2019 Alejandro Rojo y otras fuentes
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radical composition definition
divisibility family semantic phonetic
1 㐌亻也 a tribe of savages in South China
1 㐱彡人 bushy, black hair; variant of 鬒
1 㓞刀 to engrave; a written contract or agreement
1 㥯心彐 careful, prudent; compassionate; grieved; worried
1 㳄氵欠 saliva, spittle
1 㿽皿兮 small bowl, small basin
2 䕭艹燅炎坴 a kind of grass; a vegetable; nettle, Urtica
1 䙴㔾 to fly, to move, to change
1 䠀足尚 to meditate; to sit cross-legged
1 䧹隹广 广 eagle, falcon, hawk
1 䰾魚巴 shark; bonito
1 䴉鳥睘 spoonbill, ibis; Threskiornidae
1 丛一从 bush, shrub; thicket; collection
2 丞一氶水 to aid, to assist, to rescue
to raise; to recommend; to praise
丿 1 义乂 right conduct, propriety; justice
1 乩占乚 to divine
1 乳乚孚 breast, nipples; milk; to suckle
1 乶乙甫 Pholha, a place in Korea
2 些二此匕止 little, few; rather, somewhat
1 产厂 to give birth, to bring forth, to produce
1 亩田 fields; unit of area equal to 660 sq. m.
1 亶旦 real, sincere, true; truth
1 亿亻乙 亿 hundred million; many
1 仂力 excess, remainder, surplus
1 仃亻丁 lonely, solitary
1 仅亻 only, merely, solely, just
1 仆亻卜 to fall forward; prostrate, prone; servant
1 仇亻九 enemy; hatred, enmity
1 仍乃亻 yet, still; keeping, continuing; again
1 仕亻士 official; to serve in the government
1 仗亻丈 1to rely upon; protector; to fight; war, weaponry
1 仙亻山 god; fairy; immortal, transcendent
1 仝人工 together, same; surname
1 仞刃 ancient unit of measure (about 8 feet); a fathom
1 仟亻千 one thousand; leader of one thousand men
1 仨三三 three (cannot be followed by a measure word)
2 仪义乂 instrument, apparatus; ceremony, rites
1 仫亻么 tribe
1 们亻门 plural marker for pronouns and some nouns
1 仳亻比 separate, part company
1 仵亻午 similar
1 价介 price, value
1 任亻壬 to trust, to rely on; to appoint; to bear; duty, office
1 仿亻方 仿 to imitate, to copy; fake; as if
1 伄亻弔 seldom, irregularly
1 伉亻亢 husband, wife; pair; compare, match
1 伊亻尹 he she; this, that; used in transliterations
2 优亻尤尢 superior; elegant
1 伙亻火 companion, colleague; utensils
1 伟亻韦 great, imposing; extraordinary
1 传亻专 to pass on; to propagate; to transmit; summons
1 伢亻牙 child
1 伥亻长 the ghost of one devoured by a tiger
1 伪亻为 false, counterfeit, bogus
1 伯亻白 older brother; father's elder brother; sir, sire, count
1 估亻古 merchant; to estimate, to guess, to presume
1 伲亻尼 we (Shanghai dialect)
1 伴亻半 companion, comrade, partner; to accompany
1 伶亻令 clever; lonely, solitary
1 伺亻司 to serve, to wait upon, to attend; to examine
1 伽亻加 temple; used to transliterations
1 但旦 only; but, however, yet, still
1 佉亻去 the name of a divine being; surname
2 低氐氏 low; to lower, to hang; to bend, to bow
1 佐亻左 to assist, to aid; subordinate, second
1 佑亻右 to help; to protect; to bless
1 佔亻占 to possess, to usurp, to take by force
1 佘人示 surname
1 佛亻弗 Buddha; Buddhist
1 佟亻冬 surname
1 佤亻瓦 The Va people (an ethnic group in Myanmar and southwest China)
1 佧亻卡 an ancient tribe in China
1 佯亻羊 to pretend, to feign; false, deceitful
1 佳亻圭 good, auspicious; beautiful; delightful
1 佶亻吉 strong, robust; exact, correct
1 佼亻交 beautiful, handsome, good-looking
1 佽亻次 to help, to aid
1 侄亻至 nephew
2 侉亻夸大亏 to speak with an accent; big and clumsy
2 例亻列刂 precedent, example, case; regulation
1 侌今
1 侍亻寺 to serve, to attend upon; servant, attendant; samurai
1 侏亻朱 small, tiny; dwarf
2 侑亻有月 help, assist, repay kindness
2 侔亻牟牛 equal
1 侗亻同 big; ignorant, rude, rustic
1 依亻衣 to rely on; to consent, to obey; according to
1 侠亻夹 chivalrous person; knight-errant
1 侣亻吕 companion; associate with
1 侥亻尧 to be lucky; by chance, by luck
1 侦亻贞 to spy, to reconnoiter; detective
1 侧亻则 side; to slant, to lean, to incline
1 侨亻乔 emigrant; to sojourn
1 侪亻齐 a class, a company; companion; together
1 侬亻农 I; you; surname
1 侶亻呂 companion; associate with
1 侷亻局 narrow, cramped, confined
1 俄我 sudden, abrupt; used in transliterations
1 俅求 ornamental cap
2 俉亻吾口五 scary; to frighten
1 俊亻夋 talented, capable; handsome
1 俐亻利 smooth; active; clever, sharp
2 俑亻甬用 wooden figure buried with dead
1 俗亻谷 social customs; vulgar, unrefined
1 俘亻孚 prisoner of war; take as prisoner
1 俚亻里 rustic, vulgar, unpolished; mean
1 保亻呆 to safeguard, to protect, to defend, to care for
1 俣亻吴 big
1 俨亻严 grave, respectful; majestic
1 俪亻丽 spouse; pair, couple
1 俭亻佥 temperate, frugal, economical
1 修彡攸 to study; to repair; to decorate; to cultivate
2 俯亻府广付 to bow down, to face down, to look down
1 俱亻具 all, together; accompany
1 俳亻非 actor; vaudeville show; insincere
1 俺亻奄 I, me, my (some dialects)
1 俾卑 so that, in order that; to cause
1 倀亻長 倀 the ghost of one devoured by a tiger
2 個亻固囗古 this, that; single; measure word for individuals
1 倌亻官 assistant, hired hand
1 倏犬攸 hastily, suddenly, abruptly
1 們亻門 plural marker for pronouns and some nouns
2 倒亻到至刂 to collapse, to fall over; to lie down
1 倘亻尚 if, supposing, in event of
1 候亻矦 to wait, to expect; to visit; to greet
1 倚亻奇 to rely on, to depend on
1 倝龺人 sunrise, dawn
1 借亻昔 to borrow; to lend; excuse, pretext
1 倠亻隹
2 倥亻空穴工 boorish, ignorant; urgent, pressing
2 倨亻居户古 arrogant, haughty, rude
1 倬亻卓 noticeable, large; distinct, clear
1 倭亻委 dwarf; dwarfish, short
1 倮亻果 bare, naked, uncovered
2 倻亻耶耳阝 used to transliterate Korean place names
1 值亻直 price, value, worth
1 倾亻顷 to upset, to pour out, to overflow
2 偃亻匽匸妟 to cease, to lay down, to lay off
1 偉亻韋 great, imposing; extraordinary
1 偌亻若 thus, so, like, such
1 偏亻扁 slanting, inclined; prejudiced
1 偕亻皆 together, accompanied by; in order
1 停亻亭 to suspend, to halt, to delay; suitable
1 側亻則 side; to slant, to lean, to incline
1 偵亻貞 to spy, to reconnoiter; detective
1 偶亻禺 accidentally, coincidently; mate, image, idol
1 偷亻俞 to steal; burglar, thief
1 偻亻娄 humpback; surname
1 偽亻為 false, counterfeit, bogus
1 偾亻贲 to ruin, to destroy; overthrown
2 偿亻尝云尚 to repay, to recompense; restitution
1 傀亻鬼 great, gigantic; puppet
1 傈亻栗 the Lisu tribe
2 傑亻桀木 hero; heroic, outstanding
1 傕亻隺 used in old names
2 傢亻家宀豕 stubborn, obstinate, intransigent
1 傣亻泰 the Dai minority living in South China
2 傥亻党兄尚 if, supposing, in case
2 储亻诸讠者 to save money, to store, to reserve; heir
1 傩亻难 rich
1 催亻崔 to press, to urge
2 傭亻庸用 to hire, to employ; commission; servant
1 傲亻敖 proud, haughty, overbearing
2 傳亻專寸叀 to pass on; to propagate; to transmit; summons
1 傺亻祭 to hinder; to detain
1 傾亻頃 to upset, to pour out, to overflow
1 傿亻焉 the name of an immortal; surname
1 僂亻婁 humpback; surname
1 僅亻堇 only, merely, solely, just
2 像亻象豕 picture, image, figure; to resemble
2 僑亻喬高夭 emigrant; to sojourn
1 僕亻菐 to fall forward; prostrate, prone; servant
1 僚亻尞 companion, colleague; officials; bureaucracy; a pretty face
1 僥亻堯 to be lucky; by chance, by luck
3 僦亻就尤尢京 to hire; to rent
1 僧亻曾 Buddhist priest, monk
1 僬亻焦 clever, alert; pigmy
1 僭亻朁 to assume, to usurp
1 僳亻粟 The Lisu tribe
1 僵亻畺 still, stiff, motionless
1 僻亻辟 out-of-the-way, remote; unorthodox
2 儀亻義羊我 instrument, apparatus; ceremony, rites
1 儂亻農 I; you; surname
2 億亻意心音 hundred million; many
2 儅亻當田尚 to stop
1 儆亻敬 to warn; warning
1 儇亻睘 clever, nimble
1 儉亻僉 temperate, frugal, economical
2 儋亻詹言厂 a small jar; to bear a burden; a load of two
1 儒亻需 Confucian scholar
1 儕亻齊 a class, a company; companion; together
1 儘亻盡 to exhaust, to use up, to deplete
2 償亻賞贝尚 to repay, to recompense; restitution
1 儡亻畾 puppet, dummy
2 優亻憂忄頁 superior; elegant
2 儲亻諸言者 to save money, to store, to reserve; heir
1 儷亻麗 spouse; pair, couple
1 儸亻羅 smart; clever
2 儺亻難隹堇 rich
2 儻亻黨兄尚 if, supposing, in case
1 儼亻嚴 grave, respectful; majestic
1 兒儿儿 son, child
1 兓旡
1 党兄尚 political party, gang, faction
1 养儿羊 to raise, to rear, to bring up; to support
1 冀北異 to hope for; to wish; Hebei province
1 冒目 to risk, to brave, to dare
1 冕冂免 crown; ceremonial cap
1 冘巾乚 to move on; doubtful
1 冢冖豖 burial mound, mausoleum; grand
1 冣冖取 to assemble, to collect, to meet
1 冯马冫 to gallop; by dint of; surname
1 冱冫互 freezing; stopped up, closed off
1 冲冫中 wash, rinse, flush; dash; soar
1 冷冫令 cold, cool; lonely
1 冻冫东 cold; to freeze, to congeal; jelly
1 冼先 surname
2 冽冫列刂 cold and raw; pure, clear
1 净冫争 clean, pure; to cleanse
1 凄冫妻 bitter cold, miserable, dreary
1 准冫隹 standard, accurate; to permit, to approve, to allow
2 凇冫松木公 dewdrop; icicle
1 凈冫爭 clean, pure; to cleanse
1 凉冫京 cool, cold; disheartened
1 凋冫周 withered, fallen; exhausted
1 凌冫夌 pure; virtuous; to insult; to maltreat
1 凍冫東 cold; to freeze, to congeal; jelly
1 减冫咸 to decrease, to subtract, to diminish
1 凑冫奏 to piece together, to assemble
1 凛冫禀 to shiver with cold or fear
1 凜冫稟 to shiver with cold or fear
1 凝冫疑 to coagulate, to congeal; to freeze
1 凤又凡 male phoenix; symbol of joy
1 処夂几 place, locale; department
1 凫鸟凡 wild duck; teal; swim
1 凰几皇 female phoenix
2 凳几登癶豆 bench; stool
1 刅刀 to create, to make, to invent
1 切刀七 to cut, to mince, to slice, to carve; close to; eager
1 刈刂乂 to cut off, to reap, to mow; sickle
1 刊刂干 publication, periodical; to publish, to print
1 刍⺈彐 to mow, to cut grass; hay, fodder
1 刎刂勿 to behead, to cut the throat
1 刖刂月 cutting off the feet as a form of punishment
1 列刂 a line; to arrange, to classify
1 刘刂文 to kill, to destroy; surname
1 刚刂冈 hard, strong, tough; just, barely
1 创刂仓 to establish, to create; cut, wound, trauma
1 判刂半 to judge; to discriminate; to conclude
1 刨刂包 carpenter's plane; plane, level
1 刭刂 to cut the throat
1 刮刂舌 to shave; to scrape; to blow
1 到至刂 to go to, to arrive
2 刳刂夸大亏 to cut open, to dig out, to rip up, to scoop out
1 制刂巾 system; to establish; to manufacture; to overpower
1 券刀龹 bond, certificate, deed; ticket; contract
1 刹刂杀 temple, shrine, monastary; an instant, a moment; to brake
1 刺刂朿 to stab; to prick, to irritate; to prod
1 刻刂亥 to carve, to engrave; a quarter hour; a moment
1 刽刂会 to amputate, to cut off
1 刿刂岁 to cut, to injure, to stab; to stick on
2 剀刂岂己 to sharpen; careful, thorough
1 剁刂朵 to chop by pounding, to hash, to mince
1 剂刂齐 dose; medicine; measure word for medicines
1 剃刂弟 to shave
2 削刂肖⺼⺌ to pare, to scrape, to trim
1 剌刂束 to slash, to cut in two; to contradict
1 剎刂杀 temple, shrine, monastary; an instant, a moment; to brake
1 剐刂呙 to cut; to sever flesh from bone
1 剑刂佥 sword, dagger, saber
1 剔刂易 to pick out; to scrape off; picky
1 剖刂咅 to bisect, to dissect, to slice
1 剛刂岡 hard, strong, tough; just, barely
2 剜刂宛宀夗 to cut; to cut out, to pick out, to scoop out
1 剝刂彔 to peel, to skin; to exploit
1 剞刂奇 carving or engraving; knife; grave
1 剡刂炎 sharp, pointed; to sharpen
1 剥刂录 to peel, to skin; to exploit
2 剧刂居户古 theatrical plays, opera, drama; severe, acute
1 剩刂乘 leftovers, residue, remains
1 剪刀前 scissors; to cut, to divide, to separate
1 剮刂咼 to cut; to sever flesh from bone
1 副刂畐 to assist, to supplement; assistant; secondary; auxiliary
1 割刂害 to cut, to divide, to partition; to cede
2 剳荅艹合刂 note, memo, official communique
1 創刂倉 to establish, to create; cut, wound, trauma
3 剷刂産生产厂 to raze, to pare, to level off
1 剽刂票 to rob, to plunder, to slice off; nimble, quick
1 剿刂巢 to annihilate, to destroy, to exterminate
1 劁刂焦 to castrate, to neuter
2 劂刂厥欮 chisel; to engrave
1 劃刂畫 to row or paddle a boat; to scratch; to plan; profitable
1 劄答刂 memo, note, official communique
1 劇刂豦 theatrical plays, opera, drama; severe, acute
1 劈刀辟 to chop, to cut apart; to split
1 劉刂卯 to kill, to destroy; surname
1 劊刂會 to amputate, to cut off
1 劍刂僉 sword, dagger, saber
1 劐刂蒦 to destroy
1 劑刂齊 dose; medicine; measure word for medicines
1 办力八 to set up; to manage, to run; to deal with, to handle
1 劢力万 to put forth effort, to strive for
1 劣少力 low-quality, inferior, bad
1 动力 to move, to happen; movement, action
1 助力且 to help, to aid, to assist
1 努力奴 to exert, to strive, to make an effort; to pout
1 劫力去 to take by force, to coerce; disaster; misfortune
1 劬力句 diligent; to toil, to endeavor
2 劭力召口刀 to encourage; to excel; excellent
1 励力厉 to encourage; to strive
1 劲力 strong, tough, unyielding; power, energy
1 劵力龹 certificate, ticket; title deed
1 劼力吉 cautious, discreet, prudent
1 劾力亥 to look into; to impeach, to charge
1 势力执 power, force; tendency, attitude
1 勁力 strong, tough, unyielding; power, energy
1 勃力孛 thriving, prosperous; sudden, quick
2 勇力甬用 brave, courageous, fierce
2 勈力甬用 brave
1 勉力免 to endeavor, to make an effort; to urge
2 勋力员贝 deeds, feats; merit; rank
1 勐力孟 imperial decree; daoist magic
1 勒力革 to strangle; to tighten
1 動力重 to move, to happen; movement, action
2 勖力冒目 to advise; to exhort; to preach to
1 勘力甚 to investigate; to survey, to explore; to compare; to collate
1 務矛务 affairs, business; should; must
2 勛力員貝 deeds, feats; merit; rank
2 勝月劵力龹 victory; to excel, to truimph
1 募力莫 to levy, to raise; to recruit; to summon
1 勢力埶 power, force; tendency, attitude
1 勤力堇 industrious, diligent, attentive
1 勦力巢 to annihilate, to destroy, to exterminate
1 勰思劦 peaceful, harmonious
2 勳力熏灬 dead, feat; merit, rank
1 勵力厲 to encourage; to strive
2 勸力雚隹 to recommend, to advise; to urge, to exhort
1 匈勹凶 breast, chest, thorax; to clamor; Hungary
1 匋缶勹 pottery
1 匍勹甫 to crawl; to lie prostrate
2 匏夸大亏包 gourd; musical instrument
1 匐勹畐 to crawl; to lie prostrate
1 匙匕是 spoon; surname
1 匛匚久
1 匡匚王 to correct, to revise; to restore
1 匣匚甲 case, coffer, small box
2 匦匚轨车九 chest, casket, small box
1 匧匚夾 trunk, suitcase; portfolio
1 匪匚非 bandits, robbers, gangsters
2 匭匚軌車九 chest, casket, small box
2 匮匚贵贝 to lack; lacking, deficient; exhausted; empty
2 匯匚淮氵隹 to gather, to collect; confluence
2 匱匚貴貝 to lack; lacking, deficient; exhausted; empty
1 医矢匸 to cure, to heal, to treat; doctor; medicine
1 匽匸妟 to hide, to repress; to bend
1 匿匸若 to hide; to go into hiding
1 华十化 flowery; illustrious; Chinese
2 协办力八十 to assist; to cooperate, to join; to harmonize
1 協劦十 to assist; to cooperate, to join; to harmonize
1 卖买买 to sell; to betray; to show off
2 博十尃甫 to gamble, to play games; to win; rich, plentiful, extensive; wide, broad
1 卦卜圭 divination, fortune-telling
1 却卩去 still, but; decline; retreat
1 卸止卩 to unload; to lay down; to resign
3 卺㔾丞一氶水 nuptial wine cup
1 卻卩谷 still, but; decline; retreat
1 厅广丁 广 hall, central room
2 历厤秝力 history; calendar
1 厌厂犬 to dislike, to detest; to reject; to satiate
1 厍车 surname
1 厕厂则 toilet, washroom; to mingle
1 厘厂里 one thousandth
1 原厂泉 source, origin, beginning
1 厢厂相 side-room, wing; theatre box
1 厣甲犬 shell
1 厤秝 to calculate; the calendar
1 厥欮 personal pronoun; he, she, it
1 厦厂夏 large building; mansion
1 厨厂豆 kitchen; closet, cupboard
1 厩厂既 stable; barnyard
1 厪厂堇 hut; diligent; careful
1 厭厂猒 to dislike, to detest; to reject; to satiate
1 厮厂斯 servant; to cause a disturbance
1 参彡 to take part in, to intervene; ginseng
1 參彡 to take part in, to intervene; ginseng
1 叙又余 to express, to state; to relate, to narrate
1 叛反半 rebel; rebellion; rebellious
1 叢丵 bush, shrub; thicket; collection
1 叨口刀 talkative; grumbling
1 叩卩口 to ask; to bow, to kowtow; to knock
1 叫口丩 cry, shout; to call, to greet, to hail
1 召口刀 imperial decree; to summon, to call, to beckon
1 叭口八 trumpet
1 叮口丁 to persistently exhort or urge; sting (as of an insect)
1 可丁口 may, can, -able; possibly
1 叱口匕 to scold, to upbraid; to shout at
1 号口丂 mark, sign; symbol; number; to call, to cry, to roar
1 叼口刁 to hold in the mouth
1 叽口几 to grumble; to sigh
1 吁口于 alas; to sigh
1 吃口乞 to eat; to drink; to suffer, to endure, to bear
1 吆口幺 to cry, to bawl; to yell, to shout
1 吐口土 to vomit, to spew out, to cough up; to say
1 吒口乇 to scold; to shout, to roar, to bellow
1 吓口下 to scare, to frighten; to threaten, to intimidate
1 吖口丫 used in transliterations
1 吗口马 final interrogative particle
1 吞口天 to absorb, to annex; to engulf; to swallow
1 吟口今 to sing, to hum; to recite; a type of poetry
1 吡口比 to blame
1 吣口心 to vomit
1 否不口 no, not, un-; final particle
1 吧口巴 emphatic final particle
1 吨口屯 a metric ton
1 吩口分 to order, to command; to instruct
1 含口今 to hold in the mouth; to contain; to cherish
1 吭口亢 throat
1 吮口允 to suck, to sip, to lick
1 吱口支 to chirp; to hiss; to squeak
1 吵口少 to argue, to dispute; to annoy, to disturb
1 吶口內 to raise one's voice; to yell, to shout; to stammer
1 吸口及 to inhale, to suck in; to absorb; to attract
1 吹口欠 to blow, to puff; to brag, to boast
1 吻口勿 to kiss; lips; coinciding
1 吼口孔 to roar, to shout; to bark, to howl
1 吾口五 I, my, our; to resist, to impede
1 呀口牙 particle used to express surprise
1 呃口厄 belch; hiccup
1 呋口夫 used in transliterations
1 呎口尺 foot
1 呐口内 to raise one's voice; to yell, to shout; to stammer
1 呑口 to swallow; to absorb
1 呒口无 unclear; an expletive
2 呓口艺艹乙 to talk in one's sleep; somniloquy
1 呔太 tire; neck-tie
1 呕口区 to vomit; to annoy, to enrage
3 呖口历厤秝力 the sound of something cracking or splitting
1 呗口贝 final particle of an assertion
1 员贝 employee; member; personnel, staff
1 呛口仓 choking, as by smoke; something that irritates the nose or throat
1 呜口乌 the sound of someone crying or sobbing
1 呢口尼 wool; interrogative or emphatic final particle
1 呣口母 interjection or exclamation indicating a question
1 呤口令 purine
1 呦口幼 the sound of a deer bleating
1 呱口瓜 to wail, to cry; to swear at
2 呲口此匕止 to grimace; to bare one's teeth
1 味口未 taste; smell, odor; delicacy
2 呵口可丁口 to scold; to yawn; the sound of someone laughing (when repeated)
1 呶口奴 talkative; clamour, hubbub
1 呷口甲 to swallow, to suck, to drink
1 呸口丕 to spit at
1 呻口申 to moan, to groan; to chant
1 呼口乎 to breathe, to exhale, to sigh; to call, to shout
1 咀口且 to suck; to chew
1 咂口匝 to suck, to smack the lips
1 咄口出 a cry of anger
1 咆口包 to roar
1 咋口乍 question-forming particle: why? what? how?; to bite; loud
1 和口禾 harmony, peace; calm, peaceful
1 咎口处 fault, defect; error, mistake
1 咏口永 to sing, to hum, to chant
1 咐口付 to instruct; to order
2 咑口打扌丁 trumpet
1 咔口卡 used in transliterations
1 咕口古 mumble, mutter, murmur; rumble
1 咖口加 coffee; used in transliterations
1 咙口龙 throat
1 咚口冬 onomatopoetic, a thumping sound
2 咛口宁宀丁 to enjoin, to instruct; to charge
1 咝口丝 onomatopoetic, a hissing sound
1 咣口光 onomatopoetic, a crash or bang
2 咤口宅宀乇 to scold; to shout, to roar, to bellow
1 咥口至 the sound of a cat; to laugh; to bite
1 咦口夷 exclamation of surprise
2 咧口列刂 to grimace, to grin
1 咨口次 to inquire, to consult, to discuss; to plan
1 咪口米 a cat's meow; a meter
1 咫尺只 unit of length used during the Zhou dynasty
1 咬口交 to bite, to gnaw
1 咭口吉 (Cant.) to guard (from Engl. 'guard'); a card (from Engl. 'card'); young and pretty (from Engl. 'kid')
1 咯口各 final particle
1 咱口自 we, us
1 咳口亥 to cough
1 咴口灰 to neigh, to whinny
1 咻口休 to shout; to jeer at
1 咽口因 throat; pharynx
1 咾口老 onomatopoeic; sound, noise
2 咿口伊亻尹 a creaking sound; to laugh
1 哀口衣 sad, mournful, pitiful; to pity; to grieve
1 哂口西 西 to smile; to laugh at; to sneer
1 哄口共 to coax; to beguile, to cheat, to deceive; tumult, uproar
1 哆口多 to quiver, to tremble, to shudder
1 哇口圭 to vomit; an infant's cry
1 哈口合 the sound of laughter
1 哉口 final exclamatory particle
1 哌口氏 used in transliterations
1 响口向 to make noise, to make sound; sound
2 哎口艾艹乂 interjection of surprise
1 哏口艮 the clamor of an argument; funny; odd
2 哐口匡匚王 onomatopoetic, a clang or clatter
1 哑口亚 dumb, mute, hoarse
2 哒口达辶大 a sound made to get a horse to move
1 哓口尧 garrulous; disturbed; restless
2 哔口毕十比 used in transliterations
1 哕口岁 to belch; to vomit
2 哗口华十化 uproar, tumult, hubbub
1 哙口会 to swallow, to gulp down; greedy
1 哚口朵 a chemical element
1 哜口齐 to sip
1 哝口农 to whisper
2 哞口牟牛 a cow's moo
2 哟口约纟 ah, final particle
1 員貝 employee; member; personnel, staff
1 哦口我 oh? really? is that so?
1 哧口赤 the sound of ripping or giggling
2 哨口肖⺼⺌ to whistle; to chirp
1 哩口里 mile
1 哪口那 which? where? how?
1 哮口孝 to cough; to pant; to roar
1 哱口孛 onomatopoeic
1 哲口折 wise, sagacious; wise man; philosopher
1 哳口折 the sound of ripping or giggling
1 哺口甫 to chew; to feed
1 哼口亨 to hum; to sing softly; to moan, to groan
1 哽口更 to sob; to choke up
2 哿加可丁口 excellent, capable; happy; to commend
1 唁口言 to offer condolences
1 唄口貝 final particle of an assertion
1 唆口夋 to make mischief; to instigate, to incite
1 唇口辰 lips
1 唉口矣 alas; exclamation of surprise or pain
1 唎口利 final particle; and? ok?
1 唏口希 to weep, to sob; to grieve
1 唑口坐 in chemistry, -azole
2 唔口吾口五 to hold in the mouth; bite
1 唚口彐 to vomit
1 唛口麦 mark
2 唝口贡贝工 to sing
1 唠口劳 to chat, to gossip, to jaw, to talk
1 唣口皂 chatter
1 唤口奂 to call
1 唧口即 the chirping of insects
1 唪口奉 to recite, to intone, to chant
1 唫口金 to hum, to intone; to close, to shut
1 唬口虎 to intimidate; to scare
1 唰口刷 swish, rustle
1 唱口昌 to sing, to chant, to call; ditty, song
1 唳口戾 a bird's cry
1 唵口奄 to eat with one's hands; used in transliterations
1 唷口育 final particle
1 唸口念 to recite, to read, to chant
1 唼口妾 to speak evil; a gobbling sound made by ducks
1 唾口垂 to spit; to spit on; saliva
2 唿口忽心勿 sad
1 啁口周 to chirp, to twitter
1 啃口肯 to gnaw, to chew, to bite
1 啄口豖 to peck
1 商冏章 commerce, business, trade
1 啉口林 stupid; slow
3 啊口阿阝可丁口 ah, exclamatory particle
1 問口門 to ask about, to inquire after
1 啐口卒 to taste, to sip; to spit; the sound of sipping
2 啕口匋缶勹 to wail
1 啖口炎 to feed; to eat; to chew, to bite; to entice
1 啜口叕 to drink, to sip; to sob, to weep
1 啞口亞 dumb, mute, hoarse
1 啡口非 coffee; morphine
1 啤口卑 beer
2 啥口舍人舌 what?
2 啦口拉扌立 final particle of an assertion
1 啧口责 interjection of approval or admiration
2 啪口拍扌白 onomatopoetic, a bang sound
1 啫口者 onomatopoeic; an interjection of warning
2 啭口转车专 to sing; to chirp, to twitter, to warble
1 啮口齿 齿 to bite, to gnaw
2 啰口罗罒 long-winded, verbose
1 啴口单 many; to pant
1 啶口定 in chemistry, -dine
1 啷口郎 a clanging or rattling sound
1 啸口肃 to roar, to howl; to scream; to whistle
1 啻口帝 only, merely, just; to stop at
1 啼口帝 to weep, to whimper; to howl; to crow
1 啾口秋 the wailing of a child
1 喀口客 to vomit; used in transliterations
1 喁口禺 to breathe like a fish; to gasp for breath
1 喂口畏 interjection used to call attention
1 喃口南 to chatter, to keep talking; to mumble
2 喇口剌刂束 horn, bugle; llama; final particle
1 喈口皆 melody, music; harmonious
1 喉口侯 throat, larynx, gullet; guttural
1 喊口咸 to shout, to yell, to call out; to howl; to cry
2 喋口枼木世 to nag; babble, chatter
1 喏口若 respectful reply of assent to superiors
1 喑口音 dumb, mute; the sobbing of an infant
1 喔口屋 onomatopoetic, the sound of crowing or crying
1 喘口耑 to pant, to gasp, to breathe heavily
1 喚口奐 to call
1 喝口曷 to drink; to shout, to call out
1 喟口胃 heave sigh, sigh
1 喧口宣 lively, noisy; to clamor, to talk loudly
1 喨口亮 to yell; to wail, to cry; to neigh
1 喬高夭 tall, lofty; proud, stately
2 喲口約糹 ah, final particle
1 喳口查 to whisper
1 喵口苗 a cat's meow
1 喷口贲 to blow, to puff, to spray, to spurt
2 喹口奎大圭 in chemistry, quinoline
1 喻口俞 metaphor, analogy; example; such as, like
3 喼口急心刍⺈彐 used in transliterations
1 喽口娄 used in onomatopoetic expressions
1 嗄口夏 hoarse
1 嗆口倉 choking, as by smoke; something that irritates the nose or throat
1 嗉口素 a bird's crop; wine pot
2 嗊口貢貝工 to sing
1 嗌口益 throat; to quarrel, to choke
2 嗍口朔月月 to drink, to imbibe
1 嗎口馬 final interrogative particle
1 嗐口害 alas!
1 嗑口盍 to eat seeds; to reproach; loquacious
2 嗒口荅艹合 absent-minded
1 嗓口桑 throat; voice
1 嗔口真 to be angry at, to rebuke, to scold
1 嗖口叟 a whizzing sound
1 嗚口烏 the sound of someone crying or sobbing
2 嗜口耆老日 addicted to, fond of, with a weakness for
1 嗝口鬲 the cackling of a fowl; to gag, to vomit
1 嗟口差 sigh, alas
2 嗡口翁羽公 the droning sound made by an airplane or a bee flying
1 嗣冊司 to connect; to inherit; descendants, heirs
2 嗥口皋夲 to call out; to roar, to bark; to wail; to yelp
1 嗦口索 to suck
3 嗨口海氵每母 an exclamation
1 嗪口秦 used in transliterations
1 嗫口聂 to move the lips as if speaking; hesitation
2 嗬口荷艹何 hey, hello; interrogative particle
2 嗯口恩心因 interjection indicating agreement or appreciation
2 嗲口爹父多 childish, coquettish, coy; inviting; "daddy"
1 嗳口爱 interjection indicating regret
3 嗵口通辶甬用 onomatopoetic
2 嗶口畢十卄 used in transliterations
1 嗷口敖 clamor; the sound of wailing
2 嗽口欶欠束 to gargle; to cough; to clear the throat
1 嘀口啇 to whisper
1 嘁口戚 ashamed; grieving; onomatopoetic
1 嘅口既 the sound of a sigh
1 嘆口堇 to sigh, to admire
1 嘈口曹 bustling, noisy
1 嘉壴加 excellent; joyful; auspicious
1 嘌口票 fast, speedy
1 嘍口婁 used in onomatopoetic expressions
1 嘎口戛 a cackling sound; bad, malevolent
1 嘏叚古 felicity, prosperity; large and strong
1 嘔口區 to vomit; to annoy, to enrage
1 嘖口責 interjection of approval or admiration
1 嘗旨尚 to taste; to experience, to experiment with
1 嘘口虚 to blow, to exhale, to hiss, to sigh; to praise
1 嘚口得 onomatopoeic; the sound of a horse's hooves
1 嘛口麻 final exclamatory particle
1 嘜口麥 mark
2 嘞口勒力革 final particle used to indicate polite refusal
2 嘟口都阝者 the sound of a horn tooting
2 嘢口野里予 thing; matter, substance
2 嘣口崩山朋 onomatopoetic, the sound of an explosion; bang
2 嘤口婴女 onomatopoetic, a bird call; to seek friends
1 嘧口密 in chemistry, -mi as in pyramidine
2 嘩口華十艹 uproar, tumult, hubbub
1 嘬口最 to lap; to suck
1 嘭口彭 onomatopoetic, the sound of a crash or bang
1 嘮口勞 to chat, to gossip, to jaw, to talk
1 嘯口肅 to roar, to howl; to scream; to whistle
1 嘰口幾 to grumble; to sigh
2 嘱口属尸禹 to instruct, to order, to tell; testament
2 嘲口朝月龺 to deride, to jeer at, to ridicule, to scorn
3 嘴口觜角此匕止 mouth, lips
1 嘶口斯 the neighing of a hoarse, gravel-voiced, hoarse
1 嘸口無 unclear; an expletive
1 嘹口尞 a clear sound, such as a bell or a soprano; resonant
1 嘽口單 many; to pant
1 嘿口黑 quiet, silent
2 噁惡心亞惡心亞 bad, wicked; foul, nauseating
1 噌口曾 to scold, to shout at
1 噍口焦 to chew, to eat, to munch
1 噎口壹 to choke; to hiccup
1 噓口虛 to blow, to exhale, to hiss, to sigh; to praise
2 噔口登癶豆 for (a recipient of pity or sympathy); surname
1 噗口菐 to burst
2 噘口厥欮 to pout
1 噙口禽 to bite; to hold in the mouth
1 噜口鲁 verbose, talkative; mumbling
3 噠口達辶羍羊大 a sound made to get a horse to move
1 噢口奥 to moan; interjection indicating pain or sadness
1 噥口農 to whisper
1 噦口歲 to belch; to vomit
2 噫口意心音 belch; interjection of approval
2 噬口筮巫⺮ to bite, to gnaw; to snap at
1 噯口愛 interjection indicating regret
1 噱口豦 to laugh heartily
1 噲口會 to swallow, to gulp down; greedy
2 噴口賁卉貝 to blow, to puff, to spray, to spurt
2 噶口葛艹曷 used in transliterations
2 噸口頓頁屯 a metric ton
2 噹口當田尚 appropriate, timely; to act, to serve; the sound of bells
2 噻口塞土 character used in translation
1 噼口辟 onomatopoetic, the sound of something cracking
2 嚀口寧心丁 to enjoin, to instruct; to charge
1 嚄口蒦 to roar
1 嚅口需 to mumble, to stutter
2 嚆口蒿艹高 noise, sound
1 嚇口赫 to scare, to frighten; to threaten, to intimidate
2 嚎口豪豕高 to cry loudly, to scream, to yell
1 嚏口疐 to sneeze
2 嚓口察宀祭 a cracking or snapping sound
1 嚕口魯 verbose, talkative; mumbling
1 嚙口齒 to bite, to gnaw
1 嚥口燕 to swallow, to gulp
1 嚨口龍 throat
1 嚯口霍 a cracking or snapping sound
1 嚷口襄 to shout, to roar, to cry; to brawl
1 嚼口爵 to prattle, to be glib
3 囀口轉車專寸叀 to sing; to chirp, to twitter, to warble
2 囈口藝艹埶 to talk in one's sleep; somniloquy
1 囉口羅 long-winded, verbose
1 囊口襄 bag, purse, sack; to pocket, to stow
1 囌口蘇 loquacious; to nag
2 囑口屬尸禹 to instruct, to order, to tell; testament
2 囔口囊口襄 to mumble, to mutter
1 囤囗屯 grain basket; to store, to hoard
1 囫囗勿 entire, whole
1 园囗元 garden, park; orchard
1 围囗韦 to surround, to encircle, to corral
1 囵囗仑 all, complete, entire
1 囹囗令 prison, enclosure
1 固囗古 to solidify; strength
2 囿囗有月 to limit, to constrain; pen, cell
1 圃囗甫 garden, orchard, plot of farmland
2 圄囗吾口五 prison, jail
2 圆囗员贝 circle; circular, round; complete
1 圇囗侖 all, complete, entire
1 圈囗卷 circle, ring, loop; to encircle
1 圉囗幸 stable, fence, corral; frontier, border
1 圊囗青 restroom
1 圍囗韋 to surround, to encircle, to corral
1 園囗袁 garden, park; orchard
2 圓囗員貝 circle; circular, round; complete
1 圙囗 enclosed pasture
1 圤土
1 在土才 at, in, on; to exist; used to indicate the present progressive tense
1 圩土于 dike, embankment
1 圪土乞
1 圬土亏 to whitewash, to plaster over with mud
1 圮土己 destroyed, ruined; to injure; to subvert
1 圯土巳 bridge; river bank
1 地土也 earth, ground, soil; land, region; structural particle used before a verb
1 圹土广 广 tomb, grave: prairie, range, wilderness
1 场土昜 field, open space; market, square; stage
1 圻土斤 border, boundary
1 圼土日 slime, black mud
1 圾土及 garbage, rubbish; shaking; danger
1 址土止 location, site; the foundation of a house
1 坂土反 hillside, slope
1 均土匀 equal, even, fair; level, uniform; also, too
1 坊土方 neighborhood, district, community; street, lane; mill
1 坌土分 dust; earth; river bank; to dig; to unite
1 坍土丹 collapse; landslide
1 坎土欠 pit, hole; to trap, to snare; crisis
1 坏土不 bad, rotten, spoiled; to break down
1 坑土亢 pit, hole; to trap, to bury; to harry
1 块土夬 piece, lump, chunk; dollar; measure word for currency
1 坛土云 altar; arena; examination hall
3 坜土历厤秝力 drain, ditch, channel
1 坝土贝 embankment; dam
1 坞土乌 bank, entrenchment, low wall; dock
1 坟土文 grave, mound, bulge; bulging
1 坠土队 to drop, to fall down, to sink; heavy; weight
1 坡土皮 slope, hillside, embankment
1 坤申土 earth; feminine
1 坦土旦 flat, level, smooth; candid, open
1 坨土它 lump, heap
1 坩土甘 crucible; earthenware, pottery
1 坪土平 plain; level ground
1 坫土占 a stand on which to replace goblets after drinking
1 坭土尼 mud, mire; to paste, to plaster
1 坯土丕 clay; unburnt earthenware
1 坳土幼 cavity, depression, hollow; depressed; undulating
1 坶土母 mud, mire; to paste, to plaster
2 坷土可丁口 uneven, bumpy; a clod of earth; a lump of soil
2 坻土氐氏 islet; river delta, embankment; to stop
1 坼土斥 to crack, to open, to split, to tear
1 垃土立 garbage, refuse, trash, waste
1 垄土龙 grave, mound; furrow, ridge
1 垅土龙 grave, mound; furrow, ridge
1 型土刑 pattern, model, type; mold; law
1 垌土同 farm, field; used in place names
1 垒土厽 rampart; base (in baseball)
1 垓土亥 border, boundary, frontier
1 垔土西 西 to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound
1 垛土朵 heap, pile; to heap, to pile
1 垠土艮 boundary, river bank
1 垡土伐 to plow; place name
1 垢土后 dirt, filth, stains; dirty; disgraceful
1 垣土亘 low wall
1 垤土至 anthill; hill mound
1 垦土艮 to cultivate, to farm; to reclaim
1 垧土向 unit of area
1 垩土亚 chalk; to daub with chalk; holy, sacred, sagacious
1 垫土执 cushion, mat, pad; to advance money, to pay for another
1 垭土亚 used in place names
2 垮土夸大亏 to be defeated, to collapse, to fail
2 垯土达辶大 lump, mound; pimple
2 垲土岂己 a high and dry place
1 垴土凶 small hillock, used in place names
2 垸土完宀元 dike, embankment
1 埂土更 ditch (for irrigation); hole
1 埃土矣 fine dust; dirt; Angstrom
2 埄土夆夂丰 dust storm; dust in the wind
2 埇土甬用 the name of a bridge
1 埋土里 to bury; to conceal; to plant
1 城土成 castle, city, town; municipality
1 埒土寽 enclosure, embankment, dike
1 埔土甫 arena; market; plain; port
1 埕土呈 a large, pear-shaped earthenware jar
1 埗土步 jetty, quay; port city, trade hub
2 埘土时日 a chicken roost
2 埙土员贝 ocarina
1 埚土呙 crucible
1 埝土念 dike, embankment; protuberance
1 域土或 area, district, field, land, region; boundary; domain (in taxonomy)
1 埠土阜 jetty, quay; port city, trade hub
1 埡土亞 used in place names
1 埤土卑 to add, to increase; to attach; fence, wall
1 埭土隶 dam; a ramp leading up to a canal
1 埯土奄 pit, hole; to bury
1 埲土奉 dust storm
1 埴土直 soil with high clay content
1 埵土垂 hardened dirt or clay; cluster
1 埸土易 border, limit, frontier; dike
1 培土咅 to cultivate, to farm; to shore up
1 基土其 foundation, base
1 埼土奇 headland
2 堀土屈尸出 cave, hole
1 堂土尚 hall, large room; government office; cousins
1 堃土 compliance, obedience; female
1 堆土隹 crowd, heap, pile, mass; to pile up; measure word for things in piles or stacks
1 堊土亞 chalk; to daub with chalk; holy, sacred, sagacious
1 堋土朋 to bury
1 堍土兔 embankment
2 堑土斩斤车 moat, pit, trench; cavity
1 堕土陏 to drop, to fall, to sink; degenerate
2 堙土垔土西 to bury; to dam, to block up; mound
1 堠土侯 battlement, rampart
1 堤土是 dike
2 堰土匽匸妟 dam, dike, embankment
1 場土昜 field, open space; market, square; stage
1 堵土者 wall; to stop, to prevent, to block
1 堿土咸 salty
1 塄土罒 a furrow in a field
1 塊土鬼 piece, lump, chunk; dollar; measure word for currency
1 塌土 to collapse, to fall into ruin
1 塍土月 a raised path between fields, a dike
2 塑土朔月月 to sculpt, to model in clay; plastic
2 塔土荅艹合 tower, spire, tall building
2 塕土翁羽公 airborne dust
1 塗氵余 to smear, to scribble, to daub; surname
1 塘土唐 pond, tank; dike, embankment
2 塚土冢冖豖 cemetery; tomb, burial mound
1 塞土 to stop up, to seal, to cork, to block; pass, frontier; fortress
1 塢土烏 bank, entrenchment, low wall; dock
1 塥土鬲 a lump of clay
1 填土真 to fill, to pad, to stuff
2 塬土原厂泉 plateau
1 塲土昜 field, market, open space
2 塹土斬斤車 moat, pit, trench; cavity
1 塾土孰 village school; private tutorage
1 墀土犀 porch; courtyard; steps leading into a building
1 墁土曼 to plaster; to pave
1 境土竟 boundary, frontier; area, region
2 墅野里予土 villa, country house
2 墉土庸用 wall; fortification
1 墊土執 cushion, mat, pad; to advance money, to pay for another
2 墒土商冏章 silt; moist soil
1 墓土莫 grave, tomb
1 墙土啬 wall
1 墚土梁 mountain range
2 墜土隊阝㒸 to drop, to fall down, to sink; heavy; weight
1 增土曾 to increase; to expand; to augment; to add
1 墟土虚 high mound; hilly countryside; wasteland
2 墩土敦享攵 stone block; heap, mound; pier
1 墮土隋 to drop, to fall, to sink; degenerate
2 墳土賁卉貝 grave, mound, bulge; bulging
1 墻土嗇 wall
1 墼土 unburnt bricks
1 墾土貇 to cultivate, to farm; to reclaim
1 壁土辟 partition, wall; rampart
1 壅土雍 to block; to obstruct
2 壇土亶旦 altar; arena; examination hall
2 壕土豪豕高 ditch; trench; channel, moat
1 壘土畾 rampart; base (in baseball)
2 壞土褱衣氺 bad, rotten, spoiled; to break down
1 壟土龍 grave, mound; furrow, ridge
3 壢土歷厤秝止 drain, ditch, channel
1 壤土襄 soil, loam, earth; rich
2 壩土霸雨 embankment; dam
1 壮士丬 big, large; robust, strong; the name of a tribe
1 壯士爿 big, large; robust, strong; the name of a tribe
1 夆夂丰 to resist; to headbutt
1 够多句 enough, adequate; to reach, to attain; to pass muster
1 夠句多 enough, adequate; to reach, to attain; to pass muster
1 夤夕寅 late at night; distant, remote; deep
1 夥多果 assistant; companion; partner; many, numerous
1 头大 head; chief, boss; first, top
1 夸大亏 extravagant, luxurious; handsome
1 奎大圭 a man's stride; a constellation
1 奕大亦 abundant; ordered, in sequence
1 奖大丬 prize, reward; to award
2 奘大壯士爿 fat, stout, thick; powerful, stocky
1 奢大者 exaggerated; extravagant, wasteful
1 奶女乃 milk; breasts; nurse, grandmother
1 奸女干 crafty, dishonest, selfish; evil, villainous; adultery
1 奼女乇 beautiful, colorful; girl
1 妁女勺 matchmaker, go-between
1 妄女亡 absurd, foolish, ignorant; rash, reckless, wild
1 妆女丬 adornment, make-up; to dress up, to use make-up
1 妈女马 mother, mama
1 妊女壬 to conceive; to be pregnant
1 妒女户 jealous, envious
1 妖女夭 strange, weird, supernatural; bewitching, enchanting, seductive
1 妗女今 mother's brother's wife
1 妙女少 mysterious, subtle; clever, exquisite, wonderful
1 妝女爿 adornment, make-up; to dress up, to use make-up
1 妞女丑 girl
1 妣女比 one's deceased mother
1 妤女予 beautiful, handsome, fair
1 妨女方 damage, harm; to impede, to obstruct; to undermine
1 妩女无 charming, enchanting; to flatter, to please
1 妮女尼 maid, servant girl; cute girl
1 妯女由 sister-in law
1 妲女旦 concubine of the last Shang emperor
1 妹女未 younger sister
1 姆女母 governess, matron, nanny
1 始女台 to begin, to start; beginning
1 姐女且 elder sister; miss, young lady
1 姒女以 elder brother's wife; surname
1 姓女生 name, family name, surname; clan, people
1 姗女册 to slander, to ridicule; to go slowly; graceful
1 姚女兆 handsome, elegant, attractive; surname
1 姝女朱 beautiful, charming, gorgeous; pretty girl
1 姣女交 beautiful, handsome, pretty
1 姨女夷 aunt, mother's sister
1 姪女至 niece
1 姮女亘 lady
2 姹女宅宀乇 beautiful, colorful; girl
1 姿女次 姿 grace, good looks; bearing, poise, posture
1 娅女亚 a mutual term of address for sons-in-law or brothers-in-law
1 娆女尧 graceful, charming, fascinating
1 娇女乔 seductive, lovable, tender; pampered; frail
1 娉女甹 beautiful, charming, graceful
1 娌女里 brother's wife
2 娑女沙氵少 to dance, to frolic; to lounge; to saunter
1 娓女尾 agreeable, compliant; to comply, to go along with
1 娘女良 mother; young girl; woman; wife
1 娛女吳 pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
1 娜女那 elegant, graceful, delicate
1 娟女肙 beautiful, graceful
1 娠女辰 pregnant
1 娣女弟 younger sister; younger brother's wife
1 娥女我 beautiful, pretty; good; surname
1 娩女免 childbirth, labor
1 娭女矣 grandmother, father's mother; a term of respect
1 娱女吴 pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
1 娲女呙 a goddess, the mythological sister and successor to Fuxi
1 娴女闲 elegant, refined, skillful
1 娼女昌 prostitute, harlot
3 婀女阿阝可丁口 beautiful, graceful; lithe, willowy; unstable
2 婆女波氵皮 old woman; grandmother
2 婉女宛宀夗 amiable, graceful, tactful; restrained
1 婊女表 whore, prostitute
2 婕女疌疋彐 handsome
1 婚女昏 to get married; marriage, wedding
1 婪女林 to covet; covetous, avaricious
1 婭女亞 a mutual term of address for sons-in-law or brothers-in-law
1 婴女 baby, infant; to bother
1 婵女单 beautiful, graceful, lovely, pretty
2 婶女审宀申 father's younger brother's wife
1 婷女亭 attractive, graceful, pretty
1 婺女敄 beautiful; the name of a star
1 婿女胥 婿 son-in-law; husband
1 媒女某 go-between, matchmaker; medium
1 媕女弇 undecided
1 媚女眉 attractive, charming; to charm, to flatter
1 媛女爰 beauty; beautiful woman
1 媠女⺼ beautiful
1 媧女咼 a goddess, the mythological sister and successor to Fuxi
1 媪女昷 old woman; lower-class woman
1 媲女 to marry off; to compare, to match, to pair up
1 媳女息 daughter-in-law
1 媵女朕 concubine; escort; a maid who accompanies a bride to her new home
1 媷女辱
3 媸女蚩虫中屮 ugly; an ugly woman
1 媽女馬 mother, mama
2 嫁女家宀豕 to marry, to give a daughter in marriage
1 嫂女叟 sister-in-law, elder brother's wife
1 嫌女兼 to hate, to detest; to criticize; to suspect
1 嫒女爱 one's daughter (honorific)
1 嫔女宾 courtesan; palace maid
1 嫖女票 to patronize a prostitute; to frequent
1 嫘女累 surname
1 嫚女曼 to scorn, to despise; to be rude to, to affront
1 嫜女章 husband's mother; the lady in the moon
1 嫠女 widow
1 嫡女啇 wife, wife's child
1 嫣女焉 captivating, charming, fascinating
2 嫦女常巾尚 a moon goddess, the lady in the moon
2 嫩女敕攵束 soft, delicate; young, tender
1 嫪女翏 to hanker after
1 嫫女莫 Huangdi's ugly concubine; ugly woman, nurse
1 嫱女啬 lady
1 嫵女無 charming, enchanting; to flatter, to please
1 嫻女閑 elegant, refined, skillful
1 嬈女堯 graceful, charming, fascinating
1 嬉女喜 to enjoy; to play, to amuse oneself
1 嬋女單 beautiful, graceful, lovely, pretty
2 嬌女喬高夭 seductive, lovable, tender; pampered; frail
1 嬖女辟 a favorite, a minion; to show favor; to enjoy the favor of
2 嬗女亶旦 succession to the throne
1 嬪女賓 courtesan; palace maid
1 嬰女 baby, infant; to bother
2 嬷女麽么麻 mother
2 嬸女審宀番 father's younger brother's wife
2 孀女霜雨相 widow
1 孃女襄 troubled, oppressed; fat; mother
1 孌女䜌 lovely, beautiful; docile, obedient
1 孓子 mosquito larva
1 存子才 to exist; to survive, to maintain; to keep, to store; to deposit
1 孜攵子 diligent, hard-working
1 孢子包 spore
1 孤子瓜 orphaned; alone, lonely, solidary
1 孥子奴 one's children
1 孩子亥 baby, child; children
1 孳子兹 to breed; to produce, to bear; to grow recklessly
1 孺子需 child; blood relation; affection
1 孽子薛 bastard child; the consequence of a sin; evil
1 孿子䜌 孿 twins
1 宁宀丁 calm, peaceful; healthy; rather; to prefer
1 宄宀九 traitor; villain
1 宅宀乇 residence, dwelling, home; grave
1 宇宀于 building, house, room, structure; space, the universe
1 完宀元 to complete, to finish, to settle; whole
1 宏宀厷 great, spacious, vast, wide
1 宓宀必 quiet, silent, still; in good health
1 宙宀由 space, time, space-time
1 宛宀夗 to seem; as if; crooked
1 宠宀龙 to love; to favor, to pamper, to spoil; concubine
1 审宀申 to examine, to investigate; to judge; to try
1 室宀至 house, home; room, chamber
2 宥宀有月 to forgive, to pardon, to indulge
1 宪宀先 constitution, statute, law
1 宫宀吕 palace; surname
1 宮宀呂 palace; surname
2 宵宀肖⺼⺌ night, evening, darkness
1 家宀豕 house, home, residence; family
1 宸宀辰 imperial palace
1 容宀 appearance, looks; form, figure; to contain, to hold
2 宽宀苋艹见 broad, spacious, vast, wide
1 寂宀叔 still, silent, quiet, desolate
1 寄宀奇 to mail, to send, to transit; to deposit, to entrust; to rely on
1 富宀畐 abundant, ample; rich, wealthy
1 寓宀禺 residence, lodge, dwelling
1 寞宀莫 silent, still; lonely, solitary
1 察宀祭 to examine, to investigate, to observe
2 寤宀吾口五 few, scarce; empty, deserted
1 寥宀翏 few, scarce; empty, deserted
2 實貫貝毌宀 real, true; honest, sincere
1 寧心丁 calm, peaceful; healthy; rather; to prefer
1 審宀番 to examine, to investigate; to judge; to try
2 寬宀苋艹见 broad, spacious, vast, wide
1 寮宀尞 shanty, hut, shack
1 寰宀睘 country, domain, world
1 寵宀龍 to love; to favor, to pamper, to spoil; concubine
1 寻彐寸 to seek; to search for, to look for; ancient
1 尃甫 to announce, to state
1 專寸叀 concentrated, specialized; to monopolize
1 尌寸壴 to prop up; to stand something up
1 尕小乃 small (used in place names)
1 尝云尚 to taste; to experience, to experiment with
1 尤尢 especially, particularly
1 尬尢介 awkward, embarrassed; to limp, to stagger
2 就尤尢京 just, simply; to go to; to approach, near
1 尴尢监 embarrassed; ill-at-ease
2 尷尢監臣皿 embarrassed; ill-at-ease
1 尻尸 end of spine; buttocks, sacrum
1 屁尸比 to break wind, to fart; the buttocks
1 居户古 to live, to reside; to dwell; to sit
1 屈尸出 to bend, to flex; bent, crooked, crouched
1 屏户并 screen, shield; to put aside, to reject; to hold
1 屐彳尸 wooden clogs
2 屑尸肖⺼⺌ bits, crumbs, scraps; fragments; not worthwhile
3 屙尸阿阝可丁口 to defecate
1 属尸禹 class, category, type; family; affiliated, belonging to
1 屠尸者 to butcher, to slaughter; massacre
1 屡尸娄 frequently, often, again and again
1 屢尸婁 frequently, often, again and again
1 層尸曾 layer, floor, story, stratum
1 屦彳娄 straw sandals; to tread on
1 屨彳婁 straw sandals; to tread on
1 屬尸禹 class, category, type; family; affiliated, belonging to
1 屹山乞 to rise, to stand tall
1 屺山己 a grassy knoll; a barren knoll
1 屿山与 屿 island
1 岂己 what; how
1 岈山牙 the name of a mountain
1 岌山及 perilous, hazardous; steep, high
1 岍山开 the name of a mountain
1 岐山支 to diverge, to branch; the name of a mountain
1 岑山今 steep, precipitous; peak
1 岖山区 steep, sheer; rugged, rough
1 岗山冈 post; position
1 岙山夭 island
1 岜山巴 rocky mountain
2 岢山可丁口 the name of a mountain
1 岣山句 a hill in Hunan
1 岫山由 mountain peak; cave, cavern
1 岬山甲 cape; promontory, headland
1 岭山令 mountain ridge, mountain peak
1 岱山代 the Daishan mountain in Shandong
1 岵山古 a wooded hill
1 岷山民 the Min mountains; the Min river
1 岽山东 a mountain in Guangxi province
1 岿山归 岿 grand, stately; secure, lasting
1 峁山卯 yellow dirt mount
1 峄山睪 a range of peaks in Shandong and Jiangsu
1 峇山合 cave, cavern
1 峋山旬 foothill, mountain range
1 峒山同 a mountain in Gansu province
1 峙山寺 to pile, to stack; to stand tall
1 峥山争 high, lofty, noble; perilous, steep
1 峦山䜌 mountain range; tall pointed mountain
1 峨山我 lofty; the name of a mountain
2 峭山肖⺼⺌ steep, precipitous, rugged
2 峰山夆夂丰 peak, summit; a camel's hump
1 峻山夋 high, steep, towering; stern
1 崂山劳 Laoshan, a mountain in Shandong
1 崃山来 a mountain in Sichuan province
2 崆山空穴工 the Kongtong mountain
1 崇山宗 high, dignified; to esteem, to honor
1 崎山奇 rough, uneven; jagged, rugged
1 崑山昆 the Kunlun mountains in Jiang Su province
1 崒山卒 rocky peaks; lofty; dangerous
1 崗山岡 post; position
1 崙山侖 the Kunlun mountains in Jiangsu
2 崛山屈尸出 towering; eminent; a sudden rise
1 崞山享 a mountain in Shanxi
1 崢山爭 high, lofty, noble; perilous, steep
2 崤山肴⺼乂 a mountain in Henan
1 崦山奄 a mountain in Kansu where the sun is supposed to set at night
2 崧山松木公 tall mountain; lofty, eminent
1 崩山朋 to rupture, to split apart; to collapse; death, demise
2 崭山斩斤车 new, bold; steep, high
2 崮山固囗古 mesa, plateau
1 崴山威 high, lofty, precipitous; to sprain
1 崾山要 a place name in Shanxi province
1 嵇山禾 a mountain in Henan; surname
1 嵊山乘 a district in Zhejiang
1 嵋山眉 the Omei mountain in Sichuan
1 嵌山欠 valley, ravine; to fall into; to inlay, to set in
1 嵒山品 cliff, rocks, mountain
1 嵘山荣 high, lofty, steep, towering
1 嵛山俞 a county in the Shandong province
1 嵝山娄 the Goulou mountain in Hunan
1 嵞屾余 a mountain in Zhejiang
1 嵫山兹 a hill in Shantung
1 嵬山鬼 rugged, rocky, precipitous
1 嵯山差 high, towering; rugged, irregular
1 嶂山章 cliff; the barrier formed by a mountain range
2 嶄山斬斤車 new, bold; steep, high
1 嶇山區 steep, sheer; rugged, rough
1 嶗山勞 Laoshan, a mountain in Shandong
1 嶙山粦 precipitous, steep, tall
2 嶡山厥欮 mountainous, precipitous; a sacrificial offering
1 嶧山睪 a range of peaks in Shandong and Jiangsu
1 嶪山業 high, steep; perilous
1 嶷山疑 a mountain range in Hunan province
1 嶸山榮 high, lofty, steep, towering
1 嶺山令 mountain ridge, mountain peak
1 嶼山與 island
1 嶽山獄 mountain peak, summit
1 巂冏崔 a place name
1 巆山營 deep; lofty
2 巍山魏鬼委 high, lofty; eminent, majestic
1 巒山䜌 mountain range; tall pointed mountain
1 巖山嚴 cliff, precipice; cave, grotto
1 巠巛工 underground river; flowing water
1 巧工丂 skillful, ingenious, clever
1 巩凡工 to bind, to guard, to strengthen; firm, secure, strong
1 巯㐬 an atom group
3 巹丞一氶水己 nuptial wine cup
1 帆巾凡 boat; to sail
1 帏巾韦 a curtain that forms a wall
1 帐巾长 tent, screen, mosquito net; debt, credit, account
1 帔巾皮 cape, robe, skirt
1 帙巾失 book jacket; satchel, bag
1 帛巾白 silk, fabric; wealth, property
1 帜巾只 flag, pennant, sign; to fasten
1 帧巾贞 picture, scroll; one of a pair
1 帱巾寿 寿 to cover up; curtain
1 帳巾長 tent, screen, mosquito net; debt, credit, account
1 帷巾隹 curtain, screen, tent
1 常巾尚 common, general, normal; always, frequently, regularly
1 帻巾责 turban; conical cap
1 帼巾国 women's headgear; mourning cap
2 帽巾冒目 hat, cap
1 幀巾貞 picture, scroll; one of a pair
1 幃巾韋 a curtain that forms a wall
2 幌巾晃日光 curtain, cloth screen, signboard
1 幔巾曼 curtain, screen, tent
1 幕巾莫 curtain, screen, tent; measure word for plays and shows
1 幗巾國 women's headgear; mourning cap
1 幞巾菐 turban
2 幟巾戠戈音 flag, pennant, sign; to fasten
1 幡巾番 pennant, banner, streamer, flag
1 幢巾童 carriage curtain; sun screen; tent; measure word for buildings
2 幣巾敝攵 currency, coins, legal tender
1 幬巾壽 to cover up; curtain
广 1 庀广匕 广 to prepare; to regulate
广 2 庄广壯士爿 广 village, hamlet; villa, manor
广 1 庇广比 广 cover, shield; to protect, to shelter; to harbor
广 1 庋广支 广 cupboard, pantry
广 1 序广予 广 order, sequence, series; preface
广 1 庑广无 广 corridor, hallway; luxuriant
广 2 底广氐氏 广 bottom, underside; below, underneath
广 1 庖广包 广 kitchen; cooking, cuisine
广 1 店广占 广 shop, store; inn, hotel
广 1 府广付 广 prefect; prefecture, government
广 1 废发 to terminate; to discard; to abgrogate
广 1 庠广羊 广 village school; teach
广 1 庥广休 广 shade; shelter, protection
广 1 庸用 usual, common, ordinary, mediocre
广 1 庹广 广 the length of one's two outstretched arms
广 1 庾广臾 广 granary; storehouse
广 1 廁广則 广 toilet, washroom; to mingle
广 1 廂广相 广 side-room, wing; theatre box
广 1 廄厂既 stable; barnyard
广 1 廈广夏 广 large building; mansion
广 1 廊广郎 广 corridor, porch, veranda
鹿 1 廌鹿豸 鹿 unicorn
广 1 廑广堇 广 hut; careful
广 1 廒广敖 广 granary
广 1 廓广郭 广 broad, wide; open; empty; outline
广 1 廚厂豆 kitchen; closet, cupboard
广 1 廛广 广 store, shop
广 1 廝广斯 广 servant; to cause a disturbance
广 2 廠广敞攵尚 广 cliff; factory, workshop; building
广 1 廡广無 广 corridor, hallway; luxuriant
广 2 廢發弓癶 to terminate; to discard; to abgrogate
广 1 廣广黄 广 broad, vast, wide; building, house
广 1 廨广解 广 office
广 1 廩广稟 广 granary; to stockpile
广 1 廪广禀 广 granary; to stockpile
广 2 廬广盧虍 广 hut, cottage; the name of a mountain
广 1 廳广聽 广 hall, central room
1 廷廴 courtyard
1 建廴聿 to build, to erect; to establish, to found
1 弈廾亦 Chinese chess
1 弑杀式 patricide, matricide
1 弒杀式 patricide, matricide
1 弛弓也 to loosen, to relax; to unstring a bow
1 张弓长 to display; to expand, to open; to stretch; a sheet of paper
1 弥弓尔 complete, extensive, full; to fill
1 弦弓玄 bow string; string instrument; hypotenuse
1 弧弓瓜 arc, crescent; wooden bow
1 弩弓奴 crossbow; an arrow falling, a downward stroke
1 弪弓 radian (mathematics)
1 弮弓龹 a repeating crossbow
1 弳弓 radian (mathematics)
1 張弓長 to display; to expand, to open; to stretch; a sheet of paper
2 強弓虫中 strong, powerful, energetic
1 弹弓单 bullet, pellet, shell; elastic, springy
2 强弓虫中 strong, powerful, energetic
2 彆弓敝攵 awkward
1 彈弓單 bullet, pellet, shell; elastic, springy
1 彊弓畺 stubborn, uncompromising
1 彌弓爾 complete, extensive, full; to fill
1 彎弓䜌 bend, curve, turn
1 彘彑矢 swine
2 彟蒦寻彐寸 to measure; to calculate
1 彤丹彡 red, vermillion
1 彥彡文 elegant
2 彦彡产厂 elegant
1 彩彡采 color, hue; prize; brilliant; variegated
1 彬彡林 ornamental; cultivated, refined, well-bred
1 彰彡章 clear, manifest, obvious
1 影彡景 shadow; image, reflection; photograph
1 彷彳方 similar, alike; to resemble
1 彸彳公 agitated, restless
2 彻切刀七彳 penetrating, pervasive; to penetrate, to pass through
1 彼彳皮 that, those, the other
1 彿彳弗 彿 similar, alike; Buddhist
1 往彳王 to go, to depart; past, former
1 征彳正 to summon, to recruit; levy, tax; journey; invasion
1 徂彳且 to advance, to go; to; die
1 径彳工 path, diameter; straight, direct
1 徇彳旬 to follow, to comply with; to display
1 很彳艮 very, quite, much
1 徉彳羊 to wander, to stray, to roam; to hesitate
1 徐彳余 slowly, quietly, calmly; dignified, composed
2 徑彳巠巛工 path, diameter; straight, direct
1 徕彳来 to entice, to solicit; to encourage customers to come
1 徘彳非 to dither, to pace; hesitant
1 徜彳尚 to linger, to walk back and forth
1 從彳从 from, by, since, whence, through
1 徠彳來 to entice, to solicit; to encourage customers to come
2 御彳卸止卩 chariot; to drive, to ride; to manage
1 徨彳皇 doubtful, irresolute, vacillating
1 循彳盾 to obey, to follow, to comply with
1 徭彳䍃 conscripted labor
1 徯彳奚 to await, to expect, to hope
1 徵彳正 to summon, to recruit; levy, tax; journey; invasion
1 德心 ethics, morality; compassion, kindness
2 徹切刀七彳 penetrating, pervasive; to penetrate, to pass through
1 徼彳敫 border, frontier; to inspect, to patrol
1 忆忄乙 to remember, to reflect upon; memory
1 忉忄刀 grieving; distressed
1 忌心己 jealous, envious; to fear; to shun
1 忏忄千 to regret, to repent; confession, penitence
1 忒心弋 excessive (in a bad way); to err, to make a mistake
1 忕忄 habit; accustomed to
1 忖忄寸 to guess, to ponder, to suppose
1 忘心亡 to forget, to miss, to neglect, to overlook
1 忝⺗天 shame, disgrace; self-depreciation
1 忞心文 to psych up; to steel one's nerves
1 忠心中 loyalty, devotion, fidelity
1 忡忄中 sad, grieving; distressed, uneasy
1 忤忄午 disobedient; stubborn; wrong
2 忧忄尤尢 sad, grieving; melancholy, grief
1 忪忄公 calm, peaceful; quiet, tranquil
1 忭忄卞 pleased, delighted
1 忮忄支 stubborn; perverse; aggressive
2 忱忄冘巾乚 honesty, sincerity, zeal
1 忸忄丑 blushing, bashful, ashamed
1 忻忄斤 pleasant, joyful, delightful
1 忽心勿 suddenly, abruptly; to neglect
1 忿心分 忿 anger, fury; exasperation
1 怀忄不 怀 bosom, breast; to carry in one's bosom
1 态心太 manner, bearing, attitude
1 怂心从 to arouse, to incite, to instigate
1 怃忄无 disappointed, regretful
1 怄忄区 annoyed
1 怅忄长 disappointed; regretful; upset
1 怆忄仓 sad, disconsolate, broken-hearted
2 怊忄召口刀 grieving
1 怍忄乍 ashamed
1 怎心乍 what? why? how?
1 怏忄央 discontented, dispirited, sad
1 怒心奴 anger, passion, rage
1 怔忄正 frightened, startled, terrified
1 怕忄白 to fear, to be afraid of; apprehensive
1 怖忄布 frightened, terrified
1 怙忄古 to rely on; to presume; father (formal)
1 怛忄旦 grieving; worried
1 怜忄令 to pity, to sympathize with
1 怠心台 idle; negligent, remiss; to neglect
1 怡忄台 gladness, joy, pleasure; harmony
2 急心刍⺈彐 anxious, worried; hasty, quick; pressing, urgent
1 怦忄平 ardent, eager; impulsive, bold
1 性忄生 sex, nature, character; suffix converting a verb to an adjective
1 怨心夗 to blame, to complain, to hate; enmity, resentment
1 怩忄尼 timid, shy; bashful, ashamed
1 怫忄弗 anxious; depressed; sorry
1 怯忄去 afraid, lacking in courage
1 怵忄术 fearful, apprehensive; timid, shy
1 怼心对 hatred, resentment; to dislike, to hate
1 怿忄 glad, pleased; to enjoy
2 恁心任亻壬 that, thus; such, like so
1 恂忄旬 careful; honest, sincere; to trust
1 恃忄寺 to trust, to rely on; to presume
1 恋心亦 love; to yearn for, to long for
1 恍忄光 absent-minded; distracted; indistinct; seemingly
2 恐心巩凡工 fearful, apprehensive; to fear, to dread
1 恓忄西 西 vexed
1 恕心如 to excuse, to forgive, to show mercy
1 恙心羊 illness, sickness; indisposition
1 恚心圭 anger, rage
2 恝心㓞刀 carefree; indifferent
1 恢忄灰 to restore, to recover; great, immense, vast
1 恣心次 indulgent; unrestrained
1 恤忄血 to help, to relieve, to take pity on
1 恥心 shame, humiliation; ashamed
1 恧心而 ashamed
1 恨忄艮 to dislike, to hate, to resent
1 恩心因 kindness, mercy, charity
1 恪忄各 respectful, reverent
1 恫忄同 fearful, pained, sorrowful
1 恬忄舌 calm, peaceful; quiet, tranquil
1 恭⺗共 polite, respectful, reverent
1 恰忄合 just, exactly, precisely; proper
1 恳心艮 sincere, earnest, cordial
1 恶心亚 bad, evil, wicked; to hate, to loathe; foul, nauseating
2 恹忄厌厂犬 feeble, sickly, weak; tranquil
2 恺忄岂己 to enjoy; kind; joyful, content
1 恻忄则 anguished; sympathetic
1 恼忄 angry, wrathful
2 恿心甬用 to instigate, to incite, to alarm
1 悃忄困 honest, sincere; loyal, true
2 悄忄肖⺼⺌ quiet, silent, still; anxious
1 悅忄兌 contented, gratified, pleased
1 悉心釆 to know, to learn about, to comprehend
1 悍忄旱 courageous, brave; violent
1 悒忄邑 sorrowful, depressed
2 悔忄每母 to regret, to repent, to show remorse
1 悖忄孛 contradictory; counter to
1 悚忄束 scared, frightened
1 悛忄夋 to repent; to reform
1 悝忄里 to laugh at; to pity; sad; afflicted
2 悟忄吾口五 to apprehend, to realize, to become aware
1 悠心攸 distant, remote; long, far; carefree
1 患心串 suffering; misfortune; trouble; to suffer
1 悤心囱 agitated, hurried, restless
1 悦忄兑 contented, gratified, pleased
1 悫心士 modest; sincere
2 悯忄闵文门 to pity, to sympathize with; to grieve for
1 悱忄非 overcome with emotion; at a loss for words
1 悲心非 sorrow, sadness, grief; to be sorry
1 悴忄卒 to suffer; haggard, emaciated
1 悵忄長 disappointed; regretful; upset
1 悶心門 gloomy, depressed, melancholy
1 悸忄季 apprehensive, fearful; perturbed
1 悻忄幸 anger, frustration
1 悼忄卓 to grieve, to lament, to mourn
1 悽忄妻 sorrowful, grieving; melancholy
1 情忄青 emotion, feeling, sentiment
1 惆忄周 distressed, regretful, sad
1 惊忄京 to frighten, to startle; surprise, alarm
2 惋忄宛宀夗 to regret, to be sorry
1 惓忄卷 candid, sincere; careful, earnest
1 惕忄易 cautious, careful, alert
2 惘忄罔⺳亡 dejected, discouraged
1 惙忄叕 sad, melancholy; mournful, grieving
1 惝忄尚 alarmed, agitated
1 惠心叀 favor, benefit, blessing, kindness
1 惡心亞 bad, evil, wicked; to hate, to loathe; foul, nauseating
2 惦忄店广占 to think of, to remember, to miss
1 惧忄具 to fear, to dread
2 惨忄参彡 miserable, wretched; cruel, inhuman
2 惩心征彳正 to discipline, to punish, to reprimand, to warn
1 惫思夂 tired, weary, fatigued
1 惬忄夹 satisfied, comfortable, cheerful
2 惭忄斩斤车 ashamed, humiliated; shameful
1 惮忄单 to fear, to dread; to dislike, to avoid
2 惯忄贯贝毌 habit, custom; habitual, usual
1 惰忄左 lazy, idle, indolent; careless
1 惱忄 angry, wrathful
1 想心相 to believe, to wish for; to consider, to plan, to think
1 惴忄耑 nervous, apprehensive
1 惶忄皇 anxious, nervous, uneasy
1 惹心若 to incite, to irritate, to offend, to vex
1 惻忄則 anguished; sympathetic
1 愀忄秋 anxious; blushing; to change one's countenance
1 愁心秋 anxious, worried
1 愆心衍 error, fault, mistake, transgression
1 愈心俞 to recover, to heal; more and more
1 愉忄俞 pleasant, delightful; to please
2 愍心敃攵民 to pity, to sympathize with
1 意心音 thought, idea, opinion; desire, wish; meaning, intention
1 愕忄咢 startled, alarmed, astonished
1 愚心禺 stupid, foolish
2 愜忄匧匚夾 satisfied, comfortable, cheerful
1 愠忄昷 angry, indignant; resentful, sulking
1 愣忄罒 dazed, stupefied
1 愤忄贲 anger, indignation; to hate, to resent
2 愦忄贵贝 confused, muddle-headed; troubled
1 愧忄鬼 ashamed, regretful; the pangs of conscience
1 愴忄倉 sad, disconsolate, broken-hearted
1 愷忄豈 to enjoy; kind; joyful, content
2 愿心原厂泉 desire, wish; honest, virtuous; ready, willing
1 慈心兹 gentle, humane, kind, merciful
1 慊忄兼 satisfied, content
1 態心能 manner, bearing, attitude
3 慌忄荒芒艹亡川 frantic, nervous, panicked
1 慎忄真 cautious, prudent
1 慑忄聂 afraid, scared; to frighten, to intimidate
1 慕⺗莫 to admire, to desire, to long for
2 慘忄參彡 miserable, wretched; cruel, inhuman
2 慚忄斬斤車 ashamed, humiliated; shameful
1 慢忄曼 slowly, leisurely; sluggish
2 慣忄貫貝毌 habit, custom; habitual, usual
1 慧心彗 bright, intelligent; intelligence
1 慨忄既 sigh, regret, lament; generosity
1 慪忄區 annoyed
2 慫心從彳从 to arouse, to incite, to instigate
1 慰心尉 to calm, to comfort, to reassure
2 慵忄庸用 lazy, indolent; easy-going
1 慷忄康 ardent, fervent; generous, magnanimous
1 憂忄頁 sad, grieving; melancholy, grief
1 憊心備 tired, weary, fatigued
2 憋心敝攵 to stifle, to restrain, to choke; to suppress one's inner feelings
1 憎忄曾 to abhor, to detest, to hate
1 憐忄粦 to pity, to sympathize with
2 憑心馮馬冫 to lean on; to rely on
1 憔忄焦 worn-out, haggard, emaciated
1 憚忄單 to fear, to dread; to dislike, to avoid
2 憝心敦享攵 to dislike; to abhor, to hate
2 憤忄賁卉貝 anger, indignation; to hate, to resent
1 憧忄童 indecisive, irresolute; to yearn for
1 憨心敢 silly, foolish; coquettish
1 憩心自 to rest
2 憫忄閔文門 to pity, to sympathize with; to grieve for
1 憬忄景 to rouse, to awaken; to become conscious
2 憶忄意心音 to remember, to reflect upon; memory
1 憹忄農 anxious, brooding
1 憾忄感 regret, remorse
2 懂忄董艹重 to understand, to know
1 懇心貇 sincere, earnest, cordial
1 懈忄解 idle, relaxed; negligent, remiss
2 應心倠亻隹 should, must; to respond, to handle; to deal with, to cope
1 懊忄奥 vexed; regretful; nervous
2 懋心楙木矛 grand, majestic, splendid
3 懒忄赖贝剌刂束 lazy, languid, listless
1 懔忄禀 afraid of; in awe of
2 懞忄蒙艹冡 to cover; to deceive; Mongolia
1 懟心對 hatred, resentment; to dislike, to hate
1 懦忄需 weak, timid, cowardly
2 懨忄厭厂猒 feeble, sickly, weak; tranquil
2 懮忄憂忄頁 calm, liesurely; to procrastinate
1 懲心徴 to discipline, to punish, to reprimand, to warn
1 懵忄瞢 stupid, ignorant, dull
2 懶忄賴負束 lazy, languid, listless
2 懷忄褱衣氺 bosom, breast; to carry in one's bosom
1 懺忄韱 to regret, to repent; confession, penitence
1 懼忄瞿 to fear, to dread
1 懾忄聶 afraid, scared; to frighten, to intimidate
1 懿心壹 admirable, esteemed, virtuous
1 戀心䜌 love; to yearn for, to long for
3 戆心赣夂贡贝工 stupid, simple, simple-minded
3 戇心贛夂貢貝工 stupid, simple, simple-minded
1 戕戈爿 to kill, to slay; to wound, to injure
1 戗戈仓 to support
1 战戈占 war, fighting, battle
1 戠戈音 sword; potter's clay; to gather
1 戡戈甚 to subjugate, to subdue, to quell, to kill
1 戢戈咠 to collect oneself; to put away, to store
2 戤盈皿戈 to infringe upon a trademark
2 戥戈星日生 a steelyard balance for weighing money
1 戧戈倉 to support
1 戬戈晋 to exterminate, to destroy; blessing
1 戮戈翏 to kill, to massacre; to oppress
1 戰戈單 war, fighting, battle
1 戳戈翟 to pierce, to prick, to stab; stamp, seal
1 戽斗户 to bale out; to irrigate
1 房户方 building, house, room
1 扂户占 door latch
1 扃户冋 door latch, crossbar
1 扈邑户 escort, retinue; insolent
1 扉户非 door panel
1 扑扌卜 to attack, to beat, to hit, to strike
1 扒扌八 to scratch, to dig up; to crouch, to crawl
1 打扌丁 to attack, to beat, to hit, to strike
1 扔扌乃 to throw, to hurl, to cast away
1 払扌厶 shake off, brush away; dust
1 扢扌乞 to clean, to rub
1 扣扌口 to detain; to knock, to tap; button
1 扦扌千 to probe, to poke, to pierce, to pick at
1 扩广扌 广 to expand, to stretch, to magnify
1 扪扌门 to stoke, to pat; to grope, to feel
1 扬扌昜 to flutter, to wave; to hoist, to raise; to praise
1 扭扌丑 to turn, to twist, to wrench; to grasp, to seize
1 扮扌分 costume, disguise; to dress up
1 扯扌止 to rip, to tear; to haul; casual talk
2 扰扌尤尢 to poke, to disturb, to annoy, to agitate
1 扳扌反 to drag, to pull; to twist
1 扶扌夫 to support, to protect, to help
1 批扌比 comment, criticism; batch, lot; wholesale
1 扼扌厄 to clutch, to grasp; to choke, to strangle
1 技扌支 ability, talent; skill, technique
1 抃扌卞 to cheer, to clap
1 抄扌少 copy, plagiarism; to confiscate, to seize
1 把扌巴 to grasp, to hold; to guard, to take; handle
1 抑扌卬 to curb, to hinder; to keep down, to repress
1 抒予扌 to express; to pour out
1 投扌殳 to pitch, to throw; to bid, to invest
1 抖扌斗 to tremble, to shake, to rouse
1 抚扌无 to pat, to console; to stroke, to caress
1 抛扌 to abandon, to throw away; to fling, to toss
1 抟扌专 to roll around in one's hand; to model
1 抠扌区 to lift, to raise; tight-fisted
1 抡扌仑 to swing, to flourish, to brandish
1 抢扌仓 urgent, rushed; to rob, to plunder
1 抨扌平 to impeach; to criticize
1 抬扌台 to carry, to lift, to raise
2 抵扌氐氏 to resist; to arrive; mortgage
1 抹扌末 to apply; to erase, to smear, to wipe off
1 抻扌申 to pull
1 押扌甲 to arrest, to detain; to deposit, to pledge; mortgage
1 抽扌由 to draw out, to pull out; to sprout
1 抿扌民 to press, to smooth; to purse the lips
1 拂扌弗 to shake off, to brush away; dust
1 拄扌主 post; to lean on; to prod, to ridicule
1 担扌旦 to bear, to carry; burden, responsibility
1 拆扌斥 to break open, to split up, to tear apart
1 拇扌母 thumb; big toe
1 拉扌立 to pull, to drag; to seize, to hold; to lengthen; to play (a violin)
1 拊扌付 to pat, to slap, to tap; the handle of a vessel
1 拋扌 to abandon, to throw away; to fling, to toss
1 拌扌半 to mix
1 拍扌白 to clap, to tap; to hit, to beat, to slap; beat, rhythm
1 拎扌令 to lift, to haul, to take
1 拑扌甘 to clamp, to pin down, to tie down
1 拒扌巨 to defend, to ward off; to refuse
1 拓扌石 to develop, to expand, to open up
1 拔扌犮 to uproot, to pull out; to select, to promote
1 拖扌 to drag, to haul, to tow; to delay
1 拗扌幼 to pull, to drag; perverse, obstinate; bent, warped
1 拘扌句 to detain, to restrain, to seize
1 拙扌出 awkward, clumsy; dull, stupid
1 拚扌弁 to reject, to disregard, to go all out
1 拟扌以 to draft, to plan; to intend
1 拢扌龙 to collect, to bring together
1 拣扌柬 to choose, to select; to gather, to pick up
1 拥扌用 to have, to hold; to embrace, to hug; to flock, to throng
1 拦扌兰 to block, to hinder, to obstruct
2 拧扌宁宀丁 screw, wrench; to pinch, to twist, to wring
1 括扌舌 to embrace, to enclose, to include
1 拭扌式 to wipe away stains with a cloth
1 拮扌吉 busy, occupied; to pursue
1 拱扌共 to salute, to bow; arched; arch
1 拳手龹 fist; various forms of boxing
1 拴扌全 to fasten, to bind
1 拶扌 to squeeze, to press hard, to force
1 拼扌并 to link, to join together; to incorporate
1 拿手合 to bring, to grasp, to hold, to take
1 持扌寺 to hold, to support, to sustain
1 挂扌圭 to suspend, to put up, to hang; suspense
2 挈手㓞刀 to assist, to help; to lead by hand
1 按扌安 to check, to control, to push, to restrain
2 挎扌夸大亏 to carry
1 挑扌兆 to select, to choose; picky, choosy; a load
1 挛手 tangled, entwined; crooked
2 挝扌过辶咼 to beat; to strike
2 挞扌达辶大 to whip, to flog, to chastise
1 挠扌尧 to yield; to scratch, to disturb
1 挢扌乔 to correct
1 挤扌齐 to squeeze, to push against; crowded
1 挨扌矣 close by, near, next to, towards, against; to lean on; to wait
1 挪扌那 to shift, to move
1 挫扌坐 to check, to obstruct, to push down
1 振扌辰 to arouse, to excite; to rouse, to shake
2 挲手沙氵少 to feel or fondle with the fingers
1 挹扌邑 to bale out; to pour
2 挺扌廷廴 to straighten, to stand upright; rigid, stiff
1 挽扌免 to pull, to lead; to pull back, to draw a bow
1 捃扌君 to gather, to sort
2 捅扌甬用 to jab, to poke
1 捆扌困 to bind, to tie, to truss up; a bundle
1 捉扌足 to clutch, to grasp, to seize
1 捍扌旱 to defend, to guard; to ward off
2 捎扌肖⺼⺌ to carry, to take; to select
2 捏扌圼土日 to knead, to mold, to pinch
1 捐扌肙 to give, to donate; to give up, to renounce
1 捕扌甫 to arrest, to catch, to seize
1 捞扌劳 to dredge up; to fish for; to scoop out of the water
2 损扌员贝 to damage, to harm
1 捡扌佥 to pick up, to gather, to collect
1 换扌奂 to change; to exchange, to swap, to trade
1 捣扌岛 to thresh, to pound; to stir, to disturb; to attack
2 捨舍人舌扌 house, dwelling; to reside, to dwell; to abandon, to give up
1 捩扌戾 to twist, to tear, to snap
1 捫扌門 to stoke, to pat; to grope, to feel
1 捭扌卑 to open up, to spread out
2 据扌居户古 to possess, to occupy; position; base
1 捱扌厓 to put off, to procrastinate; to endure
1 捲扌卷 curl, roll up; curly, rolled up
1 捶扌垂 to beat, to lash, to strike with a cane
2 捷扌疌疋彐 nimble, quick; triumph, victory
1 捺扌奈 to press down firmly with the fingers
1 捻扌念 to twist or nip with the fingers
2 掀扌欣欠斤 to stir up; to turn over
2 掂扌店广占 to heft, to weigh; to hold in the palm
1 掄扌侖 to swing, to flourish, to brandish
1 掇扌叕 to pick up, to gather, to collect
1 授扌受 to award, to confer, to instruct, to teach
1 掉扌卓 to drop, to fall, to remove
1 掊扌咅 to extract; to injure
1 掌手尚 in charge; the palm of the hand, the sole of the foot
1 掎扌奇 to pull, to drag; to drag one's feet
2 掏扌匋缶勹 to take out; to pull out; to clean out
1 掐扌臽 to hold, to choke; to gather in one hand
1 排扌非 row, rank, file; to eliminate, to remove
1 掖扌夜 to tuck, to fold; to support
2 掘扌屈尸出 to dig, to excavate
2 掛扌卦卜圭 to suspend, to put up, to hang; suspense
1 掠扌京 to pillage, to ransack
1 採扌采 to collect, to gather; to pick, to pluck
1 探扌 to find, to locate; to grope for, to search for
2 掣手制刂巾 to pull, to drag; to hinder, to pull back
1 接扌妾 to connect, to join; to receive, to meet, to answer the phone
2 控扌空穴工 to accuse, to charge; to control; to sue
1 推扌隹 to push; to expel; to drive; to decline
1 掩扌奄 to cover up (with a hand); to ambush, to conceal; to shut
1 措扌昔 to arrange; to execute on; to manage
2 掭扌忝⺗天 to manipulate
1 掴扌国 to slap, to box one's ears
1 掷扌郑 to throw, to hurl, to fling, to cast
1 掸扌单 to dust; a duster
2 掺扌参彡 to mix, to blend, to adulterate
2 掼扌贯贝毌 to fling, to smash; to know, to be familiar
1 掾扌彖 a general designation of officials
1 揀扌柬 to choose, to select; to gather, to pick up
1 揄扌俞 to lift, to raise; to praise; to hang, to flap
1 揆扌癸 to consider, to estimate
1 揍扌奏 to hit, to beat; to smash, to break
1 揎扌宣 to pull up one's sleeves; to prepare to fight
1 描扌苗 to copy, to depict, to sketch, to trace
1 提扌是 to hold in the hand; to lift, to raise
1 插扌臿 to insert, to stick in; to pierce; to plant
1 揖扌咠 to bow, to salute; to defer, to yield
1 揚扌昜 to flutter, to wave; to hoist, to raise; to praise
1 換扌奐 to change; to exchange, to swap, to trade
1 揞扌音 to cover, to conceal; to apply medicine or make-up
2 揠扌匽匸妟 to weed out, to pull up, to eradicate
1 握扌屋 to grasp, to hold, to take by the hand
1 揣扌耑 to stow in one's clothes; to estimate, to guess, to figure
1 揩扌皆 to wipe, to rub, to dust, to clean
1 揪扌秋 to pinch, to grasp
1 揭扌曷 to lift off a cover; to reveal, to divulge; surname
2 揲扌枼木世 to sort out divining stalks
2 揶扌耶耳阝 to ridicule, to poke fun at
1 揸扌查 handful; to grasp, to seize
2 揽扌览见 to grasp; to monopolize; to seize
2 揿扌钦钅欠 to press
1 搀扌 to mix; to support, to sustain, to lend a hand
2 搁扌阁门各 to place, to lay down; to delay
1 搂扌娄 to embrace, to hug; to drag, to pull
2 搅扌觉见⺍ to annoy, to disturb, to stir up
1 搋扌虒 to thump
1 搌扌展 to dab, to sop up, to wipe away tears
2 損扌員貝 to damage, to harm
2 搏扌尃甫 combat; to fight; to strike
2 搐扌畜田玄 cramp, spasm; to convulse, to twitch
1 搓扌差 to rub or roll between the hands
1 搖扌䍃 to rock, to shake; to swing, to wave
1 搗扌島 to thresh, to pound; to stir, to disturb; to attack
1 搜扌叟 to seek, to search, to investigate
1 搞扌高 to do, to fix, to make, to settle
2 搠扌朔月月 to daub; to thrust
1 搡扌桑 to push over; to push back
1 搦扌弱 to grasp, to seize; to challenge, to provoke
1 搪扌唐 to parry, to block; to ward off, to evade
1 搬扌般 to move, to remove, to shift, to transfer
2 搭扌荅艹合 to attach, to build, to join
1 搴手 to extract; to pluck; to seize
1 搶扌倉 urgent, rushed; to rob, to plunder
1 携扌隽 to carry, to lead, to take by the hand
2 搽扌茶艹 to wipe, to smear, to rub, to anoint
1 摀扌烏 to conceal, to hide; to cover with a hand
2 摁扌恩心因 to press with a finger
1 摄扌聂 to absorb, to take in; to photograph; to act on behalf of
1 摅扌虑 to disperse, to spread, to vent; to send forth
1 摆扌罢 to arrange, to display; pendulum, swing
1 摇扌䍃 to rock, to shake; to swing, to wave
1 摈扌宾 to exclude, to expel, to reject; to usher
1 摊扌难 to spread out, to open, to allot; a merchant's stand
1 摑扌國 to slap, to box one's ears
2 摒扌屏户并 to expel, to cast off; to arrange
1 摔扌率 to fall, to stumble, to trip
1 摟扌婁 to embrace, to hug; to drag, to pull
1 摧扌崔 to destroy, to wreck
1 摩手麻 to scour, to rub, to grind; friction
1 摭扌庶 to gather, to pick up
1 摳扌區 to lift, to raise; tight-fisted
2 摶扌專寸叀 to roll around in one's hand; to model
1 摸扌莫 to caress, to stroke, to gently touch
1 摹手莫 to trace; to imitate, to copy; pattern
2 摻扌參彡 to mix, to blend, to adulterate
1 摽扌票 to sign, to signal; to throw
1 撂扌畧 to put down, to put aside, to drop
2 撄扌婴女 to offend, to oppose, to run counter to
2 撅扌厥欮 to snap, to break; to protrude; to pout
2 撇扌敝攵 to abandon, to discard
1 撈扌勞 to dredge up; to fish for; to scoop out of the water
2 撐扌牚尚 to support, to prop up, to brace; overflowing
2 撑扌掌手尚 to support, to prop up, to brace; overflowing
1 撓扌堯 to yield; to scratch, to disturb
1 撕扌斯 to rip, to tear; to buy cloth
1 撖扌敢
1 撙扌尊 to cut down, to reduce, to regulate; to rein in spending
1 撞扌童 to bump into, to collide, to hit, to knock against
1 撣扌單 to dust; a duster
1 撩扌尞 to lift, to raise; to provoke, to tease; to push aside clothing
1 撫扌無 to pat, to console; to stroke, to caress
1 撬扌毳 to lift, to raise, to pry off a lid
1 撮扌最 dash, pinch, small amount
1 撰扌巽 to compose, to write
1 撲扌菐 to attack, to beat, to hit, to strike
2 撳扌欽釒欠 to press
1 撵扌辇 to drive away, to expel, to oust
2 撷扌颉页吉 to pick up, to gather, to acquire; to hold in one's lap
1 撸扌鲁 to reprimand; to fire an employee
1 撺扌窜 rush, hurry; to stir up, to urge; to fling, to throw
3 撻扌達辶羍羊大 to whip, to flog, to chastise
1 撼扌感 to incite, to move, to shake
2 撾扌過辶咼 to beat; to strike
1 撿扌僉 to pick up, to gather, to collect
1 擀扌幹 to roll or knead dough
1 擁扌雍 to have, to hold; to embrace, to hug; to flock, to throng
1 擂扌雷 to rub, to grind; to use a mortar and pestle
2 擅扌亶旦 to claim, to monopolize; arbitrary
1 擇扌睪 to select, to choose
1 操扌喿 to conduct, to manage, to run
1 擎手敬 to lift; to support, to hold up
2 擔扌詹言厂 to bear, to carry; burden, responsibility
1 擗扌辟 to beat the breast
1 擘手辟 thumb; to rip, to tear; to split, to analyze
1 據扌豦 to possess, to occupy; position; base
2 擞扌数攵娄 to tremble, to shake, to quake, to flutter
1 擠扌齊 to squeeze, to push against; crowded
1 擢扌隹 to pull up, to raise; to select
2 擦扌察宀祭 to clean, to erase, to polish; a brush
1 擬扌疑 to draft, to plan; to intend
1 擯扌賓 to exclude, to expel, to reject; to usher
2 擰扌寧心丁 screw, wrench; to pinch, to twist, to wring
2 擱扌閣門各 to place, to lay down; to delay
1 擲扌鄭 to throw, to hurl, to fling, to cast
2 擴廣广黄扌 to expand, to stretch, to magnify
2 擷扌頡頁吉 to pick up, to gather, to acquire; to hold in one's lap
1 擺扌罷 to arrange, to display; pendulum, swing
2 擻扌數攵婁 to tremble, to shake, to quake, to flutter
1 擼扌魯 to reprimand; to fire an employee
2 擾扌憂忄頁 to poke, to disturb, to annoy, to agitate
2 攀手樊大棥 to climb, to hang on, to pull up
1 攆扌輦 to drive away, to expel, to oust
1 攏扌龍 to collect, to bring together
2 攒扌赞贝兟 to save, to hoard
2 攔扌闌門柬 to block, to hinder, to obstruct
1 攘扌襄 to usurp, to seize; to repel
1 攙扌毚 to mix; to support, to sustain, to lend a hand
1 攛扌竄 rush, hurry; to stir up, to urge; to fling, to throw
2 攜扌巂冏崔 to carry, to lead, to take by the hand
1 攝扌聶 to absorb, to take in; to photograph; to act on behalf of
2 攢扌贊貝兟 to save, to hoard
1 攣手䜌 tangled, entwined; crooked
2 攤扌難隹堇 to spread out, to open, to allot; a merchant's stand
2 攥扌纂糸算 to hold, to grip, to grasp
1 攪扌覺 to annoy, to disturb, to stir up
1 攫扌矍 to snatch, to sieze, to rob
3 攬扌覽見監臣皿 to grasp; to monopolize; to seize
2 攮扌囊口襄 to fend off; to stab
1 收攵丩 to collect, to gather, to harvest
1 攻攵工 to accuse; to assault; to criticize
1 放攵方 to release, to liberate, to free
1 政攵正 government, politics
1 敃攵民 robust, strong, vigorous
1 故攵古 reason, cause; happening, instance
1 效攵交 result, effect; effective
1 敉攵米 to pacify, to soothe; to stabilize
1 敌攵啇 enemy, foe, rival; to match; to resist
2 敏攵每母 fast, quick; clever, smart
1 救攵求 aid, help; to rescue, to save
1 敕攵束 an imperial order or decree
1 敗攵貝 failure; to decline, to fail, to suffer defeat
1 敘攵余 to express, to state; to relate, to narrate
1 教攵孝 school, education
1 敛攵佥 to collect, to extort
1 敝攵 to break, to destroy; ruined, tattered
1 敞攵尚 wide, open, spacious
1 敦享攵 honest, candid, sincere; kind-hearted; to esteem
1 敪攵叕 to weigh; to cut; to enter without being invited
1 数攵娄 count, number, several
1 敲攴高 to hammer, to pound, to strike
2 整敕攵束正 neat, orderly, whole; to repair, to mend
1 敵攵啇 enemy, foe, rival; to match; to resist
2 敷攵旉方甫 to apply, to paint, to spread
1 數攵婁 count, number, several
1 敻夂 remote, far away; preeminent
1 斂攵僉 to collect, to extort
2 斃死敝攵 to kill; to die a violent death
1 斋文 to fast, to abstain; a vegetarian diet
1 斌文 ornamental, refined
1 斐文非 graceful, elegant, beautiful
2 斓文阑门柬 multicolored
2 斕文闌門柬 multicolored
1 斛斗角 ancient measuring vessel; unit of volume, about 50 liters
1 斜斗余 slanting, sloping, inclined
1 斟斗甚 to deliberate, to gauge; to pour wine or tea
1 斦斤斤
1 斧斤父 axe, hatchet; to chop, to hew
1 斩斤车 to chop, to cut, to sever; to behead
1 斫斤石 to chop, to cut, to lop off
1 斬斤車 to chop, to cut, to sever; to behead
1 旁立方 side; beside, close, nearby
1 旃方丹 felt; a silk banner on a bent pole
1 旆方巿 巿 banner, flag; ornament
1 旉方甫 to announce, to state
1 旌方生 to signal; a flag adorned with feathers
1 旎方尼 romantic; the fluttering of a flag
1 旒方㐬 tassels, fringes; pearls studding a crown
1 旖方奇 romantic; tender, charming
1 旗方其 banner, flag, streamer
1 旭日九 the rising sun; brilliant, radiant
1 旰日干 sunset, dusk; evening
1 旲日大 daylight, sunlight
1 时日 time, season; period, era, age
1 旺日王 to flourish, to prosper; prosperous
1 昀日匀 sunlight; surname
1 昂日卬 to rise; proud, bold, upright
1 昉日方 dawn, daybreak; to appear
1 昕日斤 day, dawn, early morning
1 星日生 star, planet; a point of light
1 映日央 to project; to reflect; to shine
1 春日 springtime; joyful, lustful, wanton
1 昧日未 dark, hidden, obscure
1 昨日乍 yesterday; formerly, in the past
1 昫日句 warm
1 昬日民 dusk; dark, confused; stupid
2 昭日召口刀 bright, luminous; clear, manifest
1 昱日立 bright, dazzling; sunlight
1 昴日卯 one of the 28 constellations
1 昵日尼 close, intimate; to approach
1 显日业 clear, evident; prominent; to show
1 晁日兆 morning, dawn; surname
1 時日寺 time, season; period, era, age
1 晃日光 bright, dazzling; to shake, to sway
1 晌日向 noon, midday; moment
1 晒日西 西 to dry in the sun; to expose to the sun
1 晓日尧 dawn; clear, explicit, known
1 晕日军 dizzy, faint, foggy; to see stars
1 晖日军 sunshine; light; bright, radiant
2 晗日含口今 twilight before dawn
1 晝旦聿 daytime, daylight
1 晟日成 bright, clear, splendid
1 晡日甫 late afternoon
2 晤日吾口五 to meet; to interview with
2 晦日每母 dark, obscure, unclear; night
1 晨日辰 dawn, early morning
1 晬日卒 a child's first birthday
1 晰日析 clear, evident
1 晴日青 clear weather, fine weather
2 晷日咎口处 the sun's shadow; sundial; time
1 晾日京 to air-dry; to sun-dry
2 暂日斩斤车 temporary
1 暄日宣 warm, genial; comfortable
1 暆日施 declining (as of the sun)
1 暇日叚 leisure, relaxation, spare time
1 暈日軍 dizzy, faint, foggy; to see stars
1 暉日軍 sunshine; light; bright, radiant
1 暌日癸 opposed to; separated, remote
1 暑日者 hot; heat; summer
1 暖日爰 warm, genial
1 暗日音 dark, gloomy; obscure; secret, covert
1 暝日冥 dark, obscure
1 暠日高 daybreak; brilliant, bright
2 暡日翁羽公 twilight before dawn
1 暢申昜 freely, smoothly; unrestrained
1 暧日爱 obscure, dim; ambiguous, vague
1 暨旦既 and; to reach, to attain; limits, confines
2 暫日斬斤車 temporary
1 暮日莫 dusk, evening, sunset; ending
2 暱日匿匸若 close, intimate; to approach
2 暾日敦享攵 sunrise, the morning sun
2 曆厤秝日 history; calendar
1 曉日堯 dawn; clear, explicit, known
1 曖日愛 obscure, dim; ambiguous, vague
2 曙日署罒者 dawn, daybreak; the dawn of an era
2 曚日蒙艹冡 twilight before dawn
2 曛日熏灬 twilight; sunset
1 曝日暴 to air out, to expose to sunlight; to reveal
1 曦日羲 sunshine; early dawn
1 曩日襄 ancient times; former; old
1 曬日麗 to dry in the sun; to expose to the sun
1 曱曰 cockroach
1 有月 to have, to own, to possess; to exist
1 朊⺼元 protein
1 朐月句 warm
1 朔月月 beginning; the first day of the lunar month
1 朗月良 bright, clear, distinct
1 朝月龺 to face; direct, facing; dynasty; morning
1 期月其 a period of time; date, time; phase
2 朦月蒙艹冡 dim, obscure; the condition of the moon
1 朧月龍 blurry, obscured; the condition or appearance of the moon
1 朴木卜 plain, simple; sincere; surname
2 权木雚隹 authority, power, right
1 杆木干 cane, pole, stick
1 杉木彡 various species of pine and fir
1 李木子 plum; luggage; surname
1 材木才 timber; material, stuff; talent
1 村木寸 village, hamlet; vulgar, uncouth
1 杖木丈 cane, walking stick
1 杜木土 to prevent, to restrict, to stop; surname
1 杞木己 willow, medlar tree; a small feudal state
1 杨木 willow, poplar, aspen; surname
1 杩木马 headboard
1 杭木亢 ford; surname
1 杯木不 cup, glass; measure word for liquids
1 杵木午 pestle; to grind
1 杷木巴 loquat tree; axe handle
1 杼木予 scrub oak; long, narrow, thin; sewing shuttle
1 松木公 pine tree; fir tree
1 板木反 board, plank; plate, slab; unnatural, stiff
1 极木及 extreme, top; final, furthest, utmost; pole
1 构木勾 to compose, to make; building, frame, structure
1 枇木比 loquat tree
1 枉木王 useless, in vain; crooked, bent
1 枒木牙 coconut tree; edge, rim
1 枓木斗 capital, base; a pedestal for a flag
2 枕木冘巾乚 pillow
1 枘木内 a handle for a tool
1 枚木攵 the stalk of a shrub, the trunk of a tree
1 枝木支 branches, limbs; to branch off
1 枞木从 fir tree
1 枢木区 door hinge; pivot; center of power
3 枥木历厤秝力 oak tree; a stable
1 枧木见 spout, bamboo tube; wooden peg
1 枨木长 jamb, door stop; to touch
1 枪木仓 gun, rife; lance, spear
1 枫木风 maple tree
1 枳木只 trifoliate orange; hedge thorn
2 枵木号口丂 empty; a hollow tree stump
1 架木加 frame, rack, stand; to prop up
1 枷木加 the stocks, a cangue scaffold
1 枸木句 a kind of aspen found in Sichuan
1 枼木世 table; flat pieces of wood; a slip, a leaf
1 柁木它 the main beam of a house
1 柃木令 Eurya japonica
1 柄木丙 handle, lever, knob; authority
1 柏木白 cypress, cedar
1 柘木石 cudrania, mulberry; sugarcane
1 柙木甲 a cage or pen for wild animals
1 柚木由 grapefruit, pomelo
1 柜木巨 cabinet, cupboard, wardrobe; shop counter
1 柞木乍 beech, oak; evergreen; to clear away trees
2 柠木宁宀丁 lemon
2 柢木氐氏 root, base
2 柯木可丁口 axe-handle, bough, stalk; surname
1 柰木示 crab-apple tree; to endure, to bear
1 柱木主 to lean on; pillar, post, support
1 柳木卯 willow tree; pleasure; surname
2 柴木此匕止 firewood, faggots, fuel; surname
1 柽木圣 willow, tamarisk
1 柿木市 persimmon
1 栀木卮 jasmine; Gardenia
1 标木票 mark, sign, symbol; bid, prize
1 栈木戋 warehouse; tavern, inn
1 栊木龙 cage, pen; grating
1 栋木东 ridge-beam; the main support of a house
1 栌木卢 sumac; loquat; the capital of a column
1 栎木乐 chestnut-leaved oak
1 栏木兰 fence, railing, balustrade
1 树木对 tree; to plant; to set up, to establish
1 栓木全 cork, peg, stopper
1 栖木西 西 perch, roost, to stay
1 栝木舌 a builder's frame for measuring
1 校木交 school; military field officer
1 栩木羽 oak tree; pleased, glad
1 株木朱 root, stump; measure word for trees
1 栱木共 stake, post; pillar; peg
2 栲木考耂丂 mangrove
1 栳木老 basket
1 栴木丹 sandalwood
1 样木羊 form, pattern, shape, style
1 核木亥 core, kernel; nut, seed; atom
1 根木艮 root, basis, foundation
1 格木各 form, pattern, standard
1 栽木戈 to cultivate, to plant, to tend
1 栾木亦 varnish tree; surname
1 桀木 chicken roost; ancient emperor
1 桁木行 the cross-beams of a roof
1 桂木圭 cassia, cinnamon
1 桃木兆 peach; marriage; surname
1 桄木光 coir-palm; ladder rung
1 桅木危 a ship's mast
2 框木匡匚王 door; frame
1 案木安 file, legal case; bench, table
1 桉木安 eucalyptus
1 桊木龹 ash tree
1 桎木至 shackles, fetters, handcuffs
1 桐木同 Chinese wood-oil tree, Vernicia fordii
1 桓木亘 variety of tree; surname
1 桔木吉 orange, tangerine
1 桕木臼 tallow tree
1 桠木亚 tree fork
1 桡木尧 radius, forearm; a bent or twisted piece of wood
1 桢木贞 hardwood; posts, supports
1 档木当 shelve, frame; files, records; grade, level
2 桤木岂己 alder
1 桥木乔 bridge; beam, crosspiece
2 桦木华十化 a type of birch tree
1 桧木会 Chinese cypress, Chinese juniper
1 桨木丬 paddle, oar
3 桩木庄广壯士爿 stake, post; matter, affair
2 桫木沙氵少 horse chestnut
1 桲木孛 quince
1 桴木孚 beam, rafter
2 桶木甬用 bucket, pail, tub; can, cask, keg
1 桷木角 rafter; Malus toringo
1 桿木旱 cane, pole, stick
2 梃木廷廴 stalk, wooden club; straight
2 梅木每母 plum; prune; surname
1 梆木邦 a watchman's rattle
1 梏木告 handcuffs, manacles; fetters
1 梓木辛 Catalpa ovata
1 梔木巵 jasmine; Gardenia
1 梗木更 stem, branch; to hinder, to block
2 梢木肖⺼⺌ the tip of a branch; rudder
2 梣木岑山今 Chinese ash
2 梧木吾口五 Chinese parasol tree, Sterculia platanifolia
1 梨木利 pear; opera
1 梭木夋 a weaver's shuttle; to go back and forth
1 梯木弟 ladder, steps, stairs
1 械木戒 weapons; tools; instruments
1 梳木㐬 brush, comb
1 梵林凡 Buddhist, Sanskrit
1 梼木寿 寿 wood block; idiot, blockhead
1 梾木来 dogwood; Cornus macrophylla
1 梿木连 flail; to thresh
1 检木佥 to check, to examine, to inspect
2 棂木灵火彐 carved or patterned window sills
1 棋木其 chess; any strategy game
1 棍木昆 stick, cudgel; scoundrel
1 棒木奉 stick, club; strong, smart; to hit
1 棕木宗 hemp palm; palm tree
1 棘朿朿 jujube tree; thorns, brambles
1 棚木朋 shack, shed; tent, awning
1 棟木東 ridge-beam; the main support of a house
1 棠木尚 crabapple tree; wild plum
1 棣木隶 cherry; Kerria japonica
1 棧木戔 warehouse; tavern, inn
1 棰木垂 to whip, to flog
1 棱木夌 squared timber; angle, corner, edge
1 棲木妻 perch, roost, to stay
1 棵木果 measure word for trees
1 棶木來 dogwood; Cornus macrophylla
1 棹木卓 oar; boat
1 棺木官 coffin
1 棻木分 sandalwood
1 棼林分 rafters; disordered, confused
1 椁木 outer-coffin; vault
1 椅木奇 chair, seat
1 椆木周 a species of tree resistant to cold weather
1 椋木京 fruit
1 植木直 tree, plant; to grow
1 椎木隹 spine, vertebra; hammer, mallet
2 椐木居户古 Zelkowa acuminata
1 椒木叔 pepper, spice
2 椟木卖买买 cabinet, closet, wardrobe
2 椠木斩斤车 wooden tablet; edition
2 椤木罗罒 tree; tree fern
2 椥木知口矢
1 椪木並 Machilus nanmu, a variety of evergreen
1 椭木陏 elliptical, oval-shaped; tubular
2 椰木耶耳阝 palm tree, coconut tree
1 椴木段 aspen, poplar
1 椹木甚 chopping board
1 椽木彖 beams, rafters, supports
2 椿木春日 椿 Chinese toon tree; father (poetic)
1 楂木查 raft; to hew, to fell trees
1 楊木昜 willow, poplar, aspen; surname
1 楓木風 maple tree
1 楔木契 to wedge; wedge, gatepost; forward
2 楗木建廴聿 latch, crossbar
1 楙木矛 Cydonia japonica; lush
1 楝木柬 Melia japonica
1 楞木罒 used for Ceylon in Buddhist texts
1 楠木南 Machilus nanmu
1 楣木眉 crossbar; lintel
1 楦木宣 shoe last; to stretch a shoe; to turn a lathe
1 楨木貞 hardwood; posts, supports
1 楫木咠 paddle, oar
1 楮木者 mulberry; paper
1 楱木奏
1 極木亟 extreme, top; final, furthest, utmost; pole
1 楸木秋 Mallotus japonicus
2 楹木盈皿 pillar, column
1 楼木娄 multi-story building; floor
1 榀木品
1 概木既 generally, probably, approximately
2 榄木览见 olive
1 榅木昷 pillar; conifer; Cryptomeria
1 榆木俞 elm tree
1 榇木亲 coffin; tung tree
2 榈木闾门吕 palm tree
a type of elm tree
3 榍木屑尸肖⺼⺌
1 榔木郎 betel-nut tree
2 榕木容宀 banyan tree
1 榛木秦 hazelnut; thicket, underbrush
2 榧木匪匚非 a type of yew tree
2 榨木窄穴乍 to press for juice; a juicer; a vegetable
2 榫木隼隹十 mortise and tenon; to fit into
1 榭木射 pavilion, kiosk
1 榱木衰 rafter
1 榲木皿 pillar; conifer; Cryptomeria
1 榴木留 pomegranate
1 榷木隺 footbridge; levy, toll; monopoly
1 榿木豈 榿 alder
1 槀木高 draft, manuscript
1 槁木高 to wither; withered, rotten, dead
1 槃木般 tray; to rotate, to turn; to search
2 槊木朔月月 spear, lance
1 構木冓 to compose, to make; building, frame, structure
2 槌木追辶㠯 hammer, mallet; to beat, to strike
1 槍木倉 gun, rife; lance, spear
1 槎木差 raft; time, occasion; to hew
1 槐木鬼 locust tree
2 槓木貢貝工 pole, bar; lever, crowbar
2 槔木皋夲 pulley
1 槛木监 threshold, door frame
1 槜木隹 white plum
1 槟木宾 betel-nut, areca nut
2 槠木诸讠者 oak tree
1 槤木連 flail; to thresh
1 槨木郭 outer-coffin; vault
1 槭木戚 maple tree
2 槲木斛斗角 a type of oak tree
1 槳木將 paddle, oar
1 槺木康 warehouse, large room
1 槽木曹 trough, manger; vat, tank; distillery
1 槿木堇 槿 hibiscus
2 樁木舂臼 stake, post; matter, affair
2 樅木從彳从 fir tree
1 樆木离 rowan, mountain ash
1 樊大棥 railing, fence, enclosed place
1 樓木婁 multi-story building; floor
1 樗木雩 Ailanthus tree; a kind of small tree, useless for timber
2 樘木堂土尚 pillar, post, door frame
1 標木票 mark, sign, symbol; bid, prize
1 樞木區 door hinge; pivot; center of power
1 樟木章 camphor tree
1 模木莫 model, pattern, standard; to copy, to imitate
2 樣木羕永羊 form, pattern, shape, style
1 樨木犀 sweet olive; scrambled eggs
1 横木黄 horizontal, across; unreasonable, harsh
1 樯木啬 mast, boom, yard-arm
2 樱木婴女 cherry, cherry blossom
1 樸木菐 plain, simple; sincere; surname
2 樹木尌寸壴 tree; to plant; to set up, to establish
2 樺木華十艹 a type of birch tree
2 樾木越走戉 the shade of a tree
1 橄木敢 olive
1 橇木毳 a sledge for transportation
1 橈木堯 radius, forearm; a bent or twisted piece of wood
2 橋木喬高夭 bridge; beam, crosspiece
1 橘木矞 orange, tangerine
2 橙木登癶豆 orange
2 橛木厥欮 stake, post; axle
2 橡木象豕 chestnut oak; rubber tree; rubber
1 橢木隋 elliptical, oval-shaped; tubular
2 橥木猪犭者 a wooden peg, post, or stick
1 橫木黃 horizontal, across; unreasonable, harsh
1 橹木鲁 oar, scull; to row, to scull
2 橼木缘纟彖 citrus
1 橾木喿 the axle hole in the center of a wheel (archaic)
2 檀木亶旦 sandalwood, hardwood; surname
1 檃木 a tool used to sharpen wood
1 檎木禽 a small red apple
2 檐木詹言厂 the eaves of a house; edge, brim
2 檔木當田尚 shelve, frame; files, records; grade, level
1 檗木辟 tree
1 檜木會 Chinese cypress, Chinese juniper
1 檠木敬 lamp stand; bow frame
1 檢木僉 to check, to examine, to inspect
1 檩木禀 cross-beam, ridge-pole; ship's hatch
2 檫木察宀祭 Sassafras tzumu
2 檬木蒙艹冡 a type of locust tree
1 檮木壽 wood block; idiot, blockhead
1 檳木賓 betel-nut, areca nut
1 檵木㡭 fringe flower; wolfberry shrub
2 檸木寧心丁 lemon
2 檻木監臣皿 threshold, door frame
2 櫃木貴貝 cabinet, cupboard, wardrobe; shop counter
1 櫆木魁 Polaris, the north star
1 櫓木魯 oar, scull; to row, to scull
2 櫚木閭門吕 palm tree
2 櫞木緣糹彖 citrus
1 櫟木樂 chestnut-leaved oak
3 櫪木歷厤秝止 oak tree; a stable
2 櫫木豬豕者 a wooden peg, post, or stick
1 櫱木辥 stump, sprout
a type of elm tree
2 櫻木嬰女 cherry, cherry blossom
2 欄木闌門柬 fence, railing, balustrade
2 權木雚隹 authority, power, right
1 欒木䜌 varnish tree; surname
3 欖木覽見監臣皿 olive
1 欞木靈 carved or patterned window sills
1 欣欠斤 delighted, happy, joyous
1 欤欠与 final particle indicating doubt, surprise, or a question
1 欲欠谷 desire, want, longing, intent
1 欶欠束 to suck, to drink
1 欷欠希 to sigh; to sob
1 欹欠奇 pleading interjection
1 欺欠其 to cheat, to double-cross, to deceive
1 欽釒欠 to respect, to admire; royal
1 款欠 funds, payment; item, article
1 欿臽欠 欿 sad, gloomy, discontent
1 歃欠臿 to drink to an oath
1 歆欠音 to like, to admire; willingly, gladly
1 歇欠曷 to stop, to rest, to lodge
1 歉欠兼 deficient, lacking; to apologize, to regret, to be sorry
1 歌欠哥 song, lyrics; to sing, to chant
1 歎欠堇 to sigh; to admire
1 歔欠虚 to snort, to blow through the nose
1 歙欠翕 to suck; the name of a district in Anhui
1 歛欠僉 to fold back, to draw back; to collect
2 歡欠雚隹 happy, glad, joyful
1 此匕止 this, these; in this case, then
1 歧止支 to diverge, to fork; a branch; a side road
2 歷厤秝止 history; calendar
1 歸止㠯 to return, to go back; to return to, to revert
1 殁歹殳 dead; to die
1 殂歹且 dead; to die
1 殃歹央 misfortune, disaster, calamity
2 殄歹㐱彡人 to end; to exterminate
1 殆歹台 almost, probably; danger, peril; to endanger
1 殇歹昜 to die young; national mourning
1 殉歹旬 martyr; to die for a cause
1 殊歹朱 different, special, unusual
1 残歹戋 to injure, to ruin, to spoil; cruel, oppressive, savage; disabled, incomplete
1 殍歹孚 to starve to death
2 殒歹员贝 to die, to fall, to perish, to vanish
1 殓歹佥 to dress a corpse for burial
1 殖歹直 to breed, to spawn; to grow, to prosper
1 殗歹奄 sickness; repeated
1 殘歹戔 to injure, to ruin, to spoil; cruel, oppressive, savage; disabled, incomplete
1 殚歹单 utmost, entirely, quite; to use up
1 殛歹亟 to put to death; to imprison for life
2 殞歹員貝 to die, to fall, to perish, to vanish
1 殡歹宾 funeral; to enbalm, to inter
1 殤歹昜 to die young; national mourning
1 殪歹壹 to die, to kill, to exterminate
1 殫歹單 utmost, entirely, quite; to use up
1 殭歹畺 a stiff corpse
1 殮歹僉 to dress a corpse for burial
1 殯歹賓 funeral; to enbalm, to inter
1 殲歹韱 to annihilate, to kill off, to wipe out
1 殴殳区 to hit, to beat, to fight with fists
2 殹殳医矢匸 an echo
1 殺殳杀 to kill, to murder, to slaughter; to hurt
1 毂车 the hub of a wheel
1 毄殳軎 to hit, to strike
1 毅殳豙 decisive, firm, resolute
1 毆殳區 to hit, to beat, to fight with fists
1 每母 each, every
1 毒龶母 poison, venom; drug, narcotic
1 毓母 to give birth to; to raise; to educate
1 毕十比 to finish, to conclude, to end; completed
1 毖比必 caution; to guard against, to take care
1 毗田比 to aid, to help; to adjoin, to connect
1 毙死比 to kill; to die a violent death
1 毡毛占 felt; rug, carpet
2 毪毛牟牛 serge (fabric) from Tibet
1 毫毛 fine hair; measure of length; one-thousandth
1 毯毛炎 rug, carpet, blanket
2 毵毛参彡 long feathers; scraggy
1 毹毛俞 blanket, rug
2 毽毛建廴聿 a shuttlecock
1 氂毛毛 tail, hair; yak
2 氅毛敞攵尚 overcoat; down feathers
1 氆毛普 thick rough serge from Tibet
1 氇毛鲁 thick rough serge from Tibet
2 氈毛亶旦 felt; rug, carpet
1 氍毛瞿 fine woolen cloth; prayer mat
1 氐氏 the name of an ancient tribe
1 氓民亡 people, subjects, vassals
1 氕气丿 丿 protium
1 氖气乃 neon
1 氘气刂 deuterium
1 氙气山 xenon
1 氚气川 tritium
1 氛气分 air; atmosphere
1 氟气弗 fluorine
1 氡气冬 radon
1 氢气工 ammonia
1 氤气因 fog, mist
1 氦气亥 helium
1 氧气羊 oxygen
1 氨气安 ammonia
1 氩气亚 argon
1 氪气克 krypton
2 氫气巠巛工 ammonia
1 氮气炎 nitrogen
1 氯气录 chlorine
1 氰气青 cyanogen; ethane dinitrile
1 氲气昷 prosperity; the breath of life; the spirit of harmony
1 氳气皿 prosperity; the breath of life; the spirit of harmony
1 氶水 name of a river in Shandong
1 氽水人 to float; to deep-fry
1 氾氵㔾 to flood, to inundate, to overflow
1 氿氵九 氿 spring
1 汀氵丁 bank, sandbar; beach, shore
1 汁氵十 juice, liquor, fluid; sap; gravy, sauce
1 汆水入 to parboil; to boil; a kettle of hot water
1 汒氵亡
1 汔氵乞 nearby
1 汕氵山 bamboo; basket for catching fish; Shantou
1 汗氵干 perspiration, sweat
1 汛氵卂 high water, flood tides
1 汜氵巳 a stream which forks and then rejoins the main branch
1 汝氵女 you
1 汞水工 mercury (element)
1 江氵工 large river; the Yangtze; surname
1 池氵也 pool, pond; moat; cistern
1 污氵亏 filthy, dirty; polluted, impure
1 汤氵昜 soup, gravy, broth; hot water
1 汧氵开 marsh; to float; the name of a river in Shangdong
1 汨氵日 to sink; a river in Hunan where Qu Yuan drowned himself
1 汪氵王 vast, extensive, deep; surname
1 汰氵太 to eliminate, to scour, to wash out; excessive
1 汲氵及 to draw water at a well; to imbibe
1 汴氵卞 a river in Henan; Henan province
1 汶氵文 a river in Shandong province
1 汹氵凶 turbulent, torrential, restless
1 決夬氵 to decide, to determine, to judge
1 汾氵分 a river in Shanxi province
1 沁氵心 to soak, to seep in, to percolate
1 沂氵斤 a river in southeast Shandong
1 沃氵夭 to water, to irrigate; fertile, rich
1 沅氵元 a river in western Hunan
1 沆氵亢 ferry; fog; to go with the flow
1 沇氵允 flowing, engulfing, brimming
2 沈氵冘巾乚 to sink, to submerge; addicted; surname
1 沌氵屯 chaotic, confused; murky, turbid
2 沏氵切刀七 to infuse
1 沐氵木 to bathe, to cleanse, to shampoo, to wash
1 沒氵 not, none, gone; to bury; to sink, to drown
1 沔氵丏 flood; overflowing
1 沖氵中 wash, rinse, flush; dash; soar
1 沙氵少 sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated
1 沟氵勾 ditch, drain, gutter, narrow waterway
1 没氵殳 not, none, gone; to bury; to sink, to drown
1 沣氵丰 a river in Shanxi province
1 沤氵区 to soak, to steep; sodden, soaked
3 沥氵历厤秝力 trickle, drip, dregs; to strain
1 沦氵仑 sunk, submerged; to perish, to be lost
1 沧氵仓 azure, cold, vast (all as of the sea)
1 沩氵为 a river in Shanxi province
1 沪氵户 Shanghai; the Shanghai river
1 沫氵末 bubbles, foam, froth, suds
1 沭氵术 a river in Shantung province
1 沮氵且 to stop, to prevent; dejected, defeated
1 沱氵它 river, stream, waterway; to flow
1 沲氵也 to float
2 河氵可丁口 river, stream; the Yellow river
1 沸氵弗 to boil, to bubble up, to gush
1 油氵由 oil, fat, grease, lard; oil paints
2 沼氵召口刀 lake, pond, swamp
1 沽氵古 to buy and sell; of inferior quality
1 沾氵占 to moisten, to soak, to wet; to touch
1 沿氵 沿 to follow a course, to go along
1 泄氵世 drip, leak, vent; to disperse; to reduce
1 泅氵囚 to float, to swim, to wade
1 泆氵失 to overflow; licentious, libertine, dissipated
1 泊氵白 to anchor; to moor
1 泌氵必 to seep out, to secrete
1 泖氵卯 still water; a river in Jiangsu province
1 泗氵四 mucus; to sniffle; a river in Shandong province
1 泙氵平 to roar
1 泛氵乏 to drift, to float; broad, vast; careless, reckless
1 泠氵令 nice and cool, mild and comfortable
1 泡氵包 bubble, blister; swollen, puffed up
1 波氵皮 waves, ripples, breakers; undulations
1 泣氵立 to cry, to sob, to weep
1 泥氵尼 mud, earth, clay; plaster, paste
1 注氵主 to concentrate, to focus
1 泫氵玄 to weep, to cry; to shine, to glisten
1 泮氵半 Zhou dynasty school; to disperse, to fall apart
1 泯氵民 to destroy, to eliminate; to perish
1 泱氵央 great, expansive; agitated
1 泳氵永 to swim, to dive
1 泷氵龙 raining; wet, soaked; rapids; a river in Guangdong
1 泸氵卢 a river in Jiangxi province
1 泺氵乐 a river in Shandong province
1 泻氵写 to leak; diarrhea
1 泽氵 marsh, swamp; brilliance, grace
1 泾氵 a river in Gansu and Shaanxi
1 洁氵吉 clean, pure; to purify, to cleanse
1 洇氵因 to soak; to blot, to splotch
1 洋氵羊 sea, ocean; western, foreign
2 洌氵列刂 clear, pure; to cleanse
1 洎氵自 when, until; to soak; soup
1 洒氵西 西 to pour, to spill; to scatter, to shed; to wipe away
1 洗氵先 to bathe, to rinse, to wash
1 洙氵朱 a river in Shandong province
1 洚氵夅 flood
1 洛氵各 a river in the Shanxi province; a city
1 洞氵同 cave, grotto, hole, ravine
1 洣氵米 a river in Hunan province
1 津氵聿 saliva, sweat; ferry, ford
2 洧氵有月 a river in Henan province
1 洨氵交 a river in Hebei province
1 洩氵曳 to leak, to drip; to vent, to release
1 洫氵血 moat, ditch
1 洮氵兆 to cleanse; a river in Gansu province
1 洰氵巨 ditch, gutter; canal, channel
1 洱氵耳 a lake in Yunnan province
1 洳氵如 sdamp, boggy, marshy
1 洵氵旬 true, real; truly, really
2 洶氵匈勹凶 turbulent, torrential, restless
1 洹氵亘 a river in Henan province
1 活氵舌 to exist, to live, to survive; living, working
1 洼氵圭 pit, hollow, depression; swamp
1 流氵㐬 to flow, to drift, to circulate; class
1 浃氵夹 to saturate, to drench; wet, damp
1 浅氵戋 shallow, superficial
1 浆水丬 pulp, starch, syrup; a thick fluid
1 浇氵尧 to spray, to sprinkle, to water
1 浈氵贞 a river in Guangdong province
1 浉氵师 a river in Henan province
1 测氵则 to survey, to measure; to estimate, to conjecture
1 浍氵会 ditch, trench, irrigation canal; river
1 济氵齐 to aid, to help, to relieve; to ferry across
2 浏氵刘刂文 bright; clear; deep; swift
2 浐氵产厂 a river in Shaanxi province
1 浑氵军 blended, mixed; muddy, turbid
2 浒氵许讠午 shore, river bank
1 浓氵农 concentrated, dense, strong, thick
2 浔氵寻彐寸 steep river bank
1 浙氵折 the Zhejiang province; a river
1 浚氵夋 to dredge
1 浜氵兵 creek, stream; beach, coast
1 浞氵足 to soak, to steep in water
1 浠氵希 a river in Hubei province
2 浣氵完宀元 to wash, to rinse
1 浦氵甫 beach, shore, river bank; surname
1 浩氵告 great, grand, vast
1 浪氵良 breaker, wave; reckless, wasteful
1 浮氵孚 to drift, to float; mobile, temporary, unstable; reckless
2 浯氵吾口五 a river in Shandong province
1 浴氵谷 to bathe, to shower, to wash
2 海氵每母 sea, ocean; maritime
1 浸氵彐 to dip, to immerse, to soak; to percolate, to steep
1 浹氵夾 to saturate, to drench; wet, damp
1 浼氵免 to request, to ask a favor; to pollute, to contaminate
1 浽氵妥 drizzle, light rain
1 涂氵余 to smear, to scribble, to daub; surname
2 涅氵圼土日 to blacken; slime, black mud
1 涇氵 a river in Gansu and Shaanxi
2 消氵肖⺼⺌ news, rumors; to die out, to melt away, to vanish
2 涌氵甬用 to surge up, to bubble up, to gush forth
1 涎氵延 saliva
1 涑氵束 a river in Shansi province
1 涓氵肙 brook, stream; pure; to select
2 涔氵岑山今 to overflow; rainwater; a river in Shaanxi province
1 涕氵弟 tears; mucus
1 涖氵位 creek; a river in Hebei province
1 涛氵寿 寿 large waves
1 涝氵劳 to inundate, to flood; torrent
1 涞氵来 ripple; brook; a river in Hebei province
1 涟氵连 flowing water; ripples; weeping
2 涠氵围囗韦 still water
1 涣氵奂 scattered; to scatter
1 涤氵条 to wash, to sweep; to purify, to cleanse
2 润氵闰王门 fresh, moist; soft, sleek
2 涨氵张弓长 flood tide; to rise in price
1 涪氵咅 a river in Sichuan province
1 涫氵官 to boil
1 涮氵刷 to rinse; to boil or cook in juice
1 涯氵厓 border, horizon; river bank, shore
1 液氵夜 fluid, liquid; juice, sap
1 涵氵函 to wet, to soak; to tolerate, to include lenient
1 涼氵京 cool, cold; disheartened
1 涿氵豖 涿 to trickle, to dribble, to drip
1 淀氵定 marsh, swamp; sediment; to precipitate
1 淄氵甾 a river in Shandong province
1 淅氵析 water used wash rice
2 淆氵肴⺼乂 confused, mixed up, in disarray
1 淇氵其 a river in Henan province
1 淋氵林 to drench, to drip, to soak; perfectly
1 淌氵尚 to trickle down, to flow, to drip; to shed tears
1 淑氵叔 good, pure, virtuous; charming
1 淒氵妻 bitter, cold, dreary, miserable
1 淖氵卓 mud, slush
2 淘氵匋缶勹 to dredge, to sieve; to cleanse, to weed out
1 淙氵宗 the sound of water gurgling
1 淚氵戾 tears; to cry, to weep
2 淝氵肥⺼巴 an affluent of the Poyang Lake
2 淞氵松木公 a river in Jiangsu province
2 淠氵畀田丌 luxuriant; water lily
1 淡氵炎 watery, dilute; insipid, tasteless
1 淤氵於 mud, sediment; to clog up, to silt up
1 淥氵彔 to strain
1 淦氵金 a river in Jiangxi province; water leaking into a boat
1 淨氵爭 clean, pure, unspoiled
1 淩氵夌 to cross, to traverse, to pass through
1 淪氵侖 sunk, submerged; to perish, to be lost
1 淬氵卒 to soak, to dye; to temper, to change
1 淮氵隹 a river in Anhui province
1 淯氵育 a river in Henan province
1 淳氵享 simple, honest, genuine
1 淵氵片 abyss, depth; to surge up, to bubble up
1 淶氵來 ripple; brook; a river in Hebei province
1 混氵昆 muddy, confused; to mix, to blend; to mingle
1 淹氵奄 to drown, to immerse, to steep
1 淺氵戔 shallow, superficial
2 添氵忝⺗天 to add, to append, to increase, to replenish
1 清氵青 clean, pure; clear, distinct; peaceful
1 渊氵 abyss, depth; to surge up, to bubble up
1 渌氵录 to strain
1 渍氵责 to soak, to steep; dye, stains; sodden
2 渎氵卖买买 ditch, sluice, gutter, drain
2 渐氵斩斤车 gradually
1 渑氵黾 the name of a river in Shandong
2 渖氵审宀申 water, liquid, juice; to pour
2 渗氵参彡 to seep, to permeate, to infiltrate
1 渙氵奐 scattered; to scatter
1 渚氵者 islet, sandbar
1 減氵咸 to decrease, to subtract, to diminish
1 渝氵俞 to change; Chongqing
1 渡氵度 to cross, to ferry over, to pass through
1 渣氵查 dregs, sediment; refuse, slag
2 渤氵勃力孛 swelling; the Bohai sea
1 渥氵屋 to enrich, to dye; to moisten, to soak
1 温氵昷 warm, lukewarm
2 渫氵枼木世 to scatter, to disperse; high tide
1 測氵則 to survey, to measure; to estimate, to conjecture
1 渭氵胃 a river in Shanxi province
1 港氵巷 port, harbor, bay; Hong Kong
1 渲氵宣 to render; to exaggerate, to embellish, to add layers of color
1 渴氵曷 thirsty, parched; to yearn, to pine for
1 渺氵眇 vast, boundless
1 渾氵軍 blended, mixed; muddy, turbid
1 湃氵拜 turbulent, surging; the sound of waves crashing
1 湄氵眉 bank, coast, shore
1 湊氵奏 to piece together, to assemble
1 湍氵耑 current, rapids
2 湓氵盆皿分 an affluent of the Yangtze river
1 湔氵前 to wash, to cleanse; to purge
2 湖氵胡⺼古 lake; Hubei, Hunan; bluish-green
1 湘氵相 Hunan province; the Xiangjiang river
1 湞氵貞 a river in Guangdong province
1 湟氵皇 river in Qinghai province
1 湣氵民 confused, mixed; to pity
3 湧氵勈力甬用 to gush, to well up, to bubble up
1 湫氵秋 marsh, swamp, small pond
1 湯氵昜 soup, gravy, broth; hot water
1 湴氵並 mud, mire
1 湼氵臼 mud, slime
1 湾氵弯 bay, cove, gulf, inlet
2 湿氵显日业 湿 wet, moist, humid, damp; illness
2 溃氵贵贝 a flooding river; a military defeat; to break down, to disperse
1 溅氵贱 to sprinkle, to spray, to splash, to spill
2 溆氵叙又余 a river in Hunan
1 溉氵既 to water, to irrigate, to flood; to wash
1 溏氵唐 pool, pond; not hardened, semi-soft
2 源氵原厂泉 spring; source, root, head; surname
1 溘氵盍 sudden, abrupt, unexpected
1 溜氵留 to slip, to slide, to glide; slippery
1 溝氵冓 ditch, drain, gutter, narrow waterway
1 溢氵益 full; overflowing
2 溥氵尃甫 big, great, vast; extensive, pervading, widespread
1 溦氵 to drizzle
1 溧氵西 西 a river in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces
1 溪氵奚 brook, creek, stream
1 溫氵皿 warm, lukewarm
1 溱氵秦 a river in Henan province
1 溲氵叟 to urinate; to soak, to drench
2 溶氵容宀 to melt, to dissolve
1 溺氵弱 to spoil, to pamper, to indulge; to drown
1 溻氵 wet
1 溽氵辱 moist; humid, muggy
1 滁氵除 a district in Anhui province
2 滂氵旁立方 torrential; voluminous
1 滄氵倉 azure, cold, vast (all as of the sea)
1 滇氵真 Yunnan province
1 滊氵氣 saline pond; the name of a river
1 滋氵兹 to grow, to nourish; to multiply, to thrive
1 滌氵條 to wash, to sweep; to purify, to cleanse
1 滎水 a county in Henan; the sound of waves crashing
2 滏氵釜金父 a river in Hebei province
1 滑氵骨 to slip, to slide; slippery, polished
1 滓氵宰 sediment, lees, dregs
1 滔氵舀 torrential, rushing, overflowing
1 滗氵笔 to drain
1 滚氵衮 to boil, to roll, to turn
1 滞氵带 to block, to obstruct; sluggish, stagnant
1 滠氵聂 a river in Hubei province
1 满氵㒼 to fill; full, packed; satisfied
1 滤氵虑 to filter, to strain
1 滥氵监 to flood, to overflow; excessive
2 滦氵栾木亦 a county and river in Hebei province
1 滨氵宾 beach, coast, river bank
2 滬氵扈邑户 Shanghai; the Shanghai river
1 滯氵帶 to block, to obstruct; sluggish, stagnant
2 滲氵參彡 to seep, to permeate, to infiltrate
1 滴氵啇 to drip; a drop of water
2 滸氵許言午 shore, river bank
1 滹氵虖 the bank of a stream
3 滻氵産生产厂 a river in Shaanxi province
1 滾氵袞 to boil, to roll, to turn
1 滿氵㒼 滿 to fill; full, packed; satisfied
1 漂氵票 to drift, to float; to be tossed about; bleach
1 漉氵鹿 鹿 to filter, to strain; dripping, wet
1 漓氵离 dripping water; a river in Guangxi province
1 演氵寅 to perform, to act, to put on a play
1 漕氵曹 canal, watercourse; to transport by sea
1 漚氵區 to soak, to steep; sodden, soaked
1 漠氵莫 desert; aloof, cool, indifferent
1 漣氵連 flowing water; ripples; weeping
2 漤氵婪女林 to marinate in salt
2 漪氵猗犭奇 ripples; swirling water
1 漫氵曼 inundating; exaggerated
1 漬氵責 to soak, to steep; dye, stains; sodden
1 漭氵莽 vast, expansive
1 漯氵累 a river in northern Shandong
2 漲氵张弓长 flood tide; to rise in price
1 漳氵章 a river in Henan province
2 漵氵敘攵余 a river in Hunan
2 漶氵患心串 indecipherable
2 漸氵斬斤車 gradually
2 漾氵羕永羊 to ripple, to undulate; to bob on the waves
1 漿水將 漿 pulp, starch, syrup; a thick fluid
2 潇氵萧肃艹 the sound of beating wind and rain
2 潋氵敛攵佥 ripples, waves; to overflow
2 潍氵维纟隹 a river in Shandong province
3 潔氵絜糸㓞刀 clean, pure; to purify, to cleanse
1 潘氵番 a river that flows into the Han; surname
1 潛氵朁 to hide; secret, latent, hidden
1 潜氵替 to hide; secret, latent, hidden
2 潞氵路足各 a river in northern China
1 潟氵舄 salt marsh, scrubland
1 潢氵黄 pond, lake
2 潤氵閏王門 fresh, moist; soft, sleek
1 潦氵尞 to flood; puddle; dejected, careless
1 潭氵覃 deep pool, lake; deep, profound
2 潮氵朝月龺 tide, current; damp, moist, wet
1 潯氵尋 steep river bank
2 潰氵貴貝 a flooding river; a military defeat; to break down, to disperse
2 潴氵猪犭者 pond, pool
1 潺氵孱 the sound of flowing water
1 潼氵童 high, lofty; a mountain pass
1 潽氵普 to boil over
2 澄氵登癶豆 clear, limpid, pure
1 澆氵堯 to spray, to sprinkle, to water
1 澇氵勞 to inundate, to flood; torrent
1 澈氵 limpid, clear; thoroughly, completely
1 澉氵敢 to wash; a place name
1 澌氵斯 to vanish, to disappear; to exhaust, to dry up
1 澎氵彭 to splatter
2 澜氵阑门柬 overflowing; ripples, waves
1 澠氵黽 the name of a river in Shandong
1 澡氵喿 to wash, to bathe
1 澤氵睪 marsh, swamp; brilliance, grace
1 澥氵解 gulf; a blocked stream
1 澧氵豊 a river in northern Hunan
1 澱氵殿 殿 marsh, swamp; sediment; to precipitate
1 澳氵奥 bay, cove, dock, inlet
2 澶氵亶旦 still water; tranquil, placid
2 澹氵詹言厂 calm, quiet, tranquil
1 激氵敫 to arouse, to incite; acute, sharp; fierce, violent
1 濂氵廉 a waterfall; a river in Hunan
1 濃氵農 concentrated, dense, strong, thick
2 濉氵睢目隹 the name of a river
1 濊氵歲 vast, expansive, deep; dirty
3 濑氵赖贝剌刂束 current, rapids
1 濒氵频 to approach; near, on the verge of
1 濕氵㬎 wet, moist, humid, damp; illness
2 濛氵蒙艹冡 drizzling, misty, raining
3 濞氵鼻自畀田丌 a county in Yunnan province
1 濟氵齊 to aid, to help, to relieve; to ferry across
2 濠氵豪豕高 ditch, trench, moat
1 濡氵需 to moisten, to immerse; wet, damp
1 濤氵壽 large waves
2 濫氵監臣皿 to flood, to overflow; excessive
2 濮氵僕亻菐 a county in Henan province
1 濯氵隹 to cleanse, to rinse, to wash out
2 濰氵維糹隹 a river in Shandong province
1 濱氵賓 beach, coast, river bank
1 濺氵賤 to sprinkle, to spray, to splash, to spill
1 濾氵慮 to filter, to strain
2 瀆氵賣貝买 ditch, sluice, gutter, drain
1 瀉氵寫 to leak; diarrhea
2 瀋氵審宀番 to sink, to submerge; addicted; surname
2 瀏氵劉刂卯 bright; clear; deep; swift
1 瀕氵頻 to approach; near, on the verge of
2 瀘氵盧虍 a river in Jiangxi province
3 瀚氵翰羽倝龺人 wide, vast, extensive
1 瀛氵嬴 ocean, sea
3 瀝氵歷厤秝止 trickle, drip, dregs; to strain
2 瀟氵蕭肅艹 the sound of beating wind and rain
2 瀣氵韰韭 vapor, sea mist
1 瀧氵龍 raining; wet, soaked; rapids; a river in Guangdong
2 瀨氵賴負束 current, rapids
2 瀵氵糞米異 the name of a river
1 瀹氵龠 to boil, to soak; to cleanse, to wash
2 瀾氵闌門柬 overflowing; ripples, waves
2 灌氵雚隹 to water, to irrigate; to pour; to flood
1 灏氵颢 vast, large, grand, expansive
1 灑氵麗 to pour, to spill; to scatter, to shed; to wipe away
2 灞氵霸雨 a river in Shanxi province
2 灣氵彎弓䜌 bay, cove, gulf, inlet
1 灯火丁 lamp, lantern, light
1 灵火彐 spirit, soul; spiritual world
1 灸火久 to cauterize; moxibustion
1 灼火勺 to burn, to cauterize; bright
1 灿火山 vivid, illuminating, brilliant
1 炀火昜 to scorch, to roast, to melt
1 炆火文 to simmer, to cook over a slow fire
1 炊火欠 meal; to cook, to steam
1 炒火少 to boil, to fry, to roast, to sauté; to trade stock
1 炔火夬 acetylene
1 炕火亢 the brick-bed in northern China
1 炖火屯 stew; to cook stew
1 炙火月 to roast, to broil; to cauterize
1 炜火韦 brilliant, glowing, red
1 炝火仓 to stir-fry; to cook in sauce
2 炤火召口刀 to illuminate, to light up; to reflect
1 炫火玄 to glitter, to shine; to show off, to flaunt
1 炬火巨 torch
1 炭灰山 carbon, charcoal, coal
1 炮火包 cannon, artillery
1 炯火冋 bright, brilliant; clear; hot
1 炱火台 soot
1 炳火丙 bright, luminous; glorious
1 点灬占 dot, point, speck
1 炼火柬 to smelt, to refine; to distill, to condense
1 炽火只 to burn, to blaze; splendid; intense
1 烀火乎 to simmer, to cook over a slow fire
1 烂火兰 overcooked, overripe; rotten, spoiled
1 烃火 hydrocarbon
2 烈灬列刂 fiery, violent; ardent, vehement
1 烊火羊 to smelt; to close for the night
1 烘火共 to bake, to roast; to dry by the fire
1 烙火各 to burn, to brand; hot iron
2 烛火虫中 candle, taper; to illuminate, to shine
1 烟火因 smoke, soot; opium; tobacco, cigarettes
2 烤火考耂丂 to bake, to cook, to roast, to toast
1 烦火页 to bother, to trouble, to vex
1 烧火尧 to burn, to bake; to heat, to roast
1 烩火会 ragout; to braise, to cook
2 烫火汤氵昜 to scald; to iron clothes or hair
1 热灬执 heat, fever, zeal
1 烯火希 alkene
2 烴火巠巛工 hydrocarbon
2 烷火完宀元 alkane
1 烹灬亨 cooking, cuisine; stir-fry
2 烽火夆夂丰 beacon, signal fire
1 焊火旱 to solder, to weld
1 焌火夋 to ignite, to light
2 焐火吾口五 to warm up
2 焓火含口今 onomatopoetic, a fire sizzling
1 焕火奂 shining, lustrous
2 焖火闷心门 to simmer, to cook over a slow fire
1 焗火局 to bake, to roast; to suffocate; stuffy
1 焘灬寿 寿 to shine, to illuminate; to cover, to envelop
1 焙火咅