, rump
pictophonetic limbs zhī
pictophonetic skin; shallow, superficial
pictophonetic fat, plump, obese; fertile féi
ideographic shoulders; to shoulder, to bear jiān
pictophonetic animal fat fáng
pictophonetic gizzard; honest, sincere zhūn
pictophonetic fat, blubber; a seal
pictophonetic dirty, filthy āng
ideographic to agree to, to consent, to permit; ready, willing kěn
ideographic dog meat rán
pictophonetic forearm gōng
ideographic to produce, to give birth to; to educate
pictophonetic cooked or prepared meat yáo
pictophonetic the area between the waist and hips qiǎn
pictophonetic lungs fèi
pictophonetic hydrazine jǐng
pictophonetic peptide tài
pictophonetic kidney shèn
pictophonetic swelling; swollen; to swell zhǒng
pictophonetic swelling, inflation zhàng
ideographic to threaten, to coerce; ribs, flank xié
pictophonetic arsine shèn
ideographic stomach wèi
pictographic helmet; descendant zhòu
pictophonetic gallbladder; gall, guts, courage dǎn
pictophonetic back, backside; to betray, to violate bèi
pictophonetic guanidine guā
pictophonetic embryo, fetus; car tire tāi
pictophonetic fat, plump, obese; a fat person pàng
pictophonetic measles, pustules, rash zhēn
pictophonetic meat offered in sacrifice to one's ancestors zuò
pictophonetic embryo; an unfinished thing pēi
pictophonetic shoulder; shoulder blade jiǎ
pictophonetic victory; to excel, to truimph shèng
pictophonetic corn, callus zhī
pictophonetic womb, placenta, fetal membrane bāo
ideographic to open; to throw away
pictophonetic recklessly, foolishly; wildly
ideographic heir, successor; progeny, posterity yìn
ideographic all, together, mutually
pictophonetic blurry, obscured; the condition or appearance of the moon lóng
pictophonetic peptone dòng
pictophonetic carbylamine; isocyanide
pictophonetic to arrange, to display
pictophonetic calf, shinbone jìng
pictophonetic pterygium, surfer's eye
pictophonetic cosmetics, rouge yān
pictophonetic pelvis, groin; thighs kuà
pictophonetic pancreas; soap
pictophonetic bladder guāng
pictophonetic hydroxylamine hǎi
pictophonetic arms; armpit
pictophonetic the large intestine; the body dòng
ideographic glue, gum, resin, rubber; sticky; to glue jiāo
ideographic breast, bosom; heart, mind xiōng
pictophonetic amine àn
pictophonetic corn, callus pián
pictographic can, may; capable, full of energy néng
pictophonetic fat, grease, lard, oil zhī
ideographic to threaten, to coerce; ribs, flank xié
ideographic fragile, frail; brittle, crisp cuì
ideographic a pulse; arteries, veins; blood vessels mài
ideographic a pulse; arteries, veins; blood vessels mài
ideographic spine, backbone; ridge
pictophonetic minced meat, minced fish kuài
pictophonetic an organic compound
pictophonetic organs, viscera; dirty, filthy zàng
pictophonetic navel; belly, underside
pictophonetic brain nǎo
pictophonetic to open; to throw away
pictophonetic pus nóng
pictophonetic thinly sliced meat luán
pictophonetic neck
pictophonetic abdominal cavity wǎn
pictophonetic leg, foot; foundation, base jiǎo
pictophonetic calf, shinbone jìng
pictophonetic minced meat; trifles cuǒ
pictophonetic flesh méi
pictophonetic lips chún
pictophonetic dried meat xiū
pictophonetic to take off, to shed; to escape from tuō
pictophonetic bladder pāo
pictophonetic dried meat; preserved fruits
pictophonetic to take off, to shed; to escape from tuō
pictophonetic urea niào
pictophonetic fingerprint luó
pictophonetic beef tongue
pictophonetic face, cheek; reputation liǎn
pictophonetic swelling, inflation zhàng
pictophonetic spleen, pancreas; temper, disposition
pictophonetic good, strong; prosperous; protruding tiǎn
pictophonetic acrylic jīng
ideographic December; year's end sacrifice; dried meat
pictophonetic armpit
ideographic to salt, to cure; to pickle, to marinate yān
pictophonetic kidney shèn
pictophonetic to spoil, to rot, to decay; rotten
pictophonetic bowels, entrails, viscera
pictophonetic leg, calf; to wither, to decay féi
pictophonetic chest cavity; a hollow in the body qiāng
pictophonetic wrist wàn
pictophonetic peptone dòng
pictophonetic an organic compound zōng
pictophonetic buttocks dìng
pictophonetic subcutaneous tissue còu
pictophonetic fishy, rank; raw meat xīng
ideographic brain nǎo
pictophonetic acupoint shù
pictophonetic brisket, ribs; belly meat nǎn
ideographic swelling; swollen; to swell zhǒng
pictophonetic palate, the roof of the mouth è
pictophonetic jaw; gills sāi
pictophonetic waist, lower back; middle; pocket yāo
pictophonetic tendon, sinew jiàn
pictophonetic leg, foot; foundation, base jiǎo
pictophonetic fat; rich, fertile; soft, plump
pictophonetic intestines; emotions; sausage cháng
pictophonetic stomach, belly, abdomen; inside
pictophonetic gland xiàn
pictophonetic greasy, oily, smooth; bored, tired
pictophonetic modest, bashful miǎn
pictophonetic fat, blubber
pictophonetic to fly, to soar; to gallop, to prance; rising, steaming téng
ideographic legs, thighs tuǐ
ideographic shoulder, upper arm, wing bǎng
pictophonetic backbone, spinal column
pictophonetic fat, blubber
pictophonetic diaphragm
pictophonetic shoulder, upper arm
pictophonetic grease, fat; ointment, paste gāo
pictophonetic kneecap bìn
pictophonetic hollow, cavity guó
pictophonetic sfat; rump biāo
pictophonetic skin; shallow, superficial
ideographic chest cavity; hollow space táng
pictophonetic membrane, film; to kneel and worship
pictophonetic knee
pictophonetic glue, gum, resin, rubber; sticky; to glue jiāo
pictophonetic vagina zhì
pictographic phosphine lìn
pictophonetic bloated, inflated, swollen; to swell péng
pictophonetic greasy, oily, smooth; bored, tired
pictophonetic pork chuài
pictophonetic omentum; the fat covering the intestines liáo
pictophonetic the triple foci, the three visceral cavities jiāo
pictophonetic meals, provisions shàn
pictophonetic breast, chest; to bear, to undertake yīng
pictophonetic a flock of sheep; a rank odor shān
pictophonetic gallbladder; gall, guts, courage dǎn
pictophonetic minced meat, minced fish kuài
pictophonetic pus nóng
pictophonetic buttocks tún
pictophonetic leg, calf lián
pictophonetic arm
pictophonetic to swell up; swollen, fat yōng
ideographic chest, breast; thoughts, feelings
pictophonetic face, cheek; reputation liǎn
pictophonetic shy, bashful; rank, fetid; the smell of urine sāo
pictophonetic swelling, edema; puffy, bloated
pictophonetic navel; belly, underside
pictophonetic December; year's end sacrifice; dried meat
pictophonetic to arrange, to display
pictophonetic dirty, filthy
pictophonetic organs, viscera; dirty, filthy zàng
pictophonetic thinly sliced meat luán
pictophonetic dirty, filthy
ideographic stern; wise qiān
ideographic to crouch, to lie down
pictophonetic good, right; generous; to command zāng
pictographic self; private, personal; from
ideographic provincial judge; law, rule; door post niè
ideographic to reek, to smell, to stink chòu
pictophonetic tottering, unsteady; jumpy, jittery niè
ideographic reach, arrive; very, extremely zhì
pictophonetic to send; to present, to deliver; to cause; consequence zhì
ideographic platform; unit; term of address tái
pictophonetic to reach, to arrive; utmost, superior zhēn
pictographic mortar; bone joint socket jiù
ideographic pit, hole xiàn
ideographic to separate the grain from the husk chā
ideographic to ladle out; to scoop yǎo
ideographic to lift, to raise, to carry on one's shoulder
pictophonetic to grind in a mortar chōng
pictographic shoe, the sole of a shoe; magpie
pictophonetic mother's brother, uncle jiù
ideographic cart, palanquin, sedan chair
pictophonetic to raise; to recommend; to praise
pictophonetic old, ancient; former, past jiù
ideographic split, quarrel, dispute; blood sacrifice xìn
pictographic tongue; bell clapper shé
pictophonetic house, dwelling; to reside, to dwell; to abandon, to give up shě
pictophonetic to lick, to lap up shì
pictophonetic relaxed, comfortable; to unfold, to stretch out shū
pictophonetic to lick, to taste tiǎn
pictophonetic store, shop; bunk, bed
pictophonetic legendary ruler shùn
ideographic to dance; to brandish
pictographic boat, ship zhōu
pictophonetic boat, ship chuán
pictophonetic sampan, wooden boat shān
pictophonetic to moor a boat
pictophonetic sampan, wooden boat bǎn
pictophonetic vessel, craft; to sail, to navigate háng
pictophonetic yacht, fancy boat fǎng
ideographic sort, manner, kind, class bān
pictophonetic bilge
pictophonetic zhōng
pictophonetic warship jiàn
ideographic cabin, ship's hold cāng
pictophonetic houseboat; a small boat with windows líng
pictophonetic the stern of a ship zhú
pictophonetic dinghy, small boat
pictophonetic helm, rudder duò
pictophonetic large ship, ocean-going vessel
pictophonetic bulwarks, gunwhale xián
pictophonetic barge, large boat
pictophonetic ship, boat, vessel chuán
pictophonetic the prow of a ship
pictophonetic equipment onboard a ship
pictophonetic the stern of a ship shāo
ideographic dispatch boat
pictophonetic dugout, punt, small boat tǐng
ideographic the aft of a ship wěi
pictophonetic small boat měng
pictophonetic fast boat huáng
ideographic the prow of a ship shǒu
pictophonetic measure word for ships or vessels sōu
ideographic cabin, ship's hold cāng
pictophonetic ship, junk cáo
pictophonetic ancient warship chōng
pictophonetic warship jiàn
pictophonetic a long narrow war-boat méng
pictophonetic difficult, hard; hardship jiān
pictophonetic difficult, hard; hardship jiān
ideographic color, tint, hue, shade; beauty, form; sex
ideographic beautiful, glamorous, sexy, voluptuous yàn
pictophonetic angry, showing emotion on one's face
ideographic beautiful, glamorous, sexy, voluptuous yàn
pictographic grass cǎo
pictographic grass, weed, plant, herb cǎo
pictophonetic art; talent, ability; craft
pictophonetic sweet basil
pictophonetic large-leaf gentian jiāo
pictophonetic mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris; used in transliterations ài, yì
pictophonetic taro nǎi
ideographic festival; knot, joint; segment; to economize, to save jié
pictophonetic leaf-blade vine; Metaplexis wán
ideographic luxuriant foliage qiān
pictophonetic taro
pictophonetic peony; water chestnuts sháo
pictophonetic Szechuan lovage rhizome qiōng
pictophonetic Shichito matgrass
pictophonetic white millet
pictophonetic blade; ray; silvergrass, Miscanthus sinensis máng
pictophonetic fragrant, aromatic; the smell of herbs xiāng
pictophonetic common mallow; Malva sylvestris
pictophonetic lotus; hibiscus
pictophonetic weeds; overgrowth
pictophonetic sesame; a magical mushroom zhī
ideographic to weed, to mow, to scythe shān
pictophonetic Gorgon plant, fox nut qiàn
pictophonetic China grass, ramie kōu
pictophonetic mustard, broccoli jiè
pictophonetic rushes, reeds
pictophonetic Chinese elder tree
pictophonetic salt-marsh plant qín
pictophonetic celery
pictophonetic a poisonous plant; Daphne genkwa yán
pictophonetic aroma, fragrance, perfume fēn
pictophonetic a plantain or banana palm
pictophonetic tiny, small; the water's edge ruì
ideographic core, pith; the pith of a rush (Juncus effusus) xīn
pictophonetic water caltrop
ideographic flower, blossom; to spend (time or money) huā
pictophonetic fragrant; beautiful, virtuous fāng
pictophonetic an edible wild plant
pictophonetic an angelica herb zhǐ
pictophonetic common rue; diverse, varied yún
pictophonetic celery qín
ideographic to mow, to cut grass; hay, fodder chú
pictophonetic bud, shoot, sprout
pictophonetic flower; lush, luxuriant fèi
pictophonetic a medicinal herb; Boschniakia glabra cōng
pictophonetic benzyl biàn
pictophonetic reed wěi
pictophonetic magnolia; Drabanemerosa hebecarpa
pictophonetic acenaphthene è
pictophonetic amaranth xiàn
pictophonetic Averrhora carambola; surname cháng
pictophonetic dark blue; deep green; old, hoary cāng
pictophonetic China grass, ramie zhù
pictophonetic to awaken, to revive, to resurrect; used in transliterations
pictophonetic pasture, park, garden; mansion yuàn
pictophonetic lush, luxuriant; ordered, sequential; the passage of time rǎn
pictophonetic fungus, tuber; licorice líng
pictophonetic moss, lichen tái
pictophonetic rush, reed; trumpet vine sháo
ideographic sprouts; Miao nationality miáo
pictophonetic Indian mallow qǐng
pictophonetic severe, harsh; rigorous, exacting
pictophonetic clover
ideographic bud, flower; rush, reed; to bloom bāo
pictophonetic careless, frivolous, illicit; but, if only gǒu
pictophonetic number, multitude; bamboo skin mín
pictophonetic barley
pictophonetic a kind of lettuce
pictophonetic kohlrabi piě
pictophonetic bitter; hardship, suffering
pictophonetic China grass, ramie zhù
pictophonetic rush or straw matting shān
pictophonetic benzene, benzol běn
pictophonetic petal, flower, leaf; brave, heroic; English yīng
pictophonetic hornwort zhǎ
pictophonetic hemp; sack-cloth
ideographic licorice gān
pictophonetic apple; duckweed, Artemisia píng
pictophonetic a kind of herb; Angelica anomala
pictophonetic weeds; overgrowth
ideographic to sprout, to flourish; vigorous, healthy zhuó
pictophonetic thick, lush, dense; talented mào
pictophonetic pattern, model, example; surname fàn
pictophonetic eggplant jiā
pictophonetic rushes, reeds, grass; surname máo
pictophonetic water mallow máo
pictophonetic straw, thatch
pictophonetic a plant yielding a red dye
pictophonetic white jasmine
pictophonetic a district in Shandong chí
pictophonetic stem, stalk jīng
pictophonetic tall grass; water-weeds lóng
pictophonetic mistletoe; parasitic plants niǎo
ideographic grave, tomb, cemetary yíng
pictophonetic tea; tea leaves; tea plant míng
pictophonetic indene yìn
pictophonetic ranunculus gèn
pictophonetic reed, madder; Rubia cordifolia qiàn
ideographic cocoon; callus, blister jiǎn
pictophonetic thatching; caltrop, Tribulus terrestris
pictophonetic vague, boundless; vast, widespread máng
pictophonetic opportunity; farmland after the harvest chá
pictophonetic an edible aquatic grass; Zizania aquatica jiāo
pictophonetic China root; medicinal fungus
pictophonetic dogwood zhū
pictophonetic Shichito matgrass jiāng
pictophonetic fennel, aniseed huí
pictophonetic mattress, cushion; wormwood, Skimmia japon yīn
pictophonetic tea; tea leaves; tea plant chá
pictophonetic soft, downy; buds, sprouts rōng
pictophonetic roots, vegetables
pictophonetic chōng
pictophonetic chrysanthemum; Glebionis coronarium tóng
pictophonetic plant, herb; surname xún
pictophonetic aromatic herb; fine cloth quán
pictophonetic to answer; small bean; thick, heavy
ideographic thorns, brambles; surname jīng
pictophonetic a water plant, Nymphoides peltalum xìng
pictophonetic grass, herbs; straw, thatch cǎo
pictophonetic herb, mint; soft, pliable rěn
ideographic to recommend; to recur, to repeat jiàn
pictophonetic sprout; to weed
pictophonetic wasteland, desert; uncultivated huāng
pictophonetic lychee
pictophonetic seed-pod jiá
pictophonetic fuel, firewood; grass, shrub; Wikstroemia japonica ráo
pictophonetic a kind of bean; Piper longtum
ideographic buckwheat qiáo
pictophonetic abundant, flourishing huì
pictophonetic water chestnut; water caltrop
ideographic pond, pool; ripple, shake; to wash away, to wipe out dàng
ideographic glory, honor; to flourish, to prosper róng
pictophonetic non-vegetarian food; garlic; a foul smell hūn
pictophonetic a county in Henan; the sound of waves crashing xíng
pictophonetic brindled ox; tawny, variegated luò
pictophonetic to shine, to shimmer; shining, dazzling yíng
pictophonetic nettle xún
pictophonetic loyal, faithful; a perennial weed jìn
pictophonetic aromatic grass; flower, iris sūn
ideographic shade, shelter; to protect yīn
pictophonetic endive; sow-thistle mǎi
pictophonetic herb hóng
pictophonetic grass zhòu
pictophonetic drugs, medicine; the leaf of the Dahurian angelica plant yào
pictophonetic lotus, water lily; burden, responsibility; Holland
pictophonetic water chestnut
pictophonetic rush, reed; Miscanthus saccariflorus
pictophonetic a bitter vegetable
pictophonetic coriander suī
ideographic attend, be present; arrive at
pictophonetic a kind of legendary tree
pictophonetic jasmine
pictophonetic village, hamlet; villa, manor zhuāng
pictophonetic a kind of sedge grass that used to be woven into raincoats shā
pictophonetic taro, hemp; herb;
pictophonetic moss; edible berries méi
pictophonetic stem, stalk jīng
pictophonetic numerous, long; a marsh plant with a medicinal root shēn
pictophonetic blades of grass tíng
pictophonetic Avena nuda; a bamboo basket yóu
pictophonetic to smile; club-rush, Scirpus lacustris guǎn
pictophonetic weeds, tares; evil, undesirable yǒu
pictophonetic seed-pod jiá
pictophonetic amaranth xiàn
pictophonetic Japanese belladonna; Scopolia japonica làng
pictophonetic culm, stem; the membrane lining a stem
pictophonetic mugwort, Artemisia é
pictophonetic camphane kǎn
pictophonetic weed, goosefoot; fallow field; used in transliterations lái
pictophonetic lotus, water lily; paradise lián
pictophonetic to transplant, to grow; dill, Anethum graveolens shí
pictophonetic lettuce
pictophonetic vine xiān
pictophonetic Caryopteris divaricata yóu
ideographic bright, lustrous, sparkling like a gem yíng
ideographic oriole, green finch; Sylvia species (various) yīng
pictophonetic an edible water plant; Brasenia chún
ideographic thicket, underbrush; rude, impertinent mǎng
ideographic thorn
pictophonetic luxuriant foliage wǎn
pictophonetic turnip; a flower of the leek family jīng
pictophonetic coarse grass; Themedia forskali jiān
pictophonetic mushroom
pictophonetic chrysanthemum
pictophonetic mushroom; bacteria, germ, microbe jūn
ideographic a river in Shandong province
pictophonetic turnip
pictophonetic iris, sweet flag, Calamus chāng
pictophonetic celery, cabbage sōng
pictophonetic vegetables; order, dish; food cài
pictophonetic Smilax china
pictophonetic creeper, parasitic vine; Cuscuta sinensis 
pictophonetic spinach
pictophonetic lotus blossom hàn
pictophonetic pennycress
pictophonetic herb, aromatic plant
pictophonetic henbane, nightshade dàng
pictophonetic flowery; illustrious; Chinese huá
pictophonetic wild rice; Zizania latifolia
pictophonetic water chestnut, water caltrop líng
pictophonetic fragrant; rich, luxuriant; the Philippines fēi
pictophonetic tobacco, dried leaves; to fade yān
pictophonetic salted or pickled vegetables
pictophonetic legumes shū
pictophonetic pulses, legumes
pictophonetic grassy; thick, dense, close; to gather, to assemble cuì
pictophonetic grapes táo
pictophonetic castor oil; the castor-oil plant
pictophonetic weed, goosefoot; fallow field; used in transliterations lái
pictophonetic luxuriant foliage
pictophonetic bud, germ, sprout; to bud méng
pictophonetic duckweed; to travel, to wander píng
pictophonetic to wither, to wilt wēi
pictophonetic lotus dàn
pictophonetic grass, hay, straw huán
pictophonetic naphthalene nài
pictophonetic terpene tiē
pictophonetic carrot, radish, turnip luó
pictophonetic bud, sprout méng
pictophonetic firefly, glow-worm yíng
pictophonetic to coil, to entangle, to entwine yíng
pictophonetic mournful, desolate; common Artemisa xiāo
pictophonetic day-lily, Hemerocallis fulva xuān
pictophonetic dogwood
pictophonetic the stem and calyx of a flower è
pictophonetic to fall, to drop; surplus, net income luò
pictophonetic straw mat; straw cushion or pillow zuò
pictophonetic dense foliage; to cover, to conceal; to preserve bǎo
ideographic leaf, page; surname
pictophonetic the rape-turnip fēng
pictophonetic to show, to prove, to make known zhe
pictophonetic feather cockscomb; Celosia argentea xiāng
pictophonetic mulberry fruit rèn
pictophonetic an edible bean; vine; surname
pictophonetic Smilax china qiā
pictophonetic grapes; Portugal, Portuguese
pictophonetic to direct, to supervise; surname dǒng
pictophonetic reed wěi
pictophonetic petal, corolla; flower
pictophonetic bottle-gourd
ideographic to bury, to inter zàng
pictophonetic bulrush, reed; flute, whistle jiā
pictophonetic scallions, leeks, green onions cōng
pictophonetic flourishing; luxuriant wēi
pictophonetic sunflower; to measure kuí
pictophonetic yellow whitlow-grass; Draba nemerosa tíng
pictophonetic non-vegetarian food; garlic; a foul smell hūn
pictophonetic afraid, bashful, insecure
pictophonetic thatch; to fix, to repair
pictophonetic root cause; the stem of a fruit; the peduncle of a flower
pictophonetic an organic compound kǎi
pictophonetic edible amaranth; straw basket kuì
pictophonetic Hydropyrum latifalium; surname jiǎng
pictophonetic Artemisia stelleriana lóu
pictophonetic pinane pài
pictophonetic an edible water plant; Brasenia chún
pictophonetic to transplant, to grow; dill, Anethum graveolens shí
pictophonetic an herb; a place name làng
pictophonetic to cover; to deceive; Mongolia méng
pictophonetic garlic suàn
pictophonetic attend, be present; arrive at
pictophonetic betel pepper; Amorphophallus konjac
pictophonetic great burdock; Arctium lappa bàng
ideographic to mow, to cut grass; hay, fodder chú
ideographic reed, rush; Scirpus cyperinus kuǎi
pictophonetic vine, rush
pictophonetic capsule, seed-pod shuò
ideographic steam, vapor; to evaporate zhēng
pictophonetic common reed; Phragmites communis jiān
pictophonetic furze, gorse
pictophonetic cattail; young rush ruò
pictophonetic dark blue; deep green; old, hoary cāng
pictophonetic anthracene ēn
pictophonetic mugwort, wormwood, Artemisia; to give off a scent hāo
pictophonetic abundant; luxuriant foliage zhēn
pictophonetic a lucky place míng
pictophonetic to store, to save, to hoard, to gather
pictophonetic lotus, hibiscus; Chengdu, Sichuan róng
pictophonetic luxuriant foliage wěng
pictophonetic to cover, to hide, to protect gài
pictophonetic yarrow, milfoil; a plant used in divination shī
pictophonetic straw mat; rushes, reeds
pictophonetic straw raincoat suō
pictophonetic flower bud bèi
pictophonetic a kind of grass yǎo
pictophonetic the castor-oil plant; Ricinus commumis
pictophonetic blue; indigo plant; surname lán
pictophonetic cirsium, thistle; surname
pictophonetic red algae; Gracilaria verrucosa
pictophonetic yam
ideographic to polish, to shine yíng
pictophonetic suddenly, quickly, abruptly
pictophonetic disheveled, unkempt; a type of raspberry péng
pictophonetic lotus, water lily; paradise lián
pictophonetic to increase five-fold
pictophonetic an edible water plant; Brasenia chún
pictophonetic knotweed, polygonum liǎo
pictophonetic a kind of bean; Piper longtum
pictophonetic alfalfa, clover, lucerne xu
ideographic vegetables; surname
ideographic vine, tendril, creeper màn
ideographic radish; root vegetables
pictophonetic sugar cane zhè
pictophonetic thick, luxuriant; resplendent, ornamental wèi
pictophonetic nest; silkworm frame; to collect
pictophonetic Hydropyrum latifalium; surname jiǎng
pictophonetic scallions, leeks, green onions cōng
pictophonetic withered, faded, decayed; calm niān
pictophonetic vegetables, greens shū
ideographic shade, shelter; to protect yīn
pictophonetic rose qiáng
pictophonetic measure word for plants dōu
pictophonetic wild vine; Vitis pentaphylla liǎn
pictophonetic hay, straw; surname lìn
pictophonetic nutmeg, cardamom kòu
pictophonetic lush; friendly, affable ǎi
pictophonetic to cover, to hide, to shelter
pictophonetic abundant, flourishing; barbarians, foreigners fān
pictophonetic mushroom, fungus; mildew, mold xùn
pictophonetic banana, plantain jiāo
pictophonetic flower bud ruǐ
ideographic buckwheat qiáo
pictophonetic a climbing plant; Valeriana villosa jiān
pictophonetic endive; sow-thistle mǎi
pictophonetic common rue; diverse, varied yún
pictophonetic Caryopteris divaricata yóu
pictophonetic lotus
pictophonetic fuel, firewood; grass, shrub; Wikstroemia japonica ráo
pictophonetic a fragrant orchid; Coumarouna odorata huì
pictophonetic small, petty; to assemble zuì
pictophonetic a plant with roots used for red dye; Rubia cordifolia
pictophonetic edible amaranth; straw basket kuì
pictophonetic soft, delicate; overgrowth, drooping leaves ruí
pictophonetic common bracken; Pteris aquilina jué
ideographic pond, pool; ripple, shake; to wash away, to wipe out dàng
pictophonetic weeds; overgrowth
pictophonetic mournful, desolate; common Artemisa xiāo
pictophonetic to pray, to implore; herb; Artemesia
pictophonetic to collect, to gather, to store; profound yùn
pictophonetic yam
pictophonetic an edible water plant; Ipomoea aquatica wèng
pictophonetic Houttuynia cordata
pictophonetic budding, flourishing hóng
pictophonetic flower bud lěi
pictophonetic thin, slight; meager, weak; poor, stingy báo
pictophonetic to weed; to eradicate hāo
pictophonetic a kind of fern; Osmunda regalis wēi
pictophonetic abundant, flourishing huì
pictophonetic cirsium, thistle; surname
pictophonetic fragrant, aromatic; the smell of herbs xiāng
pictophonetic lotus seed; the seed of the Job's tear plant
pictophonetic ginger jiāng
pictophonetic rose qiáng
ideographic wormwood, marsh grass; a feudal state xuē
pictophonetic evergreen shrub; Ligusticum
pictophonetic shallots, scallions; Allium bakeri xiè
pictophonetic to recommend; to recur, to repeat jiàn
pictophonetic the death of a prince; to swarm hōng
pictophonetic Buddhist diety; used in transliterations
ideographic fuel, firewood; salary xīn
pictophonetic swamp, marsh; wild country sǒu
pictophonetic yam, tuber, potato shǔ
pictophonetic a medicinal herb; to cauterize xūn
pictophonetic milkwort, snakeroot; a medicinal herb tuǒ
ideographic sto bury; to dirty, to soil mái
pictophonetic Elshotria paltrini
pictophonetic sedge, grass; Cyperus rotundus tái
pictophonetic water chestnut; water caltrop
pictophonetic straw, hay; withered, dry gǎo
pictophonetic fine, beautiful; surname
ideographic by means of; excuse, pretext; to rely on
pictophonetic blue; indigo plant; surname lán
pictophonetic to conceal, to hide; to hoard, to store cáng
pictophonetic an aromatic herb qiè
pictophonetic lichen, moss xiǎn
pictophonetic lotus root ǒu
pictophonetic madder; Rubia
pictophonetic pigweed; Chenopodium album
pictophonetic art; talent, ability; craft
pictophonetic ivy, creeper téng
pictophonetic drugs, medicine; the leaf of the Dahurian angelica plant yào
pictophonetic a kind of raspberry biāo
pictophonetic boundary, fence, outlying border fān
pictophonetic swamp, marsh; wild country sǒu
pictophonetic Sichuan lovage rhizome qióng
pictophonetic lush; friendly, affable ǎi
pictophonetic hay, straw; surname lìn
pictophonetic splendid, magnificent; algae zǎo
pictophonetic betony, bishop's wort; lophanthus rugosus huò
pictophonetic to pray, to implore; herb; Artemesia
pictophonetic wild ginger; Asarum blumei héng
pictophonetic rushes, reeds
ideographic to awaken, to revive, to resurrect; used in transliterations
pictophonetic to collect, to gather, to store; profound yùn
pictophonetic apple; duckweed, Artemisia píng
pictophonetic mushroom
pictophonetic stump, sprout niè
pictophonetic wild ginger ráng
pictophonetic lichen, moss xiǎn
pictophonetic wild vine; Vitis pentaphylla liǎn
pictophonetic tall grass; water-weeds lóng
pictophonetic Dianthus superbus; surname
pictophonetic Artemisia stellariana fán
pictophonetic orchid; elegant, graceful lán
pictophonetic Physalis angulata zhī
ideographic to dip (in ink, sauce, etc); to remarry zhàn
pictophonetic red algae; Gracilaria verrucosa
pictophonetic millet
pictophonetic carrot, radish, turnip luó
ideographic tiger; brave, fierce; surname
pictophonetic prisoner; to capture, to imprison, to sieze
ideographic cruel, harsh, oppressive nüè
ideographic anxious, concerned, worried
ideographic an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name
pictophonetic to reside at, to live in; place, locale; department chù
ideographic to cry, to howl, to roar
pictophonetic stripes, spots, blotches cuó
ideographic false; worthless, hollow, empty; vain
ideographic false; worthless, hollow, empty; vain
pictophonetic prisoner; to capture, to imprison, to sieze
pictophonetic anxious, concerned, worried
ideographic mark, sign; symbol; number; to call, to cry, to roar hào
ideographic to lose, to fail; loss, damages; deficient kuī
pictophonetic insect, worm; mollusk chóng
pictophonetic nits, lice
ideographic dragonfly dīng
pictophonetic bug, louse, parasite shī
pictophonetic rainbow hóng
pictophonetic a large venomous snake huī
pictophonetic horsefly, gadfly méng
pictophonetic flea
pictophonetic shrimp, prawn xiā
pictophonetic scorpion chài
ideographic to nibble at, to erode; an eclipse shí
pictophonetic ant
pictophonetic ant; leech
pictophonetic mosquito, gnat wén
pictophonetic mosquito, gnat ruì
pictophonetic oysters, mussels; mother-of-pearl bàng
pictophonetic mussels, shellfish
pictophonetic earthworm (2) yǐn
pictophonetic silkworm cán
pictophonetic salamander, newt yuán
pictophonetic aphid, plant louse
ideographic a poisonous hairy caterpillar háo
pictophonetic centipede gōng
pictophonetic flea; louse zǎo
pictophonetic horny toad; red-spotted lizard jiè
pictophonetic a kind of water beetle; cash, dollars, money
pictophonetic worm; ignorant, rustic; to laugh at chī
pictophonetic tadpole dǒu
pictophonetic clam, bivalve; Cyclina orientalis xiǎn
pictophonetic earthworm (1) qiū
pictophonetic millipede yóu
pictophonetic grasshopper; locust, cicada zhà
ideographic larva yòu
pictophonetic oyster
ideographic clam, bivalve; Arca inflata hān
pictophonetic boa constrictor rán
pictophonetic termite, bookworm; to bore, to eat into zhù
pictophonetic mole cricket
pictophonetic maggot
pictophonetic snake shé
pictophonetic dragonfly, sandfly; Libellulidae líng
pictophonetic poison, venom; to bewitch, to harm
pictophonetic egg dàn
pictophonetic oyster
pictophonetic razor clam chēng
pictophonetic cricket; worm
pictophonetic a marine crab móu
pictophonetic tapeworm huí
pictophonetic rice weevil yáng
pictophonetic frog
pictophonetic spider zhū
pictophonetic woodlouse
pictophonetic snail, slug; mole cricket kuò
pictophonetic a legendary scaled dragon jiāo
pictophonetic clam
pictophonetic cricket, locust; anxious qióng
pictophonetic leech zhì
ideographic barbarians; barbarous, rude, savage mán
pictophonetic to hibernate zhé
pictophonetic butterfly, nymphalid jiá
pictophonetic parasitic worm; human pinworm náo
pictophonetic a snail with a spiral shell
pictophonetic grubs, maggots
pictophonetic dragonfly xīng
pictophonetic octopus; long-legged spider; mantis nest shāo
pictophonetic pupa, chrysalis yǒng
pictophonetic butterfly, nymphalid jiá
ideographic to molt tuì
pictophonetic moth é
pictophonetic bee, wasp, hornet fēng
pictophonetic clam; sea serpent shèn
pictophonetic jellyfish zhē
pictophonetic centipede
pictophonetic wasp; mayfly; large ant
pictophonetic clam
pictophonetic toad (2) chú
pictophonetic mosquito larva yuān
pictophonetic millipede yán
pictophonetic dragonfly tíng
ideographic to molt tuì
pictophonetic snail; Eulota callizoma
pictophonetic spider zhī
pictophonetic cockroach fēi
pictophonetic honey, nectar; sweet
pictophonetic lightfoot crab; worm, leech
pictophonetic candle, wax; maggot
pictophonetic grasshopper měng
pictophonetic dung beetle qiāng
pictophonetic lizard
pictophonetic cicada, broad locust tiáo
pictophonetic toad; legendary turtle
pictophonetic tick, mite
pictophonetic lizard
ideographic to curl one's body; to wriggle like a worm quán
pictophonetic dragonfly qīng
pictophonetic solitary wasp; potter wasp guǒ
ideographic to creep, to crawl wān
ideographic fly, musca yíng
pictophonetic cicada, grasshopper; small green frog guō
pictophonetic cicada; continuous chán
pictophonetic tadpole
pictophonetic scorpion xiē
pictophonetic snail
ideographic to nibble at, to erode; an eclipse shí
pictophonetic locust huáng
pictophonetic bat biān
pictophonetic porcupine, hedgehog; many, varied; vulgar, low wèi
pictophonetic bat
pictophonetic mayfly; Ephemera strigata yóu
pictophonetic grub, larva qiú
pictophonetic Spanish fly; grain-eating grub máo
pictophonetic shrimp, prawn xiā
pictophonetic viper, venomous snake
pictophonetic forest viper; meadow viper kuí
pictophonetic butterfly
pictophonetic butterfly dié
pictophonetic snail; Eulota callizoma
pictophonetic immature locust nǎn
pictophonetic mole cricket; Gryllotalpa africana lóu
pictophonetic bedbug chūn
pictophonetic lizard róng
pictophonetic mantis, dung beetle láng
pictophonetic crab páng
pictophonetic a snail with a spiral shell
pictophonetic intestinal worm
pictophonetic silkworm yuán
pictophonetic wasp wēng
pictophonetic earwig, millipede, spider sōu
pictophonetic to melt, to fuse; to blend, to harmonize róng
pictophonetic a small cicada with a square head qín
pictophonetic a kind of cicada táng
pictophonetic ant; leech
pictophonetic caterpillar, larva míng
ideographic firefly, glow-worm yíng
pictophonetic mite, insect mǎn
pictophonetic poison, sting; poisonous insect shì
pictophonetic grubs found in fruit cáo
pictophonetic cruel; a young dragon chī
pictophonetic rainbow
pictophonetic claws, pincers áo
pictophonetic praying mantis táng
pictophonetic chrysalis piāo
pictophonetic spiral shell, conch; spiral luó
pictophonetic mole cricket; Gryllotalpa africana lóu
pictophonetic katydid zhōng
pictophonetic cricket (2) shuài
pictophonetic to hibernate zhé
pictophonetic frog, toad
pictophonetic cicada, grasshopper; small green frog guō
pictophonetic Spanish fly; grain-eating grub máo
pictophonetic cricket (1)
pictophonetic mite, insect mǎn
pictophonetic a long-legged spider xiāo
pictophonetic cockroach zhāng
pictophonetic python, boa constrictor mǎng
pictophonetic silkworm xiàng
pictophonetic land-crab; Grapsus péng
pictophonetic insect jiǎo
pictophonetic cicada liáo
pictophonetic to occupy; to coil; curled up, coiled pán
pictophonetic spider; caulking
pictophonetic nits, lice
pictophonetic leech huáng
pictophonetic a kind of cicada; Platypleura huì
pictophonetic cicada; continuous chán
pictophonetic mite, larva; mantis egg jiāo
pictophonetic earthworm shàn
pictophonetic parasitic worm; human pinworm náo
ideographic insect, worm; mollusk chóng
pictophonetic crab, brachyura xiè
pictophonetic ant
pictophonetic toad (1) chán
ideographic solitary wasp; paper wasp luǒ
ideographic fly, musca yíng
pictophonetic cockroach lián
pictophonetic scorpion xiē
pictophonetic lizard róng
pictophonetic midge, sandfly měng
pictophonetic oyster háo
pictophonetic wasp; to wriggle, to squirm
pictophonetic inch-worm; looper caterpiller huò
pictophonetic small fly miè
pictophonetic candle, wax; maggot
pictophonetic termite; to bore
pictophonetic to wriggle; stupid, silly, fat chǔn
pictophonetic oyster
pictophonetic a long-legged spider xiāo
pictophonetic bee
pictophonetic poison, venom; to bewitch, to harm
pictophonetic millipede; glow-worm; bright, clear juān
pictophonetic large turtle
pictophonetic silkworm cán
pictophonetic moth, bookworm; moth-eaten, worm-eaten
pictophonetic barbarians; barbarous, rude, savage mán
pictophonetic earwig
ideographic blood xuè
ideographic a bloody nose; to be defeated
pictophonetic to quarrel, to dispute; a blood sacrifice xìn
pictophonetic multitude, crowd; the public zhòng
ideographic to smear, to slander; to defile miè
ideographic to go, to walk, to move; professional xíng
ideographic to overflow; to spread out yǎn
ideographic skill, art; method, technique; trick shù
pictophonetic rank, title; to bite, to hold in the mouth xián
ideographic same, similar; together with, alike tóng
pictophonetic alley, lane xiàng
pictophonetic street, road, thoroughfare jiē
pictophonetic public office; official residence
pictophonetic recklessly, foolishly; wildly
pictophonetic to guard, to protect, to defend wèi
pictophonetic wash, rinse, flush; dash; soar chōng
ideographic to measure, to weigh; to consider, to judge héng
pictophonetic highway; thoroughfare, intersection
pictographic cloth; clothes, apparel; dress, coat
pictophonetic to fix, to mend, to patch, to restore
ideographic to show, to express, to display; outside, appearance; a watch biǎo
pictophonetic shorts, panties; a slit in a robe chǎ
pictophonetic shirt, robe, jacket, gown shān
pictophonetic underwear, lining; in contrast chèn
ideographic imperial robe; ceremonial dress gǔn
ideographic weak, feeble; to decline, to falter shuāi
pictophonetic to sew, to mend; quilt; patch; cassock
ideographic sincere, heartfelt zhōng
pictophonetic only, merely, just zhǐ
pictophonetic collar, lapel rèn
pictophonetic quilt, coverlet qīn
pictophonetic collar, lapel jīn
ideographic robe; surname yuán
pictophonetic sleeves mèi
pictophonetic coat, jacket, outerware ǎo
pictophonetic curling upwards; elegant, graceful niǎo
pictophonetic Buddhist cassock jiā
pictophonetic bag, sack; pocket, pouch dài
ideographic robe, gown, cloak páo
pictophonetic to strip, to bare tǎn
pictophonetic sleeve xiù
pictophonetic socks, stockings
ideographic imperial robe; ceremonial dress gǔn
pictophonetic bag, satchel; book cover zhì
pictophonetic robe pàn
pictophonetic longitude; lengthwise; length mào
pictophonetic bedding; a passive particle meaning "by" bèi
pictophonetic to attack, to raid; to inherit
pictophonetic thee, thou; "you" when referring to a diety ni
pictophonetic raincoat
ideographic apants; trousers; panties
pictophonetic pants, trousers; panties
pictophonetic lined garment jiá
pictophonetic gusset, cloth fitting-sleeve
ideographic to trim, to reduce, to cut; judgment cái
pictophonetic to split, to rend; crevice, crack liè
pictophonetic dress, clothes, attire; to wear, to install zhuāng
pictophonetic the crotch or seat of a pair of pants dāng
pictophonetic shirt
pictophonetic a garment seam kèn
pictophonetic curling upwards; elegant, graceful niǎo
ideographic to take off clothes; to bare oneself chéng
pictophonetic inside, interior, within
pictophonetic to gather, to collect, to assemble; to praise póu
pictophonetic progeny, descendants
pictophonetic rich, plentiful, abundant
pictophonetic fur coat; surname qiú
pictophonetic skirt, petticoat, apron qún
pictophonetic to fix, to mend, to patch, to restore
pictophonetic dress, clothes, attire; to wear, to install zhuāng
pictophonetic cassock; monk's robe shā
ideographic unit of distance equal to 0.5km; village; lane
pictophonetic a folding purse kept in one's belt lián
pictophonetic draw one's hands into sleeve liǎn
pictophonetic pants, trousers
pictophonetic pleats, folds jiǎn
pictographic to aid, to benefit, to help, to supplement
ideographic to mend clothes duō
ideographic to hang (a banner); to mount (a map or scroll) biǎo
pictophonetic skirt, petticoat; beautiful shang
pictophonetic flowing gown; surname péi
pictophonetic bare, nude; to strip, to undress luǒ
pictophonetic to wrap, to encircle; to confine, to bind guǒ
ideographic to take off a top; to divest
ideographic system; to establish; to manufacture; to overpower zhì
pictophonetic hem, lapel; skirt
pictophonetic coat, jacket; gown, robe guà
ideographic again, repeatedly; copy, duplicate; to restore, to return
pictophonetic 4cramped, narrow; crowded; urgent biǎn
pictophonetic coarse wool; dull, brown
pictophonetic to cite; to honor, to praise; to recommend bāo
ideographic swaddling cloth; infancy bǎo
pictophonetic paper or cloth pasted together bèi
pictophonetic bag, valise; to pad, to stuff; surname chǔ
pictophonetic lapel, collar; tattered, threadbare
pictophonetic singlet, inner shirt; to sew
pictophonetic girdle, loincloth; bag, pouch
pictophonetic mattress, cushion; bedding
ideographic to strip, to undress; to fade, to fall off tuì
pictophonetic to strip, to tear off, to undress chǐ
pictophonetic 4undergarment; to pick up one's skirt qiān
pictophonetic to wrap, to conceal; to carry in one's bosom or up one's sleeve huái
pictophonetic pants, trousers
pictophonetic a folding purse kept in one's belt lián
pictophonetic ragged, tattered, threadbare lán
pictophonetic bridal veil
pictophonetic wrinkle, pleat, crease zhě
pictophonetic lapel, collar; tattered, threadbare
pictophonetic dirty, ragged; slight, insult, disrespect xiè
pictophonetic swaddling cloth qiǎng
ideographic to aid, to help, to assist; to undress xiāng
pictophonetic coat, jacket, outerware ǎo
pictophonetic pleat, fold, crease
ideographic lapel, collar jīn
pictophonetic the crotch or seat of a pair of pants dāng
ideographic to strip, to lay bare; naked, bare tǎn
pictophonetic ragged, tattered, threadbare lán
pictophonetic coat, jacket; fine silk fabric
pictophonetic socks, stockings
pictophonetic raincoat shì
pictophonetic underwear, lining; in contrast chèn
pictophonetic to attack, to raid; to inherit
ideographic loop, belt, band pàn
西 pictographic 西 west, western, westward
ideographic west, western, westward
ideographic essential, necessary; to ask for; to coerce; to demand yào
ideographic to reach, to spread to; deep, extensive tán
pictophonetic to cover; to overturn; to repeat; to reply
ideographic to see, to observe, to meet, to appear jiàn
pictophonetic rules, regulations, customs, law guī
ideographic to seek; to search
pictophonetic to look at, to inspect, to observe, to regard shì
ideographic to peek, to watch; to investigate, to spy on chān
ideographic wizard
pictophonetic to covet, to desire, to long for
pictophonetic relatives, parents; intimate; the hazelnut tree qīn
pictophonetic to covet, to desire, to long for
pictophonetic an audience with the emperor jìn
pictophonetic to peep, to watch, to spy on
pictophonetic to look over, to inspect, to view, to perceive lǎn
pictophonetic to observe, to spectate; appearance, view guān
ideographic to see, to observe, to meet, to appear jiàn
ideographic to observe, to spectate; appearance, view guān
pictophonetic rules, regulations, customs, law guī
ideographic to seek; to search
pictophonetic to look at, to inspect, to observe, to regard shì
ideographic to peek, to watch; to investigate, to spy on chān
pictophonetic to look over, to inspect, to view, to perceive lǎn
pictophonetic conscious; to nap, to sleep; to wake up jué
pictophonetic to covet, to desire, to long for
ideographic wizard
pictophonetic audience, interview; face-to-face meeting
pictophonetic to covet, to desire, to long for
pictophonetic to meet unexpectedly gòu
pictophonetic an audience with the emperor jìn
pictophonetic to peep, to watch, to spy on
pictographic angle, corner; horn, horn-shaped jiǎo
pictophonetic to long for; to criticize; dissatisfied jué
pictophonetic jug, goblet; rule, law
pictophonetic beak
pictophonetic wine cup; to propose a toast; feast shāng
ideographic to explain; to loosen; to unfasten, to untie jiě
pictophonetic a horn of wine gōng
pictophonetic to butt, to gore, to ram; to touch chù
pictophonetic to start, to tremble with fear
pictophonetic a horn of wine zhì
pictophonetic Tartar horn; chill wind
pictophonetic goblet, horn; frightened
pictophonetic wine cup; to propose a toast; feast shāng
pictophonetic to butt, to gore, to ram; to touch chù
ideographic words, speech; to speak, to say yán
ideographic words, speech; to speak, to say yán
pictophonetic to make an order; to draw up an agreement dìng
pictophonetic obituary, death notice
pictophonetic a crashing sound hōng
pictophonetic to calculate, to count; to plan, to reckon; plot, scheme
pictophonetic news, information; to question, to interrogate xùn
ideographic confusion; internal strife hòng
ideographic to haggle, to discuss; to demand, to ask for tǎo
pictophonetic to teach, to instruct; pattern, example; exegesis xùn
pictophonetic to abuse, to slander, to vilify; to ridicule shàn
pictophonetic to finish, to conclude; to exhaust
ideographic to commission, to entrust, to rely on tuō
ideographic mark, sign; to note, to record
pictophonetic respectful; to speak gently yín
pictophonetic to swindle, to cheat; wrong, error; falsehood é
pictophonetic amazed, surprised; to express surprise
pictophonetic to accuse, to argue; to dispute, to litigate sòng
pictophonetic delighted, pleased; happy xīn
ideographic to take leave of, to bid farewell; knack, trick jué
pictophonetic inarticulate, slow; to mumble, to stammer
pictophonetic to visit; to inquire, to ask fǎng
pictophonetic to build, to design; to establish; to offer shè
pictophonetic to consent, to permit; to promise, to betroth
ideographic to accuse, to sue; to inform; to narrate
pictophonetic to scold loudly, to curse, to abuse
pictophonetic to diagnose; to examine a patient zhěn
pictophonetic to concentrate, to focus zhù
pictophonetic to criticize, to bad-mouth; defect; betrayal
pictophonetic to slander; to condem, to reproach
ideographic to curse, to scold; to accuse
pictophonetic to cheat, to defraud; sly, treacherous zhà
pictophonetic to bequeath, to pass on
ideographic to proclaim, to decree; imperial decree zhào
pictophonetic to appraise, to criticize, to evaluate píng
pictophonetic to curse; to pledge, to swear
pictophonetic phrase, expression; words, speech
pictophonetic to sing, to hum, to chant yǒng
pictophonetic to brag, to boast; popular, well-known
pictophonetic to ask about, to inquire into; to consult xún
ideographic to reach; achievement, accomplishment
pictophonetic to try, to experiment; exam, test shì
pictophonetic poetry; poem, verse, ode shī
pictophonetic surprised, shocked chà
pictophonetic to abuse, to scold; to berate, to insult gòu
pictophonetic to cheat, to defraud; sly, treacherous guǐ
pictophonetic to expound, to explain, to comment on quán
pictophonetic to question, to interrogate
ideographic talk, speech; language, dialect huà
pictophonetic should, ought to, must gāi
pictophonetic complete, detailed, thorough xiáng
pictophonetic talkative, verbose; surname zhān
pictophonetic to tease, to joke with; to ridicule, to mock huī
詿 pictophonetic error, mistake; to deceive, to mislead guà
pictophonetic to execute, to kill; to punish zhū
pictophonetic to swindle, to cheat; to lie kuāng
ideographic extravagant, luxurious; handsome kuā
ideographic fame, reputation; to praise
pictophonetic to copy, to transcribe téng
pictophonetic determination, will; mark, sign; to record, to write zhì
pictophonetic to know, to recognize, to understand rèn
ideographic to lie, to deceive; to delude, to cheat kuáng
ideographic oh, hey; surprise (tone 2), disagreement (tone 3), agreement (tone 4) éi
ideographic to swear, to pledge; oath shì
pictophonetic to give birth, to bear children; birth, birthday dàn
ideographic to tempt, to persuade, to entice; guide yòu
pictophonetic definitely, sure! kēng
pictophonetic to scold, to blame; to ridicule, to criticize qiào
pictophonetic words, language; saying, expression
pictophonetic honest, sincere, true; actually, really chéng
ideographic to warn, to admonish; warning jiè
ideographic to slander, to defame; a false accusation
pictophonetic error, fault, mistake; to delay
pictophonetic to chant, to recite, to repeat, to read aloud sòng
pictophonetic to teach, to instruct; to encourage, to urge huì
pictophonetic to speak, to say; to scold, to upbraid shuō
pictophonetic who? whom? whose? anyone? shuí
pictophonetic subject, lesson, course; classwork
pictophonetic to condemn, to slander, to vilify fěi
ideographic friendship; appropriate, suitable
pictophonetic respectful; to speak gently yín
調 pictophonetic tune, melody, key; to transfer, to exchange diào
pictophonetic to flatter, to cajole; toady, yes-man chǎn
ideographic earnest, patient, sincere zhūn
pictophonetic to talk, to chat; conversation; surname tán
pictophonetic to shirk, to pass the buck, to make excuses wěi
pictophonetic to ask, to request; to invite; please qǐng
pictophonetic to excuse, to forgive; to guess, to presume liàng
ideographic debate; discussion lùn
pictophonetic to flatter, to cajole
pictophonetic to spy; an intelligence report dié
pictophonetic noisy, uproarious; to forget xuān
pictophonetic posthumous name or title shì
pictophonetic joke, jest; nickname; obscene joke hùn
pictophonetic candid, frank; honest speech è
pictophonetic careful, attentive; to examine; the truth
pictophonetic to joke, to jest; to harmonize, to agree xié
pictophonetic to admonish, to remonstrate jiàn
pictophonetic to proclaim; to instruct; edict
ideographic to consult, to confer with; recommendation, advice
pictophonetic taboo; to shun, to conceal, to avoid mentioning huì
pictophonetic well-versed in, fully acquainted with ān
pictophonetic faithful, sincere; surname chén
pictophonetic sarcastic; to chant, to mock, to ridicule fěng
pictophonetic all, many, various; surname zhū
ideographic proverb, maxim yàn
pictophonetic to promise; to approve, to assent to nuò
pictophonetic to plan, to scheme; strategem móu
pictophonetic to visit, to pay respects
pictophonetic to call, to say, to tell; name, title; meaning wèi
ideographic to copy, to transcribe téng
pictophonetic to quip, to play with words, to talk nonsense zhōu
pictophonetic to stutter; to speak boldly jiǎn
pictophonetic to lie huǎng
ideographic riddle, puzzle, conundrum
pictophonetic calm, quiet, still; cautious
ideographic to jeer xuè
pictophonetic to slander, to defame bàng
pictophonetic humble, modest qiān
pictophonetic posthumous name or title shì
pictophonetic talk, speech, lecture; to speak, to explain jiǎng
pictophonetic to thank; to refuse politely xiè
pictophonetic rumor; folksong, ballad yáo
pictophonetic to speak softly qìng
pictophonetic to scheme, to plan; to practice
pictophonetic to censure, to blame; to exile, to banish zhé
pictophonetic absurd; error, exaggeration miù
pictophonetic songs; to sing ōu
pictophonetic prudent, cautious, attentive jǐn
pictophonetic to slight, to insult; to deceive mán
pictophonetic to prove, to verify; certificate, proof zhèng
ideographic cunning, crafty, sly jué
pictophonetic to ridicule, to mock, to jeer
pictophonetic to slander zèn
pictophonetic knowledge; to understand, to recognize, to know shí
pictophonetic tower; to ridicule, to blame; surname qiáo
pictophonetic surname tán
pictophonetic chart, list, table; spectrum; musical score
pictophonetic to guard, to watch; alarm, alert jǐng
ideographic talkative; incoherent, babbling zhān
pictophonetic example; metaphor, simile
ideographic to slander, to defame huǐ
ideographic to translate, to interpret; to encode, to decode
pictophonetic to consult, to talk over; to criticize, to discuss
pictophonetic to scold, to reprimand, to abuse qiǎn
pictophonetic to defend, to guard, to protect; shelter; endorse
pictophonetic fame, reputation; to praise
ideographic to study, to learn; to read, to pronounce
ideographic to change, to transform, to alter; rebel biàn
pictophonetic banquet, feast; to entertain, to feast yàn
pictophonetic to slander, to defame; to misrepresent chán
pictophonetic to allow, to permit, to yield ràng
pictophonetic to slander, to defame; a false accusation lán
pictophonetic prophecy; hint, omen chèn
ideographic to praise, to eulogize; to commend zàn
pictophonetic to decide, to judge; decision, verdict yàn
pictophonetic to calculate, to count; to plan, to reckon; plot, scheme
pictophonetic to make an order; to draw up an agreement dìng
pictophonetic obituary, death notice
pictophonetic to know, to recognize, to understand rèn
pictophonetic to ridicule, to mock, to jeer
ideographic to accuse, to pry; to expose secrets jié
ideographic confusion; internal strife hòng
ideographic to haggle, to discuss; to demand, to ask for tǎo
pictophonetic to allow, to permit, to yield ràng
pictophonetic to abuse, to slander, to vilify; to ridicule shàn
pictophonetic to finish, to conclude; to exhaust
ideographic to commission, to entrust, to rely on tuō
pictophonetic to teach, to instruct; pattern, example; exegesis xùn
pictophonetic to consult, to talk over; to criticize, to discuss
pictophonetic news, information; to question, to interrogate xùn
ideographic mark, sign; to note, to record
pictophonetic talk, speech, lecture; to speak, to explain jiǎng
pictophonetic taboo; to shun, to conceal, to avoid mentioning huì
pictophonetic songs; to sing ōu
pictophonetic an interjection of surprise
pictophonetic amazed, surprised; to express surprise
pictophonetic inarticulate, slow; to mumble, to stammer
pictophonetic to consent, to permit; to promise, to betroth
pictophonetic to swindle, to cheat; wrong, error; falsehood é
ideographic debate; discussion lùn
pictophonetic to accuse, to argue; to dispute, to litigate sòng
pictophonetic sarcastic; to chant, to mock, to ridicule fěng
pictophonetic to build, to design; to establish; to offer shè
访 pictophonetic to visit; to inquire, to ask fǎng
ideographic to take leave of, to bid farewell; knack, trick jué
ideographic to prove, to verify; certificate, proof zhèng
pictophonetic explanation; to comment, to explain
pictophonetic to scold loudly, to curse, to abuse
pictophonetic to appraise, to criticize, to evaluate píng
pictophonetic to curse; to pledge, to swear
pictophonetic knowledge; to understand, to recognize, to know shí
pictophonetic to cheat, to defraud; sly, treacherous zhà
ideographic to accuse, to sue; to inform; to narrate
pictophonetic to diagnose; to examine a patient zhěn
pictophonetic to slander; to condem, to reproach
pictophonetic to quip, to play with words, to talk nonsense zhōu
pictophonetic phrase, expression; words, speech
pictophonetic to stutter, to exhaust; to crouch, to bend
ideographic to proclaim, to decree; imperial decree zhào
pictophonetic to translate, to interpret; to encode, to decode
pictophonetic to bequeath, to pass on
pictophonetic to swindle, to cheat; to lie kuāng
pictophonetic to praise, to eulogize lěi
pictophonetic to try, to experiment; exam, test shì
pictophonetic error, mistake; to deceive, to mislead guà
pictophonetic poetry; poem, verse, ode shī
pictophonetic to question, to interrogate
pictophonetic to tease, to joke with; to ridicule, to mock huī
pictophonetic honest, sincere, true; actually, really chéng
pictophonetic to execute, to kill; to punish zhū
pictophonetic to question; to inform shēn
ideographic talk, speech; language, dialect huà
pictophonetic to give birth, to bear children; birth, birthday dàn
pictophonetic to abuse, to scold; to berate, to insult gòu
pictophonetic to expound, to explain, to comment on quán
pictophonetic to cheat, to defraud; sly, treacherous guǐ
pictophonetic to ask about, to inquire into; to consult xún
ideographic to reach; achievement, accomplishment
ideographic to admonish, to warn; to criticize zhēng
pictophonetic should, ought to, must gāi
pictophonetic complete, detailed, thorough xiáng
pictophonetic surprised, shocked chà
pictophonetic joke, jest; nickname; obscene joke hùn
pictophonetic to brag, to boast; popular, well-known
ideographic to warn, to admonish; warning jiè
ideographic to slander, to defame; a false accusation
pictophonetic words, language; saying, expression
pictophonetic to scold, to blame; to ridicule, to criticize qiào
pictophonetic error, fault, mistake; to delay
ideographic to grant; to notify, to inform; to order gào
ideographic to tempt, to persuade, to entice; guide yòu
pictophonetic to teach, to instruct; to encourage, to urge huì
ideographic to lie, to deceive; to delude, to cheat kuáng
pictophonetic to speak, to say; to scold, to upbraid shuō
pictophonetic to chant, to recite, to repeat, to read aloud sòng
ideographic oh, hey; surprise (tone 2), disagreement (tone 3), agreement (tone 4) éi
pictophonetic to ask, to request; to invite; please qǐng
pictophonetic all, many, various; surname zhū
ideographic to consult, to confer with; to select, to choose zōu
pictophonetic to promise; to approve, to assent to nuò
ideographic to study, to learn; to read, to pronounce
pictophonetic gossip, rumors; to slander zhuó
pictophonetic to condemn, to slander, to vilify fěi
pictophonetic subject, lesson, course; classwork
诿 pictophonetic to shirk, to pass the buck, to make excuses wěi
pictophonetic to flatter, to cajole
pictophonetic who? whom? whose? anyone? shuí
ideographic to counsel, to consult for shěn
pictophonetic tune, melody, key; to transfer, to exchange diào
pictophonetic to flatter, to cajole; toady, yes-man chǎn
pictophonetic to excuse, to forgive; to guess, to presume liàng
ideographic earnest, patient, sincere zhūn
pictophonetic to slander, to defame; to berate suì
pictophonetic to talk, to chat; conversation; surname tán
ideographic friendship; appropriate, suitable
pictophonetic to plan, to scheme; strategem móu
pictophonetic faithful, sincere; surname chén
pictophonetic to spy; an intelligence report dié
pictophonetic to lie huǎng
pictophonetic to admonish, to remonstrate jiàn
pictophonetic to joke, to jest; to harmonize, to agree xié
ideographic to jeer xuè
pictophonetic to visit, to pay respects
pictophonetic to call, to say, to tell; name, title; meaning wèi
pictophonetic candid, frank; honest speech è
pictophonetic to proclaim; to instruct; edict
pictophonetic to forget; to cheat, to lie xuān
pictophonetic to slander, to defame; to misrepresent chán
ideographic to consult, to confer with; recommendation, advice
pictophonetic well-versed in, fully acquainted with ān
ideographic proverb, maxim yàn
pictophonetic careful, attentive; to examine; the truth
ideographic riddle, puzzle, conundrum
pictophonetic to brag, to boast; to quibble piǎn
pictophonetic to scheme, to plan; to practice
pictophonetic counsel, advice; to speak out dǎng
pictophonetic to raise; to start, to prepare
pictophonetic to thank; to refuse politely xiè
pictophonetic rumor; folksong, ballad yáo
pictophonetic to slander, to defame bàng
pictophonetic posthumous name or title shì
pictophonetic humble, modest qiān
pictophonetic calm, quiet, still; cautious
pictophonetic prudent, cautious, attentive jǐn
pictophonetic to slight, to insult; to deceive mán
pictophonetic to censure, to blame; to exile, to banish zhé
pictophonetic shallow; stupid jiǎn
pictophonetic absurd; error, exaggeration miù
pictophonetic surname tán
pictophonetic to slander zèn
pictophonetic tower; to ridicule, to blame; surname qiáo
pictophonetic to slander, to defame; a false accusation lán
pictophonetic chart, list, table; spectrum; musical score
ideographic cunning, crafty, sly jué
pictophonetic to decide, to judge; decision, verdict yàn
pictophonetic to scold, to reprimand, to abuse qiǎn
ideographic talkative; incoherent, babbling zhān
pictophonetic prophecy; hint, omen chèn
ideographic valley, gorge, ravine
谿 pictophonetic valley, gorge; mountain stream
pictophonetic clear, open; exempt huō
pictographic beans, peas; bean-shaped dòu
pictophonetic kidney bean; black-eyed pea jiāng
pictophonetic fermented beans shì
ideographic abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty
pictophonetic peas wān
pictophonetic perpendicular, vertical; to erect shù
ideographic abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty fēng
pictophonetic beautiful, plump, voluptuous yàn
pictographic pig, boar shǐ
pictographic a shackled pig chù
pictographic suckling pig; to suckle tún
pictophonetic elephant; ivory; figure, image xiàng
pictophonetic domestic animal; to feed, to raise huàn
ideographic wild boar; to fight
ideographic a group of pigs bīn
pictophonetic brave, heroic, chivalrous háo
pictophonetic relaxed; hesitant
pictophonetic pig, hog, wild boar zhū
pictophonetic short-snouted pig wēn
pictophonetic a Zhou-dynasty state bīn
pictophonetic leopard, panther; surname bào
pictophonetic wolf; cruel, mean, wicked chái
pictophonetic prison, jail; a wild dog àn
pictophonetic sable, mink, marten diāo
pictophonetic fierce; brave, courageous xiū
ideographic to bite, to gnaw kūn
pictophonetic raccoon dog háo
ideographic leopard; an ancient tribe in northeast China
ideographic countenance, appearance mào
pictophonetic fox, wildcat
pictophonetic cat māo
pictophonetic fox, leopard, panther
pictophonetic panther, tapir
ideographic sea shell; money, currency bèi
ideographic load, burden; to carry, to bear
pictophonetic riches, wealth, valuables cái
pictophonetic to offer, to contribute; tribute, gifts gòng
ideographic poor, needy, impoverished; lacking pín
pictophonetic products, merchandise; goods, commodities huò
pictophonetic merchant, peddler; to deal in, to trade fàn
pictophonetic greedy, covetous; corrupt tān
pictophonetic to pierce, to string up; a string of 1000 coins guàn
ideographic one's responsibility, duty
pictophonetic to store, to stockpile, to hoard zhù
pictophonetic wealth, property; to estimate, to count
ideographic two (bankers' anti-fraud numeral) èr
pictophonetic expensive, costly; valuable, precious guì
ideographic to devalue, to demote; to criticize, to censure biǎn
pictophonetic to buy, to purchase; to bribe, to persuade mǎi
pictophonetic to borrow; to lend; to pardon dài
pictophonetic expenses, fees; to cost, to spend; wasteful fèi
pictophonetic to stick, to paste; attached; allowance, subsidy tiē
pictophonetic to hand down, to give to, to bequeath
貿 pictophonetic commerce, trade mào
ideographic to congratulate; to send a present
pictophonetic to forge ahead; energetic; surname
pictophonetic bribery; to bribe; to present
ideographic to rent, to lease; to hire; employee lìn
ideographic to bribe; riches, wealth huì
pictophonetic to include; to prepare for gāi
pictophonetic wealth, property, capital
pictophonetic merchant; to buy, to trade; surname jiǎ
pictophonetic thief, traitor; cunning, sly zéi
ideographic necklace; pearls or shells strung together yīng
pictophonetic to relieve, to aid; rich zhèn
pictophonetic to buy and sell on credit shē
ideographic guest, visitor; surname; submit bīn
pictophonetic to give to charity; to give alms zhōu
pictophonetic to bestow, to confer; surname lài
pictophonetic to give; to bestow a favor; to appoint
pictophonetic reward; to appreciate; to bestow, to grant shǎng
pictophonetic to compensate, to pay damages, to suffer a loss péi
pictophonetic virtuous, worthy; good, able xián
pictophonetic to sell; to betray; to show off mài
ideographic cheap, low, mean, worthless jiàn
ideographic tax; to give, to bestow
pictophonetic essence, nature; material, substance zhì
pictophonetic accounts, bills; credit, debt zhàng
pictophonetic to bet, to gamble, to wager
pictophonetic to depend on, to rely on; to bilk, to deny; poor lài
pictophonetic to earn, to profit, to make money zhuàn
pictophonetic to buy, to purchase gòu
pictophonetic to compete, to contend; contest, race sài
pictophonetic tribute; a gift given to a superior zhì
pictophonetic unnecessary, superfluous zhuì
pictophonetic to bestow, to confer, to present a gift zèng
pictophonetic to help, to support; to laud, to praise zàn
pictophonetic rich, elegant; to support, to provide for shàn
pictophonetic to win, to gain; surplus, profit yíng
pictophonetic booty, loot; stolen goods; to bribe zāng
ideographic ransom; to buy; to redeem shú
ideographic false, bogus; counterfeit; a sham yàn
pictophonetic Jiangxi province; places therein gàn
pictographic sea shell; money, currency bèi
ideographic load, burden; to carry, to bear
pictophonetic to offer, to contribute; tribute, gifts gòng
pictophonetic riches, wealth, valuables cái
ideographic one's responsibility, duty
pictophonetic virtuous, worthy; good, able xián
pictophonetic failure; to decline, to fail, to suffer defeat bài
pictophonetic accounts, bills; credit, debt zhàng
pictophonetic products, merchandise; goods, commodities huò
pictophonetic essence, nature; material, substance zhì
pictophonetic merchant, peddler; to deal in, to trade fàn
pictophonetic greedy, covetous; corrupt tān
ideographic poor, needy, impoverished; lacking pín
ideographic to devalue, to demote; to criticize, to censure biǎn
pictophonetic to buy, to purchase gòu
ideographic to store, to stockpile, to hoard zhù
pictophonetic to pierce, to string up; a string of 1000 coins guàn
ideographic two (bankers' anti-fraud numeral) èr
ideographic cheap, low, mean, worthless jiàn
pictophonetic to borrow; to pardon; loan shì
pictophonetic to stick, to paste; attached; allowance, subsidy tiē
pictophonetic expensive, costly; valuable, precious guì
pictophonetic to bestow, to grant; surname kuàng
pictophonetic to borrow; to lend; to pardon dài
pictophonetic commerce, trade mào
pictophonetic expenses, fees; to cost, to spend; wasteful fèi
ideographic to congratulate; to send a present
pictophonetic to hand down, to give to, to bequeath
pictophonetic thief, traitor; cunning, sly zéi
pictophonetic tribute; a gift given to a superior zhì
pictophonetic merchant; to buy, to trade; surname jiǎ
贿 ideographic to bribe; riches, wealth huì
pictophonetic wealth, property; to estimate, to count
ideographic to rent, to lease; to hire; employee lìn
pictophonetic booty, loot; stolen goods; to bribe zāng
pictophonetic wealth, property, capital
pictophonetic to include; to prepare for gāi
pictophonetic farewell present jìn
ideographic to bribe qiú
pictophonetic to relieve, to aid; rich zhèn
pictophonetic to bestow, to confer; surname lài
pictophonetic to buy and sell on credit shē
ideographic tax; to give, to bestow
pictophonetic to bet, to gamble, to wager
ideographic gift, present; offering
ideographic ransom; to buy; to redeem shú
pictophonetic reward; to appreciate; to bestow, to grant shǎng
pictophonetic to give; to bestow a favor; to appoint
pictophonetic to give to charity; to give alms zhōu
pictophonetic 广 to continue a song gēng
pictophonetic to compensate, to pay damages, to suffer a loss péi
pictophonetic fine, penalty dǎn
pictophonetic to depend on, to rely on; to bilk, to deny; poor lài
pictophonetic unnecessary, superfluous zhuì
pictophonetic to contribute to funeral expenses
pictophonetic to earn, to profit, to make money zhuàn
pictophonetic to compete, to contend; contest, race sài
pictophonetic abstruse, deep, profound
ideographic false, bogus; counterfeit; a sham yàn
pictophonetic to help, to support; to laud, to praise zàn
pictophonetic to bestow, to confer, to present a gift zèng
pictophonetic rich, elegant; to support, to provide for shàn
pictophonetic to win, to gain; surplus, profit yíng
pictophonetic Jiangxi province; places therein gàn
ideographic red, scarlet; blushing; bare, naked chì
pictophonetic to forgive, to pardon, to remit shè
pictophonetic to blush, to turn red nǎn
ideographic bright, radiant, glowing
pictophonetic hematite; ochre, reddish-brown zhě
ideographic to walk, to run, to flee zǒu
pictophonetic gallant, valiant jiū
pictophonetic to attend, to go to, to be present
pictophonetic to pursue, to overtake; to hurry; to expel gǎn
pictophonetic to begin, to initiate; to rise, to stand up
pictophonetic to jump; to leave shàn
pictophonetic to take advantage of, to seize an opportunity chèn
pictophonetic weak, lame
pictophonetic to jump over, to leap over; to overtake, to surpass chāo
pictophonetic to exceed, to surpass, to transcend yuè
pictophonetic to hurry, to hasten; to approach, to be attracted to
ideographic to falter; to be unable to move
pictophonetic to stumble; to halt, to check liè
pictophonetic to pursue, to overtake; to hurry; to expel gǎn
pictophonetic ancient state; surname zhào
pictophonetic time, occasion; to make a journey tàng
pictophonetic interest; interesting; what attracts one's attention
pictophonetic to falter; to be unable to move
pictophonetic to hurry, to hasten; to approach, to be attracted to
pictophonetic to jump
pictophonetic to urge, to hasten; to go in a hurry zǎn
pictographic foot; to attain, to satisfy; enough
pictophonetic prone, lying down, leaning over
pictophonetic the noise of tramping feet bào
ideographic to buy or sell wholesale dǔn
pictophonetic to sit cross-legged; tarsus, instep
pictophonetic blister, callus jiǎn
pictophonetic toe; tracks, footprints zhǐ
趿 pictophonetic to tread on; slipshod
pictophonetic to creep, to crawl
pictophonetic to skip, to jump, to frolic yuè
pictophonetic to stagger, to stumble qiāng
pictophonetic to trample, to kick tái
pictophonetic to walk, to travel; epilogue, colophon
ideographic to stumble, to slip, to fall diē
pictophonetic to stumble, to falter, to vacillate tuó
pictophonetic to squat, to sit cross-legged jiā
pictophonetic to run, to flee, to escape pǎo
pictophonetic the sole of the foot zhí
pictophonetic arch, instep
pictophonetic to stagger, to limp shān
pictophonetic lame
pictophonetic distance, gap
pictophonetic to walk, to move
pictophonetic heel; to accompany, to follow; with gēn
pictophonetic trace, sign, mark, footprint
pictophonetic barefoot xiǎn
pictophonetic to tumble, to fall; to wrestle jiāo
pictophonetic to straddle, to ride; to span, to stretch across kuà
pictophonetic to kneel guì
pictophonetic the sound of footsteps qióng
pictophonetic short step, half-pace kuǐ
pictophonetic road, path, street; journey
pictophonetic to hop, to skip; to jump, to leap; to vault; to dance tiào
pictophonetic to trample, to tread on, to walk over jiàn
pictophonetic to stumble, to slip
pictophonetic to stand on tiptoe; stilts qiāo
pictophonetic to clear the way; to make way for the emperor
pictophonetic to walk about; to revolve; to dance xiān
pictophonetic to stamp the feet duò
pictophonetic to ascend, to rise
pictophonetic to kneel; to get on hands and knees
pictophonetic to pace; to turn around midway xué
pictophonetic to hop, to jump; hurried, urgent liáng
pictophonetic to leap yǒng
pictophonetic to falter, to hesitate; smug, self-satisfied chóu
pictophonetic to trample, to tread on, to walk over
pictophonetic to trample, to tread on, to walk over jiàn
pictophonetic to stride, to excel, to get ahead chuō
pictophonetic ball
pictophonetic ankle huái
ideographic to crouch, to squat; to occupy
pictophonetic hesitant, undecided; embarrassed chí
pictophonetic to kick
pictophonetic stiff, corpse-like; rigor mortis
pictophonetic to take small steps qiè
pictophonetic to step on; to stamp cǎi
pictophonetic footprints, traces, tracks zōng
pictophonetic to stumble, to totter; to fail, to be frustrated zhì
pictophonetic to tip-toe diǎn
pictophonetic to hesitate, to waver; irresolute zhí
pictophonetic to pace, to stroll, to walk slowly duó
pictophonetic to leap yǒng
pictophonetic heel; to follow; to visit, to call on zhǒng
pictophonetic paw
pictophonetic to trample, to tread on; to kick; to crush chuài
pictophonetic to somersault jiàn
pictophonetic to walk alone; self-reliant; hunch-backed
pictophonetic to skip, to dance; to put a foot down dié
pictophonetic to limp pián
pictophonetic to trample, to tread on róu
pictophonetic hoof; pig's trotter
pictophonetic lame, crippled; nag, donkey; slow, difficult jiǎn
pictophonetic to dance, to stamp the feet dǎo
ideographic slip, mistake, error cuō
pictophonetic trail, footpath
pictophonetic to step on, to tread on
pictophonetic to stagger, to stumble qiāng
ideographic to tip-toe, to walk quietly niè
pictophonetic to stagger, to limp pán
pictophonetic to frown, to knit the brows; distressed
pictophonetic to trample, to wade; muddy, wet tāng
pictophonetic trace, tracks; footprints
pictophonetic to limp; to lurch qiāng
pictophonetic to stagger, to limp pán
pictophonetic footprints, traces, tracks zōng
pictophonetic to jump, to bounce on; bright bèng
pictophonetic to spoil; to ruin zāo
ideographic to limp bié
pictophonetic to step on; to wear; to face bad luck dēng
pictophonetic to shuffle; to procrastinate, to freeload, to dilly-dally cèng
pictophonetic paw fán
pictophonetic to falter, to waver, to hesitate chú
pictophonetic to squat, to crouch dūn
ideographic to leap; to kick; solemn
pictophonetic to stumble, to fall; to trample jué
pictophonetic to stand on tiptoe; stilts qiāo
pictophonetic webbed feet
蹿 pictophonetic to jump, to leap; to gush, to spurt cuān
pictophonetic tense, irritable; rash, hot-tempered zào
pictophonetic to stumble, to slip
pictophonetic to walk carefully; to hesitate, to falter zhú
pictophonetic to hesitate, to falter; undecided chú
ideographic to buy or sell wholesale dǔn
pictophonetic to falter, to hesitate; smug, self-satisfied chóu
pictophonetic to ascend, to rise
pictophonetic to skip, to jump, to frolic yuè
pictophonetic to trample, to oppress; to overrun lìn
pictophonetic to stride over; to step across liè
pictophonetic to hesitate, to waver; irresolute zhí
pictophonetic to stumble, to totter; to fail, to be frustrated zhì
pictophonetic to follow, to imitate; path, rut chán
pictophonetic to falter, to waver, to hesitate chú
pictophonetic to walk about; to revolve; to dance xiān
pictophonetic to jump zuān
pictophonetic to walk xiè
ideographic to tip-toe, to walk quietly niè
pictophonetic to jump, to leap; to gush, to spurt cuān
pictophonetic to trample, to oppress; to overrun lìn
pictographic body, torso; person; pregnancy shēn
ideographic to bow; personally, in person; oneself gōng
pictophonetic the human body
pictophonetic to evade, to escape; to hide, to take shelter duǒ
pictophonetic to recline, to lie down tǎng
pictophonetic the human body
pictographic cart, vehicle; to move in a cart chē
pictophonetic to crush, to grind; mill, roller
pictophonetic track, rut, path guǐ
ideographic army, military; soldiers, troops jūn
ideographic a brass part for a cart in ancient China wèi
pictophonetic pavilion; carriage; balcony xuān
pictophonetic brake rèn
pictophonetic yoke, restraint, collar è
pictophonetic soft, pliable, flexible; weak ruǎn
pictophonetic a cross board at rear of a carriage zhěn
pictophonetic wheel; to revolve, to turn
pictophonetic axle, pivot, shaft; axis zhóu
pictophonetic axle
pictophonetic to surpass, to overtake, to excel
pictophonetic carriage crossbar shì
pictophonetic horse-drawn carriage
pictophonetic to compare; relatively; more jiào
pictophonetic load; to carry, to convey, to transport zài
pictophonetic the back of a cart zhì
pictophonetic often, readily; scattered; the weapon-rack of a chariot zhé
pictophonetic to pull, to lead; to pull back, to draw a bow wǎn
pictophonetic side road; to assist, to coach, to tutor
pictophonetic light, gentle; simple, easy qīng
ideographic measure word for vehicles liàng
pictophonetic brightness, luster huī
pictophonetic to suspend, to stop, to halt chuò
pictophonetic to revolve, to turn; a stone roller gǔn
ideographic hand-cart; to transport by carriage niǎn
pictophonetic generation, lifetime; contemporary bèi
pictophonetic wheel; to turn, to revolve; to recur lún
pictophonetic carriage, hearse liáng
pictophonetic to gather, to collect; to edit, to compile
pictophonetic to carry, to haul, to transport shū
pictophonetic ray, spoke
pictophonetic to roll over; to turn on a side niǎn
輿 ideographic cart, palanquin, sedan chair
pictophonetic hearse wēn
pictophonetic the hub of a wheel
pictophonetic to control, to have jurisdiction; the linchpin of a wheel xiá
pictophonetic axle; magistrate's office; surname yuán
pictophonetic windlass, pulley, capstan
pictophonetic to move, to convey; to turn, to revolve, to circle; to forward mail zhuǎn
pictophonetic track, rut; stuck in a rut zhé
ideographic sedan-chair, palanquin, litter jiào
pictophonetic to fail; to face misfortune kǎn
pictophonetic punishment, torture; to tear asunder between two chariots huán
ideographic rumble, explosion, blast hōng
ideographic bridle, reins pèi
pictophonetic pulley, windlass, capstan
pictographic cart, vehicle; to move in a cart chē
pictophonetic to crush, to grind; mill, roller
pictophonetic track, rut, path guǐ
pictophonetic pavilion; carriage; balcony xuān
pictophonetic brake rèn
pictophonetic to move, to convey; to turn, to revolve, to circle; to forward mail zhuǎn
pictophonetic yoke, restraint, collar è
pictophonetic wheel; to turn, to revolve; to recur lún
pictophonetic soft, pliable, flexible; weak ruǎn
ideographic rumble, explosion, blast hōng
pictophonetic wheel; to revolve, to turn
pictophonetic axle
pictophonetic pulley, windlass, capstan
pictophonetic axle, pivot, shaft; axis zhóu
pictophonetic the end of an axle that extends beyond the hub zhǐ
pictophonetic to surpass, to overtake, to excel
pictophonetic surname
pictophonetic a cross board at rear of a carriage zhěn
pictophonetic to run over something in a vehicle
pictophonetic light carriage yáo
pictophonetic light, gentle; simple, easy qīng
pictophonetic carriage crossbar shì
pictophonetic load; to carry, to convey, to transport zài
pictophonetic the back of a cart zhì
轿 ideographic sedan-chair, palanquin, litter jiào
ideographic limited (in talent or ability); a solid wheel without spokes quán
pictophonetic chariot, carriage
pictophonetic to compare; relatively; more jiào
pictophonetic often, readily; scattered; the weapon-rack of a chariot zhé
pictophonetic side road; to assist, to coach, to tutor
ideographic measure word for vehicles liàng
ideographic hand-cart; to transport by carriage niǎn
pictophonetic generation, lifetime; contemporary bèi
pictophonetic brightness, luster huī
pictophonetic to revolve, to turn; a stone roller gǔn
pictophonetic tire; wheel rim wǎng
pictophonetic carriage, hearse liáng
pictophonetic to suspend, to stop, to halt chuò
pictophonetic supply cart, covered wagon, dray
pictophonetic wheel hub; to converge còu
pictophonetic ray, spoke
pictophonetic to gather, to collect; to edit, to compile
pictophonetic hearse wēn
pictophonetic to carry, to haul, to transport shū
ideographic bridle, reins pèi
pictophonetic axle; magistrate's office; surname yuán
pictophonetic to control, to have jurisdiction; the linchpin of a wheel xiá
pictophonetic to roll over; to turn on a side niǎn
pictophonetic windlass, pulley, capstan
ideographic track, rut; stuck in a rut zhé
pictophonetic the rumbling of wheels lín
pictographic bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem xīn
pictophonetic crime, offense, sin
ideographic words, speech; to resign, to take leave
ideographic law, rule; to open up, to develop
pictophonetic pepper; hot, spicy; cruel
pictophonetic to set up; to manage, to run; to deal with, to handle bàn
ideographic to recognize, to distinguish, to discriminate biàn
ideographic to argue, to dispute; to discuss, to debate biàn
pictophonetic braid, pigtail, plait; queue biàn
pictophonetic braid, pigtail, plait; queue biàn
ideographic to argue, to dispute; to discuss, to debate biàn
pictographic agriculture, farming; farmer nóng
pictophonetic to walk; walking chuò
pictographic to walk; walking chuò
pictophonetic border, edge, margin, side biān
pictophonetic distant, far liáo
pictophonetic to reach, to arrive at; intelligent
pictophonetic to shift, to move; to transfer, to change qiān
pictophonetic abstruse, pedantic, unrealistic
pictophonetic to extend, to reach; till, until
ideographic quick, hasty; sudden, rapid xùn
pictophonetic pass; to go across, to pass through guò
ideographic old; to pass by, to take a stride mài
pictophonetic to welcome, to receive, to greet yíng
pictophonetic to run; ship, transport; fortune, luck yùn
pictophonetic to approach; near, close; intimate jìn
pictophonetic to receive a guest
ideographic to restore, to return, to revert to fǎn
pictophonetic obstinate, perverse
ideographic also, besides; still, yet; to return hái
pictophonetic to advance, to make progress; to come in, to enter jìn
pictophonetic distant, remote, far; profound yuǎn
pictophonetic to violate, to disobey, to defy; to separate from wéi
ideographic to join, to connect; continuous; even lián
pictophonetic tardy, slow, late; to delay chí
pictophonetic distant, far tiáo
pictophonetic winding, meandering
ideographic distant, far; separated; different jiǒng
pictophonetic used in transliterations jiā
pictophonetic while, until; to seize, to arrest dài
pictophonetic near, close; recent ěr
ideographic to advance, to enlighten, to make progress
pictophonetic to compel, to force; pressing, urgent
pictophonetic repeatedly, frequently dié
pictophonetic to press; hasty; cramped
pictophonetic to express, to state; to narrate, to tell shù
pictophonetic way, path; straight, direct; to approach jìng
ideographic to rotate, to revolve; curve, zig-zag huí
pictophonetic to walk yòu
pictophonetic to bewitch, to charm; a fan of; infatuated
pictophonetic to gush, to burst; to crack, to split bèng
pictophonetic trace, sign, mark, footprint
pictophonetic to pursue, to chase after; to expel zhuī
退 pictophonetic to retreat, to step back, to withdraw tuì
ideographic to see off, to send off, to dispatch; to give sòng
pictophonetic match, comfortable; just shì
pictophonetic to abscond, to dodge, to escape, to flee táo
pictophonetic surname páng
pictophonetic to meet unexpectedly hòu
ideographic to disobey, to rebel; traitor, rebel
pictophonetic to select, to elect, to choose; election xuǎn
pictophonetic humble, modest; to yield xùn
pictophonetic to flee, to run away; to leave a debt unsettled
pictophonetic to ramble, to stroll; to jaunt, to loiter xiāo
pictophonetic to pierce, to penetrate, to pass through; thorough tòu
pictophonetic to pursue; to expel; step by step zhú
pictophonetic to unite, to collect; pair, match qiú
pictophonetic to deliver, to hand over; substitute
pictophonetic way, road, path, journey, course
pictophonetic way, path; straight, direct; to approach jìng
pictophonetic distant, far; to keep at a distance
pictophonetic to entice, to tempt; to arouse, to stir dòu
pictophonetic this, these; such; here zhè
pictophonetic to pass through, to open, to connect; to communicate; common tōng
pictophonetic to ramble, to stroll, to wander guàng
pictophonetic to die, to pass away shì
pictophonetic indulge oneself; brag, show off chěng
pictophonetic prompt, quick, speedy
pictophonetic to build, to construct, to invent, to manufacture zào
pictophonetic to withdraw, to retreat, to fall back qūn
pictophonetic to happen to meet; chance meeting, coincidence féng
ideographic to join, to connect; continuous; even lián
pictophonetic winding, meandering
pictophonetic to flee, to escape, to avoid huàn
pictophonetic to catch, to seize; to arrive, to reach dǎi
pictophonetic to leave without a reason; surname
ideographic week; turn, cycle; anniversary zhōu
pictophonetic to advance, to make progress; to come in, to enter jìn
pictophonetic thoroughfare, crossroads kuí
pictophonetic winding, curving; to swagger wēi
ideographic to flee, to escape, to break loose
pictophonetic to patrol, to inspect; patrol, watch; logic luó
pictophonetic to bother, to pressure; to compel, to force
pictophonetic to jump over; to exceed, to surpass
ideographic to flee, to escape; to hide, to conceal oneself dùn
pictophonetic to fail; to follow, to comply with suì
pictophonetic to hurry; to go to and fro chuán
pictophonetic to meet, to encounter, to come across
pictophonetic sto wander, to travel, to roam yóu
pictophonetic to run; ship, transport; fortune, luck yùn
pictophonetic everywhere, all over, throughout biàn
pictophonetic pass; to go across, to pass through guò
pictophonetic to curb, to check, to stop, to suppress è
pictophonetic distant, far; to abandon, to cast away xiá
pictophonetic leisurely; hurried, anxious huáng
pictophonetic robust, strong; unyielding qiú
pictophonetic method, way; path, road dào
pictophonetic to reach, to arrive at; intelligent
pictophonetic to violate, to disobey, to defy; to separate from wéi
ideographic to lose; a lost article
pictophonetic to meet; to come across gòu
pictophonetic distant, remote yáo
pictophonetic to walk, to stroll liú
pictophonetic humble, modest; to yield xùn
pictophonetic to deliver, to hand over; substitute
pictophonetic distant, remote, far; profound yuǎn
pictophonetic careless, negligent, slipshod
pictophonetic to send, to dispatch; to exile, to send off qiǎn
pictophonetic distant, remote yáo
ideographic to ramble, to roam; to travel for pleasure áo
pictophonetic match, comfortable; just shì
pictophonetic to meet, to encounter, to come across zāo
pictophonetic to cover, to protect, to shield zhē
pictophonetic tardy, slow, late; to delay chí
pictophonetic to select, to choose; surname lín
ideographic to follow, to comply with; to honor zūn
pictophonetic to shift, to move; to transfer, to change qiān
pictophonetic to select, to elect, to choose; election xuǎn
ideographic to lose; a lost article
pictophonetic distant, far liáo
pictophonetic rapid, sudden, unexpected
pictophonetic to avoid, to turn away; to escape, to hide
pictophonetic to invite, to welcome; to intercept, to meet yāo
ideographic old; to pass by, to take a stride mài
pictophonetic an unexpected meeting xiè
pictophonetic profound, mysterious, deep suì
pictophonetic near, close; recent ěr
pictophonetic distant, remote; profound miǎo
pictophonetic border, edge, margin, side biān
pictophonetic sloppy; rags
pictophonetic to patrol, to inspect; patrol, watch; logic luó
ideographic area, district, city, state
pictophonetic surname dèng
ideographic former or literary name for Nanning (in Guangxi) yōng
pictophonetic an ancient place in the state of Wu hán
pictophonetic a state in Henan province
pictophonetic a mountain in Henan province máng
pictophonetic mound; in distress qióng
pictophonetic surname kuàng
pictophonetic a county in Shaanxi province bīn
pictophonetic a district in Sichuan province fāng
pictophonetic a state in Hebei province; surname xíng
ideographic country, nation, state bāng
ideographic village, hamlet; rustic cūn
pictophonetic various place names; surname
pictophonetic mail; post office yóu
pictophonetic a district in Hebei province hán
pictophonetic a state in Shanxi province; surname tái
ideographic mound, hill; grave; surname qiū
pictophonetic a department in the state of Lu
pictophonetic an ancient city; pleased, happy; surname bǐng
pictophonetic various place names; surname shào
pictophonetic a place in Henan province bèi
pictophonetic official residence
pictophonetic an ancient state; surname zōu
pictophonetic a place in Henan province
pictophonetic neighbor; neighborhood lín
pictophonetic an ancient feudal state in Shandong province zhū
pictophonetic melancholy; dense growth
pictophonetic to grow, to flourish; superlative zhì
pictophonetic an ancient feudal state in Shaanxi province huán
pictophonetic suburbs, outskirts; wasteland, open space jiāo
ideographic gentleman, young man; husband láng
pictophonetic a county in Henan province; surname jiá
pictophonetic a state in Henan province kuài
ideographic state in today's Henan; surname zhèng
pictophonetic an ancient town; surname yùn
pictophonetic an ancient city; surname
pictophonetic suburbs; city walls
pictophonetic a feudal state in Shantong; surname gào
pictophonetic a place in Shanxi province; surname hǎo
pictophonetic a county in Henan province; surname jiá
pictophonetic county, region, administrative division jùn
pictophonetic a state in Hubei province yǐng
pictophonetic crack, crevice; gap, interval; surname
pictophonetic a place in Henan province
pictophonetic a county in Hubei province yún
pictophonetic department, ministry; division, unit; part, section
ideographic city limits; surname guō
pictophonetic an ancient city; surname tán
pictophonetic a county in Hunan province; surname chēn
pictophonetic mail; post office yóu
pictophonetic a county in Hebei province dān
pictophonetic all, each, entirely, whole; metropolis; capital dōu
pictophonetic a county in Henan province yǎn
pictophonetic Hubei province; startled è
pictophonetic a district in Shandong province juàn
pictophonetic an ancient town; surname yùn
ideographic country, village; rural xiāng
pictophonetic a county in Shandong province sōu
pictophonetic an ancient state; surname zōu
pictophonetic a county in Hubei province yún
pictophonetic rustic, vulgar; to despise, to scorn
pictophonetic a county in Zhejiang province yín
pictophonetic a district in Henan province yān
pictophonetic an ancient city in Jiangsu province zhāng
pictophonetic surname
pictophonetic surname dèng
ideographic state in today's Henan; surname zhèng
pictophonetic an ancient district in Gansu province shàn
pictophonetic neighbor; neighborhood lín
pictophonetic a county and lake in Jiangxi province
pictophonetic a county in Hebei province dān
pictophonetic a place in Henan province
pictophonetic the name of a state; surname zōu
pictophonetic a district in Hunan province líng
pictophonetic the name of a Zhou-period state fēng
pictographic wine; wine vessel; chemical yǒu
pictophonetic drunk, intoxicated dīng
pictographic chief of tribe, chieftain qiú
pictophonetic to pour wine, to drink wine; to deliberate, to consider zhuó
pictophonetic to blend, to mix; to fit, to match pèi
pictophonetic double-fermented wine, vintage wine zhòu
pictophonetic millet wine
pictophonetic anhydride gān
ideographic wine, spirits, liquor, alcohol jiǔ
pictophonetic drunk, blotto máo
ideographic poison, bad wine; addicted zhèn
ideographic violent, raging drunk, blotto
pictophonetic carbolic acid; phenol fēn
pictophonetic liquor, spirits, wine; to ferment yùn
pictophonetic phthalein tài
pictophonetic ruddy, flushed tuó
pictophonetic a toast to the host
pictophonetic to enjoy liquor hān
pictophonetic to sell liquor
pictophonetic butter; crispy, flaky; fluffy, light
pictophonetic to ferment, to brew
pictophonetic drunk, tipsy, intoxicated mǐng
pictophonetic cream, cheese; koumiss lào
pictophonetic to toast, to entertain; to reward, to compensate chóu
pictophonetic ketone tóng
pictophonetic ester zhǐ
pictophonetic acylate xiān
pictophonetic sauce, paste, jam jiàng
pictophonetic hangover; uncomfortable chéng
pictophonetic yeast; wine; to leaven, to ferment
pictophonetic yeast; to leaven jiào
pictophonetic enzyme; to ferment méi
pictophonetic strong, stimulating; ruthless, intense
ideographic tart, sour; spoiled; acid suān
ideographic to pour out a libation; to sprinkle lèi
ideographic thick, strong (as a beverage) yàn
pictophonetic to filter, to strain shāi
pictophonetic to ferment, to brew niàng
ideographic to pickle, to marinate; to salt, to cure yān
pictophonetic drunk, flushed, happy táo
pictophonetic unstrained spirits pēi
ideographic rich, pure, as good as wine chún
pictophonetic intoxicated, drunk; addicted zuì
ideographic vinegar; jealousy, envy
pictophonetic quinone kūn
pictophonetic essential oil of butter
pictophonetic the purest cream
pictophonetic to filter, to strain
pictophonetic to wake up, to startle; to sober up xǐng
pictophonetic ether
pictophonetic aldehyde quán
pictophonetic ugly; shameful; comedian, clown chǒu
pictophonetic liquor, spirits, wine; to ferment yùn
ideographic minced pickled meat; to mince hǎi
pictophonetic carbohydrate táng
pictophonetic unfiltered wine; sediment, dregs láo
pictophonetic to cure, to heal, to treat; doctor; medicine
pictophonetic sauce, paste, jam jiàng
pictophonetic mold, pond scum
pictophonetic to anoint, to perform a rite; Daoist or Buddhist ceremony jiào
pictophonetic vinegar, acid; to pickle
pictophonetic to ferment, to brew
pictophonetic sweet wine; sweet spring water
pictophonetic to contribute for drinks; to pool money
pictophonetic drunk, intoxicated xūn
pictophonetic to ferment, to brew niàng
ideographic to distinguish; to pick, to gather, to collect biàn
ideographic to collect, to gather; to pick, to pluck cǎi
pictophonetic enamel, glaze yòu
pictophonetic to explain, to interpret; to release shì
pictophonetic to explain, to interpret; to release shì
ideographic unit of distance equal to 0.5km; village; lane
ideographic heavy, weighty; to double, to repeat zhòng
pictophonetic field, open country; wilderness
pictophonetic measure, volume; amount, quantity liàng
pictophonetic one thousandth
pictographic gold, metal; money jīn
ideographic gold, metal; money jīn
ideographic to endeavor, to strive; to encourage; to cut zhāo
ideographic nail, spike dīng
pictophonetic cauldron, kettle, pot
ideographic needle, pin, tack; acupuncture zhēn
ideographic fishhook; to fish, to lure diào
pictophonetic button; buckle, clasp; to engrave kòu
pictophonetic bracelet, armlet chuàn
pictophonetic vanadium fán
ideographic ornamental hairpin chāi
ideographic awl; a tool for boring holes qiān
pictophonetic palladium
ideographic wine flagon tǒu
pictophonetic lead (element) qiān
pictophonetic sodium, natrium; to sharpen wood
pictophonetic blunt, obtuse; dull, flat; dim-witted dùn
ideographic hook, barb; sickle; to stroke gōu
pictophonetic bank note, paper money; to counterfeit chāo
pictophonetic button, knob; surname niǔ
pictophonetic unit of weight equal to thirty catties; your (formal) jūn
pictophonetic calcium gài
pictophonetic titanium tài
pictophonetic bell; surname duó
pictophonetic small bell líng
pictophonetic cobalt; clothes-iron
ideographic rare treasure
pictophonetic plutonium
pictophonetic uranium yóu
pictophonetic hairpin; gold-inlaid item; filigree diàn
pictophonetic potassium jiǎ
pictophonetic iron; strong, solid, firm zhí
pictophonetic steel, iron; great
pictophonetic a device for carrying a tripod xuàn
pictophonetic pincers, pliers, tongs; to compress qián
pictophonetic rivet mǎo
pictophonetic lead qiān
ideographic broad-axe; halberd, battle-axe yuè
ideographic hook, barb, sickle; to hook, to link gōu
pictophonetic cauldron, kettle, pot
pictophonetic mirror, looking glass; to reflect jiàn
ideographic hinge; scissors, shears; to cut jiǎo
pictophonetic chromium
pictophonetic spear móu
pictophonetic silver; cash, money, wealth yín
pictophonetic ancient weapon; blunderbuss chòng
pictophonetic copper, bronze tóng
pictophonetic an axe's eyehole (for hanging it up) qióng
pictophonetic mill
pictophonetic to weigh, to measure; to select, to elect; to estimate quán
pictophonetic a unit of weight, about 1 gram zhū
ideographic to engrave, to inscribe míng
pictophonetic hoe; spear; surname diào
pictophonetic rank, title; to bite, to hold in the mouth xián
pictophonetic ammonium ǎn
pictophonetic shackles, manacles kào
ideographic bells hung on a horse; imperial luán
pictophonetic to solder, to weld; greaves hàn
pictophonetic sharp, pointed; keen, acute ruì
pictophonetic to fuse, to melt; to market, to sell xiāo
pictophonetic to rust, to corrode xiù
pictophonetic carpenter's file; to file smooth cuò
ideographic mercury (element) hòng
pictophonetic aluminum
pictophonetic chain, lock; ornament láng
pictophonetic zinc xīn
pictophonetic barium bèi
pictophonetic gold- or silver-plated; to plate
pictophonetic ingots, metal bars; to hurry dìng
pictophonetic spear-point; edge, point, tip fēng
ideographic hoe; to eradicate, to weed out chú
pictophonetic to polish, to shine zèng
pictophonetic curium
ideographic sword-point; sharp, pointed máng
pictophonetic shop, store; bed, mattress
pictophonetic zirconium gào
pictophonetic lithium
pictophonetic a saw; to saw, to amputate
pictophonetic steel; hard, strong, tough gāng
ideographic to copy, to record, to write down
pictophonetic gimlet, drill, awl; to drill, to bore zhuī
pictophonetic actinium ā
pictophonetic a legendary sword kūn
pictophonetic hammer chuí
pictophonetic half-pound; an ancient unit of weight
pictophonetic clanging sound; a small gong zhēng
pictophonetic spindle, ingot; tablet, slab dìng
pictophonetic money, currency, coins qián
ideographic brocade, tapestry; embroidered jǐn
pictophonetic anchor máo
pictophonetic tin; to bestow, to confer
ideographic to run hot metal through a mold; to confine, to restrain, to stop
ideographic error, mistake; incorrect, wrong cuò
ideographic to copy
pictophonetic manganese měng
pictophonetic to show, to express, to display; outside, appearance; a watch biǎo
ideographic chisel, engraving tool zàn
pictophonetic smelt metals, forge; refine liàn
pictophonetic cooking-pot, saucepan guō
pictophonetic to temper, to refine; to forge metal duàn
ideographic sickle; to cut, to carve, to engrave qiè
pictophonetic iron pan; metal cap móu
pictophonetic shovel qiāo
pictophonetic lock, door bolt; key jiàn
pictophonetic cup, glass, goblet; surname zhōng
pictophonetic magnesium měi
pictophonetic pound sterling bàng
pictophonetic pure gold liú
ideographic mold; to fuse, to melt, to smelt róng
pictophonetic lock, padlock; chains, shackles suǒ
pictophonetic large bell; hoe, spade
pictophonetic tungsten, wolfram
ideographic to polish, to shine yíng
ideographic to distill; lutetium; surname liú
pictophonetic armor, chain mail kǎi
ideographic spear; to injure shā
pictophonetic stove; bright gǎo
pictophonetic calm, composed; to control, to suppress zhèn
pictophonetic nickel niè
ideographic chain, wire; chains, shackles liàn
pictophonetic a flat iron cooking-plate for cakes ào
pictophonetic to fight to the death; to engage in a fierce battle áo
pictophonetic spade, shovel; trowel, scoop chǎn
pictophonetic mirror, glass; lens, glasses jìng
pictophonetic spear, harpoon, dart; to escort biāo
pictophonetic to rust, to corrode xiù
pictophonetic fetters, leg-irons liào
pictophonetic clock; bell zhōng
pictophonetic sickle lián
pictophonetic bracelet, armband; small bell zhuó
pictophonetic iron; strong, solid, firm tiě
pictophonetic frying pan; warming vessel dāng
pictophonetic a flat iron cooking-plate for cakes bèi
pictophonetic to melt, to cast; to mint, to coin zhù
pictophonetic cauldron, large iron pot huò
pictophonetic mirror, looking glass; to reflect jiàn
pictophonetic mirror, looking glass; to reflect jiàn
pictophonetic cymbals chǎ
pictophonetic tin, solder
pictophonetic to melt, to smelt; polish, shine shuò
pictophonetic file, rasp; to file, to polish
ideographic bit, bridle; to ride biāo
pictophonetic fireplace, stove; oven; furnace
ideographic prosperity; used in names of people and shops xīn
pictophonetic lanthanum lán
pictophonetic lock, key yào
pictophonetic inset, inlay; to set, to mount; to fill xiāng
pictophonetic tweezers, forceps, pliers; to nip, to pluck niè
pictophonetic gong luó
pictophonetic diamond; to bore, to drill, to pierce zuān
pictophonetic bells hung on a horse; imperial luán
ideographic chisel; to bore, to pierce záo
pictographic gold, metal; money jīn
pictophonetic gadolinium
pictophonetic yttrium
ideographic needle, pin, tack; acupuncture zhēn
ideographic nail, spike dīng
ideographic to endeavor, to strive; to encourage; to cut zhāo
pictophonetic polonium
pictophonetic ruthenium liǎo
pictophonetic thorium
ideographic awl; a tool for boring holes qiān
pictophonetic bracelet, armlet chuàn
pictophonetic samarium shān
pictophonetic vanadium fán
ideographic fishhook; to fish, to lure diào
pictophonetic mendelevium mén
pictophonetic neodymium
ideographic ornamental hairpin chāi
pictophonetic calcium gài
pictophonetic plutonium
pictophonetic titanium tài
pictophonetic steel, iron; great
pictophonetic blunt, obtuse; dull, flat; dim-witted dùn
pictophonetic bank note, paper money; to counterfeit chāo
pictophonetic clock; bell zhōng
pictophonetic sodium, natrium; to sharpen wood
pictophonetic barium bèi
pictophonetic steel; hard, strong, tough gāng
pictophonetic metal plate; sheet metal bǎn
pictophonetic lock, latch; to stamp, to seal qián
pictophonetic lock, key yào
pictophonetic to respect, to admire; royal qīn
pictophonetic unit of weight equal to thirty catties; your (formal) jūn
pictophonetic tungsten, wolfram
ideographic hook, barb, sickle; to hook, to link gōu
pictophonetic scandium kàng
pictophonetic francium fāng
pictophonetic holmium huǒ
ideographic wine flagon tǒu
pictophonetic button, knob; surname niǔ
pictophonetic palladium
ideographic rare treasure
pictophonetic money, currency, coins qián
pictophonetic an army's marching gong zhēng
pictophonetic pincers, pliers, tongs; to compress qián
pictophonetic cobalt; clothes-iron
pictophonetic earthen basin; alms bowl
pictophonetic columbium ē
pictophonetic promethium
pictophonetic plutonium
pictophonetic cymbals
ideographic broad-axe; halberd, battle-axe yuè
pictophonetic diamond; to bore, to drill, to pierce zuān
pictophonetic molybdenum
pictophonetic tantalum tǎn
pictophonetic potassium jiǎ
pictophonetic hairpin; gold-inlaid item; filigree diàn
pictophonetic uranium yóu
pictophonetic iron; strong, solid, firm tiě
pictophonetic platinum; thin sheet metal
pictophonetic small bell líng
pictophonetic to melt, to smelt; polish, shine shuò
pictophonetic lead qiān
pictophonetic rivet mǎo
pictophonetic cerium shì
pictophonetic a device for carrying a tripod xuàn
pictophonetic thallium
pictophonetic bismuth
pictophonetic niobium
pictophonetic beryllium
pictophonetic bell; surname duó
pictophonetic shackles, manacles kào
pictophonetic rhodium lǎo
pictophonetic erbium ěr
ideographic sword-point; sharp, pointed máng
pictophonetic europium yǒu
pictophonetic surname chéng
ideographic tongs, pincers; dagger, sword jiá
ideographic sword
pictophonetic cymbals, hand-bell; to disturb náo
pictophonetic frying pan; warming vessel dāng
pictophonetic copper, bronze tóng
pictophonetic aluminum
pictophonetic sword diào
pictophonetic indium yīn
pictophonetic armor, chain mail kǎi
ideographic a sickle used to cut grass or hay zhá
pictophonetic a unit of weight, about 1 gram zhū
pictophonetic mill
pictophonetic ingots, metal bars; to hurry dìng
pictophonetic thulium diū
pictophonetic spade, shovel, plowshare huá
pictophonetic to weigh, to measure; to select, to elect; to estimate quán
ideographic spear; to injure shā
pictophonetic hafnium
pictophonetic hoe; spear; surname diào
pictophonetic chromium
ideographic to engrave, to inscribe míng
pictophonetic clanging sound; a small gong zhēng
pictophonetic cesium
ideographic hinge; scissors, shears; to cut jiǎo
pictophonetic iridium
pictophonetic spade, shovel; trowel, scoop chǎn
pictophonetic ancient weapon; blunderbuss chòng
pictophonetic gong tāng
pictophonetic ammonium ǎn
pictophonetic silver; cash, money, wealth yín
pictophonetic rubidium
pictophonetic to melt, to cast; to mint, to coin zhù
pictophonetic lawrencium láo
pictophonetic shop, store; bed, mattress
pictophonetic rhenium lái
pictophonetic terbium
ideographic chain, wire; chains, shackles liàn
pictophonetic to strike, to beat; gong, resounding noise kēng
pictophonetic to fuse, to melt; to market, to sell xiāo
pictophonetic lock, padlock; chains, shackles suǒ
pictophonetic lithium
pictophonetic to polish, to shine zèng
ideographic hoe; to eradicate, to weed out chú
pictophonetic cooking-pot, saucepan guō
pictophonetic zirconium gào
pictophonetic osmium é
pictophonetic to rust, to corrode xiù
pictophonetic carpenter's file; to file smooth cuò
pictophonetic a unit of weight, about 6 ounces lüè
pictophonetic spear-point; edge, point, tip fēng
pictophonetic zinc xīn
pictophonetic liǔ
pictophonetic caesium kāi
pictophonetic rapier; mace jiǎn
pictophonetic sharp, pointed; keen, acute ruì
pictophonetic antimony
pictophonetic chain, lock; ornament láng
pictophonetic to carve qǐn
pictophonetic curium
pictophonetic actinium ā
ideographic the color of a mineral qiāng
pictophonetic germanium zhě
pictophonetic nobelium nuò
ideographic error, mistake; incorrect, wrong cuò
pictophonetic anchor máo
pictophonetic adze bēn
pictophonetic technetium
pictophonetic ingot; acrobatic move
pictophonetic a legendary sword kūn
pictophonetic tin; to bestow, to confer
ideographic to run hot metal through a mold; to confine, to restrain, to stop
pictophonetic gong luó
pictophonetic hammer chuí
pictophonetic gimlet, drill, awl; to drill, to bore zhuī
ideographic brocade, tapestry; embroidered jǐn
pictophonetic shovel xiān
pictophonetic to bend iron juǎn
pictophonetic a kind of tool huō
pictophonetic berkelium péi
pictophonetic long spear tán
pictophonetic spindle, ingot; tablet, slab dìng
pictophonetic lock, door bolt; key jiàn
pictophonetic a saw; to saw, to amputate
pictophonetic manganese měng
pictophonetic half-pound; an ancient unit of weight
ideographic sickle; to cut, to carve, to engrave qiè
pictophonetic high-quality iron kǎi
pictophonetic clang; jingle, tinkle qiāng
pictophonetic strontium
pictophonetic high, lofty; sharp; a knife's edge è
pictophonetic spade, shovel; marking pin chā
pictophonetic shovel qiāo
pictophonetic cup, glass, goblet; surname zhōng
pictophonetic to temper, to refine; to forge metal duàn
pictophonetic to carve sōu
pictophonetic to measure; money, coins huán
pictophonetic einsteinium āi
pictophonetic to plate, to gild, to coat
pictophonetic magnesium měi
pictophonetic to inlay; to engrave, to carve; tattoo lòu
pictophonetic fermium fèi
pictophonetic americium méi
pictophonetic sword
pictophonetic calm, composed; to control, to suppress zhèn
pictophonetic large bell; hoe, spade
pictophonetic cadmium
pictophonetic tweezers, forceps, pliers; to nip, to pluck niè
pictophonetic engraving tool; to carve, to engrave juān
pictophonetic nickel niè
pictophonetic neptunium
ideographic to distill; lutetium; surname liú
pictophonetic stove; bright gǎo
pictophonetic pound sterling bàng
pictophonetic a measure of weight used for gold
pictophonetic gallium jiā
pictophonetic high-quality iron bīn
ideographic mold; to fuse, to melt, to smelt róng
pictophonetic spear, harpoon, dart; to escort biāo
pictophonetic awl, boring tool tāng
pictophonetic trowel màn
pictophonetic luó
pictophonetic dime, small coin bèng
pictophonetic a large bell used as musical instrument yōng
pictophonetic mirror, glass; lens, glasses jìng
pictophonetic dysprosium
pictophonetic arrowhead, barb; quick, swift
pictophonetic lathe xuàn
pictophonetic dagger, dirk, short-sword chán
pictophonetic hoe jué
pictophonetic fetters, leg-irons liào
pictophonetic protactinium
pictophonetic lutetium
pictophonetic ferrule; to castrate duì
pictophonetic lanthanum lán
pictophonetic praseodymium
pictophonetic iron, pick, poker cuān
pictophonetic coins, money, wealth qiāng
pictophonetic lamp; a kind of cooking vessel dèng
pictophonetic cauldron, large iron pot huò
pictophonetic radium léi
pictophonetic bracelet, armband; small bell zhuó
pictophonetic sickle lián
pictophonetic ytterbium
pictophonetic cymbals chǎ
ideographic bit, bridle; to ride biāo
pictophonetic tin, solder
pictophonetic inset, inlay; to set, to mount; to fill xiāng
pictographic long, lasting; to excel in zhǎng
ideographic long, lasting; to excel in zhǎng
pictographic gate, door, entrance, opening mén
ideographic bolt, latch, crossbar shuān
ideographic flash, lightning; to dodge, to evade shǎn
ideographic to shut, to close; to obstruct, to block
pictophonetic to open; to start, to initiate, to begin kāi
pictophonetic barrier, gate; vast, wide; to expand hóng
pictophonetic intercalary; extra, surplus rùn
ideographic fence, guard; to defend; idle time xián
ideographic leisure, idle time; tranquil, peaceful, calm xián
ideographic between, among; midpoint; space, place, locality jiān
pictophonetic to mourn, to grieve; to incite, to urge on mǐn
pictophonetic sluice, floodgate, canal lock zhá
pictophonetic separated, blocked; to prevent, to block
pictophonetic cabinet, chamber, pavilion
pictophonetic chamber; shelf; side-door
pictophonetic clique, valve; a powerful and influential group
ideographic busy, crowded; used in transliterations chù
pictophonetic women's quarters; lady's apartment guī
pictophonetic Fujian province; a river; a tribe mǐn
pictophonetic threshold; women's quarters kǔn
ideographic high door, high gate; high, lofty láng
pictophonetic a village of twenty-five families
ideographic the gates of heaven; the main gate of a palace chāng
pictophonetic eunuch; to castrate yān
pictophonetic village gate; surname yán
pictophonetic to block, to obstruct, to stop up è
ideographic threshold; separated, confined
pictophonetic alone; quiet, still
ideographic board, plank; plate, slab; unnatural, stiff bǎn
pictophonetic gate, door; living quarters wéi
pictophonetic bent, curved; a curved wall yīn
pictophonetic ample, broad, wide; separate; to be apart kuò
pictophonetic screen door, railing, fence lán
pictophonetic to close; whole, entire, all
pictophonetic palace; watchtower quē
ideographic to rush in, to charge in, to burst in chuǎng
pictophonetic frontier pass; to close, to shut; relation guān
pictophonetic to glance, to peep; to growl, to roar hǎn
pictophonetic to disclose; to explain; to open chǎn
pictophonetic open; to settle, to develop, to open up
pictographic gate, door, entrance, opening mén
ideographic bolt, latch, crossbar shuān
ideographic flash, lightning; to dodge, to evade shǎn
pictophonetic village gate yàn
ideographic to shut, to close; to obstruct, to block
pictophonetic to ask about, to inquire after wèn
ideographic to rush in, to charge in, to burst in chuǎng
pictophonetic intercalary; extra, surplus rùn
pictophonetic gate, door; living quarters wéi
ideographic fence, guard; to defend; idle time xián
pictophonetic barrier, gate; vast, wide; to expand hóng
ideographic between, among; midpoint; space, place, locality jiān
pictophonetic to mourn, to grieve; to incite, to urge on mǐn
pictophonetic door kāng
pictophonetic gloomy, depressed, melancholy mèn
pictophonetic sluice, floodgate, canal lock zhá
ideographic busy, lively; to dispute, to quarrel nào
pictophonetic women's quarters; lady's apartment guī
pictophonetic news; to hear, to smell; to make known wén
pictophonetic door, gate; the door to an inner room
pictophonetic Fujian province; a river; a tribe mǐn
pictophonetic a village of twenty-five families
pictophonetic clique, valve; a powerful and influential group
pictophonetic cabinet, chamber, pavilion
pictophonetic separated, blocked; to prevent, to block
pictophonetic threshold; women's quarters kǔn
ideographic high door, high gate; high, lofty láng
ideographic threshold; separated, confined
pictophonetic eunuch; to castrate yān
ideographic the gates of heaven; the main gate of a palace chāng
pictophonetic feud; to fight, to quarrel
pictophonetic gatekeeper; gate, door hūn
pictophonetic village gate; surname yán
pictophonetic to block, to obstruct, to stop up è
pictophonetic to disclose; to explain; to open chǎn
pictophonetic screen door, railing, fence lán
pictophonetic alone; quiet, still
pictophonetic ample, broad, wide; separate; to be apart kuò
pictophonetic to close, to shut; watchtower què
pictophonetic to close; whole, entire, all
pictophonetic palace; watchtower quē
pictophonetic to glance, to peep; to growl, to roar hǎn
pictophonetic sedimentary layer; mineral vein
ideographic team, group, band, army unit; measure word for groups of people duì
pictophonetic path; a foot-path between fields qiān
pictophonetic worried, apprehensive
pictophonetic hillside, slope bǎn
pictophonetic ancient musical instrument; surname ruǎn
ideographic trap, snare, pitfall jǐng
pictophonetic to protect, to defend, to guard against fáng
ideographic the male principle; bright, sunny; clear, lit, open yáng
ideographic the female principle; dark, shaded; hidden, implicit, secret yīn
ideographic row, column; ranks, troop formation zhèn
pictophonetic stairs, steps; degree, rank jiē
pictophonetic to hinder, to impede; to obstruct, to oppose
pictophonetic the steps leading to the eastern door zuò
pictophonetic an initial particle, a prefix used for names; used in transliterations ā
pictophonetic steep bank, rough terrain tuó
pictophonetic dam, embankment; reservoir bēi
pictophonetic nearby; to adhere to, to attach; to rely on
pictophonetic border, boundary, juncture
pictophonetic land, continent; six (bankers' anti-fraud numeral)
pictophonetic a mountain located in the Shanxi provice lǒng
ideographic to display, to exhibit; to plead; surname chén
pictophonetic defile, gorge, mountain pass xíng
pictophonetic coarse, crude; narrow; ugly lòu
ideographic strange, unfamiliar; a foot path between rice fields
pictophonetic to descend, to fall; to drop, to lower jiàng
pictophonetic boundary, limit, line xiàn
pictophonetic ledge, step, terrace; slope gāi
ideographic mountain pass; the Shanxi province shǎn
pictophonetic defile, gorge, mountain pass xíng
pictophonetic throne; steps leading to the throne
ideographic narrow; mountain pass xiá
ideographic to ascend, to rise; to promote shēng
pictophonetic to climb; to advance; progress zhì
pictophonetic steep, sloping; sudden, abrupt dǒu
pictophonetic court, yard, courtyard; school yuàn
ideographic row, column; ranks, troop formation zhèn
ideographic to eliminate, to remove, to wipe out chú
pictophonetic chaos, disorder niè
pictophonetic to slip, to fall; to drop; to die yǔn
pictophonetic narrow pass, strategic point xiǎn
pictophonetic to accompany, to be with, to keep company péi
pictophonetic corner, cranny, niche zōu
ideographic the female principle; dark, shaded; hidden, implicit, secret yīn
pictophonetic frontier, border chuí
ideographic to display, to exhibit; to plead; surname chén
pictophonetic parapet; city wall
ideographic hill, mound; mausoleum líng
ideographic pottery, ceramics táo
ideographic to sink, to plunge; trap, pitfall xiàn
pictophonetic land, continent; six (bankers' anti-fraud numeral)
ideographic the male principle; bright, sunny; clear, lit, open yáng
pictophonetic dike, embankment
pictophonetic corner, cranny, niche
pictophonetic bay, cove, inlet wēi
pictophonetic chaos, disorder niè
pictophonetic team, group, band, army unit; measure word for groups of people duì
pictophonetic dry ditch, dry moat huáng
pictophonetic stairs, steps; degree, rank jiē
ideographic to follow, to listen to, to submit to suí
ideographic to hide, to conceal; secret, hidden yǐn
pictophonetic to separate, to partition, to divide
pictophonetic to slip, to fall; to drop; to die yǔn
pictophonetic high, lofty; surname kuí
pictophonetic narrow, confined; a strategic pass ài
ideographic crack, fissure, split; grudge
pictophonetic border, boundary, juncture
pictophonetic to separate; shield, barricade zhàng
pictophonetic tunnel, underground passage; a path to a tomb suì
ideographic to follow, to listen to, to submit to suí
pictophonetic narrow pass, strategic point xiǎn
pictophonetic swamp, marsh, damp lowland
ideographic to hide, to conceal; secret, hidden yǐn
pictophonetic to destroy; to overthrow huī
pictophonetic a mountain located in the Shanxi provice lǒng
ideographic subservient; servant
pictophonetic subservient; servant
pictographic short-tailed bird; sparrow zhuī
ideographic flying high; ambition
pictophonetic only, merely, just zhī
pictophonetic falcon, eagle; an aquiline nose sǔn
ideographic superior, outstanding, talented juàn
ideographic hard, difficult, arduous; unable nán
ideographic sparrow què
pictophonetic wild goose yàn
pictophonetic alpha male, hero; manly xióng
pictophonetic elegant, graceful, refined
ideographic to gather, to collect; set, collection
pictophonetic employment; to hire, to employ
pictophonetic owl huán
pictophonetic pheasant; crenellated wall zhì
ideographic superior, outstanding, talented juàn
pictophonetic female; feminine; gentle, soft
ideographic harmony, union; harmonious yōng
pictophonetic osprey, fish hawk; to hold back
pictophonetic chick, fledging; infant, toddler chú
pictophonetic a kind of bird
ideographic companion; couple; to match chóu
pictophonetic to carve, to engrave; eagle, vulture diāo
pictophonetic although, even though suī
ideographic pair, couple; both; measure word for things that come in pairs shuāng
pictophonetic heron; small cup guàn
pictophonetic chick, fledging; infant, toddler chú
pictophonetic mix, blend; various, miscellaneous
pictophonetic pool, marsh; harmony yōng
ideographic chicken
ideographic enemy, rival, opponent chóu
pictophonetic rare beast; strange; elegant
pictophonetic hard, difficult, arduous; unable nán
pictographic rain
ideographic to offer a sacrifice for rain
pictophonetic snow; wipe away shame, avenge xuě
pictophonetic cloud patterns; storm clouds wén
ideographic cloud; to say, to speak yún
pictophonetic thunderclap, crashing thunder
pictophonetic zero; fragment, fraction líng
ideographic thunder; surname léi
pictophonetic hail báo
ideographic electricity; electric; lightning diàn
pictophonetic fog, mist, vapor, fine spray
ideographic to need, to require; must
pictophonetic to subside; to clear up after a storm; to stop being angry
pictophonetic drizzle, shower, light rain
ideographic clouds, mist; sky xiāo
ideographic thunder zhà
pictophonetic a sudden peal of thunder tíng
pictophonetic shake, quake, tremor; to excite zhèn
ideographic torrential rains; the flow of water pèi
pictophonetic mildew, mold, rot méi
ideographic quickly, suddenly; surname huò
pictophonetic drizzle, light rain; fleeting, passing shà
pictophonetic rainfall, snowfall fēi
pictophonetic moist, soaked; to moisten zhān
ideographic rainbow; colorful, variegated
pictophonetic monsoon; a long spell of rain lín
pictophonetic frost; frozen, crystallized, candied shuāng
ideographic raindrops líng
pictophonetic rosy clouds xiá
pictophonetic drizzle, light rain; favors, gifts mài
pictophonetic drizzle, light rain; favors, gifts mài
pictophonetic fog, mist, vapor, fine spray
ideographic monsoon; a long and heavy rain yín
pictophonetic fog, haze; calm, peaceful ǎi
pictophonetic hail, sleet sǎn
pictophonetic dew; leak; bare, exposed; to reveal, to show
pictophonetic tyrant; to usurp, to rule by might
pictophonetic thunderclap, crashing thunder
pictophonetic to subside; to clear up after a storm; to stop being angry
pictophonetic fog, mist; smoke, smog; dust storm mái
pictophonetic thunderclap, crashing thunder
pictophonetic ornament; pretty; to apply make-up jìng
ideographic to pacify, to appease; calm, peaceful jìng
pictophonetic still, quiet, motionless, gentle jìng
pictophonetic ornament; pretty; to apply make-up jìng
pictophonetic indigo, blue dye diàn
pictophonetic still, quiet, motionless, gentle jìng
ideographic not, negative, non-; to oppose fēi
pictophonetic nearby; to depend on, to lean on, to trust kào
pictophonetic to scatter, to disperse; to divide
pictographic face; surface, side; plane, dimension miàn
pictophonetic dimples
pictophonetic modest, bashful miǎn
pictographic leather, animal hide; to reform; to remove
pictophonetic a strap on a horse's breast jìn
pictophonetic boots xuē
pictophonetic target, mark
pictophonetic the Tartars
pictophonetic the strap over a horse's neck yāng
pictophonetic shoes, footwear in general xié
pictophonetic saddle ān
ideographic to bind, to guard, to strengthen; firm, secure, strong gǒng
pictophonetic the Tartars
pictophonetic boot, mud shoe, snowshoe qiáo
pictophonetic to cover; leather stretched over a drum mán
pictophonetic scabbard, sheath qiào
pictophonetic to bow, to bend; to nourish, to rear
ideographic to tan, to soften róu
pictophonetic leather strap; to swing qiū
pictophonetic to question, to interrogate
pictophonetic whip; to lash, to flog biān
pictophonetic leather shoes
pictophonetic saddle blanket jiān
pictophonetic leather bracer gōu
pictophonetic bridle, reins jiāng
pictophonetic the Tartars
pictophonetic thousand, many, numerous; swing, seesaw qiān
pictophonetic tough, strong; pliable rèn
pictophonetic right; proper; perpriety wěi
pictophonetic sheath, scabbard, bow case tāo
pictophonetic tough, strong; pliable rèn
pictophonetic right; proper; perpriety wěi
pictophonetic to contain; to hide, to conceal yùn
pictophonetic sheath, scabbard, bow case tāo
pictographic scallion, leek, chive jiǔ
pictophonetic xiè
ideographic wild onions or leeks xiān
ideographic sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation yīn
ideographic rhyme; vowel yùn
ideographic beautiful, excellent, harmonious; music from the Shun dynasty sháo
ideographic rhyme; vowel yùn
pictophonetic to make noise, to make sound; sound xiǎng
pictographic page, sheet, leaf
pictophonetic top, summit, peak; to carry on the head dǐng
pictophonetic neck, nape; item; a term in an equation xiàng
pictophonetic to submit to, to obey, to go along with shùn
ideographic beard; must; necessary
pictophonetic to laud, to acclaim; ode, hymn sòng
pictophonetic to dive, to fly downward háng
pictophonetic to prepare, to arrange; in advance
pictophonetic stubborn, recalcitrant, obstinate wán
ideographic to bestow, to confer; to publish bān
pictophonetic to pause; to bow; to arrange dùn
pictophonetic rather, quite; partial, biased
pictophonetic neck, collar; lead, guide lǐng
pictophonetic mouth; jaw
pictophonetic contest; to fly, to soar jié
pictophonetic cheeks, jaw; chin; rear; to nourish
pictophonetic chin
pictophonetic head; chief, boss; first, top tóu
ideographic cheeks, jaw jiá
pictophonetic chin, jowl; to nod hàn
pictophonetic neck, throat jǐng
ideographic ruined, decayed; depressed; decadent tuí
pictophonetic grain, kernel
pictophonetic forehead; headline, title; theme
pictophonetic forehead; quota, amount é
pictophonetic jaw è
pictophonetic face, facial appearance yán
pictophonetic good, honest, simple; respectful zhuān
pictophonetic quiet
pictophonetic desire, wish; honest, virtuous; ready, willing yuàn
pictophonetic forehead; to kowtow sǎng
pictophonetic peak, summit, top; to upset diān
pictophonetic to look back; to look at; to look after
pictophonetic to shiver, to tremble; trembling chàn
pictophonetic the temporal bone
pictophonetic clear, evident; prominent; to show xiǎn
pictophonetic to frown; to knit the brows pín
pictophonetic skull
pictophonetic the temporal bone niè
pictophonetic cheekbones quán
pictographic page, sheet, leaf
pictophonetic top, summit, peak; to carry on the head dǐng
ideographic stupid; having a large, flat face hān
pictophonetic neck, nape; item; a term in an equation xiàng
pictophonetic to submit to, to obey, to go along with shùn
ideographic beard; must; necessary
pictophonetic stubborn, recalcitrant, obstinate wán
pictophonetic to look back; to look at; to look after
pictophonetic to pause; to bow; to arrange dùn
pictophonetic tall and slim; slender
ideographic to bestow, to confer; to publish bān
pictophonetic to laud, to acclaim; ode, hymn sòng
pictophonetic to dive, to fly downward háng
pictophonetic to prepare, to arrange; in advance
pictophonetic skull
pictophonetic neck, collar; lead, guide lǐng
pictophonetic rather, quite; partial, biased
pictophonetic neck, throat jǐng
pictophonetic contest; to fly, to soar jié
ideographic cheeks, jaw jiá
pictophonetic mouth; jaw
pictophonetic a river in Anhui yǐng
pictophonetic chin
pictophonetic cheeks, jaw; chin; rear; to nourish
ideographic ruined, decayed; depressed; decadent tuí
pictophonetic chin, jowl; to nod hàn
pictophonetic rice tassel; sharp; clever yǐng
pictophonetic grain, kernel
pictophonetic forehead; headline, title; theme
pictophonetic jaw è
pictophonetic good, honest, simple; respectful zhuān
pictophonetic face, facial appearance yán
pictophonetic forehead; quota, amount é
pictophonetic the temporal bone niè
pictophonetic peak, summit, top; to upset diān
pictophonetic forehead; to kowtow sǎng
pictophonetic to shiver, to tremble; trembling chàn
pictophonetic the temporal bone
pictophonetic to frown; to knit the brows pín
pictophonetic cheekbones quán
pictophonetic to sway in the wind zhǎn
pictophonetic bleak; melancholy; the howl of the wind
ideographic platform; unit; term of address tái
ideographic to shave; to scrape; to blow guā
pictophonetic cyclone, gale, typhoon
pictophonetic floating in the air; drifting on the wind yáo
pictophonetic a chill breeze; to blow; the sound of the wind sōu
pictophonetic to drift, to float, to flutter piāo
ideographic whirlwind (1) biāo
pictophonetic to sway in the wind zhǎn
ideographic storm, whirlwind biāo
pictophonetic bleak; melancholy; the howl of the wind
pictophonetic cyclone, gale, typhoon
pictophonetic a chill breeze; to blow; the sound of the wind sōu
pictophonetic floating in the air; drifting on the wind yáo
pictophonetic to drift, to float, to flutter piāo
ideographic whirlwind (1) biāo
ideographic whirlwind (2) biāo
ideographic to fly, to dart; high fēi
pictographic to fly, to dart; high fēi
pictographic food; to eat shí
pictographic food; to eat shí
pictophonetic hungry, starving; hunger, famine
ideographic dinner, supper; cooked food sūn
pictophonetic banquet; to host a banquet xiǎng
pictophonetic stuffed dumplings tún
pictophonetic cooked food; to cook until well-done rèn
pictophonetic full, satiated; to confer
pictophonetic to offer a sacrifice juàn
pictophonetic order; command; give command chì
pictophonetic meal, food; cooked rice fàn
pictophonetic to swallow, to drink; a kind of drink yǐn
pictophonetic syrup; sweet-meat, sweet-cake
pictophonetic to raise animals; to nourish, to feed
pictophonetic satisfied; to eat one's fill bǎo
pictophonetic to decorate, to adorn; ornament shì
pictophonetic stuffed dumplings jiǎo
pictophonetic buckwheat or sorghum noodles
pictophonetic rice-cake, pastry, biscuit bǐng
pictophonetic rations and pay for soldiers xiǎng
pictophonetic to raise, to rear, to bring up; to support yǎng
pictophonetic bait; cake; dumplings; to bait, to entice ěr
pictophonetic full, satiated; to eat one's fill yàn
pictophonetic buckwheat or sorghum noodles le
pictophonetic to eat, to dine; meal, food cān
pictophonetic cake, biscuit
pictophonetic famished, hungry, starving něi
ideographic hungry; greedy è
ideographic leftovers jùn
ideographic surplus, remainder, excess
pictophonetic cooked or prepared meat yáo
pictophonetic dumpling soup; wonton hún
pictophonetic to send off; farewell dinner; preserves jiàn
ideographic filling, stuffing; secret xiàn
ideographic public building; shop, house, establishment guǎn
pictophonetic porridge, gruel, congee; paste
pictophonetic glutton, greedy person; insatiable dragon tiè
pictophonetic to feed, to raise wèi
pictophonetic sacrficial victim; gift; grain
ideographic distill, distillation liú
餿 ideographic spoiled, rotten; stale, rancid sōu
pictophonetic bread
pictophonetic steamed buns; steamed dumplings mán
pictophonetic food, meal; to eat; to offer xiū
ideographic a time of famine or crop failure jǐn
pictophonetic fried round cakes of wheat flour sǎn
ideographic gift, present kuì
pictophonetic to feed, support, provide for; food zhuàn
pictophonetic famine; to starve, to go hungry
pictophonetic abundant, bountiful ráo
pictophonetic breakfast; to eat prepared food yōng
pictophonetic gluttonous; greedy, covetous tāo
pictophonetic banquet; to host a banquet xiǎng
pictophonetic full, satiated; to eat one's fill yàn
pictophonetic greedy, gluttonous; lewd, lecherous chán
pictophonetic naan náng
pictophonetic hungry, starving; hunger, famine
pictophonetic syrup, molasses, malt sugar; sticky táng
pictophonetic stuffed dumplings tún
pictophonetic sacrficial victim; gift; grain
pictophonetic cooked food; to cook until well-done rèn
pictophonetic full, satiated; to confer
pictophonetic order; command; give command chì
pictophonetic meal, food; cooked rice fàn
pictophonetic to swallow, to drink; a kind of drink yǐn
pictophonetic to send off; farewell dinner; preserves jiàn
pictophonetic to decorate, to adorn; ornament shì
pictophonetic satisfied; to eat one's fill bǎo
pictophonetic to raise animals; to nourish, to feed
pictophonetic syrup; sweet-meat, sweet-cake
pictophonetic bait; cake; dumplings; to bait, to entice ěr
pictophonetic abundant, bountiful ráo
pictophonetic rations and pay for soldiers xiǎng
pictophonetic buckwheat or sorghum noodles
pictophonetic buckwheat or sorghum noodles le
pictophonetic stuffed dumplings jiǎo
pictophonetic rice-cake, pastry, biscuit bǐng
pictophonetic cake, biscuit
饿 ideographic hungry; greedy è
ideographic surplus, remainder, excess
pictophonetic famished, hungry, starving něi
ideographic leftovers jùn
pictophonetic dumpling soup; wonton hún
ideographic filling, stuffing; secret xiàn
ideographic public building; shop, house, establishment guǎn
pictophonetic to stir, to cook, to boil; porridge chā
ideographic gift, present kuì
ideographic spoiled, rotten; stale, rancid sōu
pictophonetic greedy, gluttonous; lewd, lecherous chán
pictophonetic bread
ideographic distill, distillation liú
pictophonetic food, meal; to eat; to offer xiū
ideographic a time of famine or crop failure jǐn
pictophonetic steamed buns; steamed dumplings mán
pictophonetic fried round cakes of wheat flour sǎn
pictophonetic to feed, support, provide for; food zhuàn
pictophonetic naan náng
ideographic chief, head, leader shǒu
pictophonetic cheekbone; path, road, intersection kuí
ideographic to cut off the left ear; to tally the enemy's dead guó
ideographic incense; fragrant, aromatic xiāng
pictophonetic scent, fragrance, aroma
pictophonetic fragrant, aromatic xīn
pictographic horse; surname
pictophonetic to drive, to ride; to manage, to control
pictophonetic to gallop; by dint of; surname féng
pictophonetic to carry on one's back tuó
pictophonetic speed, haste; to run, to gallop chí
pictophonetic tame, obedient, docile xún
pictophonetic variegated, motley; to refuse, to dispute
pictophonetic stable; station, garrison zhù
pictophonetic tired old horse; old, weak
pictophonetic colt; fleet, swift; surname
pictophonetic to drive, to ride, to sail; carriage, cart jià
pictophonetic extra horse; imperial son-in-law
pictophonetic to drive, to pilot, to ride; fast, quick shǐ
pictophonetic camel; humpback; to carry on one's back tuó
ideographic a team of four horses
ideographic a team of horses; to associate; to join pián
pictophonetic to terrify, to shock, to frighten hài
pictophonetic fierce animal; piebald horse; to argue; to join, to transfer
pictophonetic camel luò
駿 pictophonetic an excellent horse; a noble steed jùn
pictophonetic to gallop, to hasten, to hurry chěng
pictophonetic piebald horse zhuī
pictophonetic to ride, to mount; cavalry
ideographic to gallop, to pursue, to run
pictophonetic to cheat, to defraud, to swindle piàn
ideographic to lift, to raise; to fly, to soar qiān
ideographic stallion; to determine; to promote zhì
pictophonetic a legendary horse liú
ideographic to fly, to soar; to gallop, to prance; rising, steaming téng
pictophonetic mounted escort; groom zōu
ideographic to annoy, to bother; to disturb, to harrass sāo
pictophonetic mule luó
pictophonetic suddenly, quickly, abruptly
pictophonetic to spur a horse on; to expel, to drive away
pictophonetic an excellent horse huá
pictophonetic a famous horse
pictophonetic female unicorn lín
ideographic haughty, spirited; a wild stallion jiāo
pictophonetic to examine, to inspect, to test, to verify yàn
pictophonetic to frighten, to startle; surprise, alarm jīng
pictophonetic relay station
pictophonetic procedure; sudden, abrupt; to gallop zhòu
pictophonetic donkey, ass
pictophonetic to gallop about with the head uplifted xiāng
pictophonetic a thoroughbred horse; refined, virtuous
pictophonetic horse shuāng
pictophonetic a pure-black horse; a pair of horses
pictographic horse; surname
pictophonetic to drive, to ride; to manage, to control
pictophonetic to carry on one's back tuó
pictophonetic tame, obedient, docile xún
pictophonetic speed, haste; to run, to gallop chí
pictophonetic to spur a horse on; to expel, to drive away
pictophonetic variegated, motley; to refuse, to dispute
pictophonetic donkey, ass
pictophonetic excellent horse, noble steed zǎng
pictophonetic to drive, to pilot, to ride; fast, quick shǐ
ideographic a team of four horses
pictophonetic extra horse; imperial son-in-law
pictophonetic colt; fleet, swift; surname
pictophonetic mounted escort; groom zōu
pictophonetic stable; station, garrison zhù
pictophonetic camel; humpback; to carry on one's back tuó
pictophonetic tired old horse; old, weak
pictophonetic to drive, to ride, to sail; carriage, cart jià
驿 pictophonetic relay station
pictophonetic tired old horse; tired, exhaused dài
pictophonetic valiant, brave; skilled; a noble steed xiāo
pictophonetic to accuse, to blame, to curse, to scold
ideographic haughty, spirited; a wild stallion jiāo
pictophonetic an excellent horse huá
pictophonetic camel luò
pictophonetic to terrify, to shock, to frighten hài
ideographic a team of horses; to associate; to join pián
pictophonetic a pure-black horse; a pair of horses
pictophonetic to gallop, to hasten, to hurry chěng
pictophonetic to examine, to inspect, to test, to verify yàn
pictophonetic an excellent horse; a noble steed jùn
pictophonetic piebald horse; excellent horse
pictophonetic to ride, to mount; cavalry
pictophonetic mare, jenny
pictophonetic piebald horse zhuī
pictophonetic a famous horse
pictophonetic the two outside horses in a team of four cān
pictophonetic to cheat, to defraud, to swindle piàn
ideographic stallion; to determine; to promote zhì
ideographic to annoy, to bother; to disturb, to harrass sāo
ideographic to gallop, to pursue, to run
ideographic wild horse, mustang; wild, free ào
pictophonetic a legendary horse liú
ideographic to lift, to raise; to fly, to soar qiān
pictophonetic to castrate, to geld shàn
pictophonetic charger, steed; swift, valiant biāo
pictophonetic mule luó
pictophonetic buckskin horse cōng
pictophonetic wild horse, mustang; wild, free chǎn
pictophonetic procedure; sudden, abrupt; to gallop zhòu
pictophonetic a thoroughbred horse; refined, virtuous
pictophonetic horse shuāng
pictophonetic to gallop about with the head uplifted xiāng
ideographic bone; skeleton; frame, framework
pictophonetic dirty, filthy āng
ideographic die, dice tóu
ideographic skeletal joint jiè
pictophonetic coccyx, sacrum
pictophonetic skeleton
pictophonetic skeleton, body; leg bone hái
ideographic epiphysis; the tip of a long bone hóu
pictophonetic bone, skeleton; corpse
ideographic buttocks, thigh; thigh bone
pictophonetic thigh bone, hip bone, kneecap
pictophonetic pelvis, hip bone qià
pictophonetic skull, skeleton lóu
pictophonetic hip, pelvis kuān
pictophonetic kneecap bìn
pictophonetic skull
pictophonetic organs, viscera; dirty, filthy zàng
pictophonetic substance, essence; bone marrow suǐ
pictophonetic body; group, class; form, style, system
pictophonetic kneecap bìn
pictophonetic hip, pelvis kuān
pictographic tall, lofty; high, elevated gāo
ideographic long hair biāo
pictophonetic to shear a tree; an ancient punishment kūn
pictophonetic fashionable, in vogue; mane, flowing hair máo
pictophonetic bangs, children's hairstyle; youngster tiáo
pictophonetic mustache
pictophonetic to issue, to dispatch, to send out; hair
pictophonetic mustache, beard rán
pictophonetic red lacquer; to lacquer xiū
pictophonetic bun, topknot
pictophonetic mane; neck bristles zōng
ideographic wig
pictophonetic pine tree; fir tree sōng
ideographic curly hair; fine growth of hair quán
pictophonetic recklessly, foolishly; wildly
pictophonetic coiffure, topknot jiū
pictophonetic glossy black hair zhěn
pictophonetic hair on temples bìn
pictophonetic beard; must; necessary
ideographic to dress the hair in a coiled knot; maid huán
pictophonetic hair on temples bìn
ideographic a man's whiskers; a horse's mane; a fish's fin liè
ideographic to struggle, to fight, to contend; measuring cup dòu
ideographic busy, lively; to dispute, to quarrel nào
pictophonetic boisterous; clamor, noise hòng
pictophonetic feud; to fight, to quarrel
ideographic to struggle, to fight; woodwork, carpentry dòu
pictophonetic melancholy; dense growth
pictographic earthen pot, iron cauldron
ideographic to vend, sell
pictographic ghost; demon; sly, mischievous guǐ
ideographic chief, leader; best; monstrous kuí
pictophonetic soul, spirit hún
pictophonetic drought demon
pictophonetic vigor, soul, body; the dark side of the moon
ideographic magic, enchantment, charm; a forest demon mèi
pictophonetic black; sudden; to beguile
pictophonetic nightmare, bad dream yǎn
pictophonetic mischievious mountain spirit xiāo
pictophonetic a kind of monster liǎng
pictophonetic demon, mountain spirit wǎng
pictophonetic a kind of monster liǎng
pictophonetic the kingdom of Wei; surname wèi
pictophonetic a mountain demon resembling a tiger chī
pictophonetic demon, evil spirit; magic, spell
pictophonetic black
pictophonetic nightmare, bad dream yǎn
pictographic fish
pictophonetic Japanese mackerel tuō
ideographic foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
pictophonetic cuttlefish yóu
pictophonetic sole píng
pictophonetic abalone; dried fish; surname bào
pictophonetic sushi; seasoned rice mixed with fish
pictophonetic little tuna; Euthynnus alletteratus wěi
pictophonetic shark jiāo
pictophonetic salmon; Spheroides vermicularis guī
pictophonetic fresh; delicious; attractive xiān
pictophonetic carp huàn
pictophonetic carp
pictophonetic shark shā
pictophonetic mullet
pictophonetic ray-finned fish; Coryphaena hippurus
pictophonetic mackerel qīng
pictophonetic dried fish xiǎng
pictophonetic porgy; Pagrosomus major diāo
pictophonetic herring fēi
pictophonetic salamander; Cryptobranchus japonicus
pictophonetic spawn; roe; fry kūn
pictophonetic silvery pomfret, Stromateoides argenteus chāng
pictophonetic whale jīng
pictophonetic carp líng
pictophonetic small fish; small; minnow zōu
pictophonetic sheatfish nián
pictophonetic anchovy
pictophonetic crucian carp; Carassius auratus
pictophonetic cuttlefish zéi
pictophonetic a kind of long, flat, silver-gray striped fish chūn
pictophonetic flatfish; flounder; sole dié
pictophonetic fish gills sāi
pictophonetic carp páng
pictophonetic Reeves' shad; hilsa herring shí
pictophonetic huge fish; widower; bachelor guān
pictophonetic fin
pictophonetic silver carp, hypophthalmiathys lián
pictophonetic huge sea turtle áo
pictophonetic skipjack, bonito jiān
pictophonetic eel mán
pictophonetic swim bladder biào
pictophonetic Chinese river dolphin
pictophonetic anchovy zhuān
pictophonetic bighead yōng
pictophonetic octopus, devilfish zhāng
pictophonetic codfish xuě
pictophonetic turtle biē
pictophonetic barbel zūn
pictophonetic eel shàn
pictophonetic mandarin fish guì
pictophonetic fish scales lín
pictophonetic sturgeon xún
pictophonetic minced fish; hash kuài
pictophonetic sturgeon zhān
pictophonetic minnow guì
pictophonetic snakehead
pictophonetic alligator è
pictophonetic perch; sea bass
pictophonetic eel
ideographic fresh, delicious; rare, few xiān
pictographic fish
鱿 pictophonetic cuttlefish yóu
ideographic foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
pictophonetic bream fáng
pictophonetic shark; bonito
pictophonetic Chinese mackerel
pictophonetic sole píng
pictophonetic sheatfish; Parasilurus asotus nián
pictophonetic perch; sea bass
pictophonetic carp; Carassicus auratus
pictophonetic abalone; dried fish; surname bào
pictophonetic king crab hòu
pictophonetic mackerel; Pneumatophorus japonicus tái
pictophonetic salmon; Spheroides vermicularis guī
pictophonetic clam; oyster jié
pictophonetic little tuna; Euthynnus alletteratus wěi
pictophonetic roe ér
pictophonetic cuttlefish zéi
pictophonetic minced fish; hash kuài
pictophonetic anchovy
pictophonetic shark jiāo
pictophonetic fresh; delicious; attractive xiān
pictophonetic dried fish xiǎng
pictophonetic sturgeon xún
pictophonetic fish bones; honest, upright gěng
pictophonetic eel
pictophonetic silver carp, hypophthalmiathys lián
pictophonetic skipjack, bonito jiān
pictophonetic carp
pictophonetic Reeves' shad; hilsa herring shí
pictophonetic minnow tiáo
pictophonetic giant fish; Gun, mythical father of the emperor Yu gǔn
pictophonetic shark shā
pictophonetic carp huàn
pictophonetic crucian carp; Carassius auratus
pictophonetic mackerel qīng
pictophonetic carp líng
pictophonetic ray-finned fish; Coryphaena hippurus
pictophonetic small fish; small; minnow zōu
pictophonetic herring fēi
pictophonetic spawn; roe; fry kūn
pictophonetic silvery pomfret, Stromateoides argenteus chāng
pictophonetic fish guts
pictophonetic salamander; Cryptobranchus japonicus
pictophonetic catfish; sheat nián
pictophonetic porgy; Pagrosomus major diāo
pictophonetic whale jīng
pictophonetic cat fish shī
pictophonetic mullet
pictophonetic fish fèn
pictophonetic flatfish; flounder; sole dié
pictophonetic anchovy
pictophonetic fish gills sāi
pictophonetic alligator è
pictophonetic loach qiū
pictophonetic abalone
pictophonetic sturgeon huáng
pictophonetic bream biān
pictophonetic carp sāo
pictophonetic huge sea turtle áo
pictophonetic fin
pictophonetic sole
pictophonetic huge fish; widower; bachelor guān
pictophonetic the nautilus; the ray yáo
pictophonetic carp páng
pictophonetic Chinese herring; shad
pictophonetic swim bladder biào
pictophonetic codfish xuě
pictophonetic turtle biē
pictophonetic eel mán
pictophonetic codfish mǐn
pictophonetic bighead yōng
pictophonetic mandarin fish guì
pictophonetic eel shàn
pictophonetic fish scales lín
pictophonetic barbel zūn
pictophonetic snakehead
pictophonetic sturgeon zhān
pictographic bird niǎo
pictophonetic wild duck; teal; swim
pictophonetic pigeon; to collect, to assemble jiū
pictophonetic male phoenix; symbol of joy fèng
ideographic a bird call or animal cry; to make a sound míng
pictophonetic kite; Milvus species (various) yuān
pictophonetic tailorbird; working bird jué
pictophonetic a bird resembling the secretary falcon zhèn
pictophonetic bustard; procuress; Otis species (various) bǎo
pictophonetic wild goose yàn
pictophonetic crow; Corvus species (various)
pictophonetic lark, wagtail; Motacilla species (various) líng
pictophonetic hoopoe, crested bird
pictophonetic ostrich tuó
pictophonetic male mandarin duck (Aix galericulata) yuān
pictophonetic owl xiāo
pictophonetic kite, horned owl; wine cups chī
pictophonetic species of Taiwan pigeon
pictophonetic female mandarin duck (Aix galericulata) yāng
pictophonetic duck; Anas species (various)
pictophonetic swallow ér
pictophonetic crow guā
ideographic plover, wading bird héng
pictophonetic a species of wild swan; vast hóng
鴿 pictophonetic pigeon, dove; Columba species (various)
pictophonetic horned owl, scops chinensis xiū
pictophonetic cuckoo juān
pictophonetic mynah; Acridotheres tristis
pictophonetic a species of pigeon
pictophonetic pelican
pictophonetic goose é
pictophonetic swan
pictophonetic species of parrot
pictophonetic quail; Coturnix coturnix ān
pictophonetic fabulous bird of enormous size péng
pictophonetic bulbul, songbird; Pycnonotidae bēi
pictophonetic eagle, vulture diāo
pictophonetic magpie; Pica species (various) què
pictophonetic a bird resembling a crane kūn
pictophonetic thrush; Turdus species (various) dōng
pictophonetic quail; Turnix species (various) chún
pictophonetic oriole gēng
pictophonetic emu miáo
pictophonetic waterfowl; Garrulus glandarius qiū
pictophonetic pelican
pictophonetic osprey, fishhawk è
pictophonetic duck
pictophonetic oriole cāng
ideographic oriole, green finch; Sylvia species (various) yīng
pictophonetic crane; Grus species (various)
pictophonetic owl liú
pictophonetic wagtail
pictophonetic a kind of pigeon; treron permagna
pictophonetic phoenix; fabulous mythical bird jiān
pictophonetic the fishing cormorant
pictophonetic sparrow hawk; Circus species (various) yào
pictophonetic chicken
pictophonetic a kind of bird
ideographic grebe, duck
pictophonetic partridge zhè
pictophonetic seagull, tern; Larus species (various) ōu
pictophonetic hawk, vulture zhì
pictophonetic wren jiāo
pictophonetic the turquoise kingfisher
pictophonetic wren liáo
pictophonetic condor, vulture jiù
pictophonetic snipe, kingfisher
pictophonetic eagle, falcon, hawk yīng
pictophonetic heron, egret; Ardea species (various)
鷿 pictophonetic a duck-like bird
ideographic Mandarin duck, Aix galericulata
pictophonetic a kind of duck; Podiceps ruficolus
pictophonetic cormorant
pictophonetic eagle shuāng
pictophonetic parrot yīng
pictophonetic Chinese oriole; Oriolus oriolus
pictophonetic fabulous bird luán
pictographic bird niǎo
pictophonetic pigeon; to collect, to assemble jiū
ideographic chicken
pictophonetic kite; Milvus species (various) yuān
ideographic a bird call or animal cry; to make a sound míng
pictophonetic seagull, tern; Larus species (various) ōu
pictophonetic crow; Corvus species (various)
pictophonetic oriole cāng
pictophonetic bustard; procuress; Otis species (various) bǎo
pictophonetic a bird resembling the secretary falcon zhèn
pictophonetic species of Taiwan pigeon
pictophonetic thrush; Turdus species (various) dōng
pictophonetic cormorant
pictophonetic duck; Anas species (various)
pictophonetic owl xiāo
pictophonetic female mandarin duck (Aix galericulata) yāng
pictophonetic lark, wagtail; Motacilla species (various) líng
pictophonetic kite, horned owl; wine cups chī
pictophonetic mynah; Erithacus species (various)
pictophonetic male mandarin duck (Aix galericulata) yuān
pictophonetic ostrich tuó
pictophonetic the eastern egret
pictophonetic hawk, vulture zhì
pictophonetic swallow ér
pictophonetic crow guā
pictophonetic horned owl, scops chinensis xiū
ideographic plover, wading bird héng
pictophonetic pigeon, dove; Columba species (various)
pictophonetic fabulous bird luán
鸿 pictophonetic a species of wild swan; vast hóng
pictophonetic a species of pigeon
pictophonetic Chinese oriole; Oriolus oriolus
pictophonetic cuckoo juān
pictophonetic swan
pictophonetic goose é
pictophonetic mynah; Acridotheres tristis
pictophonetic silver pheasant, Lophura nycthemera; Lophura species (various) xián
pictophonetic pelican
pictophonetic species of parrot
pictophonetic magpie; Pica species (various) què
pictophonetic emu miáo
pictophonetic quail; Coturnix coturnix ān
pictophonetic a bird resembling a crane kūn
pictophonetic bulbul, songbird; Pycnonotidae bēi
pictophonetic fabulous bird of enormous size péng
pictophonetic quail; Turnix species (various) chún
pictophonetic oriole gēng
pictophonetic the turquoise kingfisher
pictophonetic pelican
pictophonetic osprey, fishhawk è
pictophonetic a kind of pigeon; treron permagna
pictophonetic waterfowl; Garrulus glandarius qiū
pictophonetic cormorant
pictophonetic cormorant méi
pictophonetic duck
pictophonetic sparrow hawk; Circus species (various) yào
pictophonetic owl liú
pictophonetic wagtail
pictophonetic phoenix; fabulous mythical bird jiān
pictophonetic crane; Grus species (various)
pictophonetic parrot yīng
pictophonetic partridge zhè
pictophonetic Anthus species (various) liù
pictophonetic wren liáo
pictophonetic wren jiāo
pictophonetic condor, vulture jiù
pictophonetic snipe, kingfisher
pictophonetic heron, egret; Ardea species (various)
pictophonetic spoonbill, ibis; Threskiornidae huán
pictophonetic eagle, falcon, hawk yīng
pictophonetic waterfowl
pictophonetic crane, stork; Ciconia species (various) guàn
pictophonetic eagle shuāng
pictographic salt
pictophonetic all, together, united; salted xián
pictophonetic alkaline, alkali, lye, salt jiǎn
pictophonetic salt yán
pictophonetic salty; salt cuó
鹿 pictographic 鹿 deer; surname
pictophonetic 鹿 a species of deer
ideographic 鹿 to plow, to till páo
pictophonetic 鹿 hornless deer; to collect; to band together jūn
pictophonetic 鹿 a species of deer zhǔ
pictophonetic 鹿 elk; surname
pictophonetic 鹿 mythical unicorn
pictophonetic 鹿 the base of a hill; foothill
ideographic 鹿 beautiful, elegant, magnificent
pictophonetic 鹿 musk deer shè
pictophonetic 鹿 female unicorn lín
ideographic wheat, barley, oats mài
ideographic wheat, barley, oats mài
pictophonetic bran
pictophonetic yeast, leaven
pictophonetic yeast; to leaven; surname
pictophonetic face; surface, side; plane, dimension miàn
pictophonetic bran
ideographic hemp, flax, sesame; numb
pictophonetic interrogative particle me
pictophonetic interrogative particle me
pictographic yellow; surname huáng
pictographic yellow; surname huáng
ideographic broomcorn millet; glutinous millet shǔ
pictophonetic to stick to; glutinous, sticky; glue nián
ideographic black; dark; evil, sinister hēi
pictophonetic black; the Guizhou province qián
pictographic silent; quiet, still; dark
pictophonetic to blacken one's eyebrows; black dài
pictophonetic to dismiss; to downgrade, to demote chù
pictophonetic black yǒu
pictophonetic dot, point, speck diǎn
pictophonetic ebony; shining black
pictophonetic sly, cunning, shrewd; artful xiá
pictophonetic black
pictophonetic to tattoo; to brand the face of criminals qíng
pictophonetic a dark, sallow colour
pictophonetic political party, gang, faction dǎng
pictophonetic to dishonor, to defile, to corrupt; soiled
pictophonetic grey-black cǎn
pictophonetic  black; dark; sullen, dreary àn
ideographic bacteria, fungi, mold méi
pictophonetic to dishonor, to defile, to corrupt; soiled
pictophonetic special pattern of embroidery
pictophonetic embroidered official or sacrificial robe
pictographic frog, toad; to strive, to endeavor miǎn
pictographic frog, toad; to strive, to endeavor miǎn
黿 pictophonetic large turtle, sea turtle yuán
pictophonetic a kind of sea turtle; surname cháo
pictophonetic large reptile, water lizard tuó
pictophonetic large turtle, sea turtle yuán
pictophonetic large reptile, water lizard tuó
pictographic large, three-legged bronze cauldron dǐng
pictophonetic incense tripod nài
pictophonetic drum; to beat, to strike; to rouse
pictophonetic the sound of drums dōng
pictophonetic small revolving drum with knobs táo
pictophonetic drum carried on horseback
pictographic rat, mouse shǔ
pictophonetic a variety of mole fén
pictophonetic shrew
pictophonetic weasel, mustela itatis yòu
pictophonetic flying squirrel
pictophonetic shrew jīng
pictophonetic a kind of insectivorous rodent yǎn
pictophonetic mouse
pictophonetic a kind of insectivorous rodent yǎn
pictophonetic nose; first
pictophonetic sclogged nose qiú
pictophonetic to snore loudly hān
pictophonetic red sores on the nose zhā
pictographic even, uniform, of equal length
pictophonetic to fast, to abstain; a vegetarian diet zhāi
pictophonetic to rage
pictophonetic gift, present; offering
pictophonetic to smash into pieces, to pulverize; hash
pictographic teeth; gears, cogs; age chǐ
pictophonetic buck teeth bāo
pictophonetic to bare one's teeth; crooked teeth
pictophonetic irregular teeth; discord
pictophonetic age; years líng
pictophonetic gums kěn
pictophonetic to bite, to gnaw; to erode, to wear down niè
pictophonetic narrow, small-minded; dirty (2) chuò
pictophonetic uneven teeth; to disagree
pictophonetic to bite
pictophonetic uneven teeth; buck-toothed zōu
pictophonetic tooth decay
pictophonetic uneven teeth; buck-toothed óu
pictophonetic palate, the roof of the mouth è
pictophonetic narrow, small-minded; dirty (1)
齿 pictographic 齿 teeth; gears, cogs; age chǐ
pictophonetic 齿 to lose one's baby teeth chèn
pictophonetic 齿 irregular teeth; discord
pictophonetic 齿 age; years líng
pictophonetic 齿 buck teeth bāo
pictophonetic 齿 to lose one's baby teeth tiáo
pictophonetic 齿 to bare one's teeth; crooked teeth
pictophonetic 齿 gums kěn
pictophonetic 齿 uneven teeth; to disagree
pictophonetic 齿 narrow, small-minded; dirty (2) chuò
pictophonetic 齿 tooth decay
pictophonetic 齿 narrow, small-minded; dirty (1)
pictographic dragon; symbol of the emperor lóng
ideographic disorderly, messy; huge, big páng
pictophonetic to give, to present; reverential gōng
pictophonetic niche, shrine kān
pictographic dragon; symbol of the emperor lóng
pictophonetic to give, to present; reverential gōng
pictophonetic niche, shrine kān
ideographic turtle, tortoise; cuckold guī
pictographic turtle, tortoise; cuckold guī
pictographic flute; pipe, ancient measure yuè
pictophonetic to beg, to implore